Uma viagem relâmpago aos clássicos do cinema que fizeram a nossa infância e juventude, pelas piores e pelas melhores razões. Mais pelas piores. Retrospectivas, curiosidades, convidados e os tomates que faltam para agarrar os filmes pelos cornos. Em português, como deve ser.
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Nostalgic movie review show hosted by Whatever Entertainment team, Dave and Chris. The guys go back in time to review some wonderful and truly awful movies from the days before streaming and even DVD's and had to go to the video store to pick up the latest entertainment. If you want to email the show please contact us on:
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Vorträge, Diskussionen und spannendes Wissen für alle!
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Join Josh and Phil as they delve into the nostalgic cult classics that helped shape their taste in cinema, and continue to be comfort food films to this very day. Oh, and of course, there's rad snacks! VHSnacks that is! This is VHSnackin'!
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The show where we discuss the strange, unusual, odd & obscure footage we find on VHS obtained through thrift, gift and grift.
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A look back at the world of forgotten media
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A celebration, curation & love of VHS. Exploitation, Horror and Cult flicks welcomed. The video store will never die!
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What happens when three friends get together and discuss all things horror. This is VHS.
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Was ist das Besondere am Film? Der Film verbindet mehrere Kunstformen in sich. Er ist eine Art „Best of“ der Literatur, Musik, Schauspiel, Malerei, bildender Kunst und und und. Diese Komplexität lebt er in unzähligen Genres aus. Grund genug, sich mit diesem Medium mal etwas genauer zu befassen. VHSinHD ist genau dieser Versuch: Zwei Typen, die dieses Medium und das Sprechen darüber, über alles lieben. Im Wechsel von Alt und Neu unterhalten wir uns pro Woche entweder über einen aktuellen, ode ...
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Happy Gilmore
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Listen as two men set out to find the treasure in the countless mounds of forgotten VHS tapes.
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Mruqe, Squallu i goście oraz: gry wideo, fantastyka, komiksy, książki, filmy, TV, lata 80te i 90te. Wszystko, co kręci nas, Pokolenie VHS!
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Your undead mate who loves video. From Alien to Zombi 3. Chuck on some horror and get spooky. #NoVideoCardRequired
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Aleš Stuchlý a Tonda Tesař se svými hosty rozebírají videokazety, rychlodabing, akční filmy, bojová umění i erotické thrillery. Chodili jste do videopůjčovny? Od jaké akční hvězdy byste se chtěli nechat zmlátit? Všechny díly podcastu VHSky: těžko je smazat můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Coming Soon to VHS is a podcast where older siblings Dulce and Lupita watch movies from their childhood with younger brother Hector and discuss the movie.
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Join VHS enthusiasts Lyndsey and Sean every other Monday as they dive into each other's video cassette collections, from childhood favorites to obscure gems. Is "Surf Ninjas" the classic that Lyndsey remembers? Will Sean find a horror tape he doesn't like? Is Jonathan Taylor Thomas' hair as soft and luxurious as it looks? Find out now on Tapeheads!
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This is an awesome fun filled Podcast where we talk about all things 90's and also Disney, Pixar & Beyond come join us and relive the 90's all over again with your hosts Mike & Kim
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En VHS 3.1 hablaremos del pasado, el presente y el futuro del cine; de los videojuegos, de animación para la gran pantalla de la mano del ilustrador y animador Tenesor Cruz; director y profesor de la Escuela Maxocrearte. Tendrás la oportunidad de recordar grandes películas de la historia y descubrir los trucos utilizados en el día de hoy en películas y videojuegos. Cada miércoles en Happy FM - Fuerteventura.
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The VIA VHS Podcast is your virtual video store. Imagine being transported back in time to a video store in the 80s or 90s and getting swept up in conversations with two crazy, movie obsessed guys behind the counter about the best and worst films of that era. Wes and Spencer are the crazy guys behind the counter and on this podcast we take you on a nostalgic journey back in time to revisit the movies, TV, video games and all the best analog era pop culture that you grew up on. So pop in the ...
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Im neuen Podcast Videokassetten Kinder besprechen Sascha und Peer über die Filme ihre Kinder und Jugendzeit. Da Beide aus den 70 ern sind, dreht sich bei Beiden alles um Filme aus den 70 ern, 80 ern, und 90 ern, also die gute alte VHS Zeit. Dabei sind alle Genre möglich, egal ob Action, Thriller, Horror, Komödien und noch viel mehr. In jeder Folge gibt es einen neuen Film mit allen wichtigen Informationen, alles zu den Darstellern und dem Regisseur und natürlich zu Schnittfassungen, Veröffen ...
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Régulièrement, la Team VHS se retrouve pour défendre du bis, des oeuvres souvent oubliées ou mises de côté pour de bonnes ou mauvaises raisons, des productions un peu grasses voir douteuses qui remplissaient les étagères de nos vidéo-club favoris dans les années 80/90. Tu aimes les productions Cannon et moulines des bras comme Steven Seagal ? Camarade, tu es ici chez toi... Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell (1995) Review
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53:17Though it's the Year of the Stitch-up, John Hammond has been building up a repertoire of picks for some time that would fit the bill! Previous picks include Samurai Cop, For Your Height Only, Hard Ticket to Hawaii, New York Ninja and Devil Fetus. So this week is totally on brand with the 1995 Japanese horror, Bloody Muscle Body Builder In Hell. Blo…
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Após inúmeros e-mails de protesto e ameaças de bomba, finalmente nos debruçamos sobre uma obra do lendário cineasta português Manoel de Oliveira. Entramos por isso n’O Convento de 1995 para perceber o que tem de especial a carreira do realizador e para ver duas mega estrelas (Malkovitch e Deneuve) a filmar em Portugal. Hugo Gomes (crítico de cinema…
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The year of the stitch up has had a couple of misfires for Dave's picks, with Chris unfortunately declaring Cloud City's for both sword and sorcery adventures - Gor and The Barbarians. So this is the time to roll out the cult classic sci-fi movie from 1984, Trancers. Trancers was a low-budget sci-fi film produced by Charles Band’s Empire Pictures, …
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Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
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1:00:21Chris does love a good car movie, though whether this one hits that description is up for debate. This week's movie is Gone in Sixty Seconds from the year 2000. Gone in Sixty Seconds was a high-octane production that aimed to modernize the 1974 cult classic while capitalizing on Hollywood’s growing appetite for stylish car heist films. Produced by …
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Com o fim da guerra do Vietname, o cinema apressou-se a explorar o tema, tanto no campo de batalha como fora dele. Um dos primeiros exemplos foi "The Deer Hunter" (O Caçador), um intenso dramalhão sobre o stress pós-traumático e uma estranha obsessão com o jogo da roleta-russa. A antecipação para os Óscares leva-nos a recuar até este vencedor da no…
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This week's pick was made supporter Dylan, who's previous picks have ranged from the gritty realism of Training Day to the surreal comedy The Big Lebowski. And this pick is going back to 1978 on on the serious side of the scale with, The Deer Hunter. The Deer Hunter was an ambitious and challenging endeavor, driven by director Michael Cimino’s meti…
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Muitos conhecem Sérgio Godinho como cantor mas talvez passe despercebido que o músico tem também uma vasta carreira no cinema, que se prolonga há quase 50 anos. No passado dia 8 de Fevereiro, o CineClub Bairrada exibiu em Cantanhede "Os Demónios de Alcácer-Kibir", o seu filme de estreia. No final, ficámos à conversa com o próprio e ao vivo, para re…
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Timothy's picked some belters in the past with the likes of the Hitcher, Scarface, Nighthawks and others. And this time, he's gone for the iconic 1992 action crime thriller, Hard Boiled. Hard Boiled (1992), directed by action maestro John Woo, is a landmark in the Hong Kong action genre, known for its hyper-stylized violence and stunning gunplay ch…
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Patreon Justin has picked some gems and corkers before, like Blood Simple and Hard Eight, and this time he's chosen the little known 1992 comedy, Brain Donors. "Brain Donors" was produced during a time when Hollywood was revisiting and paying homage to classic comedy styles, and its production was heavily influenced by the desire to recreate the Ma…
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After being exposed to the so-called bad boys of bodybuilding with Double Trouble last year, Dave decided to pick the breakthrough movie for Peter and David Paul. The Canon Films sword-and-sorcery adventure, The Barbarians. The Barbarians (1987) was a quintessential example of 1980s sword-and-sorcery filmmaking, helmed by cult director Ruggero Deod…
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Tough Guys was a Phelps family household favourite in the late 1980's and this week we take a look back at a movie long since forgotten. Tough Guys brought together two Hollywood legends, Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster, marking their seventh on-screen collaboration and injecting star power into this comedy crime caper. Directed by Jeff Kanew, who …
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Uma cabana no meio da neve, um velho com um segredo e um visitante que bate à porta. Uma premissa simples que dá o mote a Era Uma Vez no Apocalipse, uma tensa curta-metragem portuguesa que tem dado nas vistas em alguns festivais. Tiago Pimentel sai detrás das câmaras para nos contar como foi juntar os atores Paulo Calatré e Sérgio Godinho, confinad…
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Never one to take the easy choices, supporter and friend of the show Spider-Dan has chosen a sequel by German Director Jörg Buttgereit, in Nekromantic 2. Buttgereit, building on the underground success of the first Nekromantik film, aimed to create a sequel that delved deeper into themes of love, death, and societal taboos. Shot on a modest budget …
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Para espanto de absolutamente ninguém e após o estrondoso sucesso de Emmanuelle, logo no ano seguinte chega "Emmanuelle: A Anti-Virgem". A primeira de várias sequelas que continuariam a viagem sexual de uma mulher livre à procura do prazer. O futuro porém, não é promissor e a saga descamba nas malhas do metaverso, das crises de amnésia, das cirurgi…
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Helen's pick this week is the 2000 movie which really put Christian Bale on the map, is American Psycho! American Psycho was a journey marked by controversy, creative vision, and a touch of chaos. Initially, the project faced significant challenges, with multiple directors and actors attached to the adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis's infamous novel.…
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National Lampoon's Vacation (1983)
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1:01:29This week's pick is the turn of one of our longest supporters, Kent! And he's chosen THE road trip movie that spawned a franchise and influenced all that came after. It's the 1983 black comedy, National Lampoon's Vacation! The movie began as an adaptation of John Hughes's short story, “Vacation '58,” published in National Lampoon magazine. The scre…
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Em pleno período da revolução sexual, nasce um filme que se tornou um símbolo de libertação feminina e que é, provavelmente, o primeiro soft-porn que os nossos pais viram. A viagem sexual da jovem "Emmanuelle" é um controverso sucesso por todo o mundo e dos primeiros filmes eróticos a estrear em Portugal, logo após o 25 de Abril. Hoje celebramos os…
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Gor is a planet, a counter Earth, that sits in orbit at the opposite side of the Sun to the Earth we inhabit. And on the Vernal Equinox, this marks the New Year for most Gorean cities. This is the kind of sci-fi, fantasy sword and sorcery that Chris despises, and Dave loves. So it's only right that Dave's pick to see us into the new year would be G…
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Santa with Muscles (1996)
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1:00:01Recently described as the worst ever Christmas movie, Chris has chosen movie starring Thunder Lips himself, Terry Gene Bollea, or better known as Hulk Hogan. It's the Christmas movie oddity you've never heard of. And probably for good reason, until now. Directed by John Murlowski, the film was produced on a relatively modest budget, which was proba…
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O filme de Natal infantil "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians", lançado nos anos 60, deveria por esta altura já ter caído no esquecimento. Mas a sua produção ao nível de um teatro da escola aliado a um charme inocente fez com que os mórbidos cinéfilos o preservassem ao longo de todo este tempo. José Santiago é feliz possuidor de uma recém restaurada…
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Max Headroom’s Giant Christmas Turkey
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1:20:32C-c-c-catch the Wave, People !! It’s the most m-m-m-m-merriest time of the year and VHS Rewind is proud to be spending this holiday reviewing M-M-M-Max Headroom’s Giant Christmas Turkey 1986. This is, indeed, a strange bird of a special with the faux computer-generated host singing songs (some of which are actually Christmas-flavored and one of whi…
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Matt, aka the Black Country Vlogger, has chosen the iconic Run Lola Run from 1998 this week. Checkout Matt's vlog here: The production of Run Lola Run was a testament to director Tom Tykwer's innovative vision and determination to push the boundaries of German cinema. Filmed predominantly in Berlin, th…
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In supporter Mike's last pick and appearance he went with a classic 90's British flick, Trainspotting. And this time he's swung the dial to little renowned sword and sorcery adventure, Dragonslayer! Dragonslayer (1981) was an ambitious collaboration between Paramount Pictures and Walt Disney Productions, marking a rare foray into darker, more matur…
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Fica difícil resistir quando damos de caras com um filme amador português de ficção científica e acção militar com armas, tiros e explosões capazes de fazer Michael Bay engolir em seco. Best Cop Ever é o ambicioso projeto de João Bruno, o one-man-show desta epopeia que lhe ocupou 5 anos da sua vida e sem qualquer apoio financeiro. Hoje conta-nos to…
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Cry-Baby is the pick of this week's supporter, Lucky LouLouGreen! Cry-Baby (1990), directed by John Waters, was a deliberate foray into mainstream filmmaking while retaining Waters' signature offbeat style. Set in 1950s Baltimore, the movie serves as a satirical homage to teen musicals like Grease and rebellious youth culture. Waters assembled a un…
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It's time to go back to the summer of 1997 with the British comedy and Dave's pick for the week, The Full Monty. Directed by Peter Cattaneo and written by Simon Beaufoy, the film was shot on a tight budget of £3.5 million in Sheffield, England, the industrial city where the story is set. The choice of location was pivotal, as it allowed the filmmak…
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The Last Supper (1995) Movie Review
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1:20:49Indulge... drink... and enjoy being buried... on Analog Jones. Brad picks our second movie for our "inappropriate movies too watch on the holidays" and did he pick a divisive film for the whole family to watch when he choose the The Last Supper from 1995. Get ready for conversations about death, tomatoes, and political discussions with our guest, T…
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Episode 9: Tiefenfokus - Generation Z am Arbeitsmarkt
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12:29Wir hatten die Möglichkeit ein Interview mit Thorsten Nebe, Pressesprecher der Agentur für Arbeit Reutlingen, zu führen und zu fragen, wie der Generationswechsel jenseits der Schlagwörter denn wirklich in den Arbeitsämtern ankommt. Was bedeutet Arbeitssuche und Arbeitsvermittlung für die neue Generation? Spielt das mit in den Fachkräftemangel? Und …
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Frank Drebin first graced our screens in 1982 with Police Squad, but 6 episodes is all we got. Fast forward 6 years and we get to this week's Chris pick with The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! The production of The Naked Gun was like a case file thick with mystery, mayhem, and, most likely, unpaid parking tickets. Directed by the Zucker…
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Analog Jones begins their "Inappropriate Movies for the Holidays" theme this week. The first movie is selected by Chris, starring Randy Quaid, Mary Beth Hurt, and Sandy Dennis in Parents (1989). Quick Facts Directed by Bob Balaban (Midnight Cowboy, 2010, Close Encounters, Wes Anderson collaborator) Written by Christopher Hawthorne Distributed by Ve…
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Michael Meyers enverga a máscara na mais recente e, até ver, última trilogia Halloween. Mais um atalho confuso na cronologia da saga que desta vez tem como trunfo o regresso de Jamie Lee Curtis agarrada a uma caçadeira. Carla Rodrigues e Guilherme Trindade estão de volta ao podcast para encerrarmos a saga slasher.…
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New supporter Gareth has chosen a cult classic comedy horror movie this week with 1990's Tremors. Tremors was a collaborative effort between director Ron Underwood, producer Gail Katz, and writers S.S. Wilson and Brent Maddock, who crafted a unique blend of science fiction, horror, and comedy. Filming took place primarily in the arid landscapes of …
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Herb's picked a few Aussie classics and this week's pick is no exception with the war drama Gallipoli! Gallipoli, directed by Peter Weir, was a large-scale and highly ambitious undertaking that sought to depict the experiences of young Australian soldiers during the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign of World War I. Weir, who co-wrote the film with David…
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Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) Movie Review
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58:03First, he went to camp. Then, he saved Christmas. Last time, he went to jail. Now, he's on Analog Jones! After reviewing Chris's pick, Ernest Scared Stupid (1991), we finish our Halloween lineup with a banger. Quick Facts Directed by John Cherry (Directed all the Ernest Movies) Screenplay by Charlie Gale and Coke Sams Special Effects by The Chiodo …
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Fright Night (1985) Movie Review
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48:38There are some very good reasons to be afraid...of our podcast. Analog Jones continues its Halloween season episodes when Brad picks the classic Fright Night (1985) to review! Quick Facts Director/Writer: Tom Holland (Child’s Play, The Langoliers) Music by Brad Fiedel (Terminator, Terminator 2) Production Company: Vistar Films Distributed by Columb…
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Stephen has picked some crackers in the past, and this time, he's chosen the iconic 1991 biopic The Doors. The production of The Doors (1991), directed by Oliver Stone, was a passionate and meticulous effort to capture the wild spirit of Jim Morrison and the iconic 1960s rock band. Stone, known for his intense filmmaking style, had long been fascin…
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Blake has been a great friend and supporter for a good while now. And hopefully after this review of 1993's Fatal Instinct he still is! Fatal Instinct was an ambitious attempt to spoof the popular erotic thrillers of the early 1990s, but it quickly became an exercise in comedic misfires. Directed by Carl Reiner, a seasoned comedy veteran, the film …
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Weird Visions Society (2024) Movie Review
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54:01Every autumnal equinox, a group of humanoids gathers at the nexus of dreams and reality to celebrate the strangest podcast around, Analog Jones! This week, we will be reviewing a DIY horror film called Weird Visions Society, and we will also be interviewing the writer and director, Ryan. Buy Weird Visions Society VHS:…
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Muito antes de Twilight, Brad Pitt e Tom Cruise puseram os dentes postiços e as lentes de contacto e criaram a dupla sugadora de sangue homoerótica mais popular dos anos 90. "Entrevista com o Vampiro" foi sugerido por Mafalda Mingacho (The Right English), fanática por vampiros na ficção desde a adolescência e nossa convidada. Porém, estragámos-lhe …
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One of Dave's childhood favorites, despite a fair sledding from mates, is up for scrutiny this week! And with a 16 year old Jennifer Connely heading up against a middle aged pop star, what could possibly go wrong? directed by Jim Henson, was an ambitious blend of puppetry, live-action, and cutting-edge visual effects for its time. The film was a co…
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Chris stumbled across the original Cage while looking for the worst martial arts movies ever made. So it was only a matter of time before he picked the sequel to cover. The production of Cage II (1994) is a bit like the cinematic equivalent of an underdog pub brawl—scrappy, gritty, and utterly unapologetic. Directed by Lang Elliott, it’s the kind o…
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Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1990) Movie Review
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49:04Alex thinks he's died and gone to heaven. He's half right, he's on a podcast. Analog Jones starts its spooky season with Prom Night III: The Last Kiss. Quick Facts Directed by Ron Oliver and Peter R. Simpson (Ron Oliver directed a lot of Goosebumps episodes) Written by Ron Oliver Distributed by Norstar Releasing Direct-to-video release dates: April…
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Supporter Leigh's chosen a cult-classic horror movie this week with Demons from 1985. Directed by Lamberto Bava and produced by Dario Argento, is a classic Italian horror film known for its intense gore, vibrant visuals, and relentless pace. The production took place in Berlin, with much of the action set inside an old movie theater, where a group …
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Waxwork (1988) and Waxwork II (1992) Movie Reviews
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1:17:21Stop On By And Give Afterlife A Try...with some podcasters. Analog Jones watches a listener-submitted movie when we check out both Waxwork (1988) and Waxwork II (1992). Waxwork Quick Facts Directed by Anthony Hickox (Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth) Written by Anthony Hickox Produced by Staffan Ahrenberg Distributed by Vestron Pictures Release Dates:…
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Supporter Susan from Geek Girl Soup ( has picked some corkers in the past, and this choice is no exception. It's the 1987 body horror comedy, Street Trash. Street Trash, directed by Jim Muro, was a low-budget endeavor that became known for its outrageous blend of horror, comedy, and social commentary. The film was originall…
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It activates it exhilarates... it exterminates podcasts. Analog Jones finishes off its Robots, Androids, and Cyborgs theme when Chris selects Hardware! Quick Facts Directed by Richard Stanley (The Island of Dr. Moreau) Screenplay by Richard Stanley Co-executive producers: Bob and Harvey Weinstein. Distributed by Palace Pictures (United Kingdom) and…
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The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000)
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1:00:52Dylan's pick for this week is the Legend of Bagger Vance. The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000), directed by Robert Redford, aimed to capture a blend of magical realism and historical drama set against the backdrop of 1930s Savannah, Georgia. Adapted from the novel by Steven Pressfield, the screenplay by Jeremy Leven focused on themes of redemption and…
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Nerd News - September 2024: The Acolyte is canceled, Wolverine and Deadpool own the summer and more
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1:19:29In this edition of Nerd News, we discuss The Acolyte being canceled, Wolverine and Deadpool making over $1 billion at the box office and our most anticipated movies/shows for the rest of 2024. How to listen and reach Analog Jones and the Temple of Film Discuss these movies and more on our Facebook page. You can also listen to us on iTunes, iHeartRA…
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Dave has gone for an iconic action thriller this week with The Fugitive! The production of The Fugitive (1993) was a complex and ambitious endeavor, led by director Andrew Davis. The film was adapted from the 1960s television series of the same name, and the script underwent several rewrites to craft a narrative that balanced action, drama, and cha…
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Nemesis (1992) Movie Review
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1:00:25In the future, it pays to be more than just a podcaster. Analog Jones continues its Robots, Androids, and Cyborgs theme as we review an Albert Pyun film, Nemesis. We will ask hard-hitting questions such as, "Does this movie make any freaking sense?" Quick Facts Directed by Albert Pyun (Directed Cyborgs and Captain America 1990) Written by Rebecca C…
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