I Fredagsintervjun får du Sveriges vassaste samtal. Jörgen Huitfeldt, Staffan Dopping, Magnus Thorén eller Henrik Höjer intervjuar en person av betydelse.
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Ouça as três principais notícias do dia em apenas dez minutos. Episódios de segunda a sexta disponíveis antes das seis da manhã. Apresentação Frederico Goulart.
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Follow the Money is een journalistieke beweging met een glashelder doel: onderzoek doen naar mensen, systemen en organisaties die zich (financieel-economisch) misdragen en daarmee schade aanrichten aan grote groepen in de samenleving. Ons wapen: radicaal onafhankelijke onderzoeksjournalistiek. Follow the Money is daarbij ons redactionele Leitmotiv. Tegelijk willen we ook constructief mogelijke oplossingen in beeld brengen. Breken en bouwen. Samen met onze (toekomstige) leden gaan we Nederlan ...
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En gång i veckan ägnar de en timme åt varandra, i ett samtal som ingen jävel får störa. Kan de inte bara få göra det? Låt dem hålla på! Det är NYTTIGT för dem.
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Hva skjer når en komiker og en dønn seriøs utenrikskorrespondent konfronterer hverandres tanker og ideer? I denne podkasten kaster Zahid Ali og Fredrik Græsvik seg over aktuelle temaer. Ingenting er for grusomt eller uviktig å snakke om. Duoen løfter usminket pubprat inn i studio, og deler raust av sine tanker om alt, fra de små ting til store verdensproblemer. Det som er helt sikkert, er at Fredrik og Zahid ikke løser noen verdens ting. "Fredrik & Zahid løser ingenting" er produsert av Baue ...
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Biblioteket Frederiksbergs podcastkanal, hvor du kan høre lydfortællinger, højtlæsninger, foredrag og samtaler om litteratur, kultur, samfund og meget andet. Læs mere på fkb.dk.
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Fredriksstad Blads Hør Her! tar for seg aktuelle saker og personer i nyhetsbildet.
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Humble and Fred's fiercely independent podcast. Enjoy responsibly. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Interviews with local sports stars, players and coaches.
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Fuld af Viden – Forskernes fredagsbar er dit alternativ til weekendens promiller og tømmermænd. For i vores bar er det eneste, du bliver fuld af, viden. Emma Holtet, Kasper Friis og Peter Løhde inviterer hver fredag en forsker i studiet for at fejre starten på weekenden. Sammen forsøger de at blive klogere på noget af det, der optager os alle sammen i hverdagen – fra affaldssortering til stjernetåger. Undervejs serverer vi sidevogne og shots af indslag, interviews og reportager. Skål – og go ...
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Did one man’s friendship with a dolphin go way – way – too far? It’s 1987 and the British seaside town of Amble has seen much better days. So when a wild bottlenose dolphin nicknamed Freddie appears in the harbour, it feels like a miracle. Everyone wants to swim with him. But Freddie chooses one person above all others: Alan Cooper, a dedicated animal rights activist committed to freeing captive dolphins. Then Alan’s friendship with Freddie is turned against him and a devastating accusation ...
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Live from the Heart of the Texas Hill Country - Hello Fred!
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Podcasts from Fred LeFebvre and the Morning News on 1370 WSPD.
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Freddie Sayers from online magazine UnHerd seeks out top scientists, writers, politicians and thinkers for in-depth interviews to try and help us work out what’s really going on. What started as an inquiry into the pandemic has broadened into a fascinating look at free speech, science, meaning and the ideas shaping our world. Due to popular demand here is a podcast version of our YouTube — available to watch, for free here or by searching ‘LockdownTV’. Enjoy! And don't forget to rate, like a ...
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Broadcasting every weekday at 9am, you get all the latest about Businesses, Nonprofits and Interesting People and events in Frederick, MD. Hosted by Dani Gurrie this podcast covers local events and happenings in the town of Frederick MD located about 45 miles from Baltimore MD and Washington DC.
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Sedan 2012 har systrarna Amanda Schulman och Hannah Widell bjudit in oss att en timme varje vecka lyssna till deras tankar och reflektioner om världen omkring dem. I Fredagspodden får du följa systrarnas uppriktiga resa genom livet i ett roligt, nära samtal. Fredagspodden är det perfekta sättet att starta helgen. Hitta lyssnarnas utvalda favoritavsnitt på www.fredagspodden.se
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Vaak zitten de belangrijkste inzichten verstopt in de saaiste rapporten. Journalist Jesse Frederik diept ze elke twee weken voor je op. Het resultaat: de diepgravendste gesprekken met de deskundigste deskundigen over de grootste thema's van deze tijd. Zet je schrap voor broodnodige nuchterheid in het klimaatdebat, fascinerende lessen over de woningmarkt en tegendraadse visies op de politiek. Wil jij mijn show mede mogelijk maken? Word dan lid van de correspondent, dit kan voor 9,85 euro per ...
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HodgePod is a podcast looking back at history in music, sports, film, TV, crime, historical events with a current twist. In other words, a little then and now. Each episode will deliver something new. RJF MEDIA LLC
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Tips for beginning and experienced gardeners. New episodes arrive every Friday. Fred Hoffman has been a U.C. Certified Master Gardener since 1982 and writes a weekly garden column for the Lodi News-Sentinel in Lodi, CA. A four-decade fixture in Sacramento radio, he hosted three radio shows for Northern California gardeners and farmers: The KFBK Garden Show, Get Growing with Farmer Fred, and the KSTE Farm Hour. Episode Website: https://gardenbasics.net
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Fitnessprofilerna Carina Isaksson samt Cici Benjaminson eller Josefin Pettersson samtalar varje fredag om allt som hör begreppet ”fitness” till. Oftast om träning, om kost, om tävling såklart, men även om livet utanför fitnessbubblan.
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Fred Saide discusses proper planning to and through retirement. His goal is to provide information on financial matters related to planning a successful retirement. Fred discusses everything from saving strategies pre-retirement to building income and realizing the proper growth and protection necessary in retirement.
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Elke week hoor je Freddy Moreira bij FunX: Moreira’s Mansion! Je hoort iedere week de lekkerste tunes van de populaire dj op zijn exclusieve huisfeestje bij FunX.
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FRED the ALIEN Productions is a popular culture-centric art collective, where members explore their creativity and express themselves through podcasts, YouTube videos, and Melbourne stage shows.
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My name is Fred Bagares a board certified sports and spine medicine physician in Virginia Beach, Virginia. After 10 years of practice, I still find musculoskeletal medicine both fascinating and challenging. This podcast is about the lingering thoughts and questions I’ve had after residency and fellowship. My hope is to spark discussion, challenge dogma, and share our experiences in musculoskeletal medicine.
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Sermons from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick Maryland (UUCF): We gather to encourage spiritual growth, build a beloved community, and act for peace and justice.
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Fred Film Radio – The Festival Insider
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walking through life one page a time www.frederikwrites.com
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Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques... Pendant une heure, Frédéric Taddeï reçoit, des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée le samedi. Même recette le dimanche pour anticiper la semaine à venir. Un rendez-vous emblématique pour mieux comprendre l'air du temps et la complexité de notre monde. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus ...
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Can we harness our ingenuity to elevate the human experience? Join technology lawyer and entrepreneur Fred Pinto as he explores the mindsets, stories and insights of leading entrepreneurs, thought leaders and innovators. https://fredpinto.com/
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"Chuck & Freddy - Leichte Kost - Weisheiten für die Ewigkeit" ist der Podcast, der dir hilft, beim Kaffee oder einem Drink die Welt mit einem Schmunzeln zu betrachten! Die beiden charmanten Quatschköpfe, Chuck Churro und Freddy Flow, plaudern wöchentlich über alles, was das Leben so hergibt – von chaotischen Alltagsmomenten bis zu tiefgründigen Lebensfragen. In 45-60 Minuten mit Aha-Momente bekommst du praktische Tipps und kuriose Geschichten serviert, die dir zeigen, dass das Leben nicht nu ...
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Fifty years ago, on March 26th 1971, the body of a young man was found in a secluded spot, an island in the River Trent with extremely limited access. He was buried in a kneeling position, naked except for socks and a wedding ring. His hands and ankles had been bound. So began one of the UK’s most baffling murder mysteries, a grisly crime that has remained unsolved to this day.
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The Frederick Faith Debate is designed to be an open an honest forum for local faith community leaders to share and discuss their views of the truth. Lady Bird Johnson once said, “the clash of ideas is the sound of freedom”. In that spirit, the show seriously wrestles with important ideas… the participant often disagreeing with one another. The hope is that through this wrestling a better understanding of the truth will develop with regards to the most important issues facing the world.
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Dr. Fred Clary, founder of Functional Analysis Chiropractic Technique, world record holding powerlifter and gym chalk covered philosopher offers thoughts on the life sciences, the philosophy of biology, society, athletic performance, theology and becoming a top at what ever you choose.
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Listen to all the things The Fred Show crew wanted to say but had to wait until the mics were off.
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New Beginnings focuses on Baby Boomers and those who care for them. You’ll find that Boomer needs are not all that different from everyone else’s. The difference is that there are 78 million Baby Boomers in America! Host Freddie Bell and key partner Joe McKenzie, the principle of Ripple Connects, visit with guests with insights on housing, finance, fitness, employment, and entertainment.
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Information Morning Fredericton is your window on the community every weekday morning, from 5:55 to 8:37 on CBC Radio One, the news and stories of our lives in your city and around the province; keeping you informed and engaged.
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Just having fun
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Gympodden er podkasten som omhandler aktivitet, trening og ernæring. Vi formidler relevant fagkompetanse og personlige erfaringer til lytterne våre sammen med aktuelle gjester - fra kjente treningsguruer og aktive idrettsutøvere på toppidrettsnivå, til pionerer innenfor sine fagfelt. Lasse L. Matberg har bakgrunn som idrettsoffiser i forsvaret, er sertifisert PT med Bachelor i idrettsvitenskap med fordypning i ernæring, personlig trening og friluftsliv. Fredrik Bye har en aktiv livsstil og h ...
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The Fred Minnick Show features spirits author, historian and curator Fred Minnick, who interviews celebrities over good drinks. Through the journey, the artists open up to Minnick about life tribulations, what it's like on the road and their favorite foods. Really, it's just two people tasting and talking.
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Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques... Frédéric Taddeï reçoit, des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée le samedi. Même recette le dimanche pour anticiper la semaine à venir. Un rendez-vous emblématique pour mieux comprendre l'air du temps et la complexité de notre monde. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Hvis man ikke forstår internettet, så forstår man heller ikke den verden, man lever i. Det er graverjournalist Frederik Kulagers påstand. I denne podcast forklarer han Zetlands lidt (meget) mindre internetkyndige chefredaktør Lea Korsgaard et internetfænomen - fra den nyeste teknologi til et viralt meme. Frederik forklarer internettet et produceret og udgivet af Zetland. Zetland er en anderledes avis, du kan lytte til. Zetland koster 139 kr. om måneden (en 50'er hvis du er studerende), og de ...
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L’émission de musique classique préparée et présentée par Frédéric Hutman, tous les dimanches de 23h00 à minuit. Avocat, chargé de la programmation des concerts de musique classique pour le Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme, réalise des interviews depuis une dizaine d’années pour différentes radios, dont RCJ. A une passion (avouable) pour Audrey Hepburn, Jacques Becker, Ernst Lubitsch, Billy Wilder, et (inavouable) pour Jerry Lewis. Quatre films au pinacle de sa cinéphilie: « Ariane » (a ...
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Funny, current, Underground, hip and sexy
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344: A Podcast Called Fred - Talkin Who S06E12
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2:17:57Join Kendall, Fulya and Michael on the podcast that refuses to behave! The crew chat about what they've watched this week before jumping in to the latest in Nerdy News brought to you by the hostess with the mostest Kendall Richardson.27:35 - Nerdy News56:47 - Trailer Park: Happy Gilmore 2, Materialists, and Elio.***SPOILERS AHEAD***1:22:57 - Popcor…
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Rick Green of Patriot Academy joins Pastor Jimmy to talk about God, the world and other things
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“Le assaggiatrici”, intervista al regista Silvio Soldini al Bif&st 2025
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5:48Alla 16ª edizione del Bari International Film&Tv Festival, FRED Film Radio ha incontrato Silvio Soldini per parlare de “Le assaggiatrici”, film di apertura del Bif&st. Una storia del passato che dialoga con il presente C’è un momento ne “Le assaggiatrici” in cui, dopo un attentato a Hitler, il Führer fa un discorso alla radio alla Germania ascoltat…
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In this episode of Money Matters USA, Fred Saide discusses the implications of tariffs on retirement planning, the importance of re-evaluating financial strategies in light of recent economic changes, and the necessity of revitalizing U.S. manufacturing. The conversation also touches on market volatility, historical perspectives on tariffs, and the…
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384 Ideas for a Successful First Garden!
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56:42Essential tips for beginner gardeners, focusing on starting small, plant selection, spacing and companion planting, along with maintenance strategies and the value of involving children and keeping a gardening diary. Previous episodes, show notes, links, product information, and transcripts at the home site for Garden Basics with Farmer Fred, Garde…
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Email Responses and Silverwax Excitement
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1:39:24Most of your emails deal with Canadian patriotism, and we thank you for that / Where in Canada would you like to travel / Jordan Peterson and Kevin O'Leary are putrid little men / The delicious decline of Tesla / Dave Lambert, Territory Manager, Silverwax / Dan Duran the anchorman Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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The Interview: Country Artist Dani Rose
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44:18On this episode of The Fred Minnick Show, Nashville-based country artist and actor Dani Rose joins Fred for a sit-down conversation. Rose has toured around the world, from the Middle East to Africa to the U.S.A., while her songs have been featured on shows like “Yellowstone,” “Roswell” and “True Blood.” Her music also has generated more than a bill…
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Running, Rehab, and Reframing Mindset
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13:37Hey everyone, Dr. Fred Bagares here! In this episode, I take you through my love-hate relationship with running. I share how I reframed my mindset around running to make it work for me. We’ll talk about why I never got that “runner’s high,” how jiu-jitsu became my primary form of cardio, and why I’m now incorporating running back into my training i…
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See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.De către The Fred Show
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De către 1370 WSPD (WSPD-AM)
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25. The Mind in Motion, with Dr. Michael Mannino
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1:38:23Dr. Michael Mannino teaches at the Institute for Data Science and Computing at the University of Miami and is the Chief Science Officer at the Flow Research Collective. (00:00:00) In this episode (00:00:06) Intro (00:04:30) Chapter 1: Neuroscience and Philosophy (00:18:40) Chapter 2: Mind Body Connection (00:28:26) Chapter 3: Levels of Embodied Con…
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Believing in yourself and not letting others' opinions affect you
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30:10Believing in yourself and not letting the opinion of others affect you" means having strong self-confidence and a sense of self-worth, where you prioritize your own beliefs and goals over the judgments or perspectives of others, essentially choosing to not be swayed by external opinions and staying true to yourself. Dr. Fred Clary, founder of Funct…
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Join Freda V. Crews, Ph.D., D.Min. (1936-2022), Host of the Time for Hope Ministry, for her interview with author Matt Fry about his book, “I Am” subtitled ‘Encounter the One Who Gives You Purpose and Peace in a Crazy World.’ Today’s episode was recorded on July 20, 2017. Call 1-800-669-9133 to order our resources and to send us your prayer request…
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Segurança reforçada em Brasília; Lula desembarca no Japão; e a alta do Papa Francisco
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10:07Três notícias em 10 minutos: Brasília reforça segurança para julgamento de denúncia contra Jair Bolsonaro; Lula desembarca no Japão com comitiva extensa, para fortalecer laços comerciais; Papa Francisco inicia tratamento em casa após passar quase 40 dias internado. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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Monique Canto-Sperber, philosophe, pour « La liberté cherchant le peuple » chez Calmann-Lévy
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16:11Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques... Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée. Ce samedi, Monique Canto-Sperber, philosophe, pour « La liberté cherchant le peuple » chez Calmann-Lévy. Distribué par Audiomeans…
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Monique Canto-Sperber, philosophe, pour « La liberté cherchant le peuple » chez Calmann-Lévy
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16:11Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques... Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée. Ce samedi, Monique Canto-Sperber, philosophe, pour « La liberté cherchant le peuple » chez Calmann-Lévy. Distribué par Audiomeans…
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📣 C'est arrivé cette semaine - Frédéric Taddeï présente L'édito politique - Alexis Brézet & Vincent Trémolet de Villers - Les juifs et les blancs victimes de l'antiracisme devenu fou
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3:46Retrouvez l’ensemble des épisodes du podcast L'édito politique - Alexis Brézet & Vincent Trémolet de Villers de Europe 1 ici Les juifs et les blancs victimes de l'antiracisme devenu fou Chaque matin dans son édito, Vincent Trémolet de Villers revient sur l'actualité politique du jour. Ce lundi, il s'intéresse aux dérives de l'antiracisme dont les j…
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📣 C'est arrivé demain - Frédéric Taddeï présente L'édito politique - Alexis Brézet & Vincent Trémolet de Villers - Les juifs et les blancs victimes de l'antiracisme devenu fou
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3:46Retrouvez l’ensemble des épisodes du podcast L'édito politique - Alexis Brézet & Vincent Trémolet de Villers de Europe 1 ici Les juifs et les blancs victimes de l'antiracisme devenu fou Chaque matin dans son édito, Vincent Trémolet de Villers revient sur l'actualité politique du jour. Ce lundi, il s'intéresse aux dérives de l'antiracisme dont les j…
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Ep 238 Good Morning Frederick March 21 2025
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56:18Today is Friday! The show: * Bob Miller and Chris Michaels from 930 WFMD Free Talk's Morning News Express * Happening in Frederick - a highlight of some events - Get ALL the events here: https://bit.ly/EFcalendar * INTERVIEW: Abbey & James from Hood College Lacrosse - games tomorrow! * LIVE: Frederick Flying Cows #1 Damien Daniels * INTERVIEW: Kay …
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Discovering Ancestral Ties: French Canadians in New England- EPISODE 109
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51:04In this captivating episode of HODGEPOD, host Rob Fredette welcomes Joseph Bolton to explore his French-Canadian ancestry and deep-rooted history in New England. Episode 109 dives into the migration patterns of French Canadians from Quebec and New Brunswick to the New England region, particularly focusing on the traditional communities that blossom…
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Ep 237 Good Morning Frederick March 20 2025
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1:03:03Happy First Day of Spring!! Free Ice at Rita's Italian Ice & Frozen Custard Noon to 9pm today! On the show today: * Bob Miller and Chris Michaels from 930 WFMD Free Talk's Morning News Express * Happening in Frederick - a highlight of some events - Get ALL the events here: https://bit.ly/EFcalendar * INTERVIEW: Kevin Loewenstein from Frederick Auto…
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Den här gången är Filip & Fredrik anno 2025 rätt hårda mot Filip & Fredrik anno 2012. Har de rätt? Dröm er tillbaka till det mycket märkliga året 2012 och döm själva!
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Frédéric Taddeï avec Alexis Desprau, Maryvonne de Saint-Pulgent et Christophe Onot-Dit-Biot
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43:58Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques… Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée le samedi. Même recette le dimanche pour anticiper la semaine à venir. Un rendez-vous emblématique pour mieux comprendre l'air du te…
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Frédéric Taddeï avec Alexis Desprau, Maryvonne de Saint-Pulgent et Christophe Onot-Dit-Biot
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43:58Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques… Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée le samedi. Même recette le dimanche pour anticiper la semaine à venir. Un rendez-vous emblématique pour mieux comprendre l'air du te…
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AU DIAPASON - Emission de musique classique - Frédéric Hutman Sur le Clarinettiste Arthur StockelDe către RCJ
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Bridge Church Fredericksburg Texas Full Sermons - Bridge Church Fredericksburg | Mission Possible | Pastor Jimmy Pruitt | March 16, 2025
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46:30Title: - Mission Possible - The Great Adventure | Pastor Jimmy Pruitt What are YOUR next steps? ---- https://bridgefbg.com/connect-card/ Looking to give to Bridge Church? ---- https://bridgefbg.com/about/give/ Check out our Website! ---- https://bridgefbg.com Did you know?…. We're on Social Media! Facebook ---- / bridgechurchfredericksburg Instagra…
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Frédéric Taddeï avec Monique Canto-Sperber, Didier Rykner et Francis Wolff
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43:59Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques... Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous les horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée le samedi. Même recette le dimanche pour anticiper la semaine à venir. Un rendez-vous emblématique pour mieux comprendre l'air…
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Frédéric Taddeï avec Monique Canto-Sperber, Didier Rykner et Francis Wolff
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43:59Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques... Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous les horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée le samedi. Même recette le dimanche pour anticiper la semaine à venir. Un rendez-vous emblématique pour mieux comprendre l'air…
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Frédéric Taddeï avec Patricia Tourancheau
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14:09Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques… Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée. Ce dimanche, Patricia Tourancheau, journaliste, pour « Rubrique faits divers » au Seuil. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomea…
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Frédéric Taddeï avec Patricia Tourancheau
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14:09Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques… Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée. Ce dimanche, Patricia Tourancheau, journaliste, pour « Rubrique faits divers » au Seuil. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomea…
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“12:12: The Day”, Intervista con l’attore Hwang Jung-min
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10:26Durante la 23a edizione del Korea Film Fest a Firenze, abbiamo avuto il privilegio di intervistare l’acclamato attore sudcoreano Hwang Jung-min. Con quasi tre decenni di carriera alle spalle, Hwang Jung-min ha condiviso le sue riflessioni sull’evoluzione del cinema coreano e le sue sfide contemporanee. “La nostra industria sta attraversando una fas…
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Vi får inte bli apatiska i Trumpbubblan
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27:31Gunnar Hökmark, chef för tankesmedjan Frivärld och tidigare moderat politiker intervjuas av Magnus Thorén. Under decennier som politiker på svensk och europeisk nivå har han jobbat för ökad frihandel, globalisering och en nära relation till USA. Men efter bara två månader med Trumpadministrationen höjs allt fler röster som ifrågasätter hur bärkraft…
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The WallBuilders Show - The Constitutional Reset: How Trump Is Returning Education to the States
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26:59Donald Trump has taken an unprecedented step toward restoring constitutional order by dismantling the Department of Education—a goal conservatives have pursued for over four decades. This executive order represents more than just fulfilling a campaign promise; it's a fundamental realignment with the Constitution's original intent, where education a…
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Orçamento com recorde de emendas; oposição pressiona por anistia; PF mira envio de fuzis pro RJ
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10:33Três notícias em 10 minutos: Congresso aprova orçamento 2025 com valor recorde de emendas e superávit de R$ 15 bi; Oposição ameaça obstruir votações caso Câmara não paute projeto de anistia a golpistas; Polícia Federal prende quadrilha que enviou 2 mil fuzis de Miami para o Rio. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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Focus on the Family with Jim Daly - Training Kids to Listen to the Right Voices
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27:45Rich Griffith shares practical advice from his experience as a single Dad of three boys to encourage Christian parents to teach their children to use discernment to navigate the positive and negative influences in their lives. Receive the book Voices and the audio download of the broadcast "Training Kids to Listen to the Right Voices" for your dona…
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Jean-François Sirinelli, historien français
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11:05Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques... Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée. Ce jour, Jean-François Sirinelli, historien français. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialit…
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Jean-François Sirinelli, historien français
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11:05Intellectuels, chefs d'entreprises, artistes, hommes et femmes politiques... Frédéric Taddeï reçoit des personnalités de tous horizons pour éclairer différemment et prendre du recul sur l'actualité de la semaine écoulée. Ce jour, Jean-François Sirinelli, historien français. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialit…
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Fitnessprofilerna Carina Isaksson och Josefin Pettersson samtalar om allt som hör begreppet ”fitness” till. Oftast om träning, om kost, om tävling såklart, men även om livet utanför fitnessbubblan. Du som lyssnar på vår podcast får gärna betygsätta den på Apple Podcasts eller den plattform du lyssnar på – lämna gärna en recension. Då blir podden me…
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Sådan styrer din reptilhjerne dig!
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32:56Vores reptilhjerne jagter sex, mad og vold... Eller gør den? For selvom du måske har hørt om krybdyrshjernen, så er den stort set en myte. I hvert fald er lillehjernen meget mere end bare vores dyriske instinkter. Ja, forskning tyder endda på, at vores reptilhjerne kan bruges til at se ud i fremtiden... Medvirkende: Lau Møller Andersen, lektor i ko…
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660. Fengschulman chockar igen!
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Living Up In A Down World - "Conversations: Rick Green"
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55:34Pour a cup of coffee and join Jimmy and guest, Rick Green, as they discuss what it means to engage culture from a biblical worldview. Rick is the founder and president of the Patriot Academy in the Texas Hill Country. They are raising up the next generation of culture shapers and history makers.
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The Matt Long Show - 3/20 - Texas House Update
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49:50This is easy! They are doing NOTHING on the floor! Halfway through the session. NO FLOOR DEBATES!
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Ep 236 Good Morning Frederick March 19 2025
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1:05:53On the show today: Bob Miller and Chris Michaels from WFMD's Morning News Express Happening in Frederick - a highlight of some events - Get ALL the events here: https://bit.ly/EFcalendar INTERVIEW: Amy Goldsmith from Kindred Nutrition & Kinetics on how she helps athletes reach the top of their nutrition game. INTERVIEW: Diane Foland from FFOCAS pro…
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Cancer, autism, and long covid: The "over-diagnosis" crisis
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43:35Award-winning author Dr. Suzanne O’Sullivan discusses her new book The Age of Diagnosis, and some curious cases of “over-diagnosis”. 1 in 10 in England now believe they have long Covid. The UK’s new Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, now says mental health is being “over-diagnosed”. Is Trump and RFK Jr’s aggressively sceptical approach to public heal…
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Ep 235 Good Morning Frederick March 18 2025
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1:05:09On the show today: Bob Miller and Chris Michaels from 930 WFMD Free Talk's Morning News Express Happening in Frederick - a highlight of some events - Get ALL the events here: https://bit.ly/EFcalendar INTERVIEW: Brandon Peck from The Cyber Defense Initiative INTERVIEW: Allie Vasquez on her love for Walkersville & some great events we should all sup…
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