De 2.ª a 6.ª, às 8h35, Ana Garcia Martins dá aquele saborzinho mais ácido ao Café da Manhã. Temas de atualidade, aconselhamento amoroso, os mexericos mais calientes… Tudo isto e mais ainda, sempre no tom sarcástico com que vê a vida. Porque afinal… Ninguém POD com ela!
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Retrouvez tous les journaux diffusés sur l’antenne de RFI pour suivre l’actualité internationale, africaine, politique, culturelle ou sportive. Télécharger les podcasts pour écouter ou réécouter les journaux de RFI.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Antes de dormir....refletir
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Gano dukkan shirye-shirye da labaran RFI
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Следите за новостями политики, культуры и спорта круглосуточно в передачах RFI в прямом эфире. Последние новости Франции и мира
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É a lista das tuas músicas preferidas. Vota durante a semana e ouve ao domingo, entre as 6 e as 8 da tarde. Quem faz as contas e apresenta os resultados é o Paulo Fragoso que conta com a produção do Pedro Simões e a produção sonora do José Pedro Pereira.
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Makala ya kila siku yanayompa fursa msikilizaji kutoa maoni yake juu ya habari zilizopewa uzito wa juu kwa siku husika. Msikilizaji hushiriki kwa kutuma ujumbe mfupi pamoja na kupiga simu.
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The Metro is the New Wave, Post-Punk, and 1980s retro-music show.
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Todos los noticieros de RFI para seguir la actualidad mundial.
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Join Matt Brennan, Assoc. AIA as he discusses the day-to-day life in the Contract and Construction Administration world. This podcast bridges the gap between Architects, Designers, Engineers, consultants and General Contractors as they work through Construction Administration (CA) related items. Each episode focuses on the challenges, techniques and technology to help navigate through the fast-paced construction industry. How many RFIs did you get this week?
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Bringing you bands from the hard rock and metal genres.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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«Le Club RFI, de loin l'émission la plus proche». Le Club RFI, le rendez-vous des initiatives. Chaque semaine, les Clubs RFI participent à l’émission. Ils présentent leurs initiatives, sur les thèmes de la santé, l’environnement, la francophonie, le sport, l’humanitaire… Le cousin : Le club invite une personnalité, un exemple de réussite (artiste, écrivain, peintre, entrepreneur…). Pour finir : la musique, le proverbe et l’agenda des activités des clubs. Le Club RFI, une émission présentée p ...
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We are a podcast dedicated to covering all things DC United, Loudoun United, Washington Spirit and the men's and women's US National Team. Primarily though, we are a podcast for the fans of DC United by two fans of DC United. If you want to hear more about DCU, and want to hear two guys who mostly know what they’re talking about, you’ve found your pod. We’re gonna say DC United a few more times so we come up when you’re searching for DC United.
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O podcast Marketing por Idiotas aborda temas de marketing digital, publicidade e tendências do setor. Apresentado por especialistas e por vezes convidados, o programa discute estratégias, cases de sucesso, redes sociais, SEO, branding e inovação, oferecendo insights práticos e atuais
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Remove thyroid nodules without surgery. Consider ablation instead, the non-surgical way to treat benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Hosted by Philip James from the Doctor Thyroid podcast.
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Os teus filhos cantam? Então envia-nos o áudio/vídeo para o Whatsapp RFM 962 007 888 com nome do pequeno cantor, nome da música e localidade!
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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The Devil’s Mischief brings you comedy clips and occasional novelty songs in a way that’s not for the masses.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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The Official Podcast of St.Helens R.F.C.
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Bienvenido al canal de javy RF donde sucederán cosas impresionante al ritmo de su excelente trabajo
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RFP training is the best way to get a brilliant marketing strategy AT
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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as founder of Children’s Health Defense. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The RFK Jr Podcast features Mr. Kennedy interviewing guests. Produced by David Whiteside. For full bio of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, please visit:
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Discussions on investing, entrepreneurship, and overall financial literacy.
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The very best of Big Band, Swing, and Jazz!
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Grabación guion radiofónico
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Reality TV Podcast - Survivor Podcast - Amazing Race Podcast - Big Brother Podcast - RFF Radio
Rob and Trevor - Survivor Podcast - Amazing Race Podcast - Big Brother Podcast - Reality TV Podcast
The Reality TV Podcast discusses all the latest happenings in the world Reality TV, including recaps and commentary of shows like Survivor, The Amazing Race, Big Brother, American Idol, The Mole, The Apprentice, Project Runway & other Reality Television shows that are on air right now. Plus, interviews with your favorite Reality TV Stars, the day after they are kicked off their show!! And all of this fun is packed into a weekly podcast, the best and #1 rated Reality TV Podcast on the entire ...
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Website editors Mark and Simon Furnivall hold a weekly discussion on all things Boroughmuir Rugby, including match reviews, interviews with players and coaches, and opinion.
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Os podcast "RFM SOMNII Radio Show"
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Trying my bit with podcast! Shall delete this episode soon before anybody gets this.
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Podcast by rfc1409
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A Giant Podcast is an inside look at your #SanFrancisco #Giants #Baseball #team
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new RF
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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De către RFI
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Boa Noite - 21-03-2025 - RFMDe către RFM
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Isabel Figueiredo
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De către RFI
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Resto del programa 20/03 23h13 GMT
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17:00De către RFI Español
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De către RFI Español
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Tranche d'information france 20/03 22h00 GMT
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30:00De către RFI
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Resto del programa 20/03 21h13 GMT
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17:00De către RFI Español
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De către RFI Español
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De către RFI
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比亚迪海外新能源乘用车销量一直在突破。比亚迪胜仗不断和股份有限公司执行副总裁李柯有着密切的关系。3月20日她在接受法新社专访时表示,2025年3月或4月比亚迪在欧洲的销量会大幅增加。De către 法广
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中国遭无国界记者组织谴责,指其带动针对两名法国记者的大规模抹黑并加剧网络霸凌行动。De către 珍妮特
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De către RFI
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美国国务卿卢比奥(Marco Rubio)周三接受保守派主持人休伊特(Hugh Hewitt)采访时,强调美中关系对当前国际政治的重大影响,并表达了对中国崛起的深刻关切,指美国必须重新评估与中国的互动,以避免被动接受其不平等竞争。De către 华盛顿特约记者 陈米亚
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Tranche d'information 20/03 18h00 GMT
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30:00De către RFI
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坐落在巴黎北郊的维勒班特展览中心,日前在中心的第五和第六两个展厅举办了“巴黎复合材料展会”(JEC WORLD)。创建于1963年的这一展会汇集了复合材料行和的整个产业链。是世界各地该行业专业人士一年一度的“聚集盛会”。De către 艾娃
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De către RFI Hausa
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De către RFI Hausa
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Resto del programa 20/03 16h13 GMT
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17:00De către RFI Español
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De către RFI Español
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Journal en français facile 20/03/2025 16h00 GMT
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10:00De către RFI
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随着白宫加大对伊朗的施压力度,美国周四制裁了一家总部设在中国山东的炼油厂,该炼油厂从与胡塞武装有关联的船只购买了价值约5亿美元的数百万桶伊朗石油。De către 弗林
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Qatar : Yakutanisha Kagame na Tshisekedi
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9:59Shaba yetu leo kwenye makala haya inalenga taifa la Qatar ambapo taifa hilo juma hili lilifanikiwa kuwaleta pamoja marais Felix Tshiesekedi wa DRC na mwenzake wa Rwanda Paul Kagme, katika juhudi za kutafuta suluhu kwa mzozo wa mashariki ya DRC. Unafikiri Qatar itafanikiwa kuzima mzozo wa mashariki mwa DRC. Skiza makala haya kujua baadhi ya maoni ya…
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Paulo do Vale e Isabel Figueiredo
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由欧盟委员会与欧洲宇航局牵手推出的全球环境与安全的监测计划(Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) (GMES) 哥白尼计划(Copernicus Programme)上个月底推出了一个新的检测甲烷气体的观察运营程序,该程序网站对全世界各国开发,所有人都可以登录该网站查询全世界各地的热点甲烷的排放情况。哥伯尼甲烷热点探测器具体如何运作?运营以来有哪些新发现?法广就此电话采访了歌伯尼计划大气检测中心的负责人罗兰斯·鲁伊(Dr Laurence Rouil)女士谈谈该检测器的运作情况以及探测器的一些新发现。De către 杨眉
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尼日尔石油部长奥马鲁(Sahabi Oumarou)向媒体表示,当局驱逐了三名中国石油企业的高管,原因是外籍员工与当地低薪工人之间的工资差距引发了争端。De către 弗林
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Resto del programa 20/03 14h03 GMT
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27:00De către RFI Español
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Phần còn lại của chương trình 20/03 13h17 GMT
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43:00De către RFI Tiếng Việt
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法语国家及地区国际组织(OIF)的秘书长穆希基瓦博夫人(Mme Louise Mushikiwabo)的特使、非洲国家布隆迪(Burundi)前总统多米蒂昂·恩达伊泽耶(Domitien NDAYIZEYE)担心海地安全局势影响过渡的顺利展开。De către 尼古拉
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A minha filha vai trabalhar no ipma | Ep. 147
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6:58Uma tempestade que não impressionou a Ana Garcia Martins, uma sugestão para a cor dos alertas e uma filha aspirante a meteorologista.De către RFM
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De către RFI Tiếng Việt
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Boa Tarde - 20-03-2025 - RFMDe către RFM
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Pe. José Maria Brito e Isabel Figueiredo
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据法新社报导,当地时间周三,一名纽约商人因参与强迫一名美国居民返回中国的阴谋而被判处20个月监禁。现年58岁的安全忠(Quanzhong An)是2022年10月因参与中国政府名为“猎狐行动”的遣返计划而被起诉的七人之一。De către 弗林
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Resto del programa 20/03 12h13 GMT
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17:00De către RFI Español
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De către RFI Español
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面对美国总统特朗普不断扩大的关税风暴,欧美制药公司正敦促特朗普政府和欧盟官员把医疗用品排除在关税战之外,避免欧洲制造的畅销药品价格上涨,包括丹麦制药巨头诺和诺德生产的减肥药、美国药厂默克在爱尔兰生产的癌症标靶药物在内。同时,也有部分药厂计划扩大在美国的生产,以减少关税战的影响。De către 夏榕
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美国联邦调查局(FBI)周三发布了对中国公民刘保霞的通缉告示,并称美国国务院将悬赏1500万美元征集刘保霞及其他被控向伊朗走私美国出口管制的军民两用技术的人员信息。De către 弗林
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美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)计划利用对向与中国有关联的船舶访问美国港口征收巨额费用来重振美国造船业,这一计划正导致美国煤炭库存膨胀,并激化陷入困境的农业市场的不确定性,出口商们正努力寻找船只将货物运往国外。De către 弗林
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3月20日,日本多家媒体引用美国方面的消息称,美国国防部可能会取消强化驻日美军态势的计划,并指出:撤销计划可能会带来日美关系中的“政治风险”,并可能导致美国在太平洋地区的指挥控制力量削弱。De către 东京特约记者 楚良一
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Bom Dia - 20-03-2025 - RFMDe către RFM
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Paulo do Vale
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Esta semana falamos sobre a Amalia o ChatGPT Português na Europa, da confiança na IA e o “engajamento” da IA generativa. Episódio de 20/03/2025 Grupo de WhatsApp: FRED Tema:: O ChatGPT Português e a Corrida Europeia à IAImaginem que o vosso negócio dependia de uma tecnologia estrangeira que, de um dia para o outro, …
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De către RFI Hausa
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Boa Noite - 20-03-2025 - RFMDe către RFM
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