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Im „Berlin Playbook – Der Podcast“ nimmt Euch Gordon Repinski und das POLITICO-Team jeden Morgen mit durch die Hauptstadt. Tagespolitik in 15 Minuten – ohne Schnörkel oder Phrasen, dafür mit Spaß. Dazu das Wichtigste aus Brüssel und Washington, D.C. Und das 200-Sekunden-Interview, bei dem Politiker auf den Punkt kommen müssen – wenn die Uhr anfängt zu ticken. Immer montags bis donnerstags ab 5 Uhr.
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Semáforo Político


Verde, vermelho, laranja intermitente ou mesmo avariado. O Semáforo Político é atribuido por Judite França, Bruno Vieira Amaral e elementos da direção e editores do Observador. De segunda a sexta com um novo convidado.
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Facto Político

Diogo Teixeira Pereira

Entre todos os factos que nos passam pelas mãos, os factos políticos são os nossos favoritos. Com o jornalista Diogo Teixeira Pereira, vamos tentar descobri-los nas entrelinhas dos discursos e nas conversas com os protagonistas da semana política. No final, fazemos uma previsão da meteorologia política para os dias seguintes que, se tudo correr como o previsto, vai falhar quase sempre. Facto Político, todos os sábados na SIC Notícias e em podcast.
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Politics in America is transforming. We’re embarking on a new series to deepen our understanding of who we are, how we got here, and how we rebuild without repeating the mistakes of the past. Ron Steslow hosts academics, behavioral economists, social psychologists, politicos, philosophers, anthropologists, journalists, poets, and storytellers—and more—to discuss America’s political present and future and dive into the deeper problems we face as a nation. Email us questions or comments: podca ...
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Hey, I am politico from India. You can hear independent thoughts of an Indian citizen, How we see India & the world. #India #Pro #Politics #Economics #Humanity
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Pênalti Político

Pênalti Político

O podcast da página Pênalti Político traz história, opinião e muita informação sobre como o mundo da bola é afetado pelos engravatados lá fora; e como a sociedade reage a tudo isso.
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POLITICO features news and analysis from newsmakers and reporters on national politics, Washington, The White House, Congress and political media. Here you will find audio versions of many of POLITICO's popular series and interviews.
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Tenha uma assinatura paga: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/o-pessoal-e-politico/subscribe Um podcast criado para discutir sobre teorias feministas e o movimento pela libertação das mulheres! Voltado para o feminismo radical, abordamos na primeira temporada o livro Woman Hating da Andrea Dworkin, e o contexto da opressão feminina de hoje em dia. Já na segunda e na terceira temporada nós abordamos o livro O Segundo Sexo, da Simone de Beauvoir, que é um clássico do feminismo!
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Café Político

Bernardo Monteiro | OAnalistaPolítico

Analises políticas; política brasileira; democracia; história política e claro relações internacionais. "Política, Economia e Sociedade são os pilares da democracia, e sobre eles repousam também o campo das Relações Internacionais enquanto área de estudo." Analises, opinião, com um toque da ciência de cenários futuros, esse é o Café Político.
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Político FM es un programa de entrevistas con las personalidades de la vida política Oaxaqueña y Nacional, en el que debatimos y analizamos los temas de actualidad.
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Meet at the intersection of Washington and Wall Street with the most influential minds on the economy. Ben White and the POLITICO team will help you understand the economic and financial policies that move markets in the U.S. and around the world.
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En Capital Político analizamos las situaciones más relevantes de la política en Bogotá, Colombia y el mundo. Cada viernes, Santiago Rivas conversa con expertos sobre los temas más importantes del acontecer nacional.
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O RepúblicaCast é um podcast de marketing político e estratégias eleitorais. Seu objetivo é contribuir com informação e conteudo de qualidade direcionado para profissionais de marketing político/digital, políticos, pré-pré-candidatos, dirigentes partidários, militantes e interessados na temática. Quer construir uma campanha eleitoral de sucesso? Seja bem vindo ao universo RepúblicaCast.
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En este humilde podcast hablaremos de todas las inquietudes habituales de una millennial bastante inquieta e intensa. En compañía de amigas más interesantes que ella, @sarariveiro debatirá sobre temas como género, capitalismo, quererse mucho y cómo sobrevivir al cambio climático y a los nazis.
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show series
What precisely are the limits of free speech in Donald Trump’s America? That question is at the heart of the case of Mahmoud Khalil, a Columbia University grad student and green card holder whose protests against Israel led to his detention by ICE over the weekend. Administration officials say the move complies with President Trump’s executive orde…
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Wie die Grünen und selbst die FDP die Union und ihren Kanzlerkandidaten in der Hand haben. Eine Analyse mit Rasmus Buchsteiner. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview: Ex-CSU-Verkehrsminister Peter Ramsauer über den Umgang mit den Grünen und warum das Milliardenpaket seiner Meinung nach weniger wuchtig ist, als es scheint. Zwischenphase: Bald nicht mehr im Kanz…
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Aberta a crise política, o PS não aceita voltar com a palavra atrás. Em entrevista ao Facto Político, a antiga número dois de António Costa pede que se olhe para o único responsável pela crise: Luís Montenegro. No programa desta semana pomos ainda o Presidente ao sol e à sombra. Parece inevitável que o país volte a ser chamado para umas eleições le…
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Two facts are behind the day’s biggest story on Capitol Hill. One, we’re just five days away from a government shutdown. Two, the House GOP’s so-called ‘clean’ continuing resolution is chock full of details — like mass deportations and new money for ICE — that will make it hard to get enough Democratic votes to succeed. POLITICO Congress reporter M…
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Anstehende Koalitionsverhandlungen: Wie sehr können die Grünen wirklich mitreden, deren Stimmen es für das Sondervermögen braucht? Würden sie das Milliardenpaket tatsächlich scheitern lassen? Eine Analyse von Gordon Repinski. Migration, Zurückweisungen, Asylwende: Rasmus Buchsteiner erklärt, wo sowohl CDU als auch SPD in den Sondierungen zurückgest…
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Listen, we were mad at John Horgan for years for continually making big announcements on Fridays after we’d recorded. So now it’s our turn to be mad at John Rustad and the BC Conservatives for their caucus implosion that happened after we recorded this latest episode. But we still had lots to talk about with David Eby’s first budget since the elect…
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Listen, we were mad at John Horgan for years for continually making big announcements on Fridays after we’d recorded. So now it’s our turn to be mad at John Rustad and the BC Conservatives for their caucus implosion that happened after we recorded this latest episode. But we still had lots to talk about with David Eby’s first budget since the elect…
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To unlock Politicology+ visit politicology.com/plus This week, President Trump’s first address to congress of his second term. Then, we talk about Third Way leading the charge as Democrats rethink not only their brand but their positions as they plan for the future of the party. Next, we turn our attention to AI for some provocative, non-technical …
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It’s the worst-kept secret in Washington: Being in Congress isn’t as glamorous as it seems from the outside. But what is life really like on Capitol Hill? What do members privately think about their colleagues? How do they know it’s time to hang up their spurs? And what are the things the rest of us really don’t get about the pressures they face? P…
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Die Bundestagswahl 2025 ist vorbei – aber wie geht es weiter? Zwei Wochen nach der Wahl verhandeln Friedrich Merz (CDU) und die SPD über eine mögliche Große Koalition. Doch schon jetzt gibt es politische Hürden und Spannungen in den Sondierungen. Gordon Repinski analysiert mit Robin Alexander (stellvertretender Chefredakteut WELT) die ersten Verhan…
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President Donald Trump’s tariff regime is blooming before our eyes. That may delight his MAGA base, but it’s causing agita in the broader electorate, as Americans face the near inevitability of higher prices for the foreseeable future and businesses struggle to keep up with the head-spinning turn of events. Is there a point at which the political r…
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EU-Sondergipfel in Brüssel: Wie die Partner auf Deutschlands Milliarden-Versprechen reagieren und welche Gespräche Friedrich Merz bereits am Vorabend sowie heute führt – Rasmus Buchsteiner berichtet aus Brüssel. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview: Die FDP-Europaabgeordnete Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann über Deutschlands Rolle beim Gipfel – und die FDP, die …
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In his joint address to Congress last night, President Donald Trump gave a red-meat speech that lauded his culture war victories, denigrated his political opponents, and, oh yeah, ran until 11pm. But for all the noise in the speech, many of the headlines this morning are about Democrats, who responded to the aggressive and partisan speech in kind. …
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Milliardenkredite für Verteidigung und Investition: Bei den Sondierungen einigen sich CDU und SPD zuerst über das Geld. Auch die Reform der Schuldenbremse soll in Angriff genommen werden. Ob Merz, Klingbeil und Co. ihre Pläne so umsetzen können, analysiert Gordon Repinski. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview dazu zum einen Roderich Kiesewetter, der Außen- un…
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This evening, President Donald Trump will address a joint session of Congress for the first time in his second term in the White House. After a whirlwind 24 hours that included pausing all military aid to Ukraine, and imposing tariffs on our two closest trading partners, Congress will be in for quite the speech. Senior Congress editor Mike DeBonis …
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Sondervermögen: Merz macht Tempo, doch SPD, Linke und Grüne bremsen ihn und die Union offenbar aus. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview: Maximilian Krah, der umstrittene AfD-Europaparlamentarier, wechselt in den Bundestag. Was will er dort erreichen und wie steht er zur Idee eines Dexit? Staatliche Förderung: Wie sich die AfD mit den anderen Parteien und dem…
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Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency project has become the center of President Trump’s domestic agenda, with a lot of political capital being channeled into defending Musk’s actions from critics. But ahead of Trump’s joint address tomorrow, Politico’s Megan Messerly reports that some of the president’s allies are worried that DOGE is ov…
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Nach dem Bruch im Weißen Haus: Wie weiter für die Ukraine nach dem Gipfel in London und vor dem Gipfel am Donnerstag in Brüssel? Einschätzungen auch von Jonathan Martin, Senior Political Columnist bei POLITICO in Washington. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview: Ex-Außenminister und Vorsitzender der Atlantik-Brücke, Sigmar Gabriel, zur Frage, ob die USA vom V…
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Governo está a ser vítima de uma cabala? Ribeiro e Castro diz que “é possível”. Antigo Presidente do CDS vem ao Facto Político deixar claro que não vê com bons olhos uma candidatura presidencial de Paulo Portas. Não se alonga na polémica que envolve o governo e afasta as críticas ao Almirante: “Um militar não é um sectário”. See omnystudio.com/list…
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A rough week for the Conservatives as Rustad struggles to keep his cantankerous caucus under control. Meanwhile, the NDP face criticism over a land deal signed before the election but only announced recently. Federally, the Liberals kick Ruby Dhalla out of the race as the remaining four candidates square off in French and English while releasing th…
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A rough week for the Conservatives as Rustad struggles to keep his cantankerous caucus under control. Meanwhile, the NDP face criticism over a land deal signed before the election but only announced recently. Federally, the Liberals kick Ruby Dhalla out of the race as the remaining four candidates square off in French and English while releasing th…
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