Wicked Werewolves
Manage episode 453482758 series 3609896
Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network
Show Name: Unraveling the Unknown
Episode Title: Wicked Werewolves
Hello Curious people and welcome to a world of mystery.
You are listening to Unraveling the Unknown with your hosts Lily and Tessa.
In this episode of Unraveling the Unknown, the Podcast we will discuss: werewolves.
Segment 1: Story Time
In 1589 Germany, in the village of Epprath on a simple farm ranch, Peter Stumpp, worked as a successful farmer for many years of his life until one day when mysterious disappearances from nearby towns began to conjure up suspicion.
Neighboring farms and passersby began sensing strange and dark energy as well as hearing occasional unexplainable noises coming from Stump's house.
Soon, Peter was accused of werewolves, witchcraft, and cannibalism.
He was put on trial and confessed after being tortured to killing and eating several of his livestock and villagers including women and children
He confessed further that he had made a pact with the devil to become a werewolf. He was then sentenced to death after they found several half-consumed human remains on his property. He was executed in one of the most horrible and tortuous deaths on record, execution by wheel.
His daughter and mistress were also put to death in fear of further werewolf tendencies spreading through the village.
In Germany at the time, Roman Catholics were attempting to push out Protestantism, of which Stupp was a proud member.
This could have influenced his trial and story into a monstrous devilish horror story in order to create paranoia and switch people to catholicism.
At the same time, werewolf panics and witch hunts were springing up around Germany, causing mass hysteria and paranoia.
He could have been innocent, or he could have been just a serial killer with no other abilities who went crazy and made up a story. There are many different versions of the story that could have been stretched or misinterpreted.
Segment 2: Origin and Facts
Werewolf is a well-known mythological animal and is commonly throughout many stories throughout the world
People can morph into vicious powerful wolves, or can be half- human half-wolf. No matter the form, all of them are bloodthirsty monsters who cannot control themselves when it comes to killing animals and people.
Werewolves did make an early appearance in Greek mythology with the Legend of Lycaon. Lycaon, the son of Pelasgus, made Zeus mad, and as a punishment Zeus turned Lycaon and his sons into wolves.
Back in 1521, in France, people thought that werewolves were the serial killers. Frenchman Pierre Burgot and Michel Verdun allegedly swore to the devil and claimed to have turned them into wolves. After they confessed to brutally murdering several children they were burned to death at the stake.
The Beast of Gévaudan, a man-eating animal killed by the hunter Jean Chastel in 1767, brought the idea of bullets with a coat of silver to kill werewolves.
Silver is known to have antimicrobial properties, and the substance is even used in some forms of medicine. Silver is extremely pure, and effective against impure forces.
In multiple stories of werewolves, we only see werewolves turning into her beast-like form during a full moon. According to a study conducted at Australia;s Calvary Mater Newcastle hospital, a full moon brings out the “beast” in many humans.
At this hospital during a full moon, patients attacked staff, and showed wolf-like behaviors such as biting, scratching, and spitting.
Although most of these patients were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it is unclear why they became intensely violent when the moon was full.
It is scientifically proven that moons can affect people due to its gravitational pull, just like how the mood affects the ocean's tides. Humans are made up of 70% water, so it is not uncommon for people to feel different or experience mood changes during a full moon.
Segment 3: Discussion
How believable are werewolves on a scale from 1-10? 1 being not believable 10 being super real.
Lily- Werewolves make me think of wendigos. Because they are both mythological cannibalistic monsters that are hungry to eat human flesh. Wendigos and werewolves are also known to both be afraid of fire.
Tessa- wendigos are from native american stories of a hunter whose spirit transformed into a crazed beast after he was starved and driven mad. They sort of shape shift like werewolves but resemble more of human fear and loss of humanity.
-Vampire diaries- there are people who are werewolves in Vampire diaries, and they have many abilities such as super strength, super speed, enhanced healing, and heightened senses of smell, sight and hearing. The vampires and werewolves do not get along in this show, because the werewolves are hardwired to kill vampires, and their venomous bite is lethal to vampires.
-Twilight- werewolves in twilight are represented as native american tribes with special powers. Being a werewolf is considered special and honorable. They protect humans and are enemies of vampires. help stop vampires from killing people. They are normal people that can transform into large dogs/wolves at whim. They have super strength, speed, and healing as well as other enhanced senses.
Thank you for tuning into this week's episode about werewolves
Next week we will be discussing a scaly creature that's petrifyingly terrifying! (basilisk)
Let curiosity be your compass.
Music Credits:
Missing Persons by Jeremy Blake
Dead Wrong by Jeremy Blake
Devil’s Organ by Jimena Contreras
Frightmare by Jimena Contreras
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