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This 20-minute weekly podcast is for Christian men who want to hear, “Well done,” from Jesus, after running the race marked out for them. Its goals are to: 1) EQUIP men to better understand from Scripture their mission, 2) ENCOURAGE men because we fail often, 3) ENERGIZE men because our spiritual tank is often on "empty," 4) EMPOWER men to stay focused on honoring Christ with their lives. The podcast presenter, Dr. Gary Yagel, is known for his practical biblical teaching and encouraging hear ...
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John Eldredge is right when he says, “A man must have a cause to which he is devoted even unto death, for this is written into the fabric of his being (Wild at Heart). The adage is true, “If a man doesn’t have a cause to die for, he doesn’t have a cause to live for.” This episode is about the greatest cause in the history of the world—the kingdom o…
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Episode Summary. One of the great truths of life is that one’s mental perspective determines one’s attitude. Eve believed the lie that God’s command not to eat the fruit was selfish and that God was keeping something to be desired—the knowledge of good and evil—from her. That perspective led to the attitude of rebellion which led to the action of s…
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This episode answers the question, “What do dads need to do to develop their child’s potential, i.e. to be faithful stewards of this treasure entrusted to us, not just because we love them, but because God has important contributions for them to make to his world.” Link to Leadership Diagram Past Podcast Episodes on spiritual gifts: S2 E #38-41, 7/…
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Summary: Marriage failure almost always begins with the loss of intimacy, i.e. closeness in the marriage. This episode examines what Scripture says married couples need to understand and do to experience both the emotional and sexual intimacy, which God designed marriage for. Couples Study to Overcoming the Intimacy Misconnect in Marriage She spell…
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Episode Summary. There is one investment you can make in your child’s future that God guarantees is more precious than gold, that will bring him a lifetime of enjoyment, a lifetime of protection from harm and a lifetime in which he is richly rewarded. It is explained in Psalm 19. This episode’s focus is on how to make such an investment. For Furthe…
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Episode Summary. Spiritual leadership at home is bringing our followers along with us in our whole-hearted pursuit of Christ. Persuading them to join us in this pursuit is almost completely dependent upon winning their hearts, which requires building our love relationship with them. We are inspired by the example of Jonathan Edwards, whose commitme…
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Episode Summary. The word husband is from the world of agriculture; it means to cultivate. This episode points to seven ingredients identified in Scripture that Christian husbands are to pour into the soil of their wives’ hearts to cause them to flourish. For Further Prayerful Thought. What are the strongest arguments for a Christ-following husband…
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Episode Summary. Almost all men would love more consistency in their lives. We know that is the key to success in every area of life, not the least important of which is success leading our homes well. But how can we more consistently stay focused on our mission from Jesus? This episode supplies two answers: First we must have clear picture of the …
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Episode Summary. This episode begins by noting that Genesis 3:17 tells us that God’s curse upon Adam for his rebellion in the Garden of Eden was not just for transgressing the command not to eat the fruit but for his reversal of God’s created order of roles. Man’s call to lead the home matters to God. This episode examines what leadership is and is…
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Episode Summary. Mary, one of the godliest women who ever lived, agreed to bear God’s child and what does she receive? A sword to her soul. Few song writers I know have put Simeon’s promise that a sword would pierce Mary’s soul to music. It isn’t sung about by children’s choirs in Christmas pageants. But Luke's account of the true Christmas story e…
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Episode Summary. This agent of familiarity is hard at work this Christmas season, spreading layers of the poisonous dust of the ordinary over the manger in Bethlehem to deaden our senses to the staggering reality of what actually took place there. This episode seeks to blow off that dust to reveal with fresh clarity five ways the incarnation can ev…
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Episode Summary. Countless committed Christian men wrestling with sins like lust and masturbation have asked a legitimate question. If Christ has redeemed me from slavery to sin, why am I still regularly giving in to lust and masturbation? Didn’t Paul say the Christian’s old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done a…
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Episode Summary. It is easy today for discerning Christians, who see the loss of biblical values taking place in our culture, to view this world as a sinking ship, going down to destruction through the weight of its own evil. But such despair can easily lead us to forget the very first commission God assigned us as humans—developing the potential o…
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Episode Summary. In December 2004, a massive tsunami in the Indian Ocean killed more than 250,000 people. Over the following weeks, the news media were filled with articles asking, “Where is God?” One reporter wrote: “If God is God, he’s not good. If God is good, he’s not God. You can’t have it both ways, especially after the Indian Ocean catastrop…
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Episode Summary. Just as Lucy’s encounter with Aslan upon her second trip to Narnia caused her to realize that her prior view of Aslan was too small, Isaiah’s encounter with God in the temple of Jerusalem caused him to realize his view of the Lord of Hosts was too small. Isaiah was dwarfed by God’s majesty. His sin was laid bare by the radiance of …
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Episode Summary. Jesus’ prayer to the Father saying, This is eternal life, that they know you, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent, points to the counter-cultural exclusivity of Christianity, which cultural elites say disqualifies it from being true. This episode examines this exclusivity, how we can teach our loved ones to winso…
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Episode Summary. Although today’s church is seeing an unprecedented number of deconversions by kids raised in the church, often claiming that science disproves the existence of God, the fact is that the world of scientific observation provides evidence that is so compelling that it is unreasonable NOT to believe that a supernatural God exists. Afte…
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Episode Summary. In Jeremiah 9, God has some things to say to his Covenant people about boasting. But it is not, “Don’t brag.” Rather God chooses three assets needed for men to get any significant job done—wisdom, might, and riches—telling us not to place our confidence in them but instead to boast that we understand and know him. Practically speak…
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Episode Summary. In a new study conducted by Geroge Barna, in which he interviewed 2000 church-going self-identified Christians, his results were shocking. 49% said they were unlikely to vote: Here are their reasons: 68% said they are not interested in politics 57% said they disliked the major candidates 55% said they felt like none of the candidat…
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Episode Summary. Christians men are called to protect women. We know that Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden to protect it and those in it and that Jesus modeled protecting women. The Christian church also has a great heritage of protecting women. That protection today needs to come from men who understand ideologies, government policies, and po…
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On September 30th, Patrick Lechleitner, the Director of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sent a letter to Congressman Tony Gonzales revealing that over 13,000 convicted murderers and over 15,000 convicted rapists who have been caught by ICE were released into America because of the Biden/Harris catch and release policy, which defies cur…
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Episode Summary. In the Genesis 12 account of Abram’s calling, God says, Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and… I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse (vs 1-2). That nation, Israel is now at war with Hamas and Hezbo…
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Episode Summary. When faced with the sight of millions of men, women, and children from war-torn lands seeking to escape tyranny to have better life, most Christians will voice their approval for open door policies of inclusion, hospitality, diversity and welcome. After all Jesus, did teach that true believers will hear from Jesus, “I was a STRANGE…
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Summary: The spiritual battle in which Christian men are called to engage is largely a battle of ideas. After Paul devotes eleven chapters of Romans to the glory of the gospel, and challenges Christians that the only proper response is to offer ourselves back to God as a living sacrifice, the very next command is a reference to this battle over ide…
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Summary: The purpose of this podcast has always been to help Christian men define and stay focused upon their mission as followers of Christ. So, what is our mission over the next 50 days in view of the upcoming American election? Some Bible-believing Christians answer, “Your mission is to save America as a Christian nation by voting for Donald Tru…
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Summary: Behind the world and the flesh is an even deadlier enemy, one we rarely speak of and are much less ready to resist, the kingdom of darkness, which is to blame for most of the casualties around us and assaults against us. Paul said it this way, We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, again…
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Summary: The biblical context for viewing all of life’s events is called spiritual warfare—the age-old conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light…. Biblically and practically speaking, we are in a spiritual war. The Christian’s spiritual enemy is not in uniform, and he doesn’t meet us on an identifiable battlefield. He uses r…
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Summary: This episode continues the series, Winning Spiritual Battles Because We Use Our Spiritual Weapons. As we seek to run well the race marked out for us, this calling means advancing the righteous reign of King Jesus in our own hearts, attitudes, and behavior, not to mention and shaping each sphere of life with Christ’s agenda. But it is very …
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Episode Summary: Christ has called you and me to follow him in his cause of defeating evil and establishing his righteous kingdom over every square inch of human hearts and lives. There is no other man who can replace you in your life, in the arenas you have been called to. If you leave your place in line, it will remain empty. You must be the hero…
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Episode Summary This episode continues our study of the armor of God and finishes looking at Eph 6:15, where we’re told to put on, as our shoes, the readiness of the gospel of peace. Most Christian men want to be contagious Christians. We know that sharing our faith is something our Lord wants us to do and when we do seize opportunities to talk wit…
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Episode Summary. Often Christians think of evangelism like this: It is having the courage to overcome every piece of emotional intelligence we’ve learned about relationships, and intruding into the life of a co-worker, neighbor, or stranger to tell someone, who doesn’t want to hear it, the gospel message that they are a sinner in need of a savior, …
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Summary: Do you ever feel like our side is losing in the spiritual battle—that the powers of darkness and evil are winning? Perhaps more specific to our own lives, do you ever wonder why the Christian life is so hard, why sin so easily ensnares us, why our whole-hearted resolve on Sunday to love Jesus better by obeying him more has given way to bla…
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Episode Summary: Is our mission today, as Christians living in America, to recover America as a Christian nation? As we process what happened last weekend and go back to the last election and the storming of the Capitol, Christians are divided. Eschewing passivity, many believers feel impelled to speak up on the social media to fight a movement roo…
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Summary: This episode continues the series, Winning Spiritual Battles Because We Use Our Spiritual Weapons. Every guy who reads this blog would stand at the door of his house with a shotgun to protect his family physically. But most Christian men feel inept and inadequate at fighting to protect them, spiritually. As we saw last week, Jesus told his…
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Summary: This episode begins the series, Winning Spiritual Battles Because We Use Our Spiritual Weapons. As we seek to run well the race marked out for us in 2021, i.e. advance the righteous reign of King Jesus in our own lives, God has ordained one, primary offensive weapon that overthrows the kingdom of darkness: PRAYER. Jesus said to Peter, “Sat…
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Send us a text Ever wondered what it’s like to engineer the sounds that rock the world? Join us as we chat with Orlando Calzada, who takes us on an enthralling journey from Puerto Rico to the heights of the music industry. He shares stories of his work with superstars like One Direction, Lady Gaga, and Destiny's Child, and offers a peek behind the …
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Episode Summary. One of the words used to describe the worldview of the culture in which we all swim is secularism, which describes a lifestyle of preoccupation with the visible, material world to the neglect of the world of the spiritual. The result of swimming in this polluted water has been, in my view, a largescale disregard of the fourth comma…
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Episode Summary. Fatherhood champion Anthony Bradley’s research proves what Scripture teaches us about the role God has assigned to fathers in creation: fathers are the most important men in any community, anywhere, everywhere, ever. Their presence, involvement, and guidance are pivotal for the emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of their c…
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On October 7, 2023, more than 3000 members of the radical Muslin extremist group Hamas surged across the Israeli border crying “Allahu Akbar” “God is good” raping women, beheading children, torturing, mutilating and murdering more than a thousand people, most of them civilians conducting the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. How would …
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Send us a text Join us on a heartwarming and laughter-packed Father's Day special as our new host, John, brings a fresh twist to the show, welcoming delightful guests and daughters, Lily and Nicole. The fun kicks off with Nicole reminiscing about her vegetarian days and Lily sharing her passion for bike riding. Expect heartwarming moments, especial…
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Send us a text Join us on the latest episode of the Mission Men Podcast as Paul, John, and Brandon switch roles and dive into an uproarious series of interruptions and offbeat tales. From John's unexpected popsicle saga to Paul's Zoom call fiascoes and Brandon's quirky elephant project, this episode is a whirlwind of laughter and spontaneity. Amids…
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Episode Summary. Unlike adherents to multi-culturalism, Christians realize that God chose to reveal his moral law to one nation, Israel, in a rather spectacular manner. God himself wrote his summary of his moral law on two stone tablets using his own finger (Dt 5:22) telling his people how they can most please him. There is no other text of the Bib…
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Episode Summary. With the average teen spending over 50 hours a week on his or her phone, it is undeniable that social media is catechizing our children, not the church. This episode seeks to recapture the urgency of the fathers role to raise up his children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. It supplies a master plan that every guy can…
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Send us a text Ever wonder what it's like to juggle steel coils, aluminum, and truck drivers for a living? Meet John's best friend and freight broker extraordinaire, Isaac Davey, who joins us on the Mission Men Podcast to unravel the mysteries of his unique profession and share a few laughs along the way. Clad in matching outfits (we swear it wasn'…
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Episode Summary. This episode shows how the biblical worldview of authority laid out for us in I Timothy chapters 2 and 3 is on a collision course with the worldviews of critical theory, egalitarianism, and multiculturalism at almost every point. For Further Prayerful Thought: What do you think are the most important elements of a 30,000-foot overv…
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Episode Summary. There is strong evidence that Christians today are oblivious to much of the spiritual battle that Scripture repeatedly urges us to fight. In fact, in Paul spiritual leadership charge to Timothy, he commands, “fight the good fight.” It is impossible to understand why Paul urges spiritual leaders to do this or understand what the bat…
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Send us a text Ever found yourself in the middle of a compliment-off, where the challenge is to out-praise your opponent with the most ludicrous expressions of admiration? That's where we kick things off in the latest Mission Men Podcast episode, delivering a barrel of laughs straight to your ears. But it's not all fun and games; we pivot to tackle…
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Episode Summary. When I hear accusations today of the bible teaching oppressive patriarchy, it reminds me of Mark Twain’s comment, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” There is not a scrap of evidence to suggest that God’s design of different roles for husbands and wives is harmf…
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Episode Summary. This episode considers the impact that a worldview called critical theory is having in our culture, supplanting a biblical worldview at many, many points. The goal is that by the end of the episode all of us will be able to detect how the assumptions of critical theory have gotten in the way of grasping the glory of God’s perfect d…
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Send us a text Ever found yourself nodding off during a marathon drive, or maybe just need a good chuckle while remembering the awkwardness of high school? Buckle up for this ride with the Mission Men, where we swap stories from the trenches of homeschooling and public education, to the trials of syncing schedules in today's hectic world. We kick t…
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