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In a transitional passage often lumped with what follows or precedes, Matthew reminds us of precious truths at the core of Christ’s public ministry. As he arrives on the shore we immediately see how word of mouth spreads the news. We then see that even a mere touching of Jesus’ garment brings healing—because Jesus takes hold of those he saves. We f…
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Ephesians 4:7–16 describes how Christ distributes diverse gifts to individuals within the church, each according to his own measure. These gifts, including apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, are given to build up the body and equip her for ministry. Join us as Pastor Tony highlights how every believer is uniquely gifted for a s…
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Pastor Tony’s sermon, “The Sea is His, for He Made It" (Matthew 14:22-36), considers Jesus's dual nature. He is presented as True Man in his weariness and need for prayer. Simultaneously, he is shown as Very God in his miraculous walking on water and calming the storm, demonstrating divine power over creation. This passage underscores that Jesus's …
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Join us as we continue in Ephesians 4:3–7, building on our discussion of vv. 1–3 to show how the character Paul describes is necessary for and enables the kind of unity he calls us to. Tucked away in his comments is the potent metaphor of the church as a body, which we take the time to discuss at length. Paul’s portrait of our mutual interdependenc…
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Pastor Tony's sermon, "Jesus Feeds the Multitude," based on Matthew 14:13-21, explores one of Jesus’ best-known miracles, the feeding of the five thousand. Walking through the text he first looks at how the miracle unfolds, highlighting Christ’s active compassion, His challenge to the disciples to meet the crowd’s need, and his provision of the res…
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In his sermon “The Hardening of Herod’s Heart,” Pastor Tony considers a flashback concerning Herod and John the Baptist in Matthew 14:1–12. More important than all of the political intrigue is the way in which Herod models how sin devastates and hardens the human heart. We consider in turn how sin breeds fear, how fear then compounds sin, and how c…
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In the opening verses of Ephesians 4 Paul turns from his doctrinal section to focus on application—and yet the way he does so keeps us firmly anchored in the glories of Christ’s work as the foundation of our conduct. Listen in as we explore Paul’s glance back at our calling even as he moves forward into an exposition of how we therefore walk in the…
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In his sermon "Belief and Understanding," Pastor Tony leads us through Matthew 13:51–58. He highlights first the blessing of belief, emphasizing the disciples' affirmation of understanding in verse 51. Second, he speaks of the delight of discipleship, describing the "householder" in verse 52 who brings forth both new and old treasures, symbolizing …
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In his sermon, "Treasure New and Old," Pastor Tony explores the parables in Matthew 13:44-52, highlighting the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven. He emphasizes first, the surpassing worth of this kingdom. Like a treasure hidden in a field, it is so valuable that all else is willingly sacrificed to obtain it. Second, he speaks of the surpassing joy ex…
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Addressing the Pharisees' demand for a sign from heaven, Jesus rebukes their disingenuous request and suppression of the truth. He then uses the parable of an unclean spirit leaving a person and eventually returning with seven other spirits, to remind His audience that they will indeed reap what they sow.…
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This morning we consider the Lord's giving of the Ten Commandments to the people through Moses. For long ages, these words have served as a summary of God's moral law, as we see in their expansion in Exodus and Deuteronomy, and Jesus' summary of them in the two great commandments. Join us as we discuss their setting, their division, and their appli…
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1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 addresses the topic of death and the resurrection, emphasizing the distinct perspective of believers when facing death. While the world grieves without hope for the departed, believers mourn with a hope-filled expectation. What does this mean? What does this look like? Listen in as the Lord provides comfort and solace in the…
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Exodus 18 tells the story of Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, visiting him in the wilderness. Moses recounts the Lord's great deliverance from Egypt, and Jethro praises God. Recognizing the overwhelming burden of Moses' leadership, Jethro advises him to delegate authority to capable men, establishing a hierarchical court system with judges at various …
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Matthew 12:1–14 presents a stark contrast between the rigid legalism of the Pharisees and true Sabbath-keeping. The Pharisees, zealous but legalistic, accuse Jesus' disciples of breaking the Sabbath by plucking heads of grain and rubbing them in their hands. Jesus, however, reframes the Sabbath. He is the Lord of the Sabbath, and His disciples are …
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The people of God find themselves in the wilderness, wholly dependant on the Lord for their daily bread. He provides through manna and quail and, in the process, reminds the people (and His people today) that one day in seven has been set aside to Him. The people are no longer slaves in Egypt and they are reminded, through gracious provision, that …
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In the second half of Ephesians 2 Paul turns to consider how our common share in God’s riches through Christ tells us how we relate to one another in one body. In this rich paragraph he demolishes any other notion of lasting unity, showing how an eternal unity between believers has been forged through the cross. An important message to consider in …
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Matthew 11:1–19 Disappointment is no stranger to the Christian life, and sometimes, at the root, we find ourselves disappointed when what we expected from the Lord is not what comes to pass. This morning we take a look at Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:1–19, generated by John the Baptist’s disappointment and confusion. Join us as we are challenged once…
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Join us as we consider Moses’ song in Exodus 15 and the beginning of the journey from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai. As we zoom out from the passage we also consider how the Old Testament consistently borrows elements of a pagan worldview—only to subvert them and portray the Lord’s power and dominion. We also venture into a description of the latter h…
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In this captivating Sunday School session, we consider the dramatic narrative of Exodus 13:17 – 14, where the Israelites, having left Egypt, begin their journey to the Promised Land. We discuss the significance of the pillars of cloud and fire that accompany the Israelites. They are meant to remind us of an earlier covenant and the faithfulness of …
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As Paul draws the first chapter of his letter to a close he names the things for which he prays. Full of thankfulness for the Ephesians, he prays above all that they might grow: in grace, in knowledge, in understanding of all that God has done for them in Christ. And in the face of all that might frighten and trouble them he reminds them of Christ’…
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Matthew 10:26–33 One of the most frequently repeated commands in the Bible is, “Do not fear.” Here in the midst of instructions with frightening aspects Jesus pauses to give us four reasons not to fear our persecutors: (1) what is hidden will be revealed; (2) they can only kill the body; (3) you are of more value than sparrows; and (4) Jesus will a…
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Join us in our consideration of Exodus 12:1–13:16, as we delve into one of the most pivotal moments in the Book of Exodus. We discuss the Passover as both an act of judgement and of deliverance, entirely resetting the Hebrew calendar. Whether you're familiar with this text or discovering it for the first time, this Sunday School lesson offers insig…
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Hail. Locusts. Supernatural darkness. The plagues continue. As the Lord systematically smashes every idol the Egyptians have manufactured for themselves, the Egyptians themselves begin to fear the word of the Lord. And though every encounter with Pharaoh reads like “second verse, same as the first,” yet the fear of the Lord finds a home even among …
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Exodus 8:1–9:12 | The next five plagues. Pharaoh’s heart is hardened. God’s power and glory are displayed. The magicians of Egypt are confounded, never able to counter and now no longer able even to mimic. And the Lord begins to make a distinction between the Israelites and the people of Egypt. Where will it go from here? And how will the people of…
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Predestination. Adoption. Redemption. Forgiveness. Grace. Praise. Join us as we continue to make our way through a paragraph full of wonder, as Paul speaks of our salvation in Christ and cannot help but spill over into doxology. How do we draw comfort and encouragement now from the knowledge that we are chosen in Christ? How does the adoption Paul …
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Exodus 7. Moses and Aaron are sent to Pharaoh again, with the reminder that he will not respond favorably, but the Lord will harden his heart so that he may multiply signs and wonders against Egypt and deliver his people by a mighty hand. And yet, as the audience with Pharaoh gives way to the first plague, the Lord attacks the lifeblood of Egypt—th…
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Moses has spoken to Pharaoh, and much to his chagrin, it went terribly—just as the Lord told him beforehand. Now as the Lord responds to Moses and the people’s complaint, he anchors his promise of redemption in history by pointing to his covenant with their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And as Moses steps back from describing how God addr…
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Continuing in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians we next consider 1:3–4. Only two verses, and yet there is so much to say! Paul seems to lose the thread of his own thought as he piles on reason upon reason upon reason through the paragraph for why we should bless God (verses 3–14 comprise a single sentence in Greek). As he begins to unpack every spirit…
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