This podcast contains the audio of sermons preached at Bensham Gospel Hall
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a sermon by brother Jim McMaster. Brother Jim introduces Chapter 1 of Galatians, regarded as one of the first New Testament books to be written. In it, Paul appeals to the church at Galatia to turn back from the heresy of seeking justification through human works (Moses’ Law) and return to the essential truth that one is justified by faith alone. O…
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a sermon by brother Sydney Pinkney. Jesus, on visiting the tomb of Lazarus (Romans 13:11) ‘groaned in spirit and was troubled’ Jesus felt all the misery (including death) that had come into this world through sin. We too witness suffering but the day will come when we will be in glory: Romans 8: 16-18 “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spi…
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a sermon by brother John Baxter Brother John considers the lessons for us today from the work of the apostles in the early Church (book of Acts). We need to be constantly reminding ourselves to look not to our own preferences but rather to seek to do the will of God. God will choose His instruments and God will decide His outcomes. We need to appea…
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a sermon by brother Sydney Pinkney. From the moment a person accepts Jesus as their savour and repents of their sinfulness, they become sanctified: set apart for God; called by Him to be one of the saints; to become ‘in Christ’. This ‘Positional Sanctification’ is absolute and means that all believers are immediately and permanently fit for heaven.…
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Sermon by Mr. Sydney PinkneyDe către BGH Brethren
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De către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr Mduduzi TshumaDe către BGH Brethren
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sermon by Mr. Jim McMasterDe către BGH Brethren
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sermon by Mr Mduduzi TshumaDe către BGH Brethren
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sermon by Mr. Mduduzi TshumaDe către BGH Brethren
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sermon by Mr Paul RichardsonDe către Paul R
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Sermon by Mr Sydney PinkneyDe către BGH Brethren
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sermon by Mr Jim McMasterDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr Mduduzi TshumaDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr John RichardsonDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr John RichardsonDe către BGH Brethren
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sermon by Mr John BaxterDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr Sydney Pinkney (7th July)De către BGH Brethren
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Mr Jim McMasterDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr Mduduzi TshumaDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr Sidney PinkneyDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr John RichardsonDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr John BaxterDe către BGH Brethren
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by Mr John BaxterDe către Mr John Baxter
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Sermon by Mr Jim McMasterDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr. Mduduzi TshamaDe către BGH Brethren
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Sermon by Mr Jim McMasterDe către BGH Brethren
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John RichardsonDe către BGH Brethren
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John BaxterDe către John B
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SidDe către Luke 12 22 to 34
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Jim McMasterDe către Jim McMaster
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Mduduzi TshumaDe către Mduduzi Tshuma
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John RichardsonDe către John Richardson
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De către Sid
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Luke 10De către Jim Mc
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De către John R
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De către Jim
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De către John B
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De către Syd
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De către John R
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De către John B
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De către Sid
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De către John R
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De către Jim
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De către John R
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De către Andrew
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De către Syd
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De către Jim
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De către Jim McMaster
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De către Andrew
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