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Üzleti podcast olyan vállalkozóknak, akik profitorientáltan gondolkodnak és nyitottak a változásra és a fejlődésre. Olyan vállalkozók és vállalkozások működésébe nyerhetsz betekintést, akik vállalják: az értékteremtés, a nagy célok és a világ jobbá tétele mellett igenis fontos, hogy nyereségesen működjön egy cég. Lesz szó vállalkozói sztorikról, konkrét számokról, nehézségekről és sikerekről, személyes motivációról, az emberi tényezőről. Ez a Nyereséges Vállalkozás Podcast!
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Sermons and Podcasts by CrossBridge Church, Westbury, NY. Bring glory to God. Make Gospel disciples. Share the love of Christ!
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Sermons from Shiloh Baptist Church in Malone NY
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Podcast by fans for fans!
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The Culture's Finest
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Forfatterne Eystein Hanssen og Ørjan Nordhus Karlsson tar deg med inn i gråsonen. Til en skyggeverden der spionasje, maktspill, maktbruk, desinformasjon, falske nyheter og falske smil er den nye normalen. Med basis i sine forfatterskap og et unikt kildenettverk snakker Ørjan og Eystein om vanskelig tema på en enkel og engasjerende måte. Russlands invasjon av Ukraina har satt fyr på den nye, kalde krigen. I øst vokser Kina seg stadig mer mektig, og hva med USA? Kan Norge stole på hjelp fra NA ...
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En podcast om kultur, människor, kaos och ordning av Mattias Indy Pettersson.
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The official New York Giants podcast of Gotham Sports Network (@GothamSN) - in collaboration with NYG Daily (@NYGdaily)
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Join NY Patriot, an Ex Secret Society member as we delve deep into the Abyss. Covering a vast array of topics, such as The Occult, True Crime, Spirituality, Secret Societies, Hidden History, Lore & Conspiracies. Check out my videos on Bitchute and YouTube. You can contact me at @nypatriot1978 on Instagram.
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Sunday morning services are at 9 & 11 AM. 4398 Route 31 Clay, New York 13041. Learn more at
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The West African Sahel is the poorest region in the world and is now the epicentre of global Islamic terrorism. Yet, for all its troubles, has huge potential possessing the world's richest mineral reserves.
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The newest sermons from First Baptist Church of Johnson City, NY on SermonAudio.
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The official podcast of Emmanuel Baptist Bible Church of Martville, NY.
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Welcome to The Gameplan Podcast, where we strive to bring you the latest information on an ever evolving world around everything New York Jets. Providing weekly guests, perception, and your questions answered.
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Bob Carswell delivers a weekly programme of great Manx Gaelic broadcasting and entertainment.
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Sermons from Immanuel Baptist Church in New Hartford, NY.
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This Podcast is recorded from Salem Tabernacle in Beacon, NY. Our Pastor, Bill Dandreano is usually the main preacher. From time to time there will be different speakers and preachers. We hope it blesses you and encourages you to bring God's peace to others.
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Crossroads Christian Church is located in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. Lead Pastor is Josh Wall. For more information, visit us at
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Weekly sermons from St. Ann's Episcopal Church in Amsterdam, NY.
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Revisit the crime and culture of NYC in the '80s with BFF Gen-Xers Jessica and Meg.
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Welcome to Podcast Nyebrang alias Nyeleneh Bareng
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Looking for a hilarious and informative podcast about the New York Giants? 2 Giant Goofballs has got you covered! Hosted by Drew and Rob, this podcast offers insightful analysis, lively debates, and plenty of laughs. With their infectious personalities and quick wit, Drew and Rob make discussing the latest Giants news and games an absolute blast. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just tuning in for the fun, 2 Giant Goofballs is the perfect way to stay up-to-date on all things Big Blue. So joi ...
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Epic Church gathers for in-person services every Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00am. We are located at 4479 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, in the fully-renovated former Sears Auto Center at the Eastern Hills Mall. Services are also streamed live online through Church Online and YouTube.
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Iglesia De Cristo Ministerios Alfa & Omega New York - Bohemia Long Island - New York -
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met dateng di Nyablak Nyeblak,, podcastnya 4 siswi SMA yang udah mau lulus
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A New York Basketball Podcast centered around the local NY teams. The Knicks, Nets, Liberty & local basketball coverage hosted by Dexter Henry.
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Är du också passionerad kring vetenskapligt grundad hundträning och hundhållning? Vi lever i en konstant ström av nya forskningsrön om hundar. Det är lätt att känna att man hamnar efter. Tid brukar inte vara något som eldsjälar i djurvärlden har till övers. Därför vill jag förenkla och effektivisera din väg till att vara uppdaterad på den senaste forskningen. Varje månad levererar etolog Emma Almquist en sammanfattning och analys av minst 4 nya artiklar. Ta med dig forskningen ut på hundprom ...
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New York Giants beat writer Art Stapleton of TODAY Network brings you the insider's view of all-things Big Blue, on & off the field. With interviews, expert analysis, predictions and more, this weekly show gives you everything you need to get your Giants football fix.
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Since 2010, Seeing Red has served Red Bulls fans with a new podcast each week during the MLS season. Within each episode, Mark Fishkin and Joe Goldstein delve into the week’s RBNY news, engage in an insightful interview with a Red Bulls player, coach, or media member, and give our fans a voice by answering listener questions. To tell us what you think or ask a question, drop us a line anytime at [email protected].
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Nyelvtanulással, nyelvoktatással kapcsolatos rádióadások - nyelvtan, szókincs, nyelvvizsga, hallás utáni megértés, külföldi nyelvtanulás... és még sok érdekes témával várunk. Akik beszélgetnek: Palkó Zsuzsa - Vörösmarty Rádió, műsorvezető ( Makói-Tóth Annamária - Hollywood Nyelvstúdió Székesfehérvár, nyelvstúdió vezető
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On the New York Post's baseball podcast "The Show with Joel Sherman and Jon Heyman," the veteran MLB insiders and longtime friends and combatants go toe-to-toe on the latest MLB news and issues of the week. The Post columnists have been arguing about baseball since competing as New York Yankees beat writers in their 20s (Yes, a while ago!). Now, finally on the same team, they get to take their three decades of baseball debates public, showing off their knowledge and revealing rumors and insi ...
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Hosted by Nyedis CIO and co-founder Adam Callen, the Nyedis Anarchy Series gives expert insight into Identity and Access Management, enterprise cloud security, web3, and much more. Callen, who previously went by the IDM Rockstar, gives practical advice on every episode dealing with cutting edge technologies, real world experiences from his clients, and truly unbiased vendor reviews. Callen chats with other leading names in the field and invites questions from the audience on how they can be ...
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Vill du veta mer om jobb och utbildning i Sverige? Lyssna på Ny i Sverige-podden! Här får du till exempel veta hur du skriver ett bra cv och hur du förbereder dig inför en anställningsintervju. Poddavsnitten finns på bland annat lätt svenska, arabiska, persiska, somaliska och engelska. Avsnitten finns även på Arbetsförmedlingens playtjänst: Där hittar ni även textversioner av avsnitten.
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While I am a huge New York Giants fan I base my opinions via “status”. I look at statics, analytics and review game film. During my 20 years professional career I have worked off and on in professional football for Two NFL teams, Two AFL teams and two known worldwide networks.You may not agree with my “take” on the NY Giants, but rest assured I researched and sometimes even reached out to former NFL contacts before I base my conclusions.Some call me a homer, some say I am mean and hate the N ...
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Notre vivons une époque sismique. Crises écologiques, accélération technologique, bouleversements géopolitiques, culturels et économiques… Les lignes de faille se précisent. Qu'est-ce qui se joue vraiment ? Qu'est-ce qui structure en profondeur notre présent et notre avenir ? Comment mieux penser la réalité ? Voici une enquête sur les enjeux d’un monde en profonde mutation : de la nuance, des points de vue variés, de la prise de hauteur, avec des experts, des penseurs et des acteurs de notre ...
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an edited version of a swirling thoughts in my twisted mind. mostly emerge in a sudden way whilst driving my car through Jakarta's traffic. every idea is debatable and relative to each perspective. let's make traffic less stressful.
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Slurpee Shaun loves the New York Giants as well as the entire NFL. As a 5th grader getting into the sport of football, Shaun is excited to share his passion for the game as well as his knowledge of the sport. Check out all the episodes wherever you listen to your podcasts!
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Dans Il n’y a pas qu’une vie dans la vie, Isabelle Morizet dévoile les multiples facettes des personnalités du monde artistique. Pendant une heure, ses invités, tels que Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, Frédéric Mitterrand ou Michel Fugain, partagent leurs parcours de vie et leurs inspirations. Bien plus qu’une simple interview, chaque épisode est une plongée au cœur de leurs confidences et révélations. À travers des entretiens exclusifs, Isabelle explore leurs chemins vers le succès, leurs transformati ...
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I serien 'Nye skrivende' kan du møde en række danske forfattertalenter. De fortæller, hvordan tidens strømninger og deres generations samfundsudfordringer har fundet vej ind i deres romaner. Serien præsenterer nogle af de nye stemmer i litteraturen og er et supplement til mødet med de etablerede danske forfattere i serien DR Romanprisen.
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Exploring the food and family fun in the Hudson Valley and beyond.
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Weekendavisens udenrigsredaktør og korrespondenter ser i de første syv afsnit nærmere på de populister, som sætter afgørende præg på europæisk politik. Hvem er for eksempel Victor Orbán, Marine Le Pen og Matteo Salvini, og hvorfor stormer de frem?
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Autocross is an affordable and accessible form of amateur motorsports competition. Our objective is to provide information on autocross in general with an emphasis on autocross activity in Upstate New York.
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New podcast weblog
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Talking ALL NY sports, die hard Jets fan, baseball lover, Nets supporter.
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Breaking Down the Top Running Backs in the 2025 NFL Draft – Part 1
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1:11:25Send us a text Drew and Rob dive deep into the top RBs in the Draft, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and potential fits in the NFL. This is Part 1 of their in-depth breakdown, featuring some of the most talented backs in the class. The conversation kicks off with Boise State’s Ashton Jeanty, a powerful yet elusive runner who dominated colleg…
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Keith Hernandez Shares Expectations for Mets + Filling Out MLB Bingo Card
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51:41On a new episode of "The Show," Mets broadcaster and legend Keith Hernandez joins Joel Sherman & Jon Heyman to discuss his expectations for NYM this season, what makes the Mets broadcast booth as good as it is & if the '86 team was as crazy as its reputation. Plus, Joel & Jon fill out a bingo card full of interesting things they believe could happe…
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Knicks Going Through Growing Pains Or Red Flags?
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1:00:04Steph of ‘Dope Soul Sports Talk’, joins Dexter Henry to review the Knicks’ disappointing 2-2 week, what has been wrong with the Bockers and whether the team is just going through growing pains or if there are red flags with the roster. Kevin Lewis, co-founder of The9450Basketball Network and writer for Local W, joins the show to break down the New …
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New York Giants Sunday Live Stream RE-BROADCAST! Jameis Winston the Mentor? YIKES!
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1:59:08New York Giants Sunday Live Stream RE-BROADCAST! Jameis Winston the Mentor? YIKES! New York Giants Sunday Live Stream 10am (EST) Jameis Winston the Mentor? YIKES! While I am a huge New York Giants fan I base my opinions via “status”. I look at statics, analytics and review game film. I spent over 25 years off and on working in the sport for Two NFL…
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Discussion about message from Mark 12De către Trinity Assembly Clay NY
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James Deferio Sunday Evening 3/23/25
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Claare ny Gael 23rd March 2025
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54:53There is a version in the Manx language of one of Grimm's fairy tales, and William Gell's 1906 poem, Mannin Veg Veen, takes us to his birthplace, Onchan. All with a selection of music from the Celtic countries.De către Manx Radio
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De către Salem Tabernacle
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Send us a text this sermon was preached on March 23, 2025 The text was taken from Isaiah 9:1-11 Support the show Shiloh Baptist Church | FacebookDe către Pastor Jay Scaccia
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Treasure in Jars of Clay: Part 16 - Ambassadors in Brooklyn 99 - 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 | Josh Wall
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34:36De către Crossroads Christian Church
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Trump Cuts DOE, news & trends of the week!
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De către Ken Zuk
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Isabelle Morizet avec Michel Hazanavicius, réalisateur et acteur
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38:37Un entretien d'une heure avec un invité, pour faire tomber le masque et révéler les mille facettes de sa personnalité. Au fil de la conversation, Isabelle Morizet recueille les confidences et retrace alors une destinée entière, au-delà des évidences. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informatio…
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37. Fritt Fall 04: Livet offline (Gäst: Åsa Jonsén)
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1:19:32Detta avsnitt är egentligen ett videoavsnitt som funnits på YouTube ett tag. Men alla är inte bekväma med rörlig bild (eller YouTube), så här kommer detta väldigt uppskattade avsnitt i ljudversion också. Fritt Fall = oredigerat, ofixat, rakt ut i etern. Åsa Jonsén valde att leva 2024 nästan helt utan internet. Jag som är helt beroende av min mobil …
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GM Darren Mougey Has Been Busy | NYJ Free Agency Chatter - Episode 222
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12:01In this episode, we discuss the remainder of the Jets' moves during NFL Free Agency, and what could possibly be coming next in a never ending saga of New York football. That, and much more. If you've enjoyed this episode, make sure to leave a positive rating if you're listening on Apple. Enjoy!De către Tyler Capossela
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Episode 605: RBNY Draws Orlando, Steve Cangialosi of MLS Season Pass
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54:58New York has reason to be both thankful and mournful after a 2-2 home draw against Orlando that saw the Red Bulls’ effort drop mightily in the closing stages of the match. Guest Host: Gustavo Guimarâes. Tonight on Seeing Red: -A look back at what went down on Saturday -Bull of the Week -It’s international break, and RB players will miss Saturday ni…
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08/04/2024 Pastor Martin Azurdia ayony.orgDe către Pastor martin azurdia
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*Replay* The Occult Rejects W/ NYX- Mélusine & The Starbucks Logo
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1:06:49If you enjoy this episode, we’re sure you will enjoy more content like this on The Occult Rejects. In fact, we have curated playlists on occult topics like grimoires, esoteric concepts and phenomena, occult history, analyzing true crime and cults with an occult lens, Para politics, and occultism in music. Whether you enjoy consuming your content vi…
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Remaster: A Very Special Episode Pt 1
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1:02:58Revisit Meg and Jessica's most requested story: the Central Park murder of Jennifer Levin by Robert Chambers. Part 1 of 2. Please check out our website, follow us on Instagram, on Facebook, and... WRITE US A REVIEW HERE We'd LOVE to hear from you! Let us know if you have any ideas for stories HERE Thank you for listening! Love, Meg and Jessica…
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Les limites à la croissance - DENNIS MEADOWS (VF)
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1:00:30L’auteur du fameux rapport « The Limits To Growth » fait le point, 50 ans après… VF doublée de l’épisode 77. En 1972 Dennis Meadows co-publiait le rapport « Meadows » (oui c'est bien lui !) avec une petite équipe du MIT (pilotée par son épouse Donella Meadows). Pour réaliser cette étude, l'équipe a développé World3, un modèle informatique novateur …
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Subject: Seeing our lives and God's work as citizens of heaven.Speaker or Performer: Fr. Neal P. LongeScripture Passage(s): Philippians 3:17-4:1Date of Delivery: March 16, 2025Click here for the written transcription of the sermonClick here for the written transcription of the sermon in Spanish (En Espanol)…
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De către Pastor Fletch Matlack
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Free Agency Buzz | Ep 58
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1:19:15Ian, Greg, and Connor discuss the new free-agent signings and talk about the contracts signed around the league.De către bigblueunfiltered
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THE BOOK OF GENESIS // 55. Our Testing, Christ’s Intercession
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Episode 132 - Black Jesus (Feat. Travonne Edwards)
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1:07:35On this episode of Woody Vs. Sachee, they're joined by guest Travonne Edwards. They talk about Sneakers, 2K, ideal NIL situations, and the difference between being broke in NY vs LA.De către Woody Vs. Sachee NY
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De către Pastor Mark Rouse
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The Narrative is dead, long live the narrative | Matt Stafford stays in LA, we're smoking with Aaron Rodgers and what happens next
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41:31Join Ethan, Weis and Nick on this edition of NYG Weekly for an instant reaction to news that Matt Stafford is staying in LA to be a Ram, what it means for the Giants both in terms of their quarterback room and the direction of the franchise, why Aaron Rodgers is likely a bad idea and why the team probably wouldn't trade up to first overall…
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NFL COMBINE: Sam Phalen of A to Z Sports & Survivor
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41:05Art gets a visit from Blue the Colts mascot, Tyler Warren clips, and Sam Phalen of A to Z Sports stops by to talk Titans pick (as well as his recent appearance on the hit reality show Survivor).De către ALL IN with Art Stapleton: A NY Giants Podcast
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