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Friday, December 17, 2021 Best to Everyone!
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3:39Today is the last day as we all go onto Christmas Break after school today with a return of Monday, January 3. We celebrate many, many birthdays from today through all of break. Also, we continue to review Habit #2, share the answer to the riddle, and celebrate our final spirit day of 2021. Also, I would like to introduce the new principal, Mr. Haw…
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Good morning everyone! We celebrate many of the amazing things going on in our learning community - check it out, hear our new riddle, and be sure to participate in Spirit Week!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2021 w/ some special guests
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3:56Good morning all! This morning I am joined in the studio by some amazing students - Vada, Wyatt, and Bentli. We celebrate several birthdays, discuss some upcoming events and more. Won't you join us? Have a super day!
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Good morning everyone! Wishing all of you a super day! Today, we continue our discussion about the word of the week -discipline. Also, no birthdays as far as we know, I share a new riddle (really like this one), and remind all of our Wildly Important Goals - our WIGS. Also, good luck to our performers in grades 3-5 tonight at the Christmas Program.…
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Good morning everyone! Welcome back to our last week before Christmas Break. Our word of the week is discipline. What does that mean to you? Also, we shared many birthdays from this past Friday and the weekend. Also, we reviewed Habit #2 - Begin with the End in Mind. Christmas program is tomorrow for grades 3-5; Many spirit days this week - hope yo…
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Great morning to all of you! Our word of the week continues to be integrity. What does that mean within your family? How might it apply to you? Also, we celebrate a birthday, we share a new riddle, and remind everyone about the current food drive ending tomorrow. Also, there are spirit days all of next week - Monday is Santa Hat and Tuesday is Chri…
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Welcome to Wednesday! Thank you for being wonderful as we have several action-packed days to wrap up the semester. We celebrate a special birthday, reveal the answer to the riddle, and celebrate the wonderful work done last night at the Christmas Program for 1st and 2nd grade students - kudos to you all! It was a great program!…
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Tuesday, December 7, 2021 w/ a couple special guests in the studio
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3:00Each year on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Survivors, veterans, and visitors from all over the world come together to honor and remember the 2,403 service members and civilians who were killed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. On today's podcast, a several students join the studio (Mr. Shidler's office/desk) to do the announcem…
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Welcome back everyone! Our word of the week - integrity. I describe that word as doing the right thing at all times - especially when no one is looking. Also, we review Habit #1 - Be Proactive (You are in charge of you!), celebrate several birthdays, discuss a new riddle - can you get it? We also continue with our NEHS food drive, share about the C…
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Friday, December 3, 2021 w/ special guests
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4:38Great Friday to each of you! DCES is getting back to 'fuller' strength - no jinx! We have a great episode today as 3 wonderful first grade students help to keep things moving ahead. Check out all they have to say! Enjoy the day and have a super weekend!
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Good morning everyone! Thanks for everyone getting back here after a day of elearning. Together, we are going to do the best we can as a learning community - it starts with each of us to do our best! We have a birthday to celebrate, we focus on FOCUS as our term of the week, and we discuss the food drive underway. Make it a great day for yourself a…
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And we are to the last day of November - welcome! Our focus word of the week - FOCUS! Imagine that. Also, we discuss habit #7 and recognize our NEHS for leading a community food drive - way to go!
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Welcome back everyone! Wishing everyone a super day today. We celebrate all the birthdays from this past week, discuss habit #7 (Sharpen the Saw) and share a new riddle. Also, NEHS is conducting a food drive - will you be able to participate? Have a super day!
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Welcome to a cold, windy Friday. We made it! Our word of the week has continued to be prioritization. Also, we discussed habit#6 - Synergize. We share several birthdays too! Enjoy the day and weekend! Remember, we are in school Monday & Tuesday of next week with W-F being Thanksgiving Break!
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Welcome to everyone! Today is Thursday - it shall be a super day! Several birthdays today and key announcements - be sure to check it out!
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Great morning everyone! It is Wednesday. While students stayed away an hour, we used that time to discuss TLIM, converse about the math textbook adoption process, and get our staff photo done. Thank you! Today, I share no birthdays - can't believe that, discuss habit #6 Synergize (work together), share a new riddle, celebrate some work toward Lead …
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Thanks for listening. Today, Austin joins me in the studio for announcement - thank you! our word of the week is Prioritization. We celebrate habit #6 Synergize and we share a couple student birthdays. Have a super day!
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Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing everyone today. Our word of the week, prioritization - what does that mean to you? How do you apply it? How does your family apply it? What about your classroom or school? Also, we review habit #6 - synergize. Today is a great example of how we have to synergize to meet our collective goals as buildings. Also…
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Welcome to Friday! Great to see you here. Amazing things going on - first grade just had a field trip - super job! Our veterans day program was yesterday - the kids were awesome - check out the link on our FB page. Also, we discuss the upcoming spell bowl competition, All-Pro Dad on Tuesday @ 7:00 a.m. and more. Thanks for all you do and have a sup…
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Today is Veterans Day. On this day, we honor all the men and women who have served or are serving our country. Thank you! Our school will have an assembly for our students and shared via the web (after the program). This is student led - so proud of them and their contributions. Listen to our announcements today to hear about habit #5, the riddle (…
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Welcome to Wednesday everyone - wishing everyone a safe travel into the building. A couple birthdays, we share a new riddle (this is a GOOD one), discuss the author visit from previous day, and expectations for field trips. Have a super day everyone!
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Good morning everyone. Thanks for tuning in. We discuss our word of the week - vision. What does that mean to you? Also, we review Habit #5, go over the recent riddle - great one by the way, share a new riddle, and discuss some LEAD measure tracking. We discuss our author visit for today, and discuss our internal veterans day program for Thursday. …
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Welcome back everyone! Wishing each of you a super day! Our word of this week - vision. What does that mean to you? Also, we discuss Habit #5 - Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood (Listen first and then talk). Also, we celebrate some work with our lead measures - how is your class doing? How about you? And we finish off today's announcem…
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Welcome to Friday. Friday has a nice ring to it doesn't it? We discuss purpose (word of the week), review habit #4 (Think Win Win), share the answer to the riddle - did you get it? Also, we celebrate we will have an author visit next week - so exciting! Have a super day each and every one of you and a superb weekend! I am headed to a wedding!…
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Welcome to our Thursday announcements - today, we have Eva, Sadie, & Hunter helping out. We talk about what the word purpose means, how homework helps us, our leadership measures, and favorite animals. Be sure to check us out!
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Good morning everyone! We discuss several key things - our word of the week (purpose), Habit #4 (Think Win Win), share a new riddle - can you get it? and discuss our upcoming author visit. Wishing each of you a super day today!
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Good morning everyone! We talk about our word of the week, purpose. We also celebrate a birthday. We discuss habit #4, Think Win Win. We have a discussion over the recent riddle - did you get it? Also, we have a student council meeting today and a Student Action Team meeting Thursday. Exciting things going on - will you join us? Have a super day!…
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Welcome to November! Hoping everyone had a super weekend. Our word of the week - purpose. What is your 'purpose' each and every day? Also, we discussed Habit #4 - Think win, win. I shared a new riddle with everyone, there were no birthdays today, and more. Exciting news, we have an author coming to visit next week - very excited about this! Student…
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Good morning everyone. We have several announcements, several student birthdays, and discuss The Oracle Express purchases that should be redeemed today - yeah! Wishing everyone a wonderful day today and a safe Halloween weekend.
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Thanks for tuning in everyone. Hoping to each of you a super day. Several birthdays, announcements, and more.
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Good morning to all! Our word of the week - commitment. What does that mean to you? We have a couple birthdays, I share a new (and more difficult) riddle with our listeners, we share some more about spirit days, and more. Make it a great day!
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Great morning to you! Welcome to Tuesday. Hoping you contribute to our having a great day. We have several announcements, birthdays, and more. Did you know we have collected nearly 1100 pair of socks thus far in Socktober? It is not too late to donate your pairs if you can. Also, we share the answer to a riddle. Did you get it right? Have a super d…
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Welcome back everyone! So excited to see everyone. Hope you had a relaxing week for Fall Break. Today, we review Habit #3 - Put First Things First. Also, we remember Soctober is still going on, we share a new riddle, and we review spirit days for the week as part of Red Ribbon Week. Also, there is an All-Pro Dad event tomorrow/Tuesday morning. Have…
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Good morning rainy Friday! Our walk-a-thon will happen today, just in our hallways. Be respectful of those in the room trying to work. Also, we recognize today as the last day before Fall Break. Enjoy your time. We celebrate many birthday for today and through the break - is your name on that list? Have a super day!…
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Great morning everyone! Check out today's announcements. There are some great things going on in our learning community. Thank you to all our student leaders for applying for school-wide leadership positions - all of you are appreciated!
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Great morning everyone! Lots of info in today's podcast. Today, you can learn about our NEHS success with Socktober thus far - incredible! Also, we celebrate the four BIG awards given out to grade levels based on attendance, cleanliness, and spirit - did your grade win? Also, I share our new leadership positions within our school and announce who t…
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Great morning all! It is Tuesday.....with that, we celebrate a birthday, discuss our word of the week (responsibility), review our goals, and remind students about robotics' forms and our walk-a-thon. Looking forward to a great day today - hope each of us will contribute to it!
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Great morning everyone! Welcome back. Several announcements and reminders for the week - we review Habit 2 'Begin with the End in Mind', We discuss a new riddle, we celebrate the various classrooms progressing on accomplishing their lead measures, we discuss the walk-a-thon, and more. Have a super day everyone!…
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Welcome to Friday! Enjoy the day and have a super weekend! Today is Crazy Sock day - what socks did you wear? Also, we have several weekend birthdays, we honor the work of several classrooms, and we celebrate the answers to our recent riddle - did you get the right answer? Have a super day everyone! Don't forget that walk-a-thon donation(s)!…
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Good morning everyone! Wishing everyone a super day. We have several huge announcements - I hope you will take the time to listen to them. Our podcast captures most of the things going on in our school - feel free to listen to these announcements at home, in the car, with your child, by yourself, at your place of employment, etc. We want to communi…
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Hello everyone! Thanks for listening. We have several announcements, a couple birthdays, the answer to our recent riddle (great job to many of our kids for getting this one right), and more - be sure to check it out.
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Good morning Tuesday! We have several announcements today - be sure to check them all out!
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Welcome back everyone! Hoping each of you have a super day! Check out these announcements - lots going on! #Socktober #TLIM #BookFair
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Good morning Friday! Glad to see you. Many birthday celebrations announced, the end of the 1st 9 weeks is next week, our Fall Book Fair is next week, our NEHS team is sponsoring Sockober - can you contribute toward our goal of 500 pairs of new and/or gently used (no holes, clean) socks? Also, we share the answer to the latest riddle, discuss the wa…
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Welcome back! Thank you students and families for your work yesterday during the eLearning day - our teachers were able to accomplish so much! We discuss the recent riddle results and share a new one - will you solve it? Also, we discuss the walk-a-thon and how the donations raised benefit our students and there are PRIZES! Spirit day tomorrow - we…
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Good morning everyone! We discussed our word of the week - initiative. What do you take the initiative to do? Also, we share about Habit #7 - Sharpen the Saw (Take Care of Yourself). I share a riddle again, we discuss Colts Big Blue Camp today, and there is an eLearning day tomorrow. Have a super day!…
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Great morning everyone! Hope you all had a relaxing weekend. We celebrate two student birthdays, we celebrate habit #7 - Sharpen the Saw (Take Care of Yourself), we discuss our walk-a-thon and its purpose, and we go over spirit days. NEHS meets today too! Have a super day and thanks for all YOU do!
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Welcome to Friday, September 24, 2021. Today, we have several birthdays for today and this weekend. Happy birthday! Also, Monday is a spirit day - Red, White, and Blue. Which grade will win the coveted Spirit Trophy? 1st? 3rd? 5th? What about 2nd and 4th? Scheduling forms are due back asap so we can efficiently schedule PTStudent Conferences. Also,…
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Good morning all! It is Thursday. Several announcements including student birthdays, celebration of riddle success, a new riddle is presented, and more - thanks for listening!
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Looking for a great day today! Hope you will join us. Several student birthdays and a staff member birthday - happy bday to all of you! Several announcements too. Be sure to do your part to make us great - be awesome, synergize, be part of a team and work with us!
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