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This is a weekly podcast on cyber security domains. We discuss, dissect and demystify the world of security by providing an in-depth coverage on the cybersecurity topics that matter most. All these in plain easy to understand language. Like it, share it, and most importantly enjoy it!
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Welcome to "well, now you know" with your host Bella Yusuf. Let’s dive into engaging Q&A sessions, candid beauty tips, product reviews, interesting facts, engaging stories, and informative discussions. Whether you're a loyal listener or tuning in for the first time, grab your headphones and join me on a journey of discovery every week.
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Yusuf Alghorani

Yusuf Alghorani

In this podcast we will be talking about and discussing the latest releases in the gaming world as well as addressing the hype in this lovely community. Our podcast is a casual one and family friendly so it wouldn't be a problem listening with your grandmother.
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Alhambra Productions is the recording company for Hamza Yusuf Hanson. On occasion, we are also blessed with producing the work of other teachers such as Imam Zaid Shakir, Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah, Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah, and Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi. In addition to our own productions, we carry a full line of quality Islamic multi-media material and an exclusive selection of books. Our reading material is selected by our advisory board members, which include Islamic scholars, teachers, ...
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Join Astrologers Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Yusuf for their podcast on all things astrology, including looking ahead at astrological influences and lessons in using astrology in your own life and the world around you. We love to hear from you, so please leave comments on what you think or what you would like to hear more of. Check out the water trio gals online via their individual websites: https://www.cassandratyndall.com https://www.aliciayusuf.com https://www.kellysastro ...
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Divine Names & Attributes Al-Jab'baar can be translated 2 ways: The Ever-Compeller and The Ever-Restorer SWT.One's faith corresponds with one's knowledge thus the more ones knowledge of one's Lord SWT increases, the more ones faith increases. And the closest way to attain this is through the contemplation of His SWT Names and Attributes from the Qu…
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You won’t believe what happened to me—I was just going about my day when I walked straight into something I had NO business being in! It was like a scene from a movie Have YOU ever found yourself in a wild situation like this?! Hey Girl Hey Support the show Lets stay connected Don't forget to rate, subscribe, and review the podcast. Share your thou…
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A Glimpse into The Divine Mercy "He (SWT) gives His servant an opportunity to disobey Him (SWT), helps him (ie by allowing him or her to use His Blessings in the process) but then covers him (ie so nobody is aware) till he satisfies himself committing the sin - (SubhaanAllah) all these (factors) are the strongest motive of His love ( ie in not want…
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Divine Names & Attributes And The Ever Doer of Good (SWT) is the most honourable of all that is known - thus the knowledge of His Names is the most noble of all sciences (Haafiz Ibn al-Arabee [rah])."This Name (ie Allah [SWT]) is so unique and powerful that no tyrant, even those who claimed godhood, ever dared naming themselves with it. Similarly, …
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Surah 26 The Poets v60-68Session 9Pharaoh drowned in The Red Sea.The Earth & Stars wept for them not.When the sea was left in its state and Pharaoh saw it, he became frightened and confirmed within himself what he already knew from before, that it was from the Lord of the Throne. He became regretful, however, his regret at that time would not benef…
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Surah 26 The Poets v45-51Session 7Witchcraft Prophet Musa (A.S.) met the leader of the magicians and said to him, if I defeat you, will you believe in me and bear witness that what we brought is the truth? The magician said, tomorrow, I will be able to produce a type of magic that cannot be defeated by another magic. By Allah! If you defeat me, I w…
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Surah 26 The Poets v30-36Session 5 🐍 The staff transforms into a huge serpent, the lower Jaw on the ground and the upper Jaw reaching the ceiling heading towards Pharaoh, some of the courtiers died due to fear.The serpent has a special prominence in Egyptian mythology and symbolism. Of all the animals receiving the homage of the people none were so…
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Surah 26 The Poets v23-29Session 4The Divine Essence is like a shoreless ocean.Pharaoh did not understand the difference between God's Essenceand His activities described by His Attributes.Pharaoh did not claim divinity, but that he was the law maker; he himself worshipped idols Surah 7 v127.De către Yusuf Circle Sheffield
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Surah 25 Furqan v73-77, Final Session 19.Kharra v73, to fall down, to droop.The Quran is hard for the one who hates it.V72, A supplication for weak family members / unbelievers, 'Make us The Imams of The God Fearing.Supplication is worship.If one does not make supplications then Allah SWT becomes angry with that servant.…
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Enjoying the content? Let us know your feedback! In this episode, we’ll look into a cybersecurity assessment method that mimics real-world attacks to test an organization's security defenses and response capabilities: Threat emulation. It is one of the strategies to keep you ahead of the game. Threat emulation aims to identify and mitigate security…
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Hadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Final Session 52When one reaches 40 years in Islaam then Allah SWT protects him from madness, leprosy and leucoderma,When he is 50, Allah SWT makes easy his reckoning.When he reaches 60, Allah SWT grants him repentance.When he reaches 70, Allah SWT loves him and the inhabitants of the heavens love him.When he…
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Hadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra)Session 5165 AH - Abdullah (ra) Departs the worldAbdullah ibn Amr (ra) added, "What The Messenger ﷺ predicted about me happened. When I became old, I (then earnestly) wished I had accepted the recommendations of The Messenger ﷺ (Bukhari).He who has no Faith is not trustworthy (Ahmad).A Brief Bio...Thus passed …
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Hadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra)Session 50...after a short time you will see a major event (namely) the Ka'aba will be burned - and such and such will happen (Muslim). Ibn Taimiyah (rah)Perhaps, no group is known to have revolted against ruler except that in the rebellion more evil was the result than the evil they sought to remove (Majmoo F…
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Hadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra)Session 46The Ummayd KingshipAmongst the people of Iraq are a folk that lie, lie and mock (Ibn Sa'd).Imams Maalik (rah) and Shaafi'ee (rah) had stated,"Any Tradition with no roots in the Hijaaz have no substance meaning it's not trustworthy." (Imam Suyootee [rah] in his Tadreeb Ar Rawee).…
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Hadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra)Session 49The Ascension of Hadrat Abdullah ibn Zubayr (ra) to the Caliphate.Immediately after the massacre of Karbalaa and also as a reaction to Yazeed's order to attack the Holy City of Al-Madeenah, the Makkans delared Hadrat Abdullah ibn Zubayr (ra) as the legitimate Caliph and soon the whole of the Hijaaz f…
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Hadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra)Session 47EeliyaaDo not say anything but good about Banoo Tameem, for they will have the longest spears against the Daj'jaal (Ahmad).The night and day will not pass away before a man, the freedman Jahjaa (rah) would take over authority (Bukhari)The name " Jahjaa'" means " One who shouts", and it is thus a befi…
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Enjoying the content? Let us know your feedback! In this episode, we’ll be exploring a particularly intriguing file types: polyglot files. These digital shapeshifters have become a powerful tool in the arsenal of cyber attackers, capable of bypassing security measures, confusing systems, and delivering malicious payloads in ways that are both creat…
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Hadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra)Session 45Amr (ra) departs the world... 43 AH on the night of Eid Ul FitrThus passed away from the troubles of this transitory world, Hadrat Abu Abdullah (ra),Head of the "righteous family"Brother of the noble Muaahir and martyr Hadrat Hishaam (ra),Brother-in-law of Hadrat Uthmaan (ra),The one worth 2 Believer…
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In today’s episode , I’m going to share the eerie story of the cursed mansion in Kenya where my family and I once stayed. Now abandoned by both its owners and all who lived there, this place holds a chilling mystery. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and prepare yourself for a story you won’t forget! Hey Girl Hey Support the show Lets stay connected…
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