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Learning Latin and Gregorian Chant to Save the World! Each episode features underorganized attempts to address the amazing Gregorian chant deficiencies prevalent in the world today. Do you suffer from Eucharistic Cardio Insufficiency? Try kick-starting your prayer-life with the secret weapon of the monastic movement. We can help you reach your Choral Office goals. Find out more about us :
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It was St Philomena's feast day 12 August. Someone requested me to sing a hymn to St Philomena in Latin. Sure enough there was a thread on the Musica Sacra forum about chant hymns for St Philomena and you can read the rest of the story, and download the PDF on my website:…
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Day 99 of #100daysofchant Da pacem Domine, in diebus nostris. Quia non est aliud qui pugnet pro nobis nisi tu Deus noster. Give peace, O Lord, in our days because there is no one else who will fight for us if not you, our God.
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Day 98 of #100daysofchant 1. Virgo Dei Genitrix, quem totus non capit orbis: In tua se clausit viscera factus homo. 1. O Virgin Mother of God, He Whom the whole world does not contain, enclosed Himself in thy womb, being made man. 2. Vera fides Geniti purgavit crimina mundi, Et tibi virginitas inviolata manet. 2. True faith in thy begotten Son has …
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Day 97 of #100daysofchant Adoremus in aeternum, sanctissimum sacramentum. Let us adore forever the most Holy Sacrament (Jesus truly present under the appearance of bread)
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Day 96 of #100daysofchant One webpage about this hymn - plus the PDF that I'm singing from: Another webpage on learning the Latin for Benediction, based on the Catholic's Latin Instructor by Fr Caswall:…
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Day 95 of #100daysofchant Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is one of those old devotions that sometimes gets taken for granted, but seems to be a bit rarer than it should be. For learning the words, see this interactive page at Kids Chant: or this more mundane page: https://newbookoldhym…
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Day 94 of #100daysofchant So close to finishing! For anyone new, I have been working on a course teaching people how to Sing the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Latin since 2020. Recently someone asked about the Psalm tone I was using for Compline compared with page 158 of the Baronius Press book, so I made a technical video exploring w…
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Day 93 of #100daysofchant The Introit for the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord (6 August) ILLUXÉRUNT coruscatiónes, tuæ orbi terræ: commota est, et contrémuit terra. Ps. Quam dilécta tabernácula tua, Dómine virtútum! concupíscit, et déficit anima mea in atria Dómini. Gloria Patri. Thy lightnings enlightened the world: the earth shook and tr…
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Day 90 of #100daysofchant We sang this as an intermission procession for a production of The Man Born to Be King at the Great Hall in Sydney University. That was my introduction to it. The whole audience processed out after the Crucifixion, giving the stage crew time to change the set. More Info:…
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Day 88 of #100daysofchant You guys probably all go to the Easter Vigil and sleep in on Easter Sunday, don't you? Well, some really cool stuff happens while you guys are all sleeping. Easter Sunday has this little known optional procession. Do you need a translation here when the words are in the video? Way back when I put A New Book of Old Hymns to…
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Day 87 of #100daysofchant I went with the "est vera" version thinking that it would be the better version as the new books were using it - like the way some of the Pre-Urbanite versions of hymns were being revived. Unfortunately, this isn't the way most of the groups I sing with sing it. "Ubi caritas et amor" is pretty entrenched. If I ever get aro…
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Day 86 of #100daysofchant This one's a classic hymn to accompany the Stations of the Cross. The Latin is so brief and concise and beautiful. There's also a Sequence version with a bit more variety to the tune, but when I put together A New Book of Old Hymns, this simpler one was the only one I knew. For more info see: https://newbookoldhymns.brandt…
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Day 85 of #100daysofchant I love how the chorus repeats in two parts. Keeps you awake figuring out which chorus comes next. Also makes it a bit more interesting to sing along the chorus. And it is beautiful - recounting the story of Redemption from Eden to Bethlehem to the Upper Room to Calvary to Heaven. More info at: https://newbookoldhymns.brand…
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Day 83 of #100daysofchant Everyone should know this one. I keep assuming everyone does, and that's probably why I haven't recorded it already. This is one I loved reading in our parish hymnbook during Mass way back in the 80s, in the Gerard Manley Hopkins translation without the Pelican verse. I would spend Mass memorizing it, even though I'm not s…
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Day 80 of #100daysofchant This is the offertory antiphon for Mass this Sunday SICUT in holocáustis aríetum et taurórum, et sicut in míllibus agnórum pínguium: sic fiat sacrifícium nostrum in conspéctu tuo hódie, ut pláceat tibi: quia non est confúsio confidéntibus in te, Dómine. As in holocausts of rams and bullocks, and as in thousands of fat lamb…
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Day 79 of #100daysofchant This is the Introit for Mass this Sunday OMNES gentes, pláudite manibús: jubiláte Deo in voce exsultatiónis. Ps. 46. 3. Quóniam Dóminus excélsus, terribílis: Rex magnus super omnem terram. V. Glória Patri. Clap your hands, all ye nations: shout unto God with the voice of joy. Ps. For the Lord is most high, He is terrible; …
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Day 68 of #100daysofchant The Carmelite sequence for 16 July. Two of my children help me out here. Flos Carmeli, vitis florigera, splendor caeli, virgo puerpera singularis. Mater mitis sed viri nescia Carmelitis da privilegia Stella Maris. Radix Jesse germinans flosculum nos ad e…
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Day 66 of #100daysofchant I didn't do a great job here - I missed a verse accidentally and went flat, but hoping that on the balance, it may illuminate another corner of the treasure trove of the Church's patrimony of sacred music. Refrain: Hail, Mother of mercy, Mother of God, and Mother of pardon, Mother of hope, and Mother of grace, Mother full …
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Day 67 of #100daysofchant Regina Mundi - the communion antiphon for the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel coming up on the 16th July REGÍNA mundi digníssima, María Virgo perpétua, intercéde pro nostra pace et salúte, quæ genuísti Christum Dóminum, Salvatórem ómnium. Most worthy queen of the world, Mary, ever a virgin, intercede for our peace and sa…
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Day 65 of #100daysofchant The Star of Heaven that nourished the Lord drove away the plague of death which the first parents of man brought into the world. May this bright Star now vouchsafe to extinguish that foul constellation whose battles have slain the people with th…
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Day 64 of #100daysofchant Wikipedia interleaves the text with the English translation: Maria, mater gratiae, Mary, gracious mother, Dulcis parens clementiae, Sweet fount of mercy, Tu nos ab hoste protege, Protect us from the foe, Et mortis hora suscipe. And receive us in our hour of death. Jesu, tibi sit gloria, Jesu, glory be to Thee, Qui natus es…
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Day 62 of #100daysofchant The Introit for the 5th Sunday after Pentecost (that's next Sunday, so get practising!) EXAUDI, Dómine, vocem meam, qua clamávi ad te: adjútor meus esto, ne derelínquas me, neque despícias me, Deus salutáris meus. Ps. 26. 2. Dóminus illuminátio mea, et salus mea, quem timébo? V. Glória Patri. Hear O Lord, my voice with whi…
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Day 59 of #100daysofchant The feast of the Most Precious Blood is on 1st July. This is the Offertory Antiphon: CALIX benedictiónis, cui benedícimus, nonne communicátio Sánguinis Christi est? et panis, quem frángimus, nonne participátio Córporis Dómini est? The chalice of benediction which we bless, is it not the communion of the Blood of Christ? An…
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Day 58 of #100daysofchant The feast of the Most Precious Blood is on 1st July. This is the Communion Antiphon: CHRISTUS semel oblátus est ad multórum exhauriénda peccáta: secúndo sine peccáto apparébit exspectántibus se in salútem. Christ was offered once to exhaust the sins of many; the second time He shall appear without sin to them that expect H…
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Day 57 of #100daysofchant The feast of the Most Precious Blood is on 1st July. This is the Introit or Entrance Antiphon: REDEMISTI nos, Dómine, in sanguine tuo, ex omni tribu, et lingua, et pópulo, et natióne: et fecísti nos Deo nostro regnum. Ps. 88.2. Misericórdias Dómini in ætérnum cantábo: in generatiónem et generatiónem annuntiábo veritátem tu…
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Day 56 of #100daysofchant Jesu Rex Admirabilis is one part of St Bernard of Clairvaux's Really Long Poem. The other popular part is Jesu Dulcis Memoria. Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina arranged it in this beautiful three part motet. Here we alternate between the Palestrina and the Gregorian chant. 1 Jesu, Rex admirabilis Et triumphator nobilis Dulced…
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