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Bible Mysteries

Scott Mitchell, Bleav

Did you ever wonder why the Bible is hard to understand? What if God wrote the Bible in such a way as to hide a deep secret from Satan and his angels? Bible Mysteries unlocks the secrets in the Bible! Join Scott and John as they guide you through ancient mysteries that reveal much about what is going on in your world today. Learn more at
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Episode 226: The Queen of Heaven Deception - Fallen Angel Poses as an Ancient Goddess Show Notes There is a growing trend in the UFO community to create a new narrative. Chris Bledsoe, Jake Barber, Stephen Greer, and many others are all pushing what equates to the worship of the queen of heaven in ancient Israel. A false gospel is being preached to…
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Episode 225: Let's Talk Hebrew - Unlocking the Hebrew Meaning of Love with Jeff Dodson Show Notes We welcome back my dear friend and brother in Christ, Jeff Dodson, to discuss the Hebrew language more. In particular, Jeff talks about the Hebrew word for love, and we explore the depth of its meaning. Do we really know what love is? Bible Mysteries i…
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Episode 224: The Fourth Reich Show Notes - Demonic Nazi Technology In The U.S. Hegemony When World War II ended, the Allies were amazed to discover the incredibly advanced technology used by the Germans. Operation Paperclip was implemented to import this technologically advanced knowledge to America. There is evidence that this technology was obtai…
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Jana Potts is a former oncology nurse, mother of three children, and wife to our co-host, John. We discuss her medical experiences and why holistic approaches and treatment modalities are rarely used in the Western medical ethos. Jana shares her testimony of salvation, her experience ministering to cancer patients, and how our bodies lack nutrition…
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Episode 222: Rules of Engagement Part 2 - How Humanity Ceded Power to Satan & the Final Battle Ahead Show Notes God has placed limits on the fallen entities' access to our world and our access to their realm. This limit is evident because fallen angels, with their advanced knowledge, power, and capabilities, could have easily seized control of the …
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Episode 221: Rules of Engagement Part 1 – Satan’s Authority, Fallen Angels & the Final Battle Show Notes God has placed limits on the fallen entities' access to our world and our access to their realm. This limit is evident because fallen angels, with their advanced knowledge, power, and capabilities, could have easily seized control of the earth i…
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Episode 220: Immaculate Constellation Show Notes At the last congressional hearing on UAPs in November 2024, independent journalist Michael Shellenberger claimed sources inside the Pentagon revealed knowledge about a UAP program known as "Immaculate Constellation." While it does not surprise any of us the Pentagon would hide or house a secret progr…
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Episode 219: Drone and Orb Proliferation - Interview with Sylvia McKelvey Show Notes Recent drone and orb sightings were all over the news before they were replaced with politics and natural disasters. However, these UAPs have not gone away. Sylvia McKelvey is a MUFON investigator with personal experience concerning orbs. We get the benefit of her …
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Episode 218: Above All Gods: The Lord Reigns Supreme Over Every Fallen Entity, Angel and Demon Show Notes The Bible declares the Lord to be above all gods. While we often think of the gods as false gods and idols, these idols are images to worship fallen entities. Satan wants to be God, and Paul said that Gentiles sacrifice to devils. From the begi…
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Episode 217: A Kingdom Divided – Unmasking the Spiritual Battle Behind Political Polarization America is currently a house divided against itself. While the majority may shift slightly left or right depending on the election year, we remain a deeply divided country. This division also happens in many other nations, particularly the West. While one …
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Episode 216: The Tents of Shem Part 2 - Interview with Ryan Pitterson - Biblical prophecy, Middle East occupation, and true Israel of God Show Notes What does it mean that Japheth will dwell in the tents of Shem? Could that refer to land only, or are there political, commercial, and genetic components to this cryptic prophecy? We continue our inter…
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Episode 215: The Tents of Shem Part 1 — Ryan Pitterson on Prophecy, Middle East Occupation, and the True Israel of God Show Notes What does it mean that Japheth will dwell in the tents of Shem? Could that refer to land only, or are there political, commercial, and genetic components to this cryptic prophecy? We welcome back our dear brother Ryan Pi…
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Episode 214: The Spiritual Realm - Is It More Physical Than We Think? Show Notes There is much we don’t understand about the spiritual realm. Call it another dimension if you wish, but there may be a misconception that this realm has no physicality. If that is so, all descriptions of things within this realm would be metaphors and not facts. It is …
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Episode 213: The Managed Agenda Part 2 – UFOs, AI, Elections & Demonic Activity | Round Table with Vicki Joy Anderson & Karin Wilkinson In our first-ever round-table discussion, Bible Mysteries Podcast welcomes distinguished authors Vicki Joy Anderson, and Karin Wilkinson. Join us for Part 2 of the Managed Agenda as we explore questions surrounding…
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Episode 212: The Managed Agenda - UFOs, AI, & Prophecy (Part 1) Round Table Discussion with L.A. Marzulli, Vicki Joy Anderson, and Karin Wilkinson Show Notes In our first-ever round-table discussion, Bible Mysteries Podcast welcomes distinguished authors and filmmaker Vicki Joy Anderson, Karin Wilkinson, and the intrepid L.A. Marzulli. Join us for …
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Episode 211 The Mystery of Wormwood: Prophecy of a Poisoned Earth, Flaming Angel, or Meteorite? Decoding End Times Judgment Show Notes A star named Wormwood will poison one-third of Earth's water during the time of Jacob’s Trouble. Is this an actual star, a meteorite, or an angel? How will one-third of the Earth's water be poisoned if a meteor fall…
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Episode 210: Subdue the Earth-Exploring God’s Command to Adam, Biblical Meaning, and the Mystery of a Fallen World Show Notes God created man to replenish and subdue the earth. While we could do an entirely different episode on the word replenish, we will focus on subdue today. What was Adam to subdue, and why did it need subduing? Does it simply p…
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Episode 209: The Seven Spirits of God-Exploring Who They Are and Their Role in Revelation Show Notes A special blessing is pronounce on those that keep the sayings of the prophecy of the book of the Revelation. It is difficult to understand, and it takes work and study to comprehend it. A listener recently asked what are the seven Spirits of God in…
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Episode 208: The Heavens Declare - Interview with Dr. Jason Lisle Show Notes Bio: Dr. Lisle is a Christian astrophysicist who researches issues pertaining to science and the Christian Faith. A popular speaker and author, Dr. Lisle presents a rational defense of a literal Genesis, showing how science confirms the history recorded in the Bible. Broug…
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Episode 207: The Othering of the Saints - The Rising Persecution of Christians Show Notes While the spiritual battle rages, distractions are increasing that take our eyes off the truth of Ephesians 6:12. Politics and division further polarize and entangle the church. Yet, another emerging element will divert our attention from the warfare we wage: …
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Episode 206: The Phoenician Cartel Part 2 There are many theories on the roots of modern Jewry claiming they are genetically Khazarians or some other non-Semitic peoples. However, the genetic evidence overwhelmingly proves both Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews are of Semitic origin mixed with Eastern European and Spanish blood. In 70 AD, Israel was def…
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Episode 205: The Phoenician Cartel Part 1- Unveiling the Phoenician Cartel: Ancient Traders, Mystery Babylon, and Global Influence Show Notes Much mystery surrounds the history of the Phoenicians. At one point, they occupied an area from modern-day Lebanon to Carthage in North Africa. The Carthaginians, or Punic People, were also known as Western P…
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Episode 204: Prayer & Fasting - Interview with Duane Wieding Summary: Fasting is mentioned frequently in the Scriptures, and it was once an important part of worship and walking with the Lord. Fasting combined with prayer is a powerful tool in the Christian faith, but we often overlook it as a prescription for many issues we face. Today, we welcome…
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In this special 4-year anniversary episode, we celebrate the incredible success of Bible Mysteries, made only possible by you, our faithful listeners, subscribers, and supporters from all over the world. We dedicate this episode to everyone who has supported the podcast by sharing it with others, through prayers, and through Premium Subscriptions a…
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Episode 202: Anti-Rapture Rhetoric: Debunking John Rich's Myths About the Rapture and Dispensationalism Show Notes: Summary: Recently, a celebrity named John Rich was on Tucker Carlson spreading what I believe is a myth about futurism, dispensationalism, and the premillennial rapture. Pastor Chuck Baldwin, once a candidate for US President, promote…
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Episode 201: The New Temple Deception: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Rebuilding of Jerusalem’s Temple Many evangelical Christians, mainly in America, anxiously await political events that will clear the path for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. They believe this will usher in the time of tribulation and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ…
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Episode 200: The Mystery of Sodom and Gomorrah: Uncovering the True Sin and God's Wrath Show Notes Summary: Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim were cities of the plain the Lord overthrew with fire and brimstone. The cry of their grievous sins reached heaven, and the wrath of God was poured out upon them, sparing only righteous Lot and his daughters…
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Episode 199: Evil Harvest Updates - Interview with Karin Wilkinson Show Notes Summary: Karin Wilkinson is an author, lecturer, and researcher who has been featured in LA Marzulli’s film The Coming UFO Invasion: Exposing the Dragon’s Dark Secrets. Karin is a saved believer in Christ and has had the experience of being abducted multiple times since c…
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Episode 198: Legs of Iron - NATO & BRICS? Summary: Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, dreamed of an image with a head of gold, breast of silver, belly, thighs of brass, and legs of iron. We know by interpretation that these represent four kingdoms: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The iron legs also represent the splitting of the Roman Empire into …
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Episode 197: The Mystery of Sound /Revealing the Power of Sound Frequencies Show Notes Summary: In two episodes, we discussed moving mountains by faith. These mountains would move as a result of the sound of a voice. Is there a mystery to the manipulation of sound frequencies? Today, scientists are just beginning to unlock the power of acoustic lev…
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Episode 196: Mountains in the Sea Part 2 / The Future Fulfillment of Jesus' Promise Show Notes Summary: Jesus told His disciples that they could have faith and move mountains. This has become an expression of great faith throughout the ages. However, as is often the case with Scripture, Christ's statement warrants a closer look. What was Jesus refe…
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Episode 195: Mountains in the Sea Part 1 - The Future Fulfillment of Jesus' Promise Summary: Jesus told His disciples that they could have faith and move mountains. This has become an expression of great faith throughout the ages. However, as is often the case with Scripture, Christ's statement warrants a closer look. What was Jesus referring to re…
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Hell, God's Prison: Gary P. Miller Discusses the Scriptural Realities of Hell's Horrors, Episode 194 Hell is a real place, and the Bible describes it in great detail. In this episode, we take a Scriptural journey that a lost person takes when they die. Our tour guide is Gary P. Miller. Gary is pastor of Grace Harbor Church in Arlington Heights, IL.…
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Episode 193: Here Be Dragons! Show Notes Summary: "Here be Dragons" was a phrase early cartographers (map makers) used on faraway, uncharted corners of the map. It was used to warn people away from dangerous areas where sea monsters were believed to exist. Most view dragons as mythological creatures, but the Bible has a very different view of them,…
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Episode 192: America in Prophecy Show Notes Summary: Many nations are mentioned in the Scriptures, and several are included in the end-times prophecy. Is there any reference in the Bible to America in prophecy? The same question could be asked of Europe, Asia, and other nations, but we will focus on the United States. Let’s look to see if America i…
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Episode 191: Not So Blurry Creatures Show Notes Summary: Photographic evidence of cryptids often looks taken with shaky hands or poor cameras. In this day and age, with iPhones and improved cameras around us all the time, you’d think clear photographic evidence would be everywhere. In a nod to our fellow podcasters Luke and Nate, many of these phot…
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Episode 190: The Night Watches - Interview with Vicki Joy Anderson Show Notes Summary: Vicki Joy Anderson is the author of They Only Come Out at Night: Exposing the Dark Weapon of Sleep Paralysis. Vicki believes she is called to address the sleep paralysis issues that plague so many believers and non-believers alike, providing scriptural tools and …
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Episode 189: The Anunnaki - From Babel to Abraham Part 2 Show Notes Summary: The Anunnaki were worshiped among the ancient gods of the Sumerians or Akkadians. The idea that they were actually “aliens” from the planet Nibiru that came to Earth and genetically manipulated proto-humans to mine gold for their dying planet came from Zecharia Sitchin, wh…
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Episode 188: The Anunnaki - From Babel to Abraham Part 1 Show Notes Summary: The Anunnaki were worshiped among the ancient gods of the Sumerians or Akkadians. The idea that they were actually “aliens” from the planet Nibiru that came to Earth and genetically manipulated proto-humans to mine gold for their dying planet came from Zecharia Sitchin, wh…
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Episode 187: The Grand Solar Minimum Show Notes Summary: Our Sun is now in or about to enter a solar cycle known as the Grand Solar Minimum. Solar minimum is the regular period of least solar activity in the Sun's 11-year solar cycle. During solar minimum, sunspots and solar flare activity diminish, and this has led some alarmists to predict dramat…
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Episode 186: Media Manipulation - Interview with Tina Griffin Show Notes Summary: Tina Griffin is on a mission to help parents safely navigate the pop culture chaos. She is a former Hollywood actress, pop culture expert, speaker, multi-platform show host, and counterculture mom. Tina spent several years in Los Angeles as an actor and has seen first…
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Episode 185: Mind Control Show Notes Summary: Satan is the god of this world. He uses his human proxies to control the minds of those who refuse to believe the truth. There are psychological operations in place by the US Government and all governments to control your mind and deceive you for their agenda. Since the dawn of time, this has gone on, b…
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Episode 184: The Younger Dryas - Heaven Pre-Adamic Flood: The Creation of Three Heavens through God's Wrath Summary: Around 12,900 years ago, the Earth experienced a cooling period known as the Younger Dryas. This cooling led to widespread flooding, which some experts speculate may have been global. One theory suggests that the flooding was caused …
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Episode 183: The Younger Dryas - Water Show Notes Summary: Around 12,900 years ago, the Earth experienced a cooling period known as the Younger Dryas. This cooling led to widespread flooding, which some experts speculate may have been global. One theory suggests that the flooding was caused by an impact event that melted large ice sheets and trigge…
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Episode 182: The Younger Dryas - Wrath Bible Mysteries Podcast unlocks the secrets in the Bible that the god of this world doesn't want you to know. Join Scott and John as they guide you through ancient mysteries that reveal much about what is going on in your world today. New episodes are released each Monday. Show Notes Summary: Around 12,900 yea…
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Episode 181: UFO Proliferation and Portals - Interview with LA Marzulli Show Notes This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Jacob D., Amber H., Michele S., PM Gafford, and Sam S. (September 2023) Summary: And now, a man that needs no introduction: L. A. Marzulli! L.A. is an award-winnin…
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Episode 180: The Name of God - The Hebrew language connects HIS name to creation, water, and mankind feat. Jeff Dodson Show Notes Summary: The Hebrew language of the Old Testament is fascinating in the way it forms words, and how the words can be broken down into components that point to a Divine Author. Our friend and brother Jeff Dodson is an ama…
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Episode 179: The Depopulation Agenda - Why are they trying to kill us? Summary: The Luciferians, or satanic global elites, hate humanity and particularly hate believers in the God of creation. They are the reason behind almost every major war since the start of the beginning of sorrows, if not all wars. They despise God, His saints, and His Son Jes…
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Episode 178: Luciferianism - Understand the Enemy While Christians largely ignore the spiritual battle we wage, the satanic global elites are strengthening their own religious fervor in these last days. To understand the enemy, we must understand its origin. While names have changed, ultimately, the demon-controlled leaders of the nations and their…
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Ali Siadatan reveals what led him to make his film UFOs, Angels & Gods, and what he learned about the spiritual realm from studying the Scriptures. Ali Siadatan founded Think Again Productions in Canada, a multimedia teaching ministry that sheds light on the mysteries and treasures of scriptural knowledge coming from the Lord to this generation. Al…
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