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Welcome to the Okami Kai Chronicles. A podcast devoted to not only the students at Okami Kai Martial Arts and Fitness, but also to the fans of our school in Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada. "Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso
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The Okana Podcast brings together leading minds within the built environment who are passionate about exploring the world’s most advanced technologies and innovations that are driving sustainable and digital change. At Okana, our commitment to excellence and innovation allows us to set new standards and start exciting new conversations, so join podcast host, Dr Graham Kelly as he talks with future thinkers on topics such as climate change, place shaping, digital intelligence, leadership and ...
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The World’s Okayest Medic Podcast is a new podcast for all EMS providers. Whether you’re an EMT, paramedic, nurse; work in a 911 response setting or critical care transport; and are a novice or experienced clinician, this podcast is for you.
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Sounds Fake But Okay

Sounds Fake But Okay

A podcast where an aromantic asexual girl and a biromantic demisexual girl talk about all things to do with love, relationships, sexuality, and pretty much anything else that they just don't understand.
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OK Bud!

Ben Kissel, Jerii Aquino and Kyle Ploof

Ben Kissel, Jerii Aquino and Kyle Ploof bring you the top news of the week and let you know that everything's gonna be OK Bud!
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Jaroslav Homolka

Podcast Jaroslava Homolky trenéra profesního a osobního rozvoje. Přístup na rozvoji konkrétních dovedností a schopností se za měřením na měřitelné výsledky a funkcionalitu.
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Dom Schott

OK COOL ist das unabhängige Magazin über Menschen, Spiele und ihre Geschichten. Sowohl in tiefgründigen Audioreportagen als auch in kurzweiligen Gesprächen lernt Gastgeber und Journalist Dom Schott jede Woche neue Menschen kennen, die mal mehr, mal weniger viel mit Spielen und Medien zu tun haben — von der Entwicklerin bis zum Wissenschaftler. Es geht um Arbeitsrealitäten, Alltagsgeschichten, Spieleentwicklung, Zukunftsängste und vieles, vieles mehr.
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Okayest Hunter ®

Okayest Podcast Network

Okayest Hunter Deer Hunting Podcast Putting an end to hunter shaming, returning to our roots as deer hunters, and having fun outdoors! Join us each week as we host a LIVE Listener Call-In Deer Hunting podcast every Tuesday, streaming to Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 6 PM CSD. We’re the Okayest hunting podcast in the Midwest. We keep it casual and drink bourbon and beer while chatting with known and unknown deer, elk, and other hunters around the country. Wisconsin-based deer hunting po ...
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Oklahoma Historical Society Executive Director Trait Thompson and former Executive Director Dr. Bob Blackburn explore the interesting stories and fascinating personalities that make up Oklahoma’s unique history.
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Fjölnir Gísla & Vilhelm Neto

Já OK eru skemmtilegir hlaðvarpsþættir með Vilhelm Neto og Fjölni Gíslasyni þar sem þeir skoða alla skrýtnu hlutina sem einu sinni voru aðal málið á Íslandi en hafa síðan horfið. Það man enginn lengur eftir kaffibæti og beta spólum, er það nokkuð?
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OK, Bet!

Ayati & The Black Thumb

Ok, Bet is the podcast for casual humans who want the news without the noise. We keep people in the know with bite-sized takes on trending topics—served with a side of humor and good vibes
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OK Boomer

Thomas Nance

With a comedic bent, Boomer and his spastic sidekick Jimmy Ahmahdoofous often converse with people about their unusual professions or job experiences along with episodes that are potpourri in content.
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Ok Consórcio | Rodrigo Andrade

OK CONSÓRCIO é o podcast oficial da 🆗Consórcio, falamos sobre consórcios e empreendedorismo. Não se esqueça de dar 5 estrelas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, ativar o sininho 🔔🤛 e nos acompanhe no Instagram: @okconsorcio #empreendedorismo #consorcio #negocios #financas
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Ok, Guess What? We're spilling the tea! With over 30 years of marriage, parenting, and running a small business. Expect laughs, relatable moments, and maybe even some helpful marriage and health tips. We're just a couple sharing our journey, and we'd love for you to join us!
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OK, America?


Das transatlantische Bündnis steckt in der Krise. Donald Trumps Präsidentschaft hat Spuren hinterlassen, außen- und innenpolitisch. Die Demokraten und Republikaner sind zerstritten wie noch nie. Nachdem US-Präsident Joe Biden seine erneute Kandidatur zurückgezogen hat, tritt nun Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris gegen Trump an. Klaus Brinkbäumer und Rieke Havertz lieben die USA, obwohl sie manchmal an ihnen verzweifeln. In diesem Podcast sprechen sie über den Präsidentschaftswahlkampf 2024 und a ...
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Okay, ciao! Der Popkultur Podcast

Maria Panagiotidou, Marzia De Levo

Willkommen bei "Okay, ciao!", dem Podcast, der sich mit allem beschäftigt, was in der Welt der Promis, des Film und Fernsehens und auf Social Media passiert. Maria und Marzia nehmen dich auf eine unterhaltsame Reise durch die glitzernde Welt des Showbiz mit.
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Is Paul Dano OK?

Matt Brothers and Daryl Bär

Welcome to Is Paul Dano OK? The show where we discuss the numerous artistic endeavours of the actor, director, screenwriter, producer, author, and musician, Paul Franklin Dano. s05 Greers s07 Won't You Take Me To... Clancy Brown? s08 Weisz City s09 Hiro Worship
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OK Boomer has transformed into a 15-minute video podcast dedicated to bringing the generations together to agree on ANYTHING! OK Boomer talks with Gen Z’s, X’s, and Millennials to reach an agreement! And it works!
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We're Probably Not Ok!

David Musgrave, Brandon Full, and Ryan Brown

These three gentlemen take mental well-being seriously, but they are not serious. They’d rather swear and make irreverent jokes. Now that you know, the healing can commence.
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The OKR podcast is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full organization's growth potential, leveraging the OKR technique and other cutting-edge strategies.While many recognize the power of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to accelerate outcomes and foster a growth and outcomes culture, there is a dearth of information on how to do them well and reap their full benefit. That’s where this podcast comes in! We’ll help you learn to align and measure results pervasively, manage fast ...
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Hi! I'm Mark CMG Clover, host of The Okay Grognard Show (podcast, videos, and more). I live in beautiful Lake Geneva, the birthplace of D&D, and I'm the Owner/Author/Publisher at Creative Mountain Games. I run regular 1E AD&D games and play lots of other wargames, boardgames, and card games, too! Let's talk games and be positive as we promo our hobby in every way we can. Thanks for being a part of this!
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The OK Jazz Podcast features an eclectic selection of Jazz, Soul, World Music and a lot more genres! With plenty new releases and old classics, it is hosted by Mr. OK Jazz of kol-radio.com and tokyojazzsite.com, Also check his sister podcast Tokyo Jazz Joints about the great photo project documenting jazz spots all around Japan!
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OK at Work

Russell Berger & Sarah Sawyer, Offit Kurman

OK at Work, hosted by Offit Kurman attorneys Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer, is a weekly podcast that discusses current events and legal issues impacting business owners. From updates on the ever-changing employment law landscape to the risks and benefits of integrating AI into your workplace, subscribe to stay up-to-date on issues and events that may impact you and your business.
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Grab a drink, fluff the laundry & let’s talk... Ok, Here’s The Thing... is for the Entrepreneur Moms ready to talk about the how-to of small business marketing, the wild ride of motherhood, and the mess in the middle of it all Join your host, Katie Kastner, each week & dive into the stories, frustrations, victories and randomness of life as a business owning mom!
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It's Lian, OK!

Lian Castillo

It's a TV lover’s dream with It’s Lian, OK! Lian is serving up his passionate takes on all his favorite TV shows, from the glamorous escapades of Real Housewives and the high-octane drama of Below Deck to the dazzling performances on Drag Race and other iconic television moments. With a delightful mix of pop culture commentary and playful banter, Lian transforms every episode into a celebration of TV’s most entertaining moments. Nothing is to be taken serious. Bitch is a term of endearment o ...
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A lot of you may know her from The Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise, and now she is on a mission to navigate this thing called life while spreading joy and getting weird. Each week Alexis is joined by a guest, and no topic is off the table. Dating horror stories, wild nights out, and more serious topics like dealing with anxiety and how to stay motivated.
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Key essays from AI thought leaders, straight to your ears. Some prefer to listen vs. read, or digest better through the audio modality. This podcast is for you. We take no credit for the ideas herein, and we will direct you to the original essay, post, thread, op-ed, article, or wherever it is that we're drawing a piece from. You will be able to find this in the episode descriptions.
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show series
Mít vliv s sebou nenese jen pozitiva. Abyste se vůbec do pozice, kdy máte vliv dostali, musíte být 100% spolehliví, převzít odpovědnost a mít i cit pro situaci. V tomto díle OK BREAKu jsme se o vlivu rozpovídali a zahrnuli do něj: * z neverbální komunikace zjištíš, kde si lidé berou feedback* spolehlivost je nejsilnější nástroj v komunikaci* co je …
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Ein Gespräch über die Arbeit und das Leben drumrum Ursprünglich trug dieses Gespräch mit der Illustratorin Frauke Furch, die für das traditionsreiche deutsche Entwicklerteam Studio Fizbin seit einigen Jahren arbeitet, einen anderen Titel: "Mit dem Pinsel um den Erfolg kämpfen", so oder so ähnlich. Denn in dieser Podcastfolge geht es nicht nur um Fr…
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Ayati and The Black Thumb are back in episode 2 where they will give reactions to trending news, entertainment, music, sports, politics, and so much more. In episode 2, Ayati & The Black Thumb discuss the recent Diddy and Luigi news and Ayati gives his thoughts on the current state of our Federal government. Ayati and The Black Thumb also introduce…
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BOOB JOBS, CELIBACY & CHAOS – Welcome back to Literally, Not Okay! This week, I'm joined by the absolutely hilarious comedian and actress, Gabby Bryan! We get into EVERYTHING—from boob jobs (I'm on my third, she's on her first—so proud), celibacy before (or after?) marriage, and why Jersey girls are built different. Plus, Gabby shares wild tour sto…
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Es war Donald Trump, wie man den US-Präsidenten kennt: Lange 100 Minuten sprach Trump vor dem versammelten Kongress, mal frei, mal vom Teleprompter abgelesen. Seine Rede war voller Falschaussagen, Übertreibungen und vor allem Eigenlob. Elon Musk, der anwesend war, lobte der US-Präsident, die Demokraten verspottete er. Die Außenpolitik streifte Trum…
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When it's so good, we have to hear it again! Join me as I revisit a super popular episode from the past year. We're talking about the often overlooked challenge of loneliness in entrepreneurship. I share my own journey & strategies to combat loneliness. And get into why community and support networks are the answer to almost every loneliness dilemm…
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In this week's episode of OK at Work, attorneys Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger from Offit Kurman delve into the complexities of business litigation. They discuss various types of litigation that business owners might face, such as commercial arbitration, class actions, and equitable relief. The conversation highlights the importance of strategic p…
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Karen Hugar from RHOP is sentenced to PRISON! We break down the court hearing plus we talk how disappointing this has been. Plus, we talk about the worst traitor ever, DANIELLE! The Traitors is so good and I had to break it down with my friend, Jesse Janedy. Let's go, Faithfuls! I wonder who will the show and take the money!?!?!…
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Gist: Explores the challenges of AI agent adoption, identifying critical infrastructure needs like accountability, context understanding, and coordination to transform AI from experimental technology to practical, trustworthy workplace tools. An AI voice reading of: "What It Takes To Onboard Agents" by Anna Piñol at NfX Key Figures & Topics: Gemini…
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Send us a text to let us know what you think of the show! This week on We’re Probably Not OK!, Your Very Best Friend, Ryan Brown, is missing in action, leaving David Musgrave, The Man Kissed by All Angels, and Brandon Full, The Shepherd of Forest, to fend for themselves. So, naturally, we bring back Big Z and The Grizz, our completely professional …
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One of Oklahoma’s first members of Congress, Dick T. Morgan, was a man of faith with a heart geared toward helping his fellow citizens, first in his native state of Indiana and later in Oklahoma. Through his law practice, he helped people navigate the complexities of land claims in the territorial era while planting churches and establishing Sunday…
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COMO PEQUENOS EMPRESÁRIOS PODEM USAR CONSÓRCIO O consórcio é uma estratégia eficiente para a expansão de negócios, pois oferece uma forma de adquirir bens e serviços essenciais sem precisar de um grande desembolso inicial. Ideal para quem busca investir em novos equipamentos, veículos ou imóveis comerciais, o consórcio permite um planejamento finan…
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It's an age old question tackled in this Potpourri episode where Jimmy Ahmuhdoofous and I share with you select pieces of prose and poetry collected over the past few months from Facebook. Some are designed to make you laugh, others to tug at your heartstrings, all of them to make you think.De către Thomas Nance
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