For our long-term survival and prosperity, we need to be careful about how we manage our resources. How does basic income fit into a plan for resource conservation? How can it help? How might it hurt? This week's session includes seven featured guests to discuss these questions. Kate McFarland is the associate director of the Center for Ethics and Human Values at The Ohio State University and the former editor of Basic Income News. Peter Barnes is an environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author who has written about citizens' dividends and the shared ownership of—and responsibility for—our natural resources. Deia Schlosberg is a filmmaker whose recent documentary, "The Story of Plastic," explores our plastic pollution crisis. Her upcoming "Bootstraps" docu-series examines the human impact of basic income. Derek Van Gorder is a filmmaker, YouTuber, and frequent Boston Basic Income participant. His work explores Consumer Monetary Theory and the philosophy and economics of basic income. Diane Pagen is a social worker and long-time basic income activist. She organized last year's Basic Income March in New York City, which inspired marches in 29 other cities. Conrad Shaw is a UBI researcher, writer, and creator of the UBI calculator. He is also co-producer on Deia Schlosberg's forthcoming "Bootstraps" docu-series. Michael Howard is a philosophy professor, president of USBIG, and co-editor of the "Basic Income Studies" journal. To help frame our discussion, we have a short article and video. The article is by Michael Howard from 2012 in which he argues for a carbon cap and dividend as a step toward basic income. The video is 20-minute edit by Derek Van Gorder of Alex Howlett describing the concept of a "natural rate" of basic income. Previous related Boston Basic Income topics have included — BBI #16: Climate and the Environment — BBI #30: Population Growth — BBI #41: Economic Growth Image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay (…