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Welly Odendo

Welly Odendo

Bishop and General Overseer of Life-Pool Chapel Churches International, Pastor, Author, Speaker, and a Content Developer in the subjects of Leadership, startups incubation, Talentprenurship, and Psycho-spiritual analysis.
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Les odyssées

France Inter

France Inter invite les enfants de 7 à 12 ans à se plonger dans les aventures des grandes figures de l'histoire. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir des milliers d'autres podcasts.
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Red Ice TV on Odysee

Red Ice TV

Independent Alternative Media based in USA & Sweden. Henrik Palmgren & Lana Lokteff hosts Red Ice TV, Flashback Friday, Weekend Warrior, 3Fourteen and makes videos about news and current events. Pro-European and anti-globalist. We fight lies, deception, & cultural marxist propaganda. They want us dead and we're trying to stop that.
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RBM Morgenröte Odyssee

Oliver Schindler

Die Reportagen drehen sich um gesellschaftskritische Themen und sollen zum Selberdenken anregen. Wir stehen für Verbindung zwischen ALLEN Menschen und reden mit ALLEN Menschen. UNser Wunsch ist es, dass die Menschen sich auf ihre individuellen Kräfte besinnen und die liebevolle Macht der Gemeinschaft wiederentdecken.
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The OdysseyCamper Podcast

Odyssey Camper

Darren from OdysseyCamper.com, travels the US and Canada in his DIY minivan camper. Topics include building your own RV, making money on the road, National Parks, VanLife how-to, and hiking. If you think you can't afford to travel, let Darren show you how to do it comfortably and economically! New episodes, weekly.
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Each month community storytellers take to the Odyssey Storytelling stage to relate true (well, mostly), personal stories loosely related to a pre-chosen theme in front of a live audience. The stories are not read or memorized, they are told from the life experiences and creativity of the teller.
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Candid and authentic discussions, challenging the status quo and deeply reflective of ourselves and the world we live in. Join us on our journey to learn authentic insights from raw, human perspectives based on lived experiences and impromptu conversations. ​Together, let’s explore the depths of human experiences and gain a greater understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. Changing the world, one conversation at a time!
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The official Odysee channel for the current affairs program hosted by Warren Balogh and Emily Youcis. Support our work with BTC: bc1qsf6k63carpdp9lpymnsc8ukfw7075yh5ddtl8f XMR (Monero): 42WzsvZCEaLTqy5HSCH4KL1eE2W5vCZ9cbSKP45L8o9PDt3yPPaELbAGkBx3wCfGAbK3PRdUjKkaq2eUZ3eyYoB64nUDgDk
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Optometry: The Ultimate O.D.

Optometry: The Ultimate O.D. Podcast

Welcome to The Ultimate O.D. podcast with host, optometrist and practice owner, Dr. Nick Lillie. Join us weekly as Dr. Lillie brings the real talk with hard won wisdom and levity on all things Optometry such as practice management, practice specialties, business tips, and more all from his own personal experience!
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Get the latest news and go behind-the-scenes of the world's #1 family audio drama, 'Adventures in Odyssey'! In 'The Official Adventures in Odyssey Podcast', you'll hear fun stories straight from the show's actors -- and 'Adventures in Odyssey' producers regularly answer fan questions submitted at AdventuresinOdyssey.com/Podcast. New editions available every other Wednesday. Subscribe now to get each new edition right when it releases!
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@truthhertzradio on Odysee


Find out about the hidden hand in history that has been mucking up society, on a global scale, for the past 3,500+ years. See my other two channels: Christendumb2 and Alternative Science If you would like to support my work, you can do so through Odysee itself or else through PayPal by using this email address: [email protected] Thank you!
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Are you an exvangelical who still can’t get over Adventures in Odyssey? We can’t either! Join us — a queer married couple that met in Christian school and their gay ex-pastor friend — as we take a silly, irreverent, and sometimes thoughtful look at evangelicalism and LGBTQ identity through the lens of Focus on the Family’s long-running children’s radio show.
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Vypočujte si blogy Ľuboša Fellnera, riaditeľa cestovnej kancelárie BUBO a najscestovanejšieho Slováka. Preneste sa v čase a ulovte o úroveň dokonalejší zážitok, vďaka profesionálnemu prednesu a podmanivému hlasu Kamila Mikulčíka. Vždy začiatkom mesiaca, vám prinesieme novú exkluzívnu epizódu.
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Od slike do besede

Radio Ognjišče

V oddaji Od slike do besede gre za poglobljeno podajanje širše kulturnih in umetnostnih tem, ki se vežejo na literaturo, gledališče, glasbo, upodobitvene umetnosti … V njej najdejo mesto za pogovor avtorji, kritiki in preizpraševalci oz interpreti umetniških del. Oddaja je namenjena izobraženi publiki s posluhom za teme, ki so se in se pojavljajo v umetnosti. V oddaji gostimo številne nagrajence različnih nazorov in umetniških področij, ki predstavljajo in razmišljali o svojem delu in o širš ...
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Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rt.news Follow us on Telegram: t.me/rtnews Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RT_com
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Nie sme kritici, ale fanúšikovia, ktorí dokopy videli viac ako 45 000 filmov a seriálov. Sme OD VECI K VECI! Hľadáte odporúčania, hodnotenia či informácie o novinkách? Ste na správnej adrese. 🍿
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Predstavljamo domače in mednarodno gledališko dogajanje, spremljamo produkcijo slovenskih državnih in mestnih gledališč, nevladne scene, plesnih gledališč, opere ter mejnih uprizoritvenih praks. Naši gosti so ustvarjalci, umetnice in umetniki, teoretiki in raziskovalci sodobnega gledališča.
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Truth or Tales - Wahrheit oder G'schicht

Truth or Tales - Wahrheit oder G'schicht

Jeden Dienstag erzählen wir, Martin, Verena und Stephan, eine unglaubliche Geschichte und versuchen zu erraten ob sie tatsächlich so passiert oder frei erfunden ist. Die ersten 30 Episoden sind auf Patreon patreon.com/truthortales verfügbar.
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Pani od zmiany

Małgorzata Machniewicz

Podcast "Pani od zmiany" - opowiada o tym jak wdrażać zmiany w swoim życiu w oparciu o filozofię - #rozwojbezspiny- czyli bez wyrzeczeń i wychodzenia ze strefy komfortu a przyjemnie i z poczuciem satysfakcji na co dzień. Masz gotowość do działania- zapraszam do dołączenia do grupy na FB Rozwój bez spiny https://www.facebook.com/groups/rozwojbezspiny
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Milieu oder Mikrobe

Dr. Jens Freese, Axel Sonnenberg

Immer Montags: Dein neuer kritischer Gesundheitspodcast. Gespickt mit wissenschaftlichen Fakten, fundiert recherchiert, intensiv und konkret anwendbar. Zum mitdenken, nachdenken und selber denken. Deine Gastgeber: Dr. Jens Freese (Sport- und Ernährungswissenschaftler und einer der wenigen studierten Psychoneuroimmunologen in Europa und Axel Sonnenberg (Sportwissenschaftler)
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show series
(24.3.2025) Bolo to divadlo, ktorého kulisy dôverne cyklistická verejnosť pozná. Dokonca aj s očakávanými protagonostami. O prekvapenie sa postaral scenárista Tadej Pogačar, ktorý však ani na Cipresse a ani na Poggiu neušiel Mathieu van der Poelovi. Holandský imperátor sa vrátil na najvyšší stupeň San Rema. Vyrovnal vzájomnú bilanciu monumentov s P…
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🎙️ V stredu 19. marca 2025 o 19:00 sme po prvý raz odvysielali náš Q&A livestream na YouTube. Hoci sme si pripravili množstvo tém aj hodnotení, všetko išlo bokom, keď začali prichádzať vaše otázky. Strávili sme viac než dve hodiny interaktívnym rozhovorom, v ktorom prišla reč aj na naše zákulisie. Ďakujeme za skvelú energiu a podporu – bez vás by t…
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How to Be A Better Doctor - It's Not What You Think | E245 Highlights from this episode: How to Be A Better Doctor - It's Not What You Think (00:38) Closing Thought: The Parable of 3 Stone Cutters (15:14) There's a lot that goes into being a good doctor. While clinical knowledge is incredibly important, my hot take is there is something else that i…
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Krzysztof Janoszek to prezes firmy Glinmet, która od lat specjalizuje się w produkcji blach dachowych, elewacji i ogrodzeń metalowych. Dzięki jego wizji i zaangażowaniu firma przeszła dynamiczny rozwój, współpracując z czołowymi producentami stali. Glinmet to przykład sukcesu w branży, który łączy wysoką jakość produktów z nowoczesnym podejściem do…
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Bardzo cieszyłam się na ten odcinek, bo lubię rozmawiać z kobietami a jeszcze kiedy do tego temat jest kobiecy to już rewelacja :) W tym odcinku rozmawiam z Emilią Bartosiewicz-Brożyną o tym co mogą na wzajem kobiety robić dla siebie, żeby się wspierać, jak pomaga w tym jej organizacja oraz o tym co mówi raport z badania jakie ostatnio przeprowadzi…
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🔹 Początki Poczty w Warszawie – listy początkowo dostarczano przez posłańców 🔹 Montelupi i Poczta Królewska – pierwsza stała poczta w Warszawie w XVII w. 🔹 Krzywe Koło – historia i pierwsza siedziba urzędu pocztowego 🔹 Rozwój usług pocztowych – wpływ handlu, dyplomacji i wojen na komunikację 🔹 Kamienica Montelupiego – dawny zajazd pocztowy i centru…
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OD PÓLU K PÓLU S ĽUBOŠOM FELLNEROM ✿ Blogy najscestovanejšieho Slováka, narozprávané umelou inteligenciou ✿ V Bahrajne, kde vládne sunnitský vladár, ale väčšina poddaných sú šiiti (shia), mi moja známa, pôvodom Nemka, ktorá žije v ostrovnej krajine pätnásť rokov, vysvetľovala rozdiel: „Sunniti sa modlia päťkrát do dňa tri minúty a šiiti trikrát do …
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BLACK BUSINESS OF THE WEEK: City of Angels Run Club instagram.com/cityofangelsrunclub + The Modern Luxury Gathering Suite themodernatl.com instagram.com/themodernatl _________ SHOP TALK: Farting in the Gym RIP Angie Stone Gorgeous Doll Bhad Bhabie vs Alabama Barker _________ OPEN DISCUSSION: Should Food Stamps restrict the purchasing of junk foods?…
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V času, ko na odru ljubljanske Opere gledamo uprizoritev Opere za tri groše, ki jo je po besedilu Bertolta Brechta režirala Mateja Koležnik, predstava pa je nastala v soprodukciji SNG Drama Ljubljana in SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, se bomo s treatrologom mag. Primožem Jesenkom iz Slovenskega gledališkega inštituta sprehodili med kritiškimi odzivi …
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Know More News with Adam Green https://www.knowmorenews.org/ Watch Live Shows and Support Monthly on Odysee - https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1?view=membership Subscribe Star: https://www.subscribestar.com/know-more-news Cash App: https://cash.app/$AdamGreenKMN Bitcoin (BTC or XBT) - 3QbS95nqLtamijDTac4UfPtxX9sMpmnLB9 Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3eb6c8b415…
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The word "antisemitism" has been weaponized but it's a trick that's being exposed for what it really is. ************************************************************** Sign up for a membership at 👉🏻 https://redicemembers.com or 👉🏻 https://odysee.com/@redicetv or 👉🏻 https://subscribestar.com/redice or 👉🏻 https://redicetv.locals.com. Get full access …
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The Infinite Plane Radio broadcast on March 23, 2025, discussed several key topics centered around the hosts' perspective on world events and media narratives. A central theme was the prediction of an inevitable cyber pandemic. This idea stems from a clip featuring Candace Owens discussing the World Economic Forum's warnings and exercises regarding…
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Lauryn, aka Peach, is back with the girlies (Pigeon and Parsnip, that is; Percy is still dead or whatever) to discuss the second part of THE FIFTH HOUSE ON THE LEFT. You want a longer description? Too bad. Percy is trapped in a burning pile of rubble or whatever, so who else is going to do it?
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Send us a text A journey of technology transformation unfolds as Freedom Dumlao shares his experience migrating from Java to Ruby on Rails amidst the pressure of RailsConf. Highlighting community support, leadership lessons, and the power of practical tech solutions, Freedom offers insights that resonate with developers and leaders alike. • Freedom…
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Mit unseren Gästen – den Mathematikern PD. Dr. Robert Rockenfeller und Dr. Michael Günther PD. Dr. Robert Rockenfeller und Dr. Michael Günther sind auch in Teil 2 unsere Gäste. Die beiden sympathischen wie höchst kompetenten Wissenschaftler erklären uns im Interview, wie mangelhaft die offiziellen Zahlen zu Covid-19 sind. Sie erläutern uns, welche …
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We live stream on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the afternoon around 5:30 pm EST or so, depending on the guest/content. Gear Cart is now open - Get yourself a hat, coffee mug or t-shirt! https://viralstyle.com/store/whiterabbitradio/White-Rabbit-Radio/1 <<<<<< SuperChat >>>>>> Odysee, Rumble, and Entropy https://entropystream.live/app/Wh…
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Hosts: Adam Rani (@adamthechase) & Christine Chen (@cchenmtf) For more information about Christine Chen: christinewchen.com For more information go to getreelisms.com For more information on ERZULIE go to: erzuliefilm.com HOSTS: Adam Rani Christine Chen GUEST: Glenn Miller WEBISODE version of the Podcast getreelisms.com Official Get Reelisms Page G…
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Catch streams LIVE on Odysee Subscribe on Odysee here: https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/blackpilled/ Support my work here: SUBSCRIBESTAR: https://www.subscribestar.com/blackpilled CRYPTO: Bitcoin (BTC): 3MfSmMkhkxmPsLW3DaqxefVzEBBDVsa4db Bitcoin CASH (BCH): 1PAcbd732WbdJvtnANvJbQBvdouRNgsG2s ETH: 0x9cb1F706b1bE72…
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Send us a text The companion post for this episode, with photos, is located at: https://odysseycamper.com/6000-miles-mercedes-sprinter-as-an-rv/ Darren from Odyssey Camper recounts his 6,000-mile journey in a Mercedes Benz Sprinter cargo van, offering insights for those considering a similar vehicle for RV conversion. He details both advantages lik…
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We live stream on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the afternoon around 5:30 pm EST or so, depending on the guest/content. Gear Cart is now open - Get yourself a hat, coffee mug or t-shirt! https://viralstyle.com/store/whiterabbitradio/White-Rabbit-Radio/1 <<<<<< SuperChat >>>>>> Odysee, Rumble, and Entropy https://entropystream.live/app/Wh…
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Know More News with Adam Green https://www.knowmorenews.org/ Watch Live Shows and Support Monthly on Odysee - https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1?view=membership Subscribe Star: https://www.subscribestar.com/know-more-news Cash App: https://cash.app/$AdamGreenKMN Bitcoin (BTC or XBT) - 3QbS95nqLtamijDTac4UfPtxX9sMpmnLB9 Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3eb6c8b415…
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We begin to discuss violence, arrests and turmoil. Is the Daily Wire really in financial trouble? Then Greg Reese, formerly from Infowars, joins us to discuss the SAR scan discovery from the Giza Plateau and the Khafre Project. ************************************************************** Sign up for a membership at 👉🏻 https://redicemembers.com or…
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The OLLIE Foundation is a suicide prevention and well-being charity on an important mission.They provide accessible in-person and online training, events, initiatives and resources to reduce the number of people who feel like suicide is their only option. Their motto is One Life Lost is Enough. This Odyssey Global Media Podcast is released in conju…
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Michael Ballweg geht seinen Weg durch die Instanzen und wir kommen mit. Am Ende der Strecke soll die Wahrheit auf uns warten. Spenden nehmen wir entweder mit dem Paypal Button am Ende unserer Webseite oder per Überweisung aufs Bankkonto: DE93 1001 1001 2624 3740 74 Satoshi schenken: https://getalby.com/p/holyoly Werbung statt spenden: Wenn du ohneh…
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Learn the secrets to what happens while you're under contract to buy an investment property in Odessa. This class is Module 27 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What happens once you’re under contract through when you’re closing on a property? What due diligence should you be doing? Who i…
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A phone call didn’t end the conflict in Ukraine. But the same phone call demonstrated that indeed diplomacy is back on the agenda. In the end, in order to end the conflict, Russia and the United States must first mend relations. Kiev and the Europeans are furious. CrossTalking with Garland Nixon, David Oualaalou, and Brian Berletic.…
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Sam Parker joins Henrik in-studio to cover some of the latest about the JFK Files, the CIA and the connection to Mossad and Israel. We also discuss how Musk, David Sacks and many others from the “PayPal mafia” have sunk their teeth into the Trump administration in order to run AI on the government and privatize many of its functions. **************…
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Know More News with Adam Green https://www.knowmorenews.org/ Watch Live Shows and Support Monthly on Odysee - https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1?view=membership Subscribe Star: https://www.subscribestar.com/know-more-news Cash App: https://cash.app/$AdamGreenKMN Bitcoin (BTC or XBT) - 3QbS95nqLtamijDTac4UfPtxX9sMpmnLB9 Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3eb6c8b415…
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