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What story do you want to be told about you and the business you created? If you want it to be one of success, one of creating a better world, one of inspiration and influence, one of making lots of money, one of having time for friends and family, one of serving others, and one that you are genuinely proud of, then this podcast is for you. This show is a platform designed to help change the story about women in business and entrepreneurship. Change the story told about us, to us and most im ...
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show series
I believe that ​​our education systems and how our society is structured traps us. We are taught to fit within a mold so that we are ‘employable’ and can hopefully find a job that allows us enough pay to live comfortably and gives us a few weeks off a year. ⁣ ⁣ Yet inflation is skyrocketing, the cost of living is outrageous and people feel disconne…
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Have you ever found yourself anxiously anticipating something? Maybe it’s small like a task you need to complete or maybe it’s a large goal that requires you to push big-time out of your comfort zone. No matter the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, anxiety, fear, doubt, all exist primarily in the anticipation of something- not…
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If you’re on social media and work in the space of entrepreneurship and/or spirituality you’ve most likely heard the term self sovereign over the past few years. I wanted to dive a little deeper into what I feel it means and why it is directly connected to community care - because sometimes when I hear people use it, it just comes off as inherently…
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I believe that ​​our education systems and how our society is structured traps us. We are taught to fit within a mold so that we are ‘employable’ and can hopefully find a job that allows us enough pay to live comfortably and gives us a few weeks off a year. ⁣ ⁣ Yet inflation is skyrocketing, the cost of living is outrageous and people feel disconne…
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I am getting a lot of people in my dms saying they are very interested in learning more about web3 - blockchain - nfts - crypto, but have no idea where to start. They are telling me they grasp that there is potential in this emerging space but truly do not understand most of it. If you fall into this category, that is totally okay and let me tell y…
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A few weeks ago IG announced it was beta testing integrating NFTs onto its platform and so far things are going well. Youtube, Meta (aka facebook), Amazon, Shopify, Stripe and other content hosting platforms and commerce based businesses now officially all have web3 teams who are using, building, and integrating blockchain technology. What the heck…
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It is very common for us to view ourselves as 3 separate people. There is our past self, our current self, and our future self. The reality though is there is only one us. This isn’t to say we stay the same, we know we are constantly changing. What I mean though, is that without changing something today, nothing will change in the future - except t…
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Many of us can feel as though we’re in a race to reach ‘the finish line’ in our business and lives. We look to those around us to determine if we’re ahead or behind and this can create a sense of urgency. The reality is that we aren’t actually in a race, we will most likely never feel like we ‘crossed the finish line’ and we aren’t competing with a…
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Have you ever found yourself working countless hours on something only to realize that you want to throw it away? Not because you don’t love the overarching thing you created, but because you feel so burnt out by the process and the idea of doing it again makes your heart sink. Sometimes how we build something affects our ability to do it long term…
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What if you could build out your content and business in a way that rewarded you AND your audience economically? With blockchain technology you can. Technology has always had a huge impact on how businesses interacted with their audiences. Email, social media, youtube etc have all shifted the relationship between us and our customers over the last …
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How many times have you spent countless hours of your life stressing out about social media and having to learn something new, yet again, in order to keep up with its changing rules of engagement? Since starting my coaching business about 6 years ago I feel like I have whiplash from having to learn something, create a new strategy around it, only t…
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What if there was a way to retain the autonomy, creativity, freedom and innovation of entrepreneurship, but also have the community, structure and support of others that we sometimes miss when running a business by ourselves? This is what has me so intrigued with DAOs - decentralized, autonomous, organizations. Think of a startup business meeting a…
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The very first thing I need to make clear when talking about the metaverse, is that it is NOT owned by Facebook, nor are people that interested in what Facebook is building. Why? Because most people in the web3 space, myself included, are most interested in decentralization. Meaning no one person, government, entity or company has full control or o…
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Many people (myself included) pursue the illusion of power, because under the surface what we desire is freedom and we think this is the only way to get it. The only way I can be free is to have so much power, that no one can have authority (ie control) over me. Because we live in a world of haves and have nots, I need more power, money, status and…
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There is so much (and this seems common unfortunately) going on in the world right now that can make us feel overwhelmed. I’ve been in many conversations with people asking ‘is there any hope of changing these systems’ and while all I have is my own opinion, I believe decentralization (which is KEY) and blockchain technology has the power to change…
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I understand the resistance to learning new things. Which is why I want to sprinkle in little bits of here and there, because it adds up over time. I truly feel this space of crypto/nft/web3 is going to change the world faster (but still over the course of a decade +) than anything else in modern history. We’re still so early in its creation, which…
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We live in a world that is constantly grasping for our time, attention, energy, money and resources. This means that more than ever, we need to know how to support ourselves, regulate our emotions and practice mindfulness in our daily lives. There are a lot of shoulda, woulda, coulda moments that could have been avoided if we had slowed down, and b…
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I know there are so many ‘secret’ weapons out there when it comes to business, but here me out! This is one that I believe also deeply serves us in all aspects of our lives - It is the ability to remain open. We live in a world where it is extremely easy for us to close ourselves off - to getting help, to believing in ourselves, to taking risks, to…
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I know how much it can suck having to learn a bunch of new things, especially technology, in a world where it feels that just as we’ve grasped one thing, something new comes along. Please know, that you can ALWAYS opt to not adopt new technology, and that is totally okay. I also know that sometimes it's easier for us to grasp and learn, than we giv…
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We are never just one thing in life, and the same is true in the space of entrepreneurship. We’ve come to understand being non-binary in relation to gender. I feel it can help us better support ourselves and flourish in ways that are far beyond gender identity. When we view ourselves, our ideas, our lives, our hopes and dreams and these multidimens…
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First off I hope you had a lovely holiday season and were able to get whatever it is that you look for from that time of the year. I wanted to start off the new year by tackling the concept of productivity. NOT because I think we need to focus on being ultra productive, but because focusing on the right kind of productivity can actually liberate us…
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One of the main things drilled into us throughout our lives is that we need to ‘obtain’ safety + security, through a series of events. A good stable paying job with benefits, saving for retirement, marriage, a house, kids, and other forms of social and material status. If you ‘achieve’ these you’ve done something right… but have you? Safety and sec…
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Want to know one of the main reasons we don’t accomplish the things we desire? It isn’t because we don’t work hard enough, or have what it takes….. It’s because we feel that we are our mistakes, our shortcomings, what we lack, and because of that have a hard time tapping into our inherent goodness. Believe it or not, we are SO MUCH MORE than what w…
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Hey! How do you feel about the concept of being self made? We often think of it in terms of money and access to wealth and early mentorship, but the narrative around it can be harmful. In reality no one is self made, not even the people we think are, because we’re all products of those around us. We need mentors, community, people who help us probl…
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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your fear of failure has actually prevented you from doing something? If there is one thing I’ve learnt over the years, it’s that our fear of failure harms our ability to live the life we desire more than anything else. Fear causes us to feel shame, and shame ultimately traps us. The thing is though…
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It is human nature to want to belong, but when does our desire to fit in come at an expense that might be too high for us to pay? Often fitting in is a lot more about membership - checking off certain criteria that creates exclusivity over genuine belonging. However we want to take time to understand the difference between the two, because genuinel…
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If I were to ask you what a good life meant to you, how would you answer that question? And after answering it, would you be able to say yes, you are in fact living that life? If you’re anything like me, these last fews years have really left me contemplating what it means to ‘live a good life’. I have come to realize that certain ways I’d answer t…
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Goal setting is such a prevalent concept in our society, yet a lot of us can get it wrong. Now ‘getting it wrong’ isn’t to imply that you’re not meeting some arbitrary expectation, but to say that sometimes our goals don’t align with our values, intentions or how we actually want to live. We can use ‘goals’ as our guiding force in life, but sometim…
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Have you ever found yourself face to face with some kind of resistance or obstacle in your life and immediately blamed yourself for it? If you’re human I am going to guess the answer is yes, because we’ve all been there. We’ve all faced resistance in our business and lives and instead of compassionately reminding ourselves this is a normal part of …
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Have you ever stopped and asked yourself if your hopes, dreams and goals for the future are actually yours? When we buy a picture frame, it often comes with a stock image holder that's meant to be replaced. Sometimes I feel the same is true for our lives. We get handed this life and we’re told we can fill it however we want, but that we forget to t…
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Hey! The term lazy is definitely something that haunts a lot of us, especially entrepreneurs. There can be alot of shame, self judgement and frustration that washes over us when we think we’re being ‘lazy’. However, we need rest and I’ll be the first to admit - I love being ‘lazy. Maybe it’s because I’m a taurus and we are notorious for wanting to …
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If you are anything like me, everytime a new social media platform or ‘must do to grow you business’ feature comes out, you might find yourself doing a familiar dance of ‘do I, don’t I’. It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of keeping up with the Joneses when it comes to social media trends, platforms, and the do and don’ts that are always changi…
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We’ve all been there... that eternal battle of what you desire and your limiting beliefs going head to head. One of the most frustrating things about being human is genuinely how we can struggle to get over what feels like our own self imposed hurdles and roadblocks. Please know though, that we all have them - nothing is wrong with you. One concept…
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Have you been feeling this pull (or maybe a push) to change things up? Whether that be starting a new routine, creating a new offer, shifting how you do things in your business or even starting something new altogether, fall often brings a feeling of wanting something fresh. What we need to learn is to listen to that pull, as it is our intuition gu…
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Have you been feeling a little ‘meh’ lately? If you have been, you’re not alone. Lots of people I have been chatting with have been feeling the same. While there are many different factors that play into our energy and engagement levels, a few I wanted to highlight today are comparable to relationship advice we routinely hear. You’re going to have …
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Throughout the course of our lives we change many times. As life ebbs and flows, so do we. One thing I know to be true is that sometimes creating that change we desire can be hard. Not because we aren’t capable, but because integrating new ways of being and living can come with its handful of challenges. The key to integrating lessons, insights, an…
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Have you ever had that moment where you realize you need to let something or someone who's been a pillar of your life, go? There will always come moments in life when we need to let some part of ourselves that is connected to something else go, in order to make space for what's next. It is scary, but also full of so much opportunity. Nothing, or no…
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A phrase we hear often in the spiritual and entrepreneurial world, is to do ‘what is in alignment with you’. I am all for living and running an aligned business and life AND I am aware that those things will never look the exact same for two people. We are similar and yet so vastly different, of course my goals and how I achieve them and your goals…
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A lot of people are starting to reintegrate back into the world, which means that we’re starting to feel the strain of obligation creep up on us again. Something that I have observed is that a lot of people are realizing that they feel out of alignment with some of those obligations and expectations to go back to. There might be resistance in how y…
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I would say that one of the things the vast majority of people try to avoid in their lives is conflict. It sucks, it takes up a lot of energy, it causes us anxiety and all around isn’t fun. However, conflict really is an unavoidable reality of life, and entrepresigp. You can be the kindest, calmest, most on top of everything person with the greates…
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Have you ever wanted people closest to you, whether that be your friends, family, or partner, to support you more when it comes to your business? One question I get asked often is how to get people around you on board with your entrepreneurial goals and one thing I have realized is that sometimes it might take a bit of time to do that. This isn’t b…
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Are you struggling to figure out what offer to launch? Or what business to start? What career to build? What opportunity to pursue? I hear this so often from many of my clients. They want to express themselves in so many ways, that in our one-dimensional definition of success, they start questioning their ambition for more than one passion. We are …
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Last week we talked about how transformation can feel like failure. Especially when we’re in the middle of a big project, everything is looking more messy in the middle and overwhelming us. This week, I want to go even deeper in this. What happens when you find yourself in this “slump”? Think of this week’s episode as my pep talk to help you climb …
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I’ve been having so many conversations with my clients and within The Lighthouse Collective when it comes to transformation. Many of us are finding ourselves in this energetic space of change and kind of knowing where we’re going without actually knowing where we’re going. If you’re in this space, and even if you’re not, I recorded this week’s podc…
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Subject: Having a Hard Time Making Money? Is This Social Construct Holding You Back? Do you feel shame around wanting to be wealthy? Commerce and capitalism are not one in the same. Capitalism is a newer economic model in relation to how long humans have had goods and services to trade for. Commerce exists outside of capitalism and in many ways can…
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Entrepreneurship signifies the possibility of what could be. We might not know exactly what something will look like, but we still have this feeling of what it could be and we follow that feeling. However, there’s also an aspect of entrepreneurship where sometimes we’re trying to prove something. We create it into this magic pill to cure a job we d…
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So many of us get caught up trying to keep up that we fail to realize how we might be doing ourselves more harm than good - both emotionally, physically, and in our businesses. Today I want to talk about my favourite topic: ditching the should’s and doing what feels like fun. Consistency is one of the most important muscles in your business, but co…
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