Los mejores documentales sobre humanidades, naturaleza, ciencia, historia, política y astrofisica, para que los escuches donde y cuando quieras.
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An indepth look at stories and issues from around the world. This podcast offers you the chance to access landmark series from our archive.
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Cory Doctorow's Literary Works
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Document is a narrative-driven reporting project committed to long-form, enterprise and investigative journalism. More at nhpr.org/document.
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Dette er podcasten til Document.no, Norges ledende nettsted for uavhengige og agendasettende nyheter, politisk analyse og tankevekkende kommentarer, skrevet spesielt for den nye generasjonen av selvstendige og konservative tenkere.
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Este podcast está pensado para las personas como yo, que nuestros ojos ya no nos permiten ver lo que uno desea o le interesa y tienen curiosidad de aprender y conocer, también para aquellas que constantemente están fuera de casa por su trabajo o viajan asiduamente y aquellos que se desplazan en metro, en autobús o en cualquier otro medio porque su trabajo así lo requiere. Todos son Audios de documentales. Todo mi trabajo está realizado de manera altruista y no busco ninguna compensación, sol ...
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A window into our world, through in-depth storytelling from the BBC. Investigating, reporting and uncovering true stories from everywhere. Award-winning journalism, unheard voices, amazing culture and global issues. From Syria after Assad to rebuilding Ukraine, to how AI changed our lives, The Documentary investigates major global stories. We delve into social media, take you into the minds of the world’s most creative people and explore personal approaches to spirituality. Every week, we al ...
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A Doctor Who Fan Podcast
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The Doctor Who Audio Dramas is the world’s longest running family friendly production of Doctor Who. Started in 1982, this series spans eight Doctors, a host of companions, and over 200 stories. Thousands of episodes are downloaded every month. New episodes appear on iTunes two weeks after they premier on the main website. Note that, due to the age of some of the material, quality will vary. www.dwad.net or www.facebook.com/groups/doctorwhoaudiodramas/
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Hosts Scott Carelli, Cass Fredrickson, and Nick Jimenez analyze and discuss Doctor Who. Every episode. Every Doctor. One Doctor at a time.
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Documenter toutes les expériences de la vie, des cultures et des savoirs. Chaque semaine, un grand thème en quatre épisodes, autonomes et complémentaires. Du lundi au jeudi de 17h à 18h. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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...and You Are STILL Most Welcome!
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Documentales de Misterio, Historia, Ciencia y Aventuras todo en audio latino. Alienígenas Ancestrales, Secretos de la NASA, Cazadores de Ovnis, Expedición a lo Desconocido y mucho, mucho más! Seguinos en Twitter: @AudioDocus
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Raconter des histoires du réel, et par le singulier toucher l’universel. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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In The Checkup, board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Mike, interviews the biggest names in Hollywood, Washington, sports, music, digital, and everywhere else about their physical, mental, and emotional health, so we can all learn to live happy and healthy together. Watch full video episodes: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/youtube/playlist/CheckupPodcastPlaylist IG: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/instagram/CheckupPod Twitter: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/twitter/DMTwitter Facebook ...
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'Documentos RNE', tras sus dos décadas de historia, ha logrado convertirse en un referente de los espacios documentales en la radiodifusión española.
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Os presentamos lo que va a ser un nuevo Podcast musical en Ivoox, repleto de Biografías, Documentales y las Caras B de los mejores discos de la historia. ¿Te lo vas a a perder?
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Die besten Tipps für ein gesundes Leben gibt es jeden Freitag zu hören. Im Gesundheitspodcast geht es um Ernährung, Sport und Wohlbefinden. Und damit auch um viele Volkskrankheiten – und wie wir ihnen vorbeugen können. In jeder Folge beantworten Doc Esser und Anne eure Fragen. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt, schickt uns die Fragen per Mail an docesser@wdr.de.
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An Australian-made Doctor Who podcast by fans, for fans. Est 2016. Add this URL to your podcatcher: http://theDWshow.podbean.com/feed/
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Steven Schapansky (Radio Free Skaro, The Memory Cheats) and Erika Ensign (Verity!, Total Party Kill) are married Doctor Who fans (who also co-produce a fiction podcast for Uncanny Magazine). This is a podcast where they watch every Doctor Who story ever made, from start to finish. Each episode is recorded live on a red couch. No, they have no “schedule”. They’re lazy. Want proof? Check out this fab listener-created spreadsheet of episode releases. Follow on Mastodon @LazyDoctorWho@zeppelin.f ...
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Doctor Who meets Whose Line is it Anyway... We are a Doctor Who improv podcast based (loosely) on the improv game “Film Dub”. It's where everything is made up & neither script nor canon matters!
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Doctor Carlton, The internet's favorite gay, Mayo Clinic trained board certified gastroenterologist and mouthy yet sensitive gay guy, Dangilo Brian Bonilla tackle the messy life challenges that Sex, Socializing, Love and Butt Stuff present in the lives of LGBTQ+ men and their friends.
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A1 doc para ouvir, há uma história para contar. Espaço de reportagem e entrevista, partilhando experiências, desafios e inspirações. O objetivo é criar uma ligação profunda entre os ouvintes e as histórias inspiradoras que moldam o nosso mundo.
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An indepth look at documentaries that explores the subject matter on a deeper level and examines what was left out.
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A Doctor Who ratings and review podcast for fans of the modern series who are curious about the classic series.
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Multi award winning documentaries from Ireland and beyond telling real life stories. With over 1,800 documentaries on offer, the Documentary On One Podcast has the largest archive of documentaries available in the world, dating as far back as 1954, right up to the present day. Winner of over 400 national and international awards. Producer of podcast series 'Where is Jón?', ‘The Real Carrie Jade’, 'Runaway Joe', 'Finding Samantha', 'Tiger Roll', 'GunPlot' and 'The Nobody Zone'. Immerse yourse ...
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Car Care for Everyone
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Charles Skaggs and Jesse Jackson are your guides to Doctor Who, the world's longest-running SF series. All of time and space...Where do you wanna start?
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You know what's long, tedious and boring? Surgery. You know what isn't? This new podcast! Join Scrubs co-stars and real-life best friends Zach Braff and Donald Faison for a weekly comedy podcast where they relive the hit TV show, one episode at a time. Each week, these BFFs will discuss an episode of Scrubs, sharing behind-the-scenes stories and reminiscing on some of their favorite memories from filming. They’ll also connect with Scrubs super fans and feature beloved show cast members for e ...
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Pop culture analysis from a psychodynamic lens for insight and personal growth.
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A podcast about wrestling, movies, music, interviews, games and chatting with my son.
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NEW EPISODES EVERY MONDAY! Two Aussies, often accompanied by a lovely beverage, talk about Doctor Who... 50% of the time...
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Two queer twenty-somethings dive into the world of Doctor Who and its peculiar impact on their adult lives. Besties Sam and Alasdair hurtle through the vortex on an epic journey through time, space and childhood trauma. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/docmalik/subscribe Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.
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Commentary and conversation by Dr Ted Noel on issues of health and policy that affect each one of us. It's Careful Consideration of Our Common Concerns.
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Podcast focusing on codependency. Learning how to create healthier relationships, healthier self and healthier lives.
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Podcast by Fr. Kyle Berens
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Podcast by 2 dads. One of us believes in the power of Science. The other in the power of Jesus. But both of us believe in the power of an ice cold Beer.
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Discovering the Secrets of Hyper Successful People… Episodes on YouTube, Spotify and more! Editor - Omar Lotfy - oalotfy@gmail.com
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A show where questions on personal finance from Healthcare Professionals are never a taboo.
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An ”audience interactive podcast in 3 parts: THE COCKTAIL-- If there were one perfect cocktail to pair with that album, what is it? THE LISTENING PARTY-- does this album hold up? Discuss. THE HANGOVER?-- we bring on listeners to tell us whether we embarrassed ourselves. *New episodes every Thursday*.
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A comedic vignette that explores the careers of Justin Case and Justin Time, who just happen to be cops by day, and doctors by night.
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Join Dr Dan, an Australian doctor who is on a mission to improve financial health for doctors and healthcare professionals. Interviewing money experts, doctors turned entrepreneurs, and documenting his own journey to passive income.
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Les enfants de la calendreta de Pau, Daniel Cabarry et Pierre Salles, nous éclairent sur un mot en Oc, une expression, une histoire, un événement, une tradition, un conte, une légende d’ici… Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Schlapp und müde – wie das Energielevel steigern?
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33:26Gerade im Winter fühlen wir uns oft energielos und ausgepowert. Trotzdem gibt es auch das Phänomen der Frühjahrsmüdigkeit. Und das, obwohl die Sonne uns Energie gibt. Doc Esser und Anne sprechen darüber, wie ihr euer Energielevel erhöhen könnt und erklären, ab wann ihr zum Arzt oder zur Ärztin gehen sollt, wenn ihr euch schlapp fühlt. Das sind die …
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durée : 00:01:26 - Les mots d'OcDe către ici
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Rolling Stones- "Voodoo Lounge"
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34:35The Rolling Stones "Voodoo Lounge" this week on Classic Rocktails. So much to discuss on this complex album, including: • What is the ONE perfect drink to pair with this album? • Does it hold-up? • If an album has 8 great songs, that's a great album right? Does it matter if there are 15 songs? • ...and so much more. Please subscribe to have episode…
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A eficiência e a pobreza energética: quando o frio é um inquilino permanente. Autoria de Cláudia Aguiar Rodrigues.
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#313 - Zac Cox: Toxic Truths: Exposing Fluoride and the Legal Battle for Clean Water
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2:21:05FREEDOM - HEALTH - HAPPINESS WARNING - This podcast is highly addictive and seriously good for your health. SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes, have access to bonus content, back catalogue, and monthly Live Streams, please subscribe to either: The paid Spotify subscription here: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/docmalik…
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The future is so bright, I need to wear my shades (thanks to Trump's tariffs)
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43:53There is no doubt we are facing a scenario that no one has ever seen before. The tumultuousness of the economy and markets at the hand of 1 person and his policies is unparalleled. Despite the uncertainty, a few silver linings are beginning to emerge. The future in Canada, in the US, and across the globe will be bright. We will all emerge stronger.…
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Sleep issues never end. Sleep hygiene issues.De către Doc and the Deacon
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Heart and Soul: The mosque for Bangladesh’s transgender women
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26:30In Bangladesh, hijras - once a revered community - have long lived on the margins. Also known as the third gender, hijras form a diverse group, including those born intersex - meaning their physical traits don’t fit neatly into ‘male’ or ‘female’ categories - and transgender individuals. Traditionally seen as spiritual figures with the power to ble…
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Episode 312W2512: Wanderers - Crossing the Void - March 2025
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58:46On February's Wanderers - Crossing the Void podcast, we review and discuss: The Picture of Dorian Gray Somebody Feed Phil Marvel: The End Omnibus Persona 5 Strikers ...and much (much) more! Hosts: Trevor @whoviantrev.bsky.social Trevsplace Charlie @insanityinchaos The Comic Conspiracy David http://www.davidsafar.com/ @gwythinn MaroonedWhovian Draco…
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Hans Rustad deler sine tanker og refleksjoner mens han går tur med hundene i skogen. Hvis du setter pris på skogpoddene, så Vipps oss gjerne på 13629. Alle bidrag hjelper. Følg oss også på iTunes og alle steder der podcasts finnes. Husk å rate oss med 5 stjerner, så flere likesinnede sannhetssøkere finner oss der!…
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Er unge kvinner fanget i venstresidens narrativ? Dagsorden 20. mars 2025
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42:57Feminisme, sosialisme og venstresidens dominans blant unge kvinner – hvorfor trekkes så mange jenter mot venstre, og hva kan konservative kvinner gjøre for å snu trenden?I kveld har Lise Sørensen med seg FrP-politiker Kristin Lode, som nylig skapte debatt med et innlegg om hvorfor hun ikke lenger kaller seg feminist. De tar blant annet for seg hvor…
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Monstruos Legendarios - Criaturas Legendarias
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41:00Durante siglos se han documentado avistajes de criaturas serpenteantes que acechan las aguas oscuras de nuestro planeta. El equipo investigará 2 leyendas muy conocidas para intentar descubrir la verdad acerca de qué se esconde bajo la superficie. ¿Con qué se encontrarán?
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This week we're looking back on an old Prime Minister as we rewatch 'The Sound of Drums'. Join us as we talk about our love of the Simms Master, soggy chips and gag over stunt driver Freema. 🎙 HOSTS: Alasdair Gibbs (@alasdairgibbs) and Sam Player (@samwhotried). 📲 FOLLOW: @WholalaPod on Tik Tok, Twitter (X), Instagram and Threads ⏯️ WATCH: All our …
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Hans Rustad deler sine tanker og refleksjoner mens han går tur med hundene i skogen. Hvis du setter pris på skogpoddene, så Vipps oss gjerne på 13629. Alle bidrag hjelper. Følg oss også på iTunes og alle steder der podcasts finnes. Husk å rate oss med 5 stjerner, så flere likesinnede sannhetssøkere finner oss der!…
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Crímenes en Las Vegas: Asesinato en las redes sociales · El último trago en el Keyboard Lounge
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1:23:40Cuando una glamurosa influencer desaparece repentinamente de su barrio residencial en las afueras, los detectives analizan un vídeo de sus últimas horas que resulta extraño. Entonces, una pista conduce a una búsqueda exhaustiva en el desierto y a algo mucho peor y más personal de lo que nadie esperaba.Un artista de la vieja escuela y propietario de…
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JULIO CESAR: LA CREACION DE UN DICTADOR #documental #historia #podcast
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2:35:25César aspira a convertirse en cónsul, el cargo político más alto de Roma. Para ello, establece alianzas peligrosas y tuerce las reglas de la república, cortejando el voto popular, explotando la división y utilizando el soborno y la intimidación para salirse con la suya. Pero su enfoque poco convencional de la política y su desprecio por las costumb…
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What’s your poison: The methanol crisis
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28:40In November 2024, six people died after visiting a bar in Vang Vieng, Laos. Authorities in the country said it was a suspected mass poisoning - the culprit, methanol. It made headlines around the world, but it was not an isolated incident. It is happening across South East Asia, Central America and the Middle East, often in countries where drinking…
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What’s your poison: The methanol crisis
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26:29In November 2024, six people died after visiting a bar in Vang Vieng, Laos. Authorities in the country said it was a suspected mass poisoning - the culprit, methanol. It made headlines around the world, but it was not an isolated incident. It is happening across South East Asia, Central America and the Middle East, often in countries where drinking…
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Doctor K’s laboratory into episode
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5:37Just an episode giving younthr listener an idea of what to expect.De către Richard
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Hvor heftige blir «det grønne skiftets» dødskramper? Dagsorden 19. mars 2025
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30:17«Det grønne skiftet» krasjer med virkeligheten og avvikles i USA, men i Europa tviholder noen på utopiene og vil ta opp kjempelån i uunngåelig forgjeves forsøk på å virkeliggjøre dem. Hvor lenge skal galskapen vedvare? Velkommen til Dagsorden med Christian Skaug og Kent Andersen.
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The War Games (Ep. 7 to 10)
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1:01:53The War Games come to an end! The Second Doctor faces the Time Lords, the War Chief makes his move, and Jamie & Zoe say goodbye. Dom Bettinelli & Jimmy Akin break down the epic finale, its impact on Doctor Who lore, and the Second Doctor’s legacy. The post The War Games (Ep. 7 to 10) appeared first on StarQuest Media.…
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Une histoire de place contée par Daniel Cabarry
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1:57durée : 00:01:57 - Une histoire de place contée par Daniel CabarryDe către ici
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La giroflé, plus qu'une fleur en béarnais
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1:36durée : 00:01:36 - La giroflé, plus qu'une fleur en béarnaisDe către ici
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Episode 109 - "Judge Boasberg"
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18:22Federal Judge Boasberg takes his oath very lightly. He completely ignores the federal rules of judicial ethics, and is utterly unrestrained by the Supreme Court precedents that regulate him. Is it any surprise that he is happy to rule against the Trump administration? Of course, then there's the rest of the story. Details on Boasberg can be found a…
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La historia del tiempo: La medición del tiempo
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58:06El tiempo y su medición es un constructo social. Este documental revisa nuestra manera de relacionarnos con el tiempo a lo largo de la historia y cómo los cambios sociales han influido en nuestra forma de medirlo. Al explorar el significado del tiempo, intervienen varios factores: la civilización humana, el estilo de vida y nuestra comprensión de l…
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Krig og fred 2.0 – USA snakker, EU ruster opp | Rett på sak 19. mars
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54:41Document nyheter med programleder Lise Sørensen gir deg de usensurerte nyhetene om det viktigste som skjer i Norge og verden.Følg med kl. 14:00 på YouTube eller Rumble.Document er avhengig av din støtte for å lage sendinger, skrive saker og reise for å gjøre gode reportasjer som gir deg innblikk i den usensurerte virkeligheten.Send ditt bidrag på V…
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Bak lås og slå - men showet må gå | Rett på sak 17. mars
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1:01:01"Rett på sak" med programleder Lise Sørensen – et bedre, skarpere og mer ærlig alternativ til morgenens nyhetssendinger.Document vokser kraftig, og vi er nå i tøff konkurranse med de største mediehusene i Norge. Derfor tar vi opp kampen og oppgraderer morgensendingene våre fra radio til direktesendt TV.Hver morgen, mandag til onsdag kl. 09.00, send…
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Popper Panic, Trampage Revenge , and Atlantis Afterglow- 37
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1:18:47Pop some popcorn and loosen your belts because this week’s episode of Butt Honestly! Dr. Carlton and Dangilo are back with their unfiltered thoughts on the popper ban (because how dare they), and they’re setting the record straight on U=U—what it means and how it works. Plus, we’re diving headfirst into some juicy drama with a vengeful update in th…
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LAMENTANDO EL BREXIT #documental #politica #podcast
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51:44Revisando las mentiras, noticias falsas y bloqueos políticos que pueden haber contribuido al resultado del referéndum, profundizando en la campaña por el Brexit y en la compleja y rara vez cordial relación entre el Reino Unido y Europa. Enfrentados a una grave crisis económica y social, muchos británicos han pasado del Brexit al Bregret. En los alb…
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The Echo Chamber #11 – The Apocalypse Element
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28:17The DWP Echo Chamber returns with Series Three! Welcome to another set of episodes, released weekly over the next five weeks. In Episode 11, James and Michele talk about The Apocalypse Element by Stephen Cole, released in August 2000 – the eleventh story in Big Finish’s Main Range. Listening instructions are very straightforward – Buy The Apocalyps…
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Une histoire de piracantha racontée par Elisa
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1:25durée : 00:01:25 - Une histoire de piracantha racontée par ElisaDe către ici
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durée : 00:02:10 - Les mots d'OcDe către ici
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Quelles étaient les fonctions sociales des cageots?
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1:35durée : 00:01:35 - Quelles étaient les fonctions sociales des cageots?De către ici
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Alienígenas Ancestrales - Desbloqueando Los Portales Estelares
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42:17Durante miles de años, culturas de todo el mundo han creído en puertas estelares a través de las cuales seres han viajado a la Tierra desde puntos distantes del universo e incluso de otras dimensiones.
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Real Friends Classic: 111 - My Own Personal Jesus
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1:14:14In this week's episode, Turk questions his faith after a particularly difficult Christmas in the ER. In the real world, Zach and Donald recount the inspirations behind one of the best dream sequences in Scrubs' history. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.De către iHeartPodcasts
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LA GUERRA MUNDIAL 1914 - 1945: 6- NO PODEMOS PERDER (1939-1941) #documental #historia #podcast
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47:30Después de un desaire en Múnich, los soviéticos hacen un pacto con los alemanes para repartirse Polonia. Las dos dictaduras atacarán, ocuparán y se repartirán Polonia. Con la invasión de Polonia, la pretensión de paz desaparece cuando Francia y el Reino Unido declaran la guerra a Alemania. En Dunkerque los alemanes están a punto de dar un golpe det…
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durée : 00:01:32 - Comment dit-on lapin en occitan?De către ici
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Assignment: Georgia - keeping the protest alive
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26:44Daily protests across the country have continued in Georgia since disputed elections in October, particularly since the ruling Georgian Dream party announced it would suspend discussions about joining the EU. Outside election observers identified a number of shortcomings and violations in the voting process. Critics of Georgian Dream say it is cosy…
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Assignment: Georgia - keeping the protest alive
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29:03Daily protests across the country have continued in Georgia since disputed elections in October, particularly since the ruling Georgian Dream party announced it would suspend discussions about joining the EU. Outside election observers identified a number of shortcomings and violations in the voting process. Critics of Georgian Dream say it is cosy…
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Planeta Tierra,extinción programada: La Gran Mortandad · La extinción de los dinosaurios
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1:46:25La Gran Mortandad Entre el Ordovícico y el Pérmico, la Tierra sufrió catástrofes recurrentes. La mayor fue una crisis climática provocada por la mayor erupción volcánica que ha vivido el planeta. La extinción de los dinosaurios El mundo de los dinosaurios llegó a un final abrupto hace 66 millones de años, cuando fue golpeado por un enorme asteroide…
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Hans Rustad deler sine tanker og refleksjoner mens han går tur med hundene i skogen. Hvis du setter pris på skogpoddene, så Vipps oss gjerne på 13629. Alle bidrag hjelper. Følg oss også på iTunes og alle steder der podcasts finnes. Husk å rate oss med 5 stjerner, så flere likesinnede sannhetssøkere finner oss der!…
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Understanding the Connection Between Addiction and Mental Health
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27:12In this episode of The Codependent Doctor, I delve into the intricate relationship between addiction and mental health, emphasizing that addiction is often a coping mechanism for underlying issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more. As we wrap up the fifth and final episode of my miniseries on addictions, I explore various co-occurring men…
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Et være eller ikke være – for Europa | Dagsorden 17. mars 2025
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1:07:50Det er klart for Dagsorden kl. 20.00 med Merete Skar og Christian Skaug direkte fra studio.Shakespeare "avkoloniseres" etter at forskere har konkludert at dramatikeren fremmer "hvitt overherredømme". Samtidig velger England en islamsk fundamentalist som ny tilsynssjef for utdanning og barnevern. Europa er i endring, og USAs visepresident J.D. Vance…
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durée : 00:02:18 - Les mots d'OcDe către ici
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durée : 00:01:45 - Les mots d'OcDe către ici
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Neige, échos d’une disparition 4/4 : Les après-ski
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59:03durée : 00:59:03 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Quentin Tenaud - Comment faire évoluer les imaginaires liés à la neige ? En Savoie, quelques avant-gardistes tentent d’imaginer la montagne de l’après-ski, pendant que d’autres recyclent un vieil imaginaire olympique. - réalisation : Agnès CathouDe către France Culture
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