Welcome to the weekly podcast of Saddleback Church led by Pastor Andy Wood. To learn more, visit saddleback.com or download the Saddleback App.
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The purpose of DriveTime Devotions is to help you know God's Word and put it into practice. Episodes are designed to be listened to once per day, five days a week. That way, you can miss two days each week and still stay on schedule. We believe it's better to study small sections of God's Word each day instead of a larger section once a week. Studying the Bible is like eating—you'll be healthier if you eat small amounts each day rather than one big meal a week! As you listen to DriveTime, we ...
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The Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer: A Saddleback Church Small Group Study
Buddy Owens | Saddleback Church | Lumivoz
The Scripture makes it clear that we are in a great cosmic battle. It is not a battle against people. It is a battle against spiritual forces of evil that are trying to destroy the work of God—in the world, and in our lives. But God has equipped us, empowered us, authorized us, and called us to partner with him in accomplishing his purposes on the earth. And we do it primarily through prayer. This is a small group Bible study series by Buddy Owens from Saddleback Church. Download the study g ...
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The Way of a Worshiper: A Saddleback Church Small Group Study
Buddy Owens | Saddleback Church | Lumivoz
Are you looking for God? The pursuit of God is the chase of a life time. In fact, its been going on since the day you were born. The question is: Have you been the hunter or the prey? This small group study is not about music. Its not even about going to church. Its about living your life as an offering of worship to God. Its about tapping into the source of power to live the Christian life. And its about discovering the secret to friendship with God. In this four-week study, Buddy Owens, au ...
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Acts 25De către Saddleback Church
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De către Andy Wood
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Acts 24De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 23De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 22De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 21De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 20De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 19De către Saddleback Church
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Pastor Andy talks about how we can choose God’s dream for our families, impacting generations of faith to come. Learn more about Dream Now, our newest multi-year initiative, at https://saddleback.com/dreamnowDe către Andy Wood
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Acts 18De către Saddleback Church
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Pastor Andy kicks off our new Dream Now series with a message on what God’s dream for our lives is and what we need to do in response.De către Andy Wood
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Acts 17De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 16De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 15De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 14De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 13De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 12De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 11De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 10De către Saddleback Church
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The Return | A Conversation with Andy Wood & David Hibiske
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31:00Leading up to The Return Gathering at Saddleback Church, Pastor Andy invites various guests to join him for a conversation as we prepare for where God is leading our church next. Each conversation is designed to grow our understanding of what it means to wholeheartedly return back to God and catch the biblical vision of a sacred assembly. This epis…
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Acts 9De către Saddleback Church
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A People Prepared for the Lord
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43:24The Saddleback Church Weekend Message podcast is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit saddleback.com/podcasts. Guest speaker Luke LeFevre gives a special Church Together Weekend message about how we can make ourselves ready for God to move in our church.…
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The Return | A Conversation with Andy Wood & Al Gordon
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49:26Leading up to The Return Gathering at Saddleback Church, Pastor Andy invites various guests to join him for a conversation as we prepare for where God is leading our church next. Each conversation is designed to grow our understanding of what it means to wholeheartedly return back to God and catch the biblical vision of a sacred assembly. This epis…
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Acts 10De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 9De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 8De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 7De către Saddleback Church
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The Return | A Conversation with Andy Wood & David Thomas
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44:07Leading up to The Return Gathering at Saddleback Church, Pastor Andy invites various guests to join him for a conversation as we prepare for where God is leading our church next. Each conversation is designed to grow our understanding of what it means to wholeheartedly return back to God and catch the biblical vision of a sacred assembly. This epis…
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Acts 6De către Saddleback Church
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The Saddleback Church Weekend Message podcast is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit saddleback.com/podcasts. Pastor Andy closes our Immerse series with a message on how we can walk in God’s strength.De către Andy Wood
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The Return | A Conversation with Andy Wood & Jon Tyson
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35:35Leading up to The Return Gathering at Saddleback Church, Pastor Andy invites various guests to join him for a conversation as we prepare for where God is leading our church next. Each conversation is designed to grow our understanding of what it means to wholeheartedly return back to God and catch the biblical vision of a sacred assembly. This epis…
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Acts 5De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 4De către Saddleback Church
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The Return | A Conversation with Andy Wood & Buddy Owens
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1:00:54Leading up to The Return Gathering at Saddleback Church, Pastor Andy invites various guests to join him for a conversation as we prepare for where God is leading our church next. Each conversation is designed to grow our understanding of what it means to wholeheartedly return back to God and catch the biblical vision of a sacred assembly. This epis…
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Acts 3De către Saddleback Church
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The Return | A Conversation with Andy Wood & Luke LeFevre
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47:08Leading up to The Return Gathering at Saddleback Church, Pastor Andy invites various guests to join him for a conversation as we prepare for where God is leading our church next. Each conversation is designed to grow our understanding of what it means to wholeheartedly return back to God and catch the biblical vision of a sacred assembly. This epis…
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Acts 2De către Saddleback Church
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Acts 1De către Saddleback Church
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The Saddleback Church Weekend Message podcast is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit saddleback.com/podcasts. Pastor Andy talks about what mercy is and how we can experience it.De către Andy Wood
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