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Creado por la galeria MCCA con la única finalidad de integrar a todas las personas involucradas en el mundo del arte. Created by MCCA Gallery with the sole purpose of integrating all the personalities involved in the art world.
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Andrés Murillo

Más que críticas son apreciaciones... más que razón es sentimiento frente al cine. Un espacio para hablar de una pasión hecha imagen en movimiento
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Gaby Garcia Elizalde

by Gaby García Elizalde... reflexiones y tomas de Consciencia desde mi experiencia diaria y gracias a un curso de milagros, biodecodificacion, Tarot Consciente, astrología y la Vida misma. Cover art photo provided by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash:
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La Crema Podcast

Abner Roldán & Karla Quiñones

La Crema es un podcast en donde entrevistaremos a personas involucradas en la industria del café. Nuestros invitados serán mayormente de nuestro país, Puerto Rico, pero poco a poco iremos entrevistando más personas de países Latinoamericanos y de habla hispana.
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Un espacio donde los pensamientos se hacen en voz alta!! Conversaciones entre ustedes y yo donde manifestemos emociones, vivencias, recuerdos entre otras cosas! 🎧📻 Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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Fresh talkative show, with topics that can help you to understand how the South American culture and the Australian culture can be blend together without any judgments. Stay and listen, I will be here to answer your questions. Please leave a comment, your voice is important here. Estás en un show fresco y relajado donde vas a conocer sobre la cultura Australiana, sus diferentes matices y vivencias, con un estilo moderno y tranquilo. Quédate y escucha el primer episodio y déjanos tus comentarios.
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Toma Té y Acomodate

Toma Té y Acomoda Té

Hola amigas espero que les guste este podcast donde yo y mis hermanas estaremos hablando de todo y nada a la vez. Pero que tengan un buen tiempo y se subcriban al podcast y lo compartan. Mucho amor lindura y los escuchamos pronto. No te lo pierdas! Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash:
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Hecho con el corazón por una mamá adoptiva para cualquier persona tocada por o interesada en la adopción. ¿Voy a poder querer a un hijo adoptivo igual que si fuera biológico? ¿Lo va a querer mi familia? ¿Es riesgoso adoptar porque no se conoce la genética? ¿Cuánto tarda y cómo se vive un proceso de adopción? ¿Cuándo le cuentas a tu hijo que llegó por adopción o es mejor ocultarlo? ¿Mi hijo biológico va a aceptar a un hermanito adoptivo?. Encontrarás respuestas a esas y más preguntas a través ...
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Creative Botica

Little Raging Warrior - Martha Lluch

Welcome! This podcast has episodes in English & Español. Conversations by Martha Lluch -artist behind the Little Raging Warrior Project- focused on the intersection between creativity and healing from trauma. A space filled with insights from healthcare practitioners both from the traditional and alternative perspectives, holistic healers, artists and dear soul friends that have influenced my own journey. as I learn to navigate the world beyond my own traumatic experiences. ----------------- ...
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show series
Send us a text Ever wondered how a simple evening filled with vegetarian Indian food and music-making could lead to profound discussions on government responsibility and cultural adventures? Join me, Jorge, and my good friend Alvaro as we reconnect and explore a myriad of topics, from the latest twist in Alvaro's court case to my mission of offerin…
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Send us a text As I uncork the bubbly to celebrate a milestone 100th episode, I find myself awash with appreciation for the vibrant tapestry we've woven together through raw storytelling and shared laughter. It's been a journey of humble beginnings that blossomed into a community, and for that, my gratitude knows no bounds. Together, we've danced t…
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Send us a text Have you ever found yourself in a beer garden, trying to spark a conversation only to be met with mixed results? I certainly have, and it's led to some of the most interesting and unexpected discussions—like when I chatted about Colombian culture and the universal language of music. This episode is a shout-out to our listeners around…
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Send us a text The journey continues Down Under, as Cecil offers a snapshot of his life as a Filipino immigrant in Australia. He reveals the stark contrast of fishing in the river and ocean, and how he's adapted to Melbourne's four-seasons-in-a-day weather. Enjoy a serenade as Cecil channels his inner musician, treating us to a song. Stay tuned for…
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Send us a text Have you ever noticed how our communication dynamics have shifted from talking to endless scrolling and swiping? In this riveting new episode of Unvalued, live on Twitch, we delve into this intriguing evolution. With the advent of platforms like TikTok, one-minute videos and myriad trends bombard us, transforming how we interact with…
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Send us a text In our fast-paced world, time and communication have changed drastically. Balancing time on weekdays as compared to weekends, and countering the societal pressure of constant 'busyness' - it's not an easy ride, but we're in it together. Just like a message in a bottle in the digital sea, we met Stephen, and it only goes to show how u…
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Send us a text How many of us can say we faced a cassowary, walked the vibrant streets of Byron Bay, and delved into the heart of Australia all in one adventure? Our esteemed guest, Lyndon, can say so. In our recent podcast episode, he leads us on an exhilarating journey across Australia, regaling us with tales from Sydney to the Northern Territory…
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Send us a text Have you ever wondered how stepping back from alcohol can lead to surprising positivity? Join me in my journey of self-discovery, as I navigate the electrifying world of nightlife, peeling back the layers of this vibrant ecosystem. From the neon-lit bars and clubs to the enchanting ambience of beer gardens, we're set to explore every…
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Send us a text We promise you a ride of a lifetime through the roller coaster world of warehouse, transport and logistics in Australia. Hitch a ride with us and our esteemed guest, Osbell, a seasoned warehouse assistant, to learn about the industry's ins and outs like never before. We unravel the dynamic terrain of this industry, featuring everythi…
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Send us a text Join me, your host George, as I navigate and conquer the buzzing maze of Melbourne Airport before my flight to Sydney. Thanks to the power of Google, I've discovered that technology can be a traveller's best companion, turning a crowded airport into an easy-to-navigate hub. From the heart of the hustle and bustle, I managed to record…
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Send us a text My first time recording a podcast at an airport, and let's just say it came with its unique set of challenges and perks. From the hustle and bustle of the busy terminals to the thrill of being on-the-go, Let's chat about it all while also reflecting on the powerful process of visualising and achieving goals. As we kick off this episo…
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Send us a text Swapping the bustling streets of Melbourne for the warm cityscape of Brisbane, guest Alvaro offers an entertaining and enlightening conversation: From the electric atmosphere of the Melbourne Cup to planting trees in beautiful Victoria, the journeys we share are as dynamic and varied as the locations we discuss. The Australian advent…
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Send us a text Ever wondered how the grunge tunes of Nirvana, particularly their MTV Unplugged album, have influenced a generation and beyond? Let's take you on a musical journey with us, your hosts, Danny and Josh, as we vibe to tracks from the legendary album and discuss its cultural impact and personal resonance. Danny’s be personal favourite, "…
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Send us a text Ever fantasized about an unforgettable night at a motel? Ever wondered what to expect, or how to plan for it? I’m George, your host, and in this engaging episode we spill the beans on first-time motel room experiences. We pull back the curtain on everything from the thrill of checking in with that special someone, to the curious wond…
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Send us a text Come, journey with me, George, your friendly neighbourhood host, as we take a midweek pause to celebrate the small things in life. I bare my soul about my love affair with vegetarianism, enhanced by the spice-rich palette of Indian cuisine. Let's explore how we can nurse our gym injuries back to health, guided by my personal experien…
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Send us a text Do you have Starbucks in your hometown? Navigate with us and explore the first time ever that a city in Colombia has Starbucks after 1971 years that the company was formed in Seattle. On the other hand, we love Seattle and we dream of travelling there and exploring the Grunge culture. All the best, Follow on @Georgepodcasts Come fue …
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Send us a text Do we have male or female clothes? Listen to the new episode of our first season, we are going to talk about clothes; if you ever had given a tag to your attire or you just put whatever makes you feel comfortable, please leave a comment on what you think is the best thing to do, when you are buying some new clothes for your wardrobe.…
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Send us a text We are going to talk about the Guracha music genre; What is it? what is the proper outfit? What does a party look like? How and at the end, you will be able to listen to Guaracha for dessert. If you want to see the project in photographs follow IG: @georgepodcasts See ya! If you want you be a supporter of this project click on that l…
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Vivimos en tiempos donde es posible reinventarse y cambiar nuestro rumbo de vida, sin embargo, no todos sabemos cómo navegar la incertidumbre del cambio y las crisis que eso conlleva. Por esto he invitado a Jhanan Naime, amiga y tarotista excepcional donde exploramos el tarot, mas allá del medio esotérico. Con ella tocamos temas como: el tarot como…
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Trigger warning: This episode revolves around experiences of sexual violence. To heal from sexual violence can be a long and difficult journey, often shadowed by shame. But what many ignore is that sexual violence is present in every culture and across demographics, the taboo's around this subject perpetuate the cycles of abuse. Which is why I have…
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Vivimos en un mundo que sobrevalora la productividad y está dominado por un exceso de energía masculina. Sin embargo, muchas mujeres han sentido el llamado a reconectar con su energía femenina, pero no saben cómo accederla. Por esto he invitado a la arquitecto y artista Sophia Soriano, para hablar sobre como ella a través del arte y pintando úteros…
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High sensitivity is often looked as a weakness -or as being high maintenance- and many don't know that this is a trait present in 20% of the human species. But the truth is that Highly Sensitive People or HSP's possess a unique way to process information and see the world around them. For this reason, I brought my friend, Depth Therapist & a Coach …
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Uno de los grandes bloques al sanar esta en patrones que repetimos sin saber de dónde vienen. La terapia sistémica (Constelaciones Familiares) ofrece una oportunidad a examinar nuestros linajes y encontrar el origen de esos patrones. En este episodio hablo con la Coach sistémica Anastasia Gomez, he indagamos sobre: Que es la terapia de Constelacion…
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The healing journey can be filled with numerous roadblocks, most of them can be internal, tied to what lives in our subconscious. This area can be tapped with techniques like Hypnosis therapy. But that can be a scary subject, especially for trauma survivors. Mostly due to a high-level of misinformation or misrepresentation of the subject. So for th…
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Empiezo a percibir que mucho de los desordenes emocionales y trastornos de salud mental tienen su raíz en nuestra falta de raíz, y con ello me refiero a haber generado una sociedad y ritmo de vida inhumanos, anti naturales. Nos hemos deshabitado, nos hemos abandonado. Somos mucho más que mente y corazón. Sin hogar es difícil atender lo que somos y …
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La creencia de que el arte es exclusivo y a veces inalcanzable, es muy presente en muchos de nosotros. Pero el arte puede ser una poderosa herramienta para sanar y aprender a navegar los momentos más retadores de la vida. Por eso he invitado a mi amiga de la vida y artista Fernanda Fuschino, con ella hablamos de temas como: El arte como medio para …
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Healthcare practitioners need to understand the long-term effects of trauma in the nervous system to properly support healing in survivors. This is known as trauma informed care. But finding these trauma informed practitioners is extremely hard to do. That is why I invited my friend and RHN Coach Cassandra Hope for this conversation about: What tra…
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Asumirnos. Asumir el deseo, los sueños. Latir sin vergüenza, con Fuerza y Presencia. Ser. Ocupar todo el espacio que nos corresponde por derecho de vida. Espero que sea de servicio. Nuestra única función es esa: Ser, Ex_presar, Liberar, volvernos canal de Vida y permitir que la Vida sea a través nuestro.…
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Quieres explorar la intersección entre la Creatividad y Sanar? Te gustaría entender lo que significa ser creativo y por qué es tan importante para tu vida y salud mental? Entonces te invito a que escuches estas conversaciones con las personas que me han ayudado a aprender a navegar la vida de una manera mas compasiva y generosa, mientras descubro q…
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Want to explore the intersection between Creativity and Healing? Understand what does it mean to be creative and why is it important for your mental health and live altogether? Then I invite you to listen to conversations with the people that had helped me along my own journey of learning to navigate life after trauma, in kinder more generous way! …
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Viviana es una mujer Colombiana, mamá por adopción de manera muy evidente de un chiquito afrodescendiente, y digo muy evidente, porque ella tiene la piel blanca y la de su hijo es muy oscura. Esta gran diferencia ha significado para ellos una serie de retos que Viviana nos comparte con detalle en este episodio. Conozcamos cómo se vive una adopción …
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El real backstage de una supermodelo: En esta ocasión nos visita Marta Ortiz, supermodelo y empresaria. No solo ha desfilado en las pasarelas más importantes de todas las grandes capitales, sino que también ha creado su propia empresa para ayudar a pequeñas marcas de moda que tengan como misión la sostenibilidad. Un capítulo que nos ayudará a enten…
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Muchos padres adoptivos le damos a nuestros hijos un nombre diferente al que tenían al recibirlos. Es un gesto con linda intención. Pensamos en recibirlos en una nueva familia con un nombre nuevo. Sin embargo, no sabemos, no pensamos, que esto puede significar una ruptura más con su pasado, con su identidad, e incluso un rechazo a su historia, y po…
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Muchas veces los "absolutos", las "certezas", los "siempre", los "nunca", los "yo ya sé lo que (me/te/nos/les) va a pasar", sólo nos alejan de vivir. Hablemos de la vida, vivirla y cuáles son las "reglas" para jugarla y pasarla bien? Si compartis mi visión, encontremonos por redes: IG: @yosoyotrotu.ok Telegram: Youtube: …
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En este episodio entrevistamos a Yaritza Lozano & Orlando Santiago, dueños de Double Cake, compañía de confección de bizcochos de Puerto Rico. Hablamos sobre sus comienzos en la industria, el manejo de sus negocios y su mudanza de Santurce a Rio Piedras porque les aumentaron la renta en su antiguo local.…
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¿Emprender con 500€ y facturar millones? Sí, así lo ha conseguido SAYE. En este primer podcast de la temporada nos visita Marta Llaquet la fundadora y CEO de SAYE, una de las empresas de zapatillas veganas más innovadoras del momento. Hablaremos sobre sostenibilidad y entenderemos su recorrido para llegar a facturar 7 millones.…
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David del Rosario, propulsor de la "ciencia del día a día", me permitió descubrir mucho sobre el cerebro y cómo funciona, sobre el escaso nivel de acceso a la información que el organismo es capaz de gestionar, y sobre nuestra tendencia a pensar la vida cuando la clave siempre está en vivirla. Espero que estas quotes sean excelentes disparadores pa…
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