What’s beyond the veil? The nature of this world we live in is unrefined. Yes, we live in this multifaceted world of the SEEN and the UNSEEN. In each episode we go beyond the veil in our own personal unrefined way. Our podcast recipe includes: the supernatural, the strange and unexplained from a biblical perspective, PLUS deep dives into the Word AND a wee bit of the conspiratorial for good measure.
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Olá , Deus te abençoe, sou pastor Rodrigo Aguilera e juntamente com minha esposa e pastora Cris Aguilera, queremos compartilhar este podcast com episódios pautados da Bíblia Sagrada que é viva e eficaz, certamente com o propósito de abençoar você e sua família. Compartilhe com quem você ama, compartilhe esta semente de amor. Rodrigo K.Aguilera e Cristiane K.Aguilera Pastores da Igreja Sara Barra Oeste OBS: este podcast tem uma produção independente por autoria de Rodrigo Aguilera e Cristiane ...
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Desde 2007, Ricardo Vargas publica o 5 Minutes Podcast, onde aborda, de uma forma rápida e prática, os principais temas da área de gerenciamento de projetos, portfólio e riscos.
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O podcast sobre produção de podcasts produzido pela Rádiofobia Podcast e Multimídia e apresentado por Leo Lopes!
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Welcome to the .Com Strategies podcast Where you will learn key insights into valuing, marketing and negotiating domain names.
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Podcast by Com Propósito
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Podcast tão curtinho que quando você pensar que começou, acabou e te passou conteúdo. Para viralizar no WhatsApp e ser finalmente uma corrente que vale a pena repassar. Se não já viu. Né? 7 anos de azar.
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O jornalista Jair Ambrósio bate um papo descontraído com as mais diversas personalidades, indo além do comum respondido pelos convidados. O Podcast com Jair acontece toda terça e sexta-feira, às 19h, ao vivo no Facebook e YouTube da TV Cenário.
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O Podcast com Café abordará a temática sobre o Envelhecimento Humano, Dicas de Saúde e Bem-Estar. Assuntos da Atualidade e Opinião com Liberdade de Expressão. Tudo reunido aqui no Podcast com Café com apresentação do Guinho Andrade. O nosso e-mail para comentários e sugestões é o: [email protected] Agradecemos à sua companhia.
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Um podcast com os mais jubilosos e determinados geeks da face da Terra em que entramos em detalhes sobre algumas das nossas coisas favoritas.
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Podcast by Jonathan Bassut
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O podcast do blog Mari Pelo Mundo traz dicas de viagem, destinos, passeios e lugares com um olhar de quem viaja com a família e quer inspirar outros viajantes a conhecer o mundo.
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Sou a Bia Bulhoes e pela convivência com a ansiedade e a síndrome do pânico, descobri que viver bem é uma questão de querer! Vamos trabalhar nossos pensamentos e a visão da vida para sermos felizes!
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Geronimo Theml é empreendedor, autor best seller, especialista em produtividade e coach de coaches. Idealizador dos programas Profissão Coach e Academia da Produtividade.
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Loja Virtual e presencial em feiras e eventos da cidade de Fortaleza CE. Nosso objetivo é debater e informar sobre cena underground, valorizar as bandas independentes e analisar suas obras. ✊
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Join host Scott Aukerman ("Mr. Show" & "Between Two Ferns: The Movie") as he interviews celebrity guests like Jon Hamm, Bob Odenkirk, Tatiana Maslany, Allison Williams, and more. Plus, the show’s open-door policy brings an assortment of eccentric oddballs and characters who pop by at any moment to chat, compete in games, and engage in comic revelry. Now entering its 15th year, this podcast has led to multiple spin-off podcasts, a New York Times best-selling book, and a beloved television ser ...
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O Podcast Reset Humano faz parte do Projeto Reset Humano que visa desenvolver o Ser Humano através do convívio com a natureza na montanha. Somos apaixonados pelo ser humano e nosso planeta. Amamos conteúdo de qualidade para ouvintes exigentes, que a cada momento gostam de aprimorar seu conhecimento. Somos ouvidos em 42 países. Aqui a história é contada a partir de histórias de VIDAS INSPIRADORAS! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reset-humano/support
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Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a guest gets put to the test to determine if they are in fact ”GARBAGE” as well. It’s like a trashy comedy game show. Do you steal the shampoo from hotels? Own a George Forman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans? You’re Garbage.
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Paulo Cuenca e Dani Noce são criadores de conteúdo há 8 anos e agora compartilham suas experiências n'O Podcast. Eleito o melhor podcast do ano pelo Digital Awards Brasil, em cada episódio o casal traz convidados para falar sobre criação, marcas, conteúdo e tudo que envolve o mercado digital.
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Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast. Allen and Katie watch horror movies from all eras and of all qualities and then discuss them in a not-so-academic way (just as the name "Werewolf Ambulance" might imply!) and then discuss and rate them. The episodes do contain spoilers, so please watch the films before listening if that bothers you!
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For anyone who writes comedy, makes comedy, loves comedy, or just has an interest in comedians and what makes them so annoying. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Každý má na všechno názor. Vy, my i oni. Všichni. Věděli jste, že když do Facebooku napíšete slovo "Nevím", tak vám vybuchne klávesnice? Zjistil to LUDĚK STANĚK. A nikdo nechce, aby mu vybuchla klávesnice, to je jasné. Nechce to ani jeho kolega MILOŠ ČERMÁK. Takže oba mají názory na všechno. A protože největší zábava je, když se o názory hádáte, rozhodli se tomu věnovat celý podcast. Tenhle. A zjistili, že hádky můžou narazit na jediný problém. Totiž když mají oba na danou věc názor stejný. ...
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Comedy legends including Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and Molly, George Burns, Bob Hope, the Great Gildersleeves, and more.
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Grenzwertig & Geschmacklos? Genial & Geil? Sagt ihr's uns! In diesem Comedy Podcast geht's um den Wahnsinn der Woche, auf der Welt, im Netz und überhaupt. Macht euch auf alles gefasst, wenn Stefan Kreutzer und Sebastian "Schaffi" Schaffstein loslegen: Sie sind gnadenlos, kindisch, seicht und tief - und manche finden sie sogar lustig ... ;) #Satire #Comedy #PriseAnarchie #BAYERN3SamstagsCrasher
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Perfume.com has been America’s #1 place to buy discount perfumes online since 1995. Now listen to us as we discuss the latest trends and most reliable in perfume and cologne news and updates. Your best source for personal fragrance tips and tricks.
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Audio based long-form improv comedy.
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Want to deepen your weekly gospel study? Try the BYU Speeches Come, Follow Me podcast! Here, you’ll find inspiring devotionals that pair with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Come, Follow Me lesson for the week. These stories and insights can help bring scripture themes to life, and it might be just what you need to boost your personal, family, and church study.
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A cathartic podcast charting the trials and tribulations on my journey to becoming better at Improv Comedy.
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A podcast for fellow students of the game. Men who want to get better with women, and for men who just want to be better in general. We take teachings from multiple sources, and have experts on regularly to teach you how to achieve everything you want in life!
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Menschen lieben Geschichten – Geschichten machen den Menschen. Ellen Anders und Oliver Wunderlich erzählen laufend neue Geschichten. Komisch, phantastisch, nachdenklich oder historisch – aber immer besonders: anders und wunderlich eben!
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TWO-TIME COMEDY PODCAST OF THE YEAR! Comedy podcasts are the best, but it's not easy to find clean comedy podcasts that are actually FUNNY! Welcome to the Spitballers Podcast with the award-winning trio of Andy, Mike, and Jason. These three dads will make you laugh as they discuss ridiculous topics, answer life's most difficult questions, and dish out life advice that you should never, ever take. We all need a little nonsense in our everyday lives. Be a part of one of the best audiences arou ...
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Steamboat Springs Comedians Kyle Ruff and Matt Newland say dumb things and tell you all about life as small town comics living in a fancy ski town in the middle of nowhere.
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Amy Brown Comedy Podcast is a weekly giggle-fest with, me, Amy Brown. Only silly stuff here while I try to navigate perimenopause and the comedy world at the same time. Yikes! New episode drops every Monday. https://linktr.ee/AmyBrownComedy https://www.facebook.com/amy.g.brown.739/ https://www.instagram.com/amybrowncomedy https://www.twitter.com/amybrowncomedy
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A cussy irreverent love letter to romantic comedies . A rom-com recap podcast by lifelong friends Tamara Cosio and Corinne Eding. New episodes drop every Tuesday.
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Become our companions as we escort you through the weird, wobbly, timey wimey world of Doctor Who. Come along for episode-by-episode discussions, criticisms, and debates. We can promise you that it will be the journey of a lifetime. New episodes every Tuesday! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Welcome to off the clock comedy podcast hosting geebizzie-babe and my co-host k-mack. We here to Give u the funniest of the funniest jokes and stories about everyday life. If you had a long day at work then come and join us on off the clock comedy podcast.
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Two Comedians. Two Single Moms...
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The Eminent Domain Podcast covers topics about condemnation, land use, and property rights law from practitioners, scholars, and other experts in the eminent domain community.
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We don't just talk about CINEMA, we CELEBRATE it! (sometimes ROAST it too) The FM in MindVoice FM stands for Filosofia Makers! Your one stop destination for non-stop movie analysis & reviews. Follow us on Insta here for written reviews - https://www.instagram.com/filosofiamakers/ Surf into our YouTube channel for more video content ! LINK - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1VnIEs4yhMwVdf-oc73OCA
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" Das Leben ist ein Witz"
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Welcome to Come Let Us Reason Together, the podcast from Lenny Esposito and Come Reason Ministries. Here, we dig deeply into ways Christianity shows itself as an intelligent and rational faith. Episodes include topics about faith, ethics, worldview, and philosophy from a distinctly Christian perspective. Join us each week and see just how rational faith can be!
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Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG - A informação a serviço da qualidade de vida
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Sound Memes - Das sind Memes für die Ohren. Das ist Comedy als Microdosing. Der Dopamin-Kick zum Hören, Bingen und Teilen. Erschreckende Dating-Erkenntnisse, WG-Texte Endlosschleifen oder Mandys Mettigel-Paradies: Für jede Situation gibt’s das passende Sound Meme. Binged sie wie Insta-Reels vorm Schlafengehen - egal ob zwei, zehn oder 100. Teilt sie mit euren Freund- oder Feind:innen. Ein Sound Meme sagt manchmal mehr als tausend TikToks. Eurer Partyplaylist fehlt die nötige Prise Humor? Auc ...
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Enjoy this naughty blend of hilarious Florida man adventures, dad jokes and a dash of ‘Irresistible’ charm in this sexy adult comedy podcast
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One Graham Army Presents: The Ministry Of Silly Talk Dial (847)665-9238... Leave a message, change the world! Visit One Graham Army Presents on YouTube, Twitch and Social Media Send Hate Mail Here: [email protected]
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Artisan Black Cologne by John Varvatos Review
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0:51Listen to the John Varvatos Artisan Black Cologne by John Varvatos fragrance podcast review episode. Make a stylish statement wearing a signature fragrance from one of the most respected designers in the world. Launched by John Varvatos in 2010, John Varvatos Artisan Black is a limited edition woody citrus scent for today's modern man. Top notes of…
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The Cold Wars Dirty Little Secret : Secret Files and Sinister Science
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43:40We’re diving back into the rabbit hole with the second installment of our Operation Paperclip deep dive. This week, we’re peeling back the layers of history’s biggest "science fair gone wrong," exposing how Nazi scientists were recruited by the U.S. government for rocket science, biological warfare, and psychological research. Was it all for the gr…
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Pare de Reclamar do Seu Projeto: Menos Queixas, Mais Conquistas
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4:47Neste episódio, Ricardo fala sobre a cultura da reclamação em projetos, afirmando que apenas reclamar não resolve problemas. Ele defende a necessidade de ação e apresenta três estratégias: Reverse Standup, Regra dos Dois Minutos e Hackathon Sem Culpa. Para o Ricardo, é fundamental substituir a frustração pela busca de soluções concretas, promovendo…
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A gripe é uma das doenças respiratórias mais comuns em todo o mundo. Em 2018, 23% dos casos de síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SRAG) testaram positivo para o vírus influenza, causador da gripe. No mesmo ano, 26% dos óbitos causados por SRAG ocorreram em função da gripe. Em 2009, foi descoberto no México um novo vírus influenza, causador de uma d…
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FÉmily com Jesus #131 - A maior prova de AMOR
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5:141 João 4:19 A maior prova de amor, Ele realizou. Deus abençoe, Pastor Rodrigo Aguilera e Pastora Cris AguileraDe către Pr. Rodrigo Aguilera e Pra. Cristiane Aguilera
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Its sports... FSU: -Baseball keeps it going 11-0; -Womens BBall is good; - -NFL: -DK to the Packers but at what cost? -Aaron Rodgers to the Giants? -Deebo to Washington Follow us at Cuptocupshow ON ALL SOCIAL (no-spaces) CuptoCupLife.com
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The Waters of Mars (ft. Joe Ford)
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1:22:50Hydrate me, hydrate me… Join Damla, Elliott & special guest Joe Ford this week as they discuss proposals, pew pew lasers, boring timelords and hair. NOTES & LINKS: A Hamster with a Blunt Pen Knife: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/a-hamster-with-a-blunt-penknife-a/id1534828004 https://open.spotify.com/show/3ZROWdEkBJKpANSiQ6TcwH?si=m9MgzQ9STKm…
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Men Are Not Hypergamous – We're Polygamous
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1:04:39Are men naturally polygamous while women are hypergamous? In this live stream, we’re breaking down the real truth about male and female mating strategies. Learn why women seek the best possible option while men are wired for variety—and how this impacts modern relationships. We’ll dive into evolutionary psychology, the realities of attraction, and …
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Can Props in Improv Work?De către nanonanofilm
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Boycotts, Black History, Black Health and Beautiful Boobs! with Mookie G on Amy Brown Comedy Podcast
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1:12:27Mookie G and I are getting too fat and our boobs are getting to big! In this episode we discuss black health (his in particular), my ADHD diagnoses and boycotts. We use all of our Black History vocabulary and we were visited by the ghost of Harriet Tubman! Follow Mookie G Here!https://www.mookieg.comhttps://www.instagram.com/mookie_g_comedyhttps://…
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Episode 512- Blood Diner (1987)
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48:04In this week's episode, we're discussing an often-requested 1987 horror comedy terrible masterpiece: "Blood Diner." Special topics for your consideration include: jokes that haven't aged well, upsetting lips, the pros and cons of actually just eating people, the absolute horror of topless aerobics, and...brothers? Are they brothers?? The 1980s was …
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D&C 19 | Joseph Smith Lecture 2: Joseph’s Personality and Character | Truman G. Madsen
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48:56Using quotes and stories from those who personally knew Joseph Smith, Truman Madsen describes the Prophet’s personality and character. Click here to see the speech page. This lecture was delivered in August 1978. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.De către BYU Speeches
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Hiring A Larcenist & Worst Things to Step on Barefoot - Comedy Podcast
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1:01:28On this hilarious episode we get into a weird discussion on body larceny, go on a road trip with a bunch of old people and wrap things up with a painful Worst Things to Step on Barefoot Draft. Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballer…
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Comics, Murder... and the Gospel? How a Detective Turned Comic Creator Is Redefining Christian Storytelling. J. Warner Wallace, a seasoned detective, sits down with Lenny Esposito to share the secrets behind his leap into graphic novels. This episode dives into blending crime-solving realism with a Christian worldview, engaging readers, and tacklin…
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Ione Skye, Alex Fernie, Rekha Shankar
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1:19:34This week, actor Ione Skye joins Scott to discuss her new memoir, "Say Everything," growing up with a famous father, almost hooking up with Keanu Reeves, and being cast in "Say Anything." Then anti-aging pioneer Travis Skin talks about avoiding water, and Doctor Scrumptious describes the world of competitive eating. Get access to all the podcasts y…
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Are You Garbage is back with Casey Rocket! We're talking drinking 'tuss, running from home and big business! You know Casey Rocket from stand up comedy, Kill Tony, The William Montgomery Show, Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast, Soder Podcast, Almost Friday Podcast, Chrissy Chaos, Camp Gagnon, First Date with Lauren Compton and so much more! Thanks fo…
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Jack Benny – Jack Tries to Rehire the Sportsmen. ep611, 470302
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29:30At the end of last week’s show, Jack fired the Sportsmen. Can he justify himself to the sponsor on his decision? Will his contract with the quartet support Jack’s case…De către Keith Heltsley
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Good Bad Ugly Teaser - dArK or Dank?
(ஆமை-யுடன் Uraiyaadal)
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26:41Hit play, Maamey ▶️ Good Bad Ugly Teaser dropped and we have questions - Did it bring back dArK AK or will it prAnK us like Vedhalam Gangsta 🤟 Let's unnecessarily overanalyze it.And since we love to suffer for content, we’re also giving you our top picks of 2025 (as of 1st March)—free watchlist. Plus, you get to decide what we roast next—vote in th…
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Speciál: Co se to sakra děje? (489)
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1:31:31Vysvětlíme vám, čemu sami nerozumíme.De către Čermák Staněk Comedy
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Archie Andrews – Jive Talk. 460518
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29:31De către Keith Heltsley
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Beyonce Heat Perfume by Beyonce Review
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0:46Details and Care What Is Beyonce Heat Perfume? Heat by Beyonce came out in 2010. This vanilla amber fragrance features peach, almond and floral notes. What Does It Smell Like? Beyonce Heat Perfume smells like a chic, upscale bakery filled with fresh flowers, vanilla macarons and artisanal peach jam. Fragrance Family Vanilla Scent Type: Warm and swe…
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Your Wife Is Losing Interest? This Is Why!
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1:15:43If you feel like your wife doesn’t respect you, avoids intimacy, or treats you like a roommate, you’re not alone. Most men unknowingly destroy attraction by losing their masculine frame. In this live stream, we’ll break down why women test men, how weak frame behavior ruins relationships, and what you can do to reclaim leadership and reignite attra…
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CLASSIC - Luke & Drew Watson - A Crash Course in Marine Biology
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43:05REBROADCAST Brothers, Luke & Drew Watson join me for a day in the marine biology lab. Check out my other artistic ventures ataaron-zvi-felder.com #improv #comedy #improvcomedy #improvpodcast #comedypodcast #longformimprov #nashvillecomedy #humor
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Rapidly gaining the confidence of Diogenes, Lum has a growing confidence that he’s a good bet for the reward for the honest man contest. Today Lum talks to Abner about…De către Keith Heltsley
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Its the full crew this week as they open up talking about the ultimate comfort food. Florida Man this week with a chance at the Big Board. Our Chicken Tender Bracket continues with #7 Wingstop vs. #10 KFC and #3 Chick-fil-A vs. #14 Bojangles. Chris has the latest edition of Blind Rankings and Kevin has his weekly Dad Tip. Jose is live with WWFU and…
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The Great Gildersleeve – In The Doghouse With Irene. 540113
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30:17After some recent blunders with Gildy’s gal, Irene, she hints that he needs to watch his step, or she may be in the market for a better boyfriend. To keep…De către Keith Heltsley
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Tasteful Sarcasm & Things That Are Blue - Spit Hits! - Comedy Podcast
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52:24Spit Hit for Feb 27th, 2025: On today’s show, we discuss hairy backs, feathery insults, and vitamin piles. Then, play along and see if you can beat this week’s winner of ‘Man of the People’. Then stick around till the end as we draft things that are blue. Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode…
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Bonus Bang: Andy Daly, Tim Baltz (Nutz 4 Snutz)
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1:12:12This is episode 2 in our "Nutz 4 Snutz" series, originally episode #576 called "What The Sound Made," released on December 2nd, 2018. Health teacher Joe Bongo is back again with his trusty bongos! Joe joins Scott to talk about being involved in the most expensive car accident, how he incorporates his bongos during his Sex Ed classes, and his podcas…
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The #1 Relationship Mistake Men Make
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1:05:14Why do some men command respect while others lose control in relationships? This live stream will reveal the secrets to emotional resilience and frame control—two of the most critical skills for maintaining attraction and dominance. Learn how to handle emotional tests, set firm boundaries, and prevent reactive behaviors that weaken your leadership.…
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At Least It's Not Gregorian Chant | Ep 1
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26:01🎙️ Welcome to "Comedy and Custody," where we, Sasha Frank and Nebulous Niang, invite you to grab a cup of coffee and join us on the sofa for a hilarious and heartfelt chat. In this episode: We celebrate our 20-year (*cough* 2.5 years) friendship filled with laughter, trauma, and uncontrollable yawns. Discover the secret formula for comedy: *Genuine…
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What are the new Victory Boxes in the Jot ‘Em Down store to be used for? Get ready for a combined history lesson, and dose of World War 2 propaganda.…De către Keith Heltsley
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Raw Unrefined Bible Study: Colossians 3
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46:54Get ready for another deep dive into Colossians! In this episode, we tackle chapter 3, breaking down what it truly means to put off the old self and put on the new. From unpacking spiritual disciplines to discussing how to let the Word of Christ dwell richly in our hearts, we get real about transformation, grace, and living out our faith. Plus, Bra…
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Givenchy Play Intense Perfume by Givenchy Review
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0:42A provocative and utterly modern scent, Givenchy Play Intense for men matches the energy of a fast-paced world. Introduced by the luxury French label in 2008 with innovative packaging that reflects the high-tech theme, the masculine fragrance is classified as an Oriental Fougere composition. Exotic amyris flower, rosy pink pepper and the rich aroma…
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Go Watch The Route 66 Tour Comedy Special on YT
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0:45Watch Here: https://youtu.be/OSkJS1gCDR4?si=zJH6x7FSI9ecsklU Buckle up, bozos. The boys got a special dropping! Route 66 out tonight on YouTube at 7pm EST. From dive bars to diners, sketchy motels to roadside attractions we saw it all! Huge shoutout to the Army of Garbage for making this possible—we couldn’t do it without you all! So grab a cold on…
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Its sports... Opening: Normalize changing fanbases? (from Mike) -FSU: -Baseball keeps it going 7-0 -Who would be your FSU Football GM? -MLB: -Spring Training is underway, and baseball is back!; -Yankees finally change facial hair policy; -NFL: -Jags finally hire a GM! -March Madness is less than three weeks away! Tournament Challenge group coming s…
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Fibber McGee And Molly – Fibber Fixes a Window. ep505, 470225
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29:03After an accident with a fishing rod, Fibber has to repair a broken window. Fortunately, he has plenty of extra window panes on hand, I’m sure he’s going to need…De către Keith Heltsley
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Episode 133! Restaurant Shenanigans
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1:06:48In this new episode of the Steamboat Comedy Podcast, Matt and Kyle talk all things restaurants, including a story of Kyle's confrontation with a Russian chicken tender thief. Topics also include hot takes on the OJ Simpson trial, Matt's attempt to help with a sunscreen situation, plus more sentences that have never been said.…
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She Doesn’t Desire You Anymore? Here’s the Brutal Truth...
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57:18Most men unknowingly destroy attraction in their marriage by slipping into passivity and losing their masculine frame. In this live stream, we expose why your wife has lost interest and how to flip the script before it’s too late. You'll learn why attraction fades, the biggest mistakes men make when trying to fix it, and the proven strategies to re…
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141: Robert McNamara on Arguing Devillier to the Supreme Court & the Self Executing Just Compensation Clause
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50:08Robert McNamara of the Institute for Justice joins to talk about his oral argument to the Supreme Court of the United States in Devillier v. Texas. Robert discusses how he prepared for argument, what was at stake for his client, and what it means for eminent domain practitioners more generally. In the cross exam, Robert shares how much coffee he dr…
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D&C 18 | “One Being Is as Precious in His Sight as the Other” | Barbara Day Lockhart
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38:47Barbara Lockhart teaches that all of God's children are equally precious in His eyes. He loves us, and we must learn to love ourselves. Click here to see the speech page. This devotional was delivered in May 1992. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.De către BYU Speeches
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In this week's episode, we're discussing a movie that a ton of you suggested-- the 2024 drag queens vs. vampires showdown in "Slay." Special topics for your consideration include: some anatomical confusion, moral lessons, an indifference to romance,learning a new dance, and a very very special question for a very very special listener. This is our …
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Remote Senses & Worst Songs To Play at a Funeral - Comedy Podcast
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48:02It’s another hilarious episode of the Spitballers! On this episode we have to decide on which remote senses make the most sense, play some Ballerdash and end things with a Worst Songs to Play at a Funeral Draft. Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect …
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The delivery of the pamphlets that Diogenes is printing is expanding to other cities. Today, Lum tells Abner that he needs to build his own office in the store. Why…De către Keith Heltsley
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Christianity for Thinking People: The William Lane Craig Interview Can Christian faith stand up to rigorous thought? The answer is a resounding yes and you can see why in this interview with Dr. William Lane Craig on his latest project, Systematic Philosophical Theology. This innovative work explores why Christianity isn’t just for the heart but fo…
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