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Tati & Elas

TEOmídia Cast

"Tati & Elas" é um espaço dedicado às mulheres cristãs, abordando suas dores e necessidades espirituais. Inspirado em exemplos bíblicos e histórias e personagens atuais, o programa traz ensino bíblico, meditações e "insights" que fortalecem a fé e promovem a participação ativa na igreja e na comunidade para viver e compartilhar uma vida plena que só Cristo pode dar.
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Lehmän hyvä elämä

Feeling Good – Lehmän hyvä elämä -hanke

Podcastissa puhutaan lehmistä, maitotilojen elämästä ja eläinten hyvinvoinnista. Tervetuloa mukaan märehtimään yhdessä sitä, miten lehmien arjesta voidaan tehdä entistä parempaa. Podcast on tuotettu osana Feeling Good – Lehmän hyvä elämä -hanketta. Hanke on Euroopan unionin osarahoittama.
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GYET is focused on one subject, entrepreneurship. Running a business can get real and this show is unafraid to get into the weeds to help you find your path to align your business with your spirit. Brian has been in the entrepreneurship game since 2012, tried different businesses and has learned what works and what doesn’t. He’s also been an entrepreneurship coach since 2020. Brian is bringing all those lessons and insights to you! You can expect a variety of show types from GYET. Solo shows ...
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Build a life, not just a career. Every week I learn from extraordinary women about how they're building a life they're proud of. Gain clarity on your own path and values and learn from the experiences of diverse and inspiring women in topics like relationships, work, love, and more!
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Um podcast feito por mulheres. A cada duas semanas, nas quartas-feiras, um novo episódio com Julia, Mari e Rafa, conversando sobre música, cultura, artes e política.
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Welkom bij de podcast van de Energiek Leven Academy voor bewuste en ondernemende vrouwen, die hun energie en gezondheid next level willen brengen. Orthomoleculair therapeut en holistisch coach Valérie Pas is gefascineerd door de kracht van voeding, leefstijl en mindset om energiek, gezond en gelukkig door het leven te gaan. Daarvoor onderzoekt ze de relatie tussen body mind & soul en gaat in gesprek met professionals die op hun unieke manier mensen bijstaan in hun persoonlijke groei. Laat je ...
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Are you an ELA teacher striving to help your middle and high school students become confident, capable readers and writers? Middle School Cafe is your go-to podcast for practical strategies, proven methods, and inspiration to close the reading gap and unlock every student's potential. In each episode, I will share real-world insights and actionable tips drawn from years of classroom experience to help you meet students where they are and guide them toward growth. From implementing the worksh ...
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Welcome to the "Elated You Podcast", where we dive deep into real and raw world of self-discovery, growth and healing. This mum of two will be sharing my tips, tools, and tactics on how to shed layers of the “old” you, so you can become the divine feminine you’re meant to be!
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Elämäntyönä terveytesi

Elämäntyönä terveytesi

Elämäntyönä terveytesi -podcastissa Pauli Waroma keskustelee kiinnostavien asiantuntijoiden kanssa siitä, mistä asioista hyvä ja terve elämä koostuu. Tavoitteena on löytää ajattelemisen aihetta niin fyysiseen, henkiseen, kuin yhteiskunnalliseenkin hyvinvointiin. Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan!
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Elas Debatem

Elas Podem

Podcast do @coletivoelaspodem Nos propomos debater diversos temas que impactam diretamente nosso dia a dia, a pensar e discutir nosso papel nas mais diversas áreas. Nossa voz não será silenciada ou diminuída, nem nossa presença invisibilizada. O #ElasPodem almeja que todas as mulheres ocupem os espaços de poder.
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Podcast on Architecture and Design Topics. #architecture #art #education #design #concept We are a professional design company and provides high-quality, affordable designs for businesses of all sizes. We provide creative design solutions for Logo, Branding Guidelines, Website Design, Print Designs, Product Labelling, Magazine Design, Mobile Apps, Social Media Handling and voice-overs to help you grow your business. Furthermore, we at Elathi also provide 3d Architecture Visualization service.
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Recorded LIVE at the Hollywood Improv! Part standup comedy, part interview, hosted by Amanda Fritz. Featuring LA's best comics performing their sets, then sitting down to talk more about the stories behind the jokes! Get the behind-the-scenes scoop on all things funny. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to get updates about upcoming LIVE SHOWS!
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show series
Is vocabulary instruction getting enough attention in your classroom? Over time, we’ve moved away from the traditional vocabulary lists and memorization drills—but have we gone too far? Vocabulary plays a crucial role in reading comprehension, writing skills, and student confidence, yet many students struggle to engage with texts simply because the…
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Welkom bij deze speciale aflevering, waarin ik samen met Sophia in gesprek ga over TRE. T.R.E. is een lichaamsgerichte methode om stress, spanning en zelfs trauma's los te laten. Trauma kan op vele manieren voorkomen: van acute, ingrijpende gebeurtenissen tot meer subtiele, langdurige spanningspatronen. Momenteel werk ik aan mijn eerste boek en daa…
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Veterans who've served our country are leaving us at a rate of 17-44 per day. This sobering number of lives lost shows the importance of community and a need for purpose. On this episode I spoke with Adam Peters "The Strategic Veteran". Adam has been through the trials of reintegrating back into normal society after the military. He struggled with …
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If you were shrunk REALLY ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᵣₑₐₗₗᵧ ₛₘₐₗₗ … would we be able to live? Did the documentary “Honey, I shrunk the kids” LIE to us?! Julian grabs his magnifying glass to learn Mor(anis). Meanwhile, Trace wants to know if … if the … uh, the … BLARG! IF SPEAKING A NONSENSE WORD can actually help! QUESTIONS Both questions this week are POLL WINNERS se…
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O ser humano precisa de gente que carregue o amor e a misericórdia de Deus ao cuidar de seus enfermos. E Eleny Vassão é um belo exemplo de testemunho e ministério, cuidando de gente que enfrenta a angústia e busca consolo. Aprenda a superar tribulações e cuidar do próximo com Eleny e a Tati Mello! Eleny Vassão de Paula Aitken é Mestre em Aconselham…
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Väkevä elämä -podcastin yksi kuunnelluimmista vieraista tekee tässä jaksossa kolmannen visiittinsä kun syvennytään ravinnon, painonhallinnan ja joustavan syömisen ihmeelliseen maailmaan. Käymme läpi mm. miten eroaa onnistuneen muutoksen tekeminen silloin kun voimavaroja on vähän tai paljon? Onko onnistunut painonhallinta ja elämäntapamuutos kiinni …
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The United States Space Force requested $29.4 billion for Fiscal Year 2025, a two percent drop from the previous year. The final budget, however, has yet to be passed as the federal government operates under a continuing resolution. The Space Force was founded in response to the actions of near-peer competitors in space that threaten the United Sta…
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Easter is around the corner, but where does that weird Bunny get all the eggs? And why are there eggs in the first place? Guest Yasmin Khan (The Young Turks) has an answer. Meanwhile, Julian explores the word of bat-style crime fighting on a budget and Trace explores if living on Mars would make us super aggro! QUESTIONS Julian: "How can I be Batma…
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A história de José Manoel da Conceição é singular. O padre que se tornou o primeiro pastor protestante do Brasil enfrentou desafios e deixou um forte testemunho de fé. Agora, conheça sua trajetória, escritos, reflexões e o impacto que isso pode ter na sua vida cristã hoje. Silas Luiz de Souza é Doutor em História pela UNESP, Mestre em Ciências da R…
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Kukapa ei haluaisi, että kropasta löytyy sekä voimaa että kestävyyttä. Miten tämä tapahtuu teoriassa ja käytännössä on tämän Väkevä elämä -podijakson teema. Vieraan kanssa käydään läpi mm. mitä ovat harjoituskelloissa näkyvät viisi eri aluetta? Miten niitä treenataan ja tarvitseeko eri alueiden treenaamiseen urheilukellon vai riittääkö oma fiilis? …
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Amazon can't compete with your physical location. You may look at this statement and say "yeah right!" but it's true.The data and insights you have on your customers is an unfair advantage which allows you to out-compete Amazon or any other ecommerce player. In this episode Ritavan, an expert in data analytics and business breaks down how to play y…
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Can the sun be beaten at its own game… OF BEING A SUN?! Julian shines some light on it. Meanwhile, as he spends time on the science of the extremely large, Trace gathers data concerning the massive impact of 0s and 1s. Note: they are very very very very smol. QUESTIONS Julian: "How many lions would beat the sun?" from Daniel Trace: "How much does d…
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Como fazer mudanças? Só de pensar, já surgem sofrimentos. Então, como aquelas que temem ao Senhor podem superar o medo e as inseguranças da vida? Seja na carreira, em uma mudança de endereço ou no âmbito familiar, sempre há a glória de Deus para cristãs que se entregam a Ele. Edilaine Francescato atuou como executiva em multinacional por 10 anos e,…
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In this episode, we tackle one of the most common challenges for ELA teachers: holding students accountable for their reading without turning it into a chore. How do we inspire students to read for the sheer joy of it while also meeting our responsibility to track their progress? It’s all about creating meaningful, low-pressure strategies that cele…
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Kukapa ei haluaisi, että arjen paletti työelämää, kodin askareita, oman ajankäytön hallintaa ja yhteispeli läheisten kanssa, olisi vankasti omassa hallussamme. Tähän kokonaisuuteen etsitään vastauksia tämän viikon Väkevä elämä -jaksossa. Pohdimme mm. mistä ihmisille syntyy huonoja tapoja ja rutiineja, jotka vie arkea ja jaksamista huonoon suuntaan?…
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Happy love celebration week!! In honor of how much we LOVE our patreon subscribers, Trace and Julian answer two winners of our Patreon polls! It takes two 🎶 to make a dream come true 🎶 It just takes two — or is it three? What if it was three? Julian checks the math. Meanwhile, Trace (wait doesn’t that mean three again?) gets around in the animal ki…
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Having a purpose in life is what keeps us alive. You've no doubt heard about how quickly some people decline and pass away after retirement right? It's because they don't have a purpose driving them to continue living! What are the steps to finding a purpose that can last a lifetime?In today's episode you will hear the seven steps to find YOUR purp…
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A modernidade trouxe melhorias, mas já percebeu como as mulheres vivem ditaduras por isso? Qual o limite dos cuidados com o corpo? Até onde as cristãs devem se importar com a estética? E como ter uma divisão saudável da família com o trabalho? Confira tudo agora! Gabriela Rosa Alves Franco é farmacêutica, casada com Luiz Fernando e mãe do Tiago. El…
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Tässä jaksossa syvennytään monen kuulijan toiveaiheeseen eli addiktioihin, riippuvuuksiin ja tunne-elämään hyvinvoinnissa ja elintapojen muuttamisessa. Käydään läpi mm. mitä on addiktio, mikä sen erottaa siitä, että haluaa jotain tosi paljon? Minkälaisia addiktioita ihmisillä voi olla liittyen hyvinvointiin ja elintapamuutoksen tekemiseen? Miksi te…
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Rasheité is a partnerships leader who serves as Sr. Manager of Partner Programs at Frontline Education. While building successful partner programs and driving business growth, she's also raising four children - including a college athlete, a high school senior, and two young kids. In this candid episode, Rasheité shares how she redefined excellence…
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Space, the final frontier — of cuisine. This week Trace unpacks the standard food replicator used by the United Federation of Planets. Meanwhile, in Scene 34, Julian ponders of coconuts could actually find their way to Arthurian England vis-a-vis Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. In both answers one COULD find yourself asking, “Where’d…
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Kuudennessa jaksossa ProAgria Pohjois-Suomen valtakunnallinen huippuosaaja Tiina Karlström sekä Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun kotieläintuotannon lehtori Hanna Laurell käyvät läpi Maitosummit 2025 -seminaarin tärkeimmät huomiot. Uusi teknologia ja tekoäly tarjoavat jatkossa entistä tehokkaampia työkaluja esimerkiksi vasikoiden ja lehmien hyvinvoinnin se…
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Entenda hoje, como o discipulado para mulheres transforma vidas! O propósito da mulher é diferente do homem? Como elas glorificam à Deus? Essa edificação de vidas é maravilhosa, resplandece nos jovens da Igreja, aprimora casamentos e firma fundamentos duradouros para quem acredita na Palavra de Deus. Este e outros programas Tati & Elas pode ser vis…
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Welcome to the first full episode of our relaunched podcast! In this episode, we’re exploring the importance of independent reading and its place in the classroom, even when a canned curriculum is in play. With a focus on flexibility and consistency, we’ll discuss how to create space for student choice and foster a love of reading in a structured e…
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Tässä jaksossa sukelletaan kehon ja mielen yhteistyön syvälliseen maailmaan. Käydään läpi mm. mikä vieraan mielestä meitä ihmisiä kuormittaa modernissa maailmassa? Onko kaikki kuormitus ongelmallista? Mitä liiallisesta kuormituksesta seuraa? Miten liian kovaa ja pitkäkestoista kuormitusta voi välttää? Onko näköalattomuus yksi kovan kuormituksen oir…
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China’s advancements in quantum technology have triggered a call-to-action for the United States to accelerate their own investments in quantum research and development. According to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Critical Technology Tracker, China surpassed the United States in published quantum research in 2021. In response, the Quan…
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Relationships are the life blood of our lives. We're here toserve each other but if we're disconnected or have unhealthyrelationships our lives suffer.In this episode Dr. Mark Hicks gives you all 5 of the componentsof a great relationship. These can be applied to any relationshipyou have be it your spouse, partner, friends, coworkers, family,anyone…
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This episode Julian gears up for the last great race with an irresponsible amount of chihuahuas while Trace finds a use for AI that it might actually be suited for. QUESTIONS Julian: "How many chihuahuas would it take to complete the Iditarod?" from Loren Trace: "How many ChatGPT queries would I need to cook an egg?" from AJ Do you have an absurd q…
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Maidontuotannon asiantuntija Elina Raudaskoski saa viidennessä jaksossa vieraakseen 4dBarnin navettasuunnittelun asiantuntija Antti Puurin ja Kukkulan tilan maatalousyrittäjä Juho Nivalan. Vieraiden kanssa keskustellaan 4dBarnin joulukuussa 2024 järjestämän Welfare-seminaarin toisen ja kolmannen päivän sisällöistä. Käsittelyssä ovat tilatason toime…
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Foi Presidente do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Fez parte do Conselho de administração da Casa da Música. É Vereadora sem pelouro da Câmara Municipal do Porto. Vice-Presidente para as mulheres do Partido Socialista Europeu. A deputada Rosário Gambôa, que fez da filosofia a sua paixão, é a convidada de Inês Meneses no Fala com Ela desta semana.…
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Impeça que o Diabo Roube e Mate suas Crianças! Esta é uma realidade alarmante que não podemos ignorar. Neste vídeo, vamos revelar as estratégias malignas que ameaçam nossas crianças e como a negligência pode torná-las vulneráveis. Conheça o papel de cada um nessa luta e proteja o futuro dos pequenos! Isildinha Muradas é cirurgiã-dentista especializ…
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Tässä jaksossa pureudumme vieraiden kanssa hektisen arjen aiheuttamiin hyvinvointiongelmiin ja käymme läpi ajattelun ja tekemisen taitoja, joiden avulla pitää huolta hyvinvoinnista vaikeuksista huolimatta. Käymme läpi mm. mitkä ovat nykyajan yleisimmät ongelmat ihmisten arjessa, jotka syövät voimavaroja ja sotkevat hyvinvoinnista huolehtimista? Mit…
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Capturing life's fleeting moments may seem trivial or impossible especially if you're a person who's always moving towards your goals. In this episode Christian Espinosa will tell the story of how one terrible car accident changed his life forever!We first dive into his entrepreneurship journey to hear the insights of how he started and grew two su…
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Juhi Saha is a global business leader in the partnerships industry, serving as CEO of her own company that helps B2B businesses grow through strategic partnerships. With extensive experience at major tech companies including Microsoft and proven success in building and scaling partnership programs, she has achieved professional excellence while pri…
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Neljännessä jaksossa maidontuotannon asiantuntija Elina Raudaskoski saa vieraakseen 4dBarnin navettasuunnittelun asiantuntija Antti Puurin ja Kukkulan tilan maatalousyrittäjä Juho Nivalan. Vieraiden kanssa keskustellaan 4dBarnin joulukuussa 2024 järjestämän Welfare-seminaarin ensimmäisestä päivästä. Seminaarin aiheena oli "lisence to milk" eli "lup…
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Hey man, like, if you took all the drugs … like, all of them. What would happen? Would you die? I mean, like, that’s just your opinion, man. But aside from that, and we may be out of our element like Donny, but if you replaced as many body parts as possible with technological wizardry … how many parts would you have left? Would you die?! QUESTIONS …
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