Making The Magician's Daughter movie
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Hello en Hallo, I'm Gerrie Timmerman and this is a new podcast series about my feature film project: The Magician's Daughter aka Disappearing Act.
This podcast will have episodes in English, but also in Dutch.
Scroll down for this description in Dutch. Kijk beneden voor de Nederlandse tekst.
The movie is partly based on my life: The magician's daughter.
I am a filmmaker and daughter of the fairly unknown Dutch magician Timanini.
But the film is also, and not in the least, about the life of the Jewish magician Ben Ali Libi, who vanished in the Holocaust and how his life and mine influenced each other in unexpected ways.
The Sufi mystic and poet Rumi said: “What you seek, is seeking you.”
That perfectly describes what the movie The Magician’s Daughter is all about.
As the filmmaker has to overcome the challenges to find the truth behind a Jewish magician’s disappearance in WWII, she does not only find a magician, but also herself.
Did I give the ending away, is this a spoiler alert?
Definitely not, keep tuning in as I take you into the different tunnels of the magician’s rabbit hole. And who knows, you might find you in this story as well.
The podcast series will of course follow the search for the Jewish magician Ben Ali Libi, who seems to disappear every time we are getting close.
And it follows the filmmaker on her quest to get this movie made.
But we will also go into the subject matters from the movie.
These episodes will be called specials and cover these subjects:
Magic, Real Magic and Moviemaking.
Intro in Dutch/Nederlands:
Hallo, ik ben Gerrie Timmerman en dit is een nieuwe podcastserie over mijn speelfilmproject: The Magician's Daughter ook wel bekend als Disappearing Act.
De film is deels gebaseerd op mijn leven: De dochter van de goochelaar.
Ik ben filmmaker en dochter van de vrij onbekende Nederlandse goochelaar Timanini.
Maar de film gaat ook, en niet in de laatste plaats, over het leven van de joodse goochelaar Ben Ali Libi, die in de Holocaust verdween en hoe zijn leven en het mijne elkaar op onverwachte manieren beïnvloedden.
De podcastserie volgt uiteraard de zoektocht naar de joodse goochelaar Ben Ali Libi, die elke keer dat we dichterbij komen lijkt te verdwijnen.
En de serie volgt de filmmaker in haar uitdaging om deze film gemaakt te krijgen.
Maar we gaan ook in op de onderwerpen
die in de film of het maken ervan ter sprake komen.
Deze afleveringen heten Specials en gaan over deze onderwerpen: Goochelen, Echte magie en Filmmaken.
9 episoade