小鬼登島 In Training
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這是特別為實習生所打造的 podcast 節目,全台第一實驗節目,新一代製作人圓夢特別企劃,一個能夠從做中學、現學現賣的最佳舞台!每一期,鬼島之音的小鬼們將從企劃、主持、錄音、剪接、發佈、一路到封面設計等等,不假他人之手,通通「靠自己」從頭到尾一手包辦,完成一集 podcast!
【歡迎加入我們的實習計畫】 你可以私訊鬼島臉書粉專:https://fb.me/ghostislandme 或 email 至鬼島信箱:[email protected]
請訂閱+Apple Podcast 五星評論~ 支持小鬼們成為 Podcast 高手,同時,把這個節目推薦給你身邊有 podcast 夢的朋友吧!
A podcast by interns at Ghost Island Media. From concept to scripting, recording to editing, and publishing and marketing, our college-age and non-traditional interns develop and produce their own episodes, with guidance from staff at hosts at Ghost Island Media.
This is an experimental podcast with mixed genre. Batch 1 (Summer 2020) and Batch 2 (Fall 2020) episodes are now complete.
24 episoade