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The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch feels a little bit like it’s stuck awkwardly into the the middle of the narrative of Acts. This passage is only 13 verses long- But it contains the heartbeat of the book. We see a Jesus Follower, empowered by the Holy Spirit- taking the gospel out into the Gentile World. AND We see an OUTSIDER included a…
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Join us as we reflect on the story of Ananias and Sapphira from Acts 5, and discuss the hypocrisy and integrity within the early Christian community. We see their genuine acts of charity alongside their deceitful attempt to appear more generous than they were. The narrative serves as a caution against using faith for personal gain and emphasizes th…
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At Pentecost, the Spirit of God transitioned from being present in a single place to being present with all believers. All anyone had to do to receive it was choose to follow Jesus. And then- they could carry it with them wherever they went. And they could share it- they could be witnesses to other people- beginning in Jerusalem, moving out to Jude…
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After Jesus' death and resurrection, his disciples were bewildered. Because of his life, death, and resurrection - nothing would ever be the same. They weren’t sure how to continue the story that he began. In the book of Acts- We see Jesus' followers take their first tentative steps into the post-resurrection future. Acts 1 sets the stage for the g…
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Why does the 10th commandment tell us not to covet? When we find ourselves so consumed with others and what they have, get, or receive we miss out on the blessings God has for us. Jesus is taking us all on our own journey and when we focus our attention on him, we realize that we are released from the desire to covet our neighbor. "Thou shall not c…
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Stop to consider that when Peter denies Jesus just before his crucifixion, it's out of fear that he never really knew Jesus the way he thought he did. A big part of Peter's journey has been rethinking what God is doing in the world. Maybe there is something to be gained by allowing the tension to exist in our faith– that wresting with your faith is…
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As we continue Peter's journey with Jesus in Matthew 16:13-26 we see that he and the others expected the Messiah to be one of force, but instead Jesus came with love and self-sacrifice. When Jesus says "Get behind me" we learn its true meaning of being a stumbling block. Jesus calls us to take up our cross and follow him, honoring the humanity of o…
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In the ancient mind, the sea was a terrifying, untamable force that was to be feared. Jesus walking on top of a raging sea calls back to a lot of notions of God and power that are deeply embedded in Jewish consciousness. So when Peter attempts to walk on water and Jesus saves him, maybe Peter's problem is not that he takes his eyes off Jesus – it's…
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In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul says “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit.” Tuning into the fact that the Spirit of God wants to give us gifts that will fill us with WONDER is staggering. Maybe part of asking for wonder is to desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit. To ask God for knowledge, wisdom, faith, healing, mira…
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Drawing from Paul's message in 1 Corinthians 3, we discover how expanding our perspective can enrich our spiritual journey and help us experience God's presence in unexpected places. When we learn to look for wonder everywhere, we challenge the tendency to favor certain leaders or while disregarding others, emphasizing that all truth is God's truth…
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Very early in scripture, God invites Moses to come up on the mountain with him and BE in his presence. (Haya (Hebrew))This same invitation is extended to believers today. In Jesus, God made it clear that he wants to be with us. We often struggle with presence. Our wandering thoughts about what’s to come and about what has already happened keep us f…
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Have you ever stopped to explore the concept of moving beyond purely rational thought to embrace the mystical and wondrous aspects of faith?A "trans-rational" approach acknowledges the limitations of rationalism and embraces the mysteries of faith. What we find is that the sacred can be found in all aspects of life. What we find is that when we tru…
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The abundant life that Jesus came to bring - looks like loving and connecting with God with our whole, integrated beings- our nephesh. This life is stolen from us when we hold an incorrect view of God as a stern taskmaster, when we don’t understand that our purpose is to live lives that point people to what the world is supposed to be, and when we …
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For lots of us, we have been handed a divided way of seeing reality: "Physical vs. Spiritual." This has perhaps caused us to split all physical aspects of life – including our relationship to our own bodies – away from our understanding of spirituality. But what we actually see in scripture is that we are fully integrated beings. We cannot pull our…
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The lives of our minds are important to Jesus. He designed our minds to govern our emotions, and our actions, interpret how we see the world, and to store our memories. Sometimes our minds fool us into thinking things are worse than they are. They forget the goodness that’s all around us. They are easily distracted and influenced by false realities…
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The abundant life doesn’t just happen. It requires intentionality. It requires an awareness that what is going on in the world does not get the final say on what happens in your mind, body, and soul. Most people will not live the abundant life. Because they won’t seek it. They won’t listen for the Good Shepherd’s Voice. We’ve only got this one life…
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Jesus commanded his disciples to live lives that are guided by his teachings. Our mission should reflect what God sent him to do: Proclaim good news to the poor, Proclaim freedom for the prisoners, Restore sight to the blind, and Set the oppressed free. As a church- we are praying that we will continue to go back to Jesus’ mission as the model for …
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Discipleship is an important part of God's vision for The Well Church. It's the process by which we are transformed more into the likeness of Jesus. Through Discipleship, we acquire head knowledge about Jesus, we do what he says, we imitate him, and we disciple other people. The church is where this happens in relationship with Jesus and with other…
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The 8th Miracle of Jesus from the book of John is his resurrection. The resurrection can be difficult to grasp because it defies human reason. John's gospel helps us make sense of God's "full circle" plan to bring all of creation back into a state of shalom. (peace, wholeness) The seven miracles before the resurrection echo the 7 days of creation. …
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In John 4:43-54, we see a Roman official beg Jesus to heal his son. Despite the shallow faith of the people of Galilee, Jesus healed him at the right time in the right place. From this story we see that miracles can inspire our faith, but our faith shouldn’t depend on miracles. This second miracle in the book of John also communicates deep truths a…
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In John chapter 6 we see the miracle of Jesus walking on water, and we reviewed the juxtaposition of the Exodus story from Jewish tradition. What we learn from this miracle is more about trusting God to have full control, especially in overwhelming situations, emphasizing the importance of naming the storm, recognizing its temporality, and finding …
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In John chapter 5 we see Jesus heal a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years. He asks the man, “Do you want to get well?” Jesus isn’t asking him truly if he wants to get better, but instead is speaking to the reality that sometimes it’s easier to resign ourselves to live with our issues than to heal from them. It may be easier to find comfort in w…
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In John 4:43-54, we see a Roman official beg Jesus to heal his son. Despite the shallow faith of the people of Galilee, Jesus healed him at the right time in the right place. From this story we see that miracles can inspire our faith, but our faith shouldn’t depend on miracles. This second miracle in the book of John also communicates deep truths a…
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Explore the transformative narrative of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, as depicted in John 2:1-11. This profound story reveals Jesus' glory, encouraging belief beyond a mere magic trick. Symbolizing union with God, the text connects weddings and wine to themes of shalom, renewal, and abundance. In times of upheaval, the narra…
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In the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids found in Matthew 25:1-13, everybody is waiting for a giant celebration of love and excitement at a wedding set to begin at any minute. The bridesmaids have a major part in a wedding celebration, but as we read, some are foolish and have no oil for their lamps. The metaphor of light shows up a lot i…
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If our attendance in church on Sundays doesn't bring about love, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control throughout our week, then none of what we do matters. How do we make certain that the drive the meet the deadlines of our world doesn't overcome our drive to meet the needs of our world? In looking at Je…
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Some people stumble upon the Kingdom of Heaven, while others seek it out. All are offered citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven.— The treasure. The "Pearl of Great Price." What will we do with it? Will we sacrifice everything for it? Even in the faces of those who think we’re foolish? Will we find our new identities in it and leave the past behind? …
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In "The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant," Jesus teaches that the righteousness required of us in the Kingdom of Heaven is that we are to extend the same extraordinary grace he shows us to those who wrong us. This parable challenges us to ask ourselves if we truly understand what Jesus did for us on the cross, and more importantly, if we've been …
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The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of three parables told in succession. It's important to look at all three for context and find that there is something to learn from each of the characters, including the younger son, older son, and the father. We've been taught to read this story as if we are one of the sons and God is the father. But in the …
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Waiting is one of the most difficult things we are asked to do as disciples of Jesus. But these parables assure us that The Kingdom of Heaven is on the move, under the surface, growing in the good soil. The Kingdom changes everything as it works its way through the lives of those who choose to follow Jesus. May we be people who WAIT patiently as we…
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Jesus was a master storyteller. His parables teach his disciples about his kingdom and mission, but their meanings are cloaked. The parables are designed to “attract and inspire” some and “threaten and repulse” others. As disciples in 2024, we are invited to use our minds and ask ourselves what these parables can do in the lives of those with “ears…
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The way we approach the new year often sets us up for failure. We hope to leave the previous year's struggles in the past, starting fresh with a clean slate. Unfortunately for us, the hand we've been dealt that we haven't quite dealt with will play out in the year to come. Whether 2023 was the worst year or the best year you've ever had, the way we…
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The presence of the Wise Men in Jesus’ birth story prompts us to ask ourselves some profound questions that can amplify our love for Jesus. What or who drew us to him? Why do we love him? And does what we bring to him confirm who he is?And- As we reflect on the whole Christmas story as recorded by Matthew and Luke, our love for Jesus is amplified b…
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This portion of the Christmas story speaks to a time and place where the world was under the illusion that it was at peace. The Christmas story deepens our joy because we see God working within a broken human system to rescue the world.That shepherds were the first people to hear the news of Jesus’ birth deepens our joy as we realize Jesus truly ca…
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Joseph was a righteous man of faith who came from generations of imperfect people with messy and difficult stories. Men and women who give us faith that our stories will be redeemed. They were included and used as vessels to bring about Immanuel- God with us. Joseph thought he was following God’s plan for his life. He had done it all right. He had …
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Do you feel exhausted today?Do you feel insignificant today?Do you feel lifeless today?Do you feel that the world is upside down today?Jesus still causes the weary world to rejoice.Jesus still exalts the humble and moves through them to accomplish his purposes.Jesus still does some of his best work in the margins of society through those who are of…
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As he closes out the Sermon on the Mount teachings, Jesus emphasizes that his disciples have the dignity of a choice to either follow the teachings and make him the Lord of their lives- or not. Following these teachings offers the narrow road to life, while not choosing to follow them leads down the wide road to destruction.As his disciples living …
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In this section of the Sermon on Mount teachings, Jesus instructs his disciples to not to judge others. In other words, we are not to play God and are instead to examine and attend to our own blindspots. We are to remember our place when we pray as we respectfully, but boldly ask God to meet our needs. Jesus also requires more of his disciples than…
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In Matthew 6:19-34, Jesus addresses our scarcity mindset. He tells his disciples that they are to store up treasures in heaven rather than on earth. Practically, this means keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, seeking the kingdom FIRST, and being humble, doing good, and being generous with our possessions. By putting these things into practice, we will…
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At the beginning of Matthew 6, we see Jesus address three practices that he expects of believers- giving, prayer, and fasting. These things are expected, and the new righteousness in the Kingdom of Heaven requires that we do not do them for human praise. God doesn’t need you to make a show of giving to his people. He sees. God doesn’t need you to u…
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In the Sermon on the Mount teachings, Jesus says he is the fulfillment of The Law. The challenging teachings found in Matthew 5:17-37 reveal the root causes of many of the symptoms we see plaguing society. Jesus provides a “Way of Transformation” (Richard Rohr) for life in the Kingdom in regards to murder, adultery, divorce, and oath taking. In a c…
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“The Beatitudes” is a powerful list of the types of people who will be able to see that Jesus’ teachings are good news. They represent the upside down ethics of the Kingdom of Heaven. As students of these teachings in 2023, we should read them and ask ourselves how we benefit from the status quo. Which of these convict us and prompt us to turn back…
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The Sermon on the Mount is a selection of Jesus’ teachings that serves as “A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Amy-Jill Levine) We need several “keys” if we are to unlock the meaning of these beautiful and challenging lessons. They will help us live into the Kingdom of Heaven NOW, even while we wait for it to be fully realized. Welcome t…
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In life, there comes a point when the familiar schemas we've clung to no longer serve us. They become confining, insufficient, and we can no longer pretend they suffice. It all starts with acknowledging our involvement in harmful systems, repenting, and accepting the grace that God eagerly offers. Let's embrace the concept that we don't have everyt…
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Mental illnesses are some of the most common health conditions in the United States, and many faithful Christians struggle to be mentally healthy amidst the challenges of life. Instead of being a safe and healing place for struggling believers, the Church has often bypassed mental illness or shamed people for being unwell. How can the Church come a…
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