Two brothers talk about things.
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In the final episode of And When I Say... I Mean... Adrian and Austin have their fiance's on to answer random questions. Adrian, Austin, Becca and Amelia answer questions they find on the internet or come up with on the spot.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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What has our experiences been with churches from when we grew up through college to today. This week Adrian and Austin share about how they have been to different churches and why they are at the churches they are now. We share steps that brought us to where we are now and how things have changed from growing up.…
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This week Adrian and Austin ended up talking about Kanye's new album Jesus is King even though it wasn't necessarily the intention. We share our thoughts about it and what we should or shouldn't expect from Kanye.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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This week is a bit shorter this week, Adrian is out this week but Austin is here to bring a short episode for everyone. Austin shares some thoughts on Reformation Day and grace.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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How have our views changed over the years? Adrian and Austin share about things in their lives that have changed and which of their views are different in the last few years. We talk about how our faith has changed what we care about and have shaped our views on life.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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What are some of our recent hobbies. This week Adrian and Austin talk about hobbies and interests they have picked up over the past few months/years. We share a few things we love doing and why we love them.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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Should you watch Joker? Adrian and Austin share their thoughts and reactions after watching the movie and discuss what the point of the movie is. We argue what the movie is saying and the message it is giving. Finally, we give our recommendations for watching the movie and whether or not it is a good movie for what it is trying to do.…
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Do you journal? This week Adrian and Austin talk about some stereotypes of journaling and if we think they are accurate. We talk about our experiences with journaling and why we do it and what we get out of it. Finally, we talk about these stereotypes and if they are helpful and what can be helpful about generalizations/groupings.…
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What is impeachment and how does it work. With all the talk of impeachment this week Adrian and Austin seek to answer some questions about what is going on. We talk about how impeachment works and how it has happened in the past. Finally we wrap it up by talking about the potential impeachment of President Trump and how things might turn out.…
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Is privilege a good framework to view the world? This week, Adrian and Austin talk about what privilege is and how it shapes how we look at the world. We discuss if this is a helpful framework and what other ways of viewing the world might be more or less helpful. Here is the link to Austin's new website:…
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What drives you? This week Adrian and Austin talk about what are the underlying things that drive and control out lives. We talk about joy and why people choose other things besides joy to be their bias. We discuss what joy is and how do we have it and live in it.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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How did we get our jobs? This week Adrian and Austin talk about how they got their jobs and what they do at them. This question was thanks to a question from a listener about what advice we would give to a senior in college who is looking to get a job post graduation.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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This week Adrian and Austin talk about why they don't interact on the internet. We talk about the times we have tried to interact with the general internet and how that went. From there we talk about what are the underlying reason why we don't and do we believe that there is a reason for it.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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We're back! This week Adrian and Austin talk about their past 4 weeks off and what they've been up to. Oddly enough we both went to England on separate occasions and have lots of fun stories to tell. Here is on of the recommendations from the show. către And When I Say... I Mean...
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This week Adrian and Austin answer some questions form listeners. First we talk about our plans for the rest of the summer and looking ahead the next three weeks. From there we jump into our first question asking about subsistence farming and eating healthier and the stigma behind that as well as if it is biblical or not. Our second and final quest…
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Who is responsible for the understanding of information in media? This week Adrian and Austin talk about how we interact with media and social media and how those conversations take place. We look at the way we have conversations on the internet and how those might not be the best. Finally, we talk about Trump's recent racist tweets and how we have…
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Going all the way back to our second ever episode, Adrian and Austin are back on Stranger Things. This week we review the 3rd season and talk about what we liked and didn't like. We dive into what is the show about and if this season was just a little too big. Finally, we talk about what we would like to see happen with the show and what we thing w…
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This week Adrian and Austin talk about finishing things. We talk about different things we finish and don't finish and how that effects us. From there we discuss why we think we do this and how we are different. Finally, we wrap it up by talking about how we can grow and how we can change to be better at finishing things.…
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Is celebrating the Fourth of July a good thing? This week Adrian and Austin dig into the reason we celebrate our Independence in American and how that effects how we view war. We talk about pacifism and what does that truly mean and how we live that out. Finally, we talk about what our response should be to the Fourth of July and how we become bett…
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Adrian and Austin talk about the different rituals in their lives. We look at the religious rituals in our lives and how they might be good or bad. We then look at secular rituals and what they look like. Finally, we challenge ourselves to look at these secular rituals and see if they are important and if they are good or bad.…
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Is comparing ourselves to pop culture good or bad? This week Adrian and Austin talk about how we compare ourselves to pop culture and how that effects us. We look at what this says about who we are as humans and what is the true position of culture in the reality. Finally, debate how culture is used by humans to find meaning in life.…
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Should we take more or less pictures. This week Adrian and Austin discuss if we take too many or too few photos of the world around us and our lives. We talk about if pictures enhance the world or not and how they effect our lives. From there we talk about experience we have with photos and how they have helped or harmed those experiences. Finally,…
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The Democratic Primary is causing a lot of chatter these days, should we care? This is the question that Adrian and Austin seek to answer this week. First, we talk about what the government should be in place to do and if it's good. We then talk about what is our role as civilians in government and society. Finally, we answer the question if we sho…
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Do our lives play out like the stories we enjoy? This week, Adrian and Austin seek to answer this question. We look at what determines the stories of our lives; what we say or what others say or something else. From there we talk about why our live don't look like stories and if that's okay. And finally, we talk about how we deal with this as we li…
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How critical are you? Adrian and Austin look at criticism and what it means and if we should do more or less. First, we define criticism and what does it actually look like. Next, we dive into why we should think critically about things and why it's important. Finally, we talk about how to think critically and what that looks like.…
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What makes a good ending? This week Adrian and Austin talk about good and bad endings. We talk about what makes an ending good or bad and give examples of both. Finally, we dive into why good ending matter and what it means for our lives.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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Endgame brings with it the end of an era and Adrian and Austin are here to talk about it. First, we talk about general impressions thoughts and feelings. Next, we dig into why do people not like Captain Marvel and is there a deeper reason behind it. Finally, we wrap up our impressions and if we would recommend the MCU to someone.…
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In the midst of the final season of Game of Thrones and with the coming culmination of the Avengers in Endgame, spoilers are running rampant. So how do we deal with spoilers? Do we try to avoid them? Do we embrace them and seek them out? This week Adrian and Austin seek to answer these questions and also look at what our response to spoilers say ab…
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Should we rebuild Notre Dame? After the fire in the historic cathedral, Adrian and Austin talk about if we should rebuild it and why. We look at what does it mean to rebuild it and why we would be doing it. We ask if it's worth the money or if that money would be better spent elsewhere. Finally, we talk about what it means to give.…
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With the eight and final season of The Game of Thrones commencing this weekend, Adrian and Austin talk about fan theories and what they say about humanity. We look at how people look so deep into every word and glance for meaning and how, in our post modern society, we look for deeper meaning in fantasy's than in real life. We then tie this all int…
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Can all things and all people be redeemed? This week Adrian and Austin talk about how we deal with difficult things in our lives and how we walk through them in light of redemption. We talk about how redemption does not rely on us but on God and how that frees us to have hope for ourselves and others. Finally, we discuss how our lives change in lig…
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This week Adrian and Austin talk about memories and how they effect how we live and treat people. Austin tells us about "The Buried Giant" by Kazuo Ishiguro and how memories drive the character actions and decisions and discuss if the internet is allowing us to remember too easily. Finally, we ask the question if social media allows us to remember …
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Why do we keep talking about super heroes? In this episode, Adrian and Austin talk about how super hero movies are the modern myths, yet the miss a large part of what makes a myth a myth. We talk about Superman and why he does good when he has unlimited power. Finally, we discuss why super heroes have the morals they do and how we, as the viewers, …
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In this episode Adrian finally talks to Austin about First Reformed. First, we give a brief synopsis of the movie and discuss our understanding of the ending. We talk about how Reverend Toller is focused on the question, "will God forgive us?" and doesn't answer the question if Toller will forgive himself. Finally, we talk about how to embrace grac…
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Do you know your neighbors? This week Adrian and Austin dive into the question of how do we love our neighbor. First, we look at how do online communities effect our interactions with our actual communities. Next, our family is really important to us but can it get in the way of meeting our neighbors. And finally we talk about how do we actually lo…
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What if Jesus was in a comic book? This week Austin shares about a potential comic where Jesus is a sidekick to a superhero. We talk about how in these comics and movies it's about who can punch harder and how that conflicts with Jesus and the way he is victorious. Finally, we look at how the morals displayed by superheros effects our cultural mora…
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With the Academy Awards this weekend, Adrian and Austin talk about if we should care about what they have to say. We look into what the Academy is trying to do and say and what direction they should go. We dive into what makes a good movie and are the movies up for best picturing doing the things good movies do. Finally, we answer the question if w…
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If we forget our history are we doomed to repeat it? Adrian and Austin look to answer this question and do we as humans actually learn from history. First, we look at what this famous quote is actually getting at and how it has been proven or disproved in history. Finally, we try to answer the question, "does history, not experience by us personall…
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Is aiming for perfection a good thing? This week Adrian and Austin dive into the idea of perfectionism. We talk about how perfectionism invades our everyday lives and how it effects us. Next, we reflect on how working to be perfect has effected our lives in the past and today and finally wrap up the episode with our final thoughts on weather or not…
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Do you act differently when you are in public or with specific people? This week Adrian and Austin talk about "the fear of man", what it is and how it effects our lives. We reflect on how we act differently in public and how that reflects who we are. Finally, we answer if the "fear of man" is good or bad.…
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Do you leave yourself a large margin in your life or do you fill your time all the way to the edge of the page? This week Adrian and Austin discuss their habits of leaving margins in their lives and how that effects them. We look at the benefits of taking time to think and allowing yourself to have your own thoughts. Finally, we give some advice on…
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Why does music bring us together? This week Adrian and Austin try and figure out what it is about music that connects people. We look at how music is expressed by emotion and how one of the best ways to describe music is to describe how it makes us feel. Finally, we try and determine how we can use music to better express our emotions as well as be…
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This week, Adrian and Austin seek to understand why we follow celebrities lives and what it says about humanity. First we try to find a parallel to our own lives since we do not follow celebrities, and apply that to the same idea. We look at how the celebrities of today compare with the Greek god's of old and what we can learn from both situations.…
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What is your New Year's resolution? In the first episode of the new year Adrian and Austin talk about their New Year's resolutions. We ask if resolutions are good and what they say about humanity. Finally, we take a deeper look into what New Year's resolutions could mean and how they can point us to our need for grace.…
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Are we giving gifts for the right reason? As we get closer to Christmas, Adrian and Austin question why we give gifts and if we should stop. We look at both reasons to give and not give gifts for Christmas and dig into why we do it. Finally, we answer the question about gifts and briefly look at other Christmas traditions as well. We wont have an e…
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Is it better to be new or novel? This week Adrian and Austin reflect on NPR's 50 Best Albums of 2018. We try and decipher what NPR is trying to say with their list; if it's the best albums musically or topically? From there we discuss if we should seek out new things or novel things and which is better. Finally, we share the things we keep going ba…
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Does this podcast care about nuance enough. In continued backlash to the episode about Albert Mohler and truth, Adrian and Austin reflect on the podcast in general to see if they use enough nuance. First, we define what nuance is and how it applies to our podcast. We ask if nuance is good in general and should be used. Finally, we look into what we…
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What is the meaning of Christmas? In this episode Adrian and Austin discuss why we like Christmas movies and what makes them good. We talk about "classic" Christmas movies and what makes them classic. Finally, we look at the claymation Christmas episode form the TV show Community and talk about how it point to the true meaning of Christmas. Here is…
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In this episode Adrian and Austin reflect on the passing of Stan Lee and the legacy he left behind. Specifically, we share our thoughts about Albert Mohler's podcast where he talks about how Stan Lee told stories and how they are important to humanity. We discuss how we agree and disagree with what Mohler said and how we think he should have phrase…
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What are we nostalgic about. Adrian and Austin define nostalgia and give examples of what they find nostalgic. We discuss cooperate vs personal nostalgia as well as using nostalgia as a marketing scheme. Finally, we try and determine if nostalgia is good and when it can become bad.De către And When I Say... I Mean...
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