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Welcome to the Chroniclez Podcast Page! An Uncensored, Unfiltered & Uncut look into the world of news, entertainment, music, politics, movies & sports. Nothing is taboo and you never know what topic will be discussed. Thank you for tuning in!!
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Sasquatch Chronicles

Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters

People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. Additional episodes and exclusive content can be found on our website Become a Me ...
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The Gangster Chronicles

The Black Effect and iHeartPodcasts

Welcome to the "Gangster Chronicles", where Gangster Rap lives. Gangster Chronicles takes you on an unforgettable journey through the heart of hip-hop. with host, Bigg Steele, alongside the legendary MC Eiht, together, we're diving deep into the visceral world of Gangsta Rap. On this podcast, we unravel the intricate tapestry of one of music's most influential and misunderstood sub-genres, exploring the formative artists, monumental albums, and socio-political factors that have shaped Gangst ...
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Jacques Pradel - TF1

Disparitions inquiétantes, crimes passionnels, ou machinations diaboliques… Découvrez les secrets des faits-divers les plus marquants. Tueurs en série, amants démoniaques, tous pensaient avoir commis le crime parfait. Mais tous, sont aujourd’hui derrière les barreaux. Qui sont ces meurtriers ? Et comment les policiers sont-ils parvenus à les confondre ? La découverte de la vérité ne tient parfois qu’à un fil… Grâce aux témoignages de tous les protagonistes, des enquêteurs aux familles des vi ...
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4 pistes de 4 minutes pressées en vinyle Maxi 45 Tours. Composées après un atelier de 12h autour du son et de l'écriture avec un groupe d'habitant.e.s d'un quartier ou d'un village. Tous les textes sont écrits et enregistrés par les participant.e.s. Ensuite, je me donne 36h pour la composition et la production. ChroniqMusic, un projet participatif écrit, enregistré et réalisé en 48h.
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Crack House Chronicles

Crack House Chronicles

We are a True Crime and Mysteries Podcast. Each week Donnie and Dale dive in to a weird and unusual case with our own views and perspective. Join us, shall you? website: Follow us on facebook email: Sources will be provided in each episode show notes.
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Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her life and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain and conditions. She is the author of The Meaning of Truth, and the online course: FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN. Through her personal journey working directly with Dr. John Sarno as well as counseling hundreds of clients, she's shaped and evolved theories which serve to teach those suffering how to heal themselves, completely, with no medication or surgery. ...
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Where living through "social media" stops and interaction begins. We sit down to have real conversations with real people. It may be inquisitive, informative, just because, or down right ridiculous. Everything to Everything- Music, Politics, Life, Relationships, Religion, Aliens, or something else.
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⭐週1ペース(不定期)で配信中⭐ 今、注目の「時間栄養学」。 「何を」「どれくらい」食べるのかを中心に栄養学は考えられてきましたが、実は「いつ」食べたかで栄養効果が増減したり、違う意味を持ったり、とっても重要であることが遺伝子解析技術が発展したおかげでわかってきました。 学問に新領域が展開されるのは、とっても珍しいこと。 私は、そんな時代の岐路にいることにわくわく莫大な可能性を感じて思わず大学院に進学してしまった管理栄養士。 まだまだ勉強中の身ですが、エピデンスをもとになるべくわかりやすく基本の基本や、すぐ暮らしに取り入れられるTipsをご紹介するPodcastをはじめました! 基本的には論文をわかりやすくご紹介してます◎ マイペースに更新してますが、ぜひみなさまの暮らしにお役立ていただければ嬉しいです。 ようこそ、新時代の栄養学/食養生へ◎ 【話すひと】 新田 理恵 Lyie Nitta 管理栄養士であり、国際中医薬膳調理師。 時間栄養学がおもしろすぎて思わず進学し、柴田重信教授の薬理学研究室にて研究。早稲田大学で修士(理学)を取得。 普段は、大好きな薬草(和漢生薬)を日本中 ...
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Join Jess and Sian, 2 chronically sick chicks, chronically oversharing. Each week join the girls as they talk all things spoonie. Sharing real, raw experiences and having a good old giggle along the way.
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Lesbian Chronicles is a podcast for people who’ve realized their true sexual identity later in life. Alli and Melisa share their own experiences of leaving their heterosexual marriages to be their true selves in an effort to help others find their own way and feel a little less alone in the process.
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Amid Faljaoui dans sa chronique économique nous dévoile les coulisses des entreprises et passe en revue les grands événements de l'actualité économique.La chronique économique d'Amid Faljaoui, c'est tous les jours à 7h55 dans La matinale de Musiq'3.
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Welcome to your favourite watch-related podcast! Giving you the best in watch news, reviews, fun and interviews! Coming from London and Barcelona join Parm and Andy on their exciting journey into the watch industry, as they bring you a genuine enthusiast's take on the watch world. Feel free to reach out to us on Instagram:
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Es sind Momente, die die Welt bewegten. Ereignisse, die uns zu Tränen rührten oder erschütterten. Entscheidungen, die den Lauf der Geschichte veränderten. Wir blicken täglich zurück auf die kleinen und großen historischen Wegmarken: Der Stichtag – die Chronik von ARD und Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
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Sengoku Daimyo's Chronicles of Japan is a Japanese history podcast where we will be going through a chronological history of Japan. We will start with prehistory and continue up through the Meiji period. Episodes are released as soon as they are available--working on a monthly release schedule.
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This podcast features a series of discussions between Dr. Bryan Rade ND and other healthcare providers who specialize in complex chronic illness. Topics include mold illness, chronic Lyme disease and coinfections, mast cell activation syndrome, heavy metals, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, dysautonomia, and many others.
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Wicked Studios, LLC presents DragonLance Chronicles a Dungeons & Dragons 5e livestream, where we play through the classic DragonLance modules with all new characters. But don't worry! Your favorite characters from the modules and books appear as NPCs - often in surprising situations.
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Hanaka and his guard must now deal with the fact that Zardoz will not come to their rescue. Georgia deactivates the machine gun and programs it to load itself onto the Mercury. The ROBO unit Gracee has also been deactivated and loaded onto the Mercury. Kate learns the shocking truth about where Meredith’s so called private jet is really registered.…
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durée : 00:03:54 - La chronique de Thomas Croisière - par : Thomas CROISIERE - En 1964, 4 garçons dans le vent prénommés John, Paul, George et Ringo envahissent hit-parades et box-offices, c’est le début de la Beatlemania dans le Monde. Mais nous en France, on a la Fufumania…De către Thomas CROISIERE
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Here we are! The last pod of 2024. What a year. If there's one thing I embraced in the last 12 months, it's "I DON'T KNOW." And the more I think about it, it's a tremendous relief and the most fertile ground for change and awakening. Today, we talk about why the human brain resists "I don't know," and the big benefits of exchanging that fear for cu…
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Day 362: Revelation 1-5 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless CD-quality audio, visit Chapters: (00:00) Revelation 1 (03:31) Revelation 2 (08:11) Re…
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durée : 00:03:35 - La chronique de Thomas Croisière - par : Thomas CROISIERE - Valérie voulait karaoker « Wind of change » de Scorpions. L’occasion de revenir sur les chansons où le vent souffle pour évoquer « Blowin’ in the wind » de Bob Dylan, « The wind cries Mary » de Jimi Hendrix, « Sous le vent » de Garou et Céline Dion et bien sûr… Michel .…
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Simon follows Alex to the market only to see him talking to the Russian merchant Mika. The team must decide whether or not to confront him. Meanwhile Kate has successfully interview the Market owners and now have three possible locations where the Lees were staying. They visit one with a bit of a surprise. Following the attack of the self-propelled…
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Will.Playa started the WickedStudiosLLC streaming network more than 8 years ago but left the streaming scene in late March of this year. No one has seen or heard from him since. DM Atom, broken-hearted by his friend's disappearance, brings together a group of D&D veterans for one last game. This time for real. www.twitch/ atomicpeanutbuttergroup ww…
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Blé, maïs, riz, soja ou encore production laitière : les pays des Brics+ dominent aujourd'hui les marchés de ces matières premières agricoles et stratégiques. Cette puissance qui se manifeste chaque année un peu plus pourrait bien demain écrire les nouvelles règles du commerce international. Ce n'est plus une vague, mais un tsunami que personne ne …
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durée : 00:03:48 - La chronique de Thomas Croisière - par : Thomas CROISIERE - En 2004, Sofia Coppola signe « Lost in Translation » et fait exploser Scarlett Johansson sur Grand Ecran. Pour ce film, Sofia remportera un Oscar et un César tandis que Scarlett gagnera un Bafta. A star is born.De către Thomas CROISIERE
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時間栄養学のじかん、年末特番です🎵 前編に引き続き、批評家でありPLANETS編集長の宇野常寛さんにお越しいただきました! 宇野さんの新著「庭の話」のキーワードに触れながら、私たちの日常からつながる社会を見渡し、異常な夜型化や不眠などが起こりがちな現代においての処方箋を探っていきます。 前編/後編の二本立てです! 【後編のキーワード】 私たちには夕方が足りていない/「何もしなくても良い」を「する」/弱い自立/責任と境界線/労働を見直す/暇と退屈/共同体は強者が得をする/制作を通して世界とつながる手触り  etc… ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【参考図書】 「庭の話」(講談社)宇野常寛 著 ⁠⁠ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー…
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Day 361: 2nd John, 3rd John ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless CD-quality audio, visit Chapters: (00:00) 2nd John (01:47) 3rd John --- Support th…
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Le 20 janvier 2025, Donald Trump redeviendra président des États-Unis. Parmi ses nombreuses promesses de campagne, il y a celle de libérer la production énergétique américaine, notamment en matière d’énergies fossiles. « Drill, baby, drill » (« Fore, bébé, fore ») : c'était l'un des messages centraux de Donald Trump pendant sa campagne électorale. …
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Episode 15. The El Pachuco Family wishes everyone a safe and happy holidays. We wanted to share some holiday cheer in this short episode. Feliz Navidad. Ray Estrella and Jim Ruel host El Pachuco Chronicles. If there are any topics and stories you would like us to explore shoot us a message via email or social media and we'll see what we can do. elp…
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We sit down and holla at rapper Glasses Malone & his producer Ervin "EP" Pope on the eve of his 12th album "Cancel Deez N*tz" to learn why he doesn't give af about cancel culture. STREAM Glasses Malone's "Cancel Deez N*tz" S A Purchase physical units and more @ See…
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Tananarive, le 14 décembre 2006. Raphaël Lomoro s'apprête à embarquer dans un vol à destination de Roissy Charles de Gaulle. Ce Français de 46 ans est parti faire fortune à Madagascar dans le commerce de la vanille. Et comme chaque année, il vient passer les fêtes de Noël auprès de sa femme et de ses enfants, restés en France. Mais dans les jours q…
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Day 360: 1st John 1-5 ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless CD-quality audio, visit Chapters: (00:00) 1st John 1 (01:24) 1st John 2 (05:34) 1st John…
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Welcome to the final Wednesday issue of 2024. For the third year in a row, I sent out over 100 newsletters to my subscribers—two per week, every single week. In fact, I haven't missed an issue since I started this newsletter in May 2021. This newsletter is all about ideas—actionable ideas to help you build a high-performing, healthy, wealthy life. …
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Troisième producteur africain d’arachide après le Nigeria et le Soudan, le Sénégal a décidé mi-novembre de suspendre l’exportation de ses arachides pour promouvoir la transformation locale de la cacahuète sénégalaise, une mesure qui suscite des remous dans le secteur. Exporter ou protéger ? C’est le dilemme de l’arachide au Sénégal. Depuis longtemp…
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The four hundred seventy-sixth episode of the «Chronology» podcastTracklist:1) Nuage — Isolated2) Felix Raphael, Lost Desert — Floatish (Hermanez Remix)3) Alexander Church — Cala D Hort4) WhoMadeWho — Saturday (MAXI MERAKI Remix)5) Normen Hood — Kaleido6) Monty Eden — Phat Jagger7) Steve Kelley — Iris8) T.N.C. — Bottom Line (Fabri Lopez Remix)9) Ni…
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durée : 00:03:48 - La chronique de Thomas Croisière - par : Thomas CROISIERE - En 1978, on se déhanchait sur le « Stayin’ Alive » de « La fièvre du samedi soir » ou le « You’re the one that I want » de « Grease », et on frissonnait d’émotions sur le « Can’t take my eyes off you » de « Voyage au bout de l’enfer »…
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Send us a text XmasAE Films:- Joyeaux Noël (2005); A Xmas Mystery (2022); The Haka (2021) Music: - Hansel & Gretel Overture (Engelbert Humperdinck); Piano Concerto No. 1 (Mendelssohn); Symphony No. 10 (Mendelssohn) Episode Archive: - Patreon:- Patreon Gift Page: …
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Former Rap-A-Lot records artist "Ganksta Nip" sit's down to talk about the making of his classic album "The South Park Psycho". We talk about him being discovered by legendary rapper Scarface and rhyming for Rap-A-Lot C.E.O J. Prince in the club's restroom and being signed the next day and much more. See for privacy informat…
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It’s Episode 200 of “Presenting the Transcription Feature” and Christmas in the land of Old Time Radio. On “The Jack Benny Program,” Jack and company are visiting New York in December. This allows him to try shopping in a Manhattan department store, which provides a little variety. Then, on “The Great Gildersleeve,” will the members of the Jolly Bo…
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Continuing on in Wyoming, this episode was one of a handful recorded while in Sheridan. In this fun conversation with Pete Jenny, he talks about his time working with the Peregrine Fund, what it was like starting out in the early days of falconry in the US, traversing the country pursuing different falconry and schooling opportunities, and much mor…
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Day 259: 2nd Peter 1-3, Jude ✝️ Daily Scripture: Chronological Bible Readings (KJV) The complete King James Bible in a year, in chronological order. Read by C Levi Farrell. This podcast is free, and ad-free. To support its creator or purchase lossless CD-quality audio, visit Chapters: (00:00) 2nd Peter 1 (03:00) 2nd Peter 2 (06:38)…
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durée : 00:03:12 - La chronique de Thomas Croisière - par : Thomas CROISIERE - Valérie, une auditrice, voulait karaoker « Wind of change » de Scorpions. L’occasion d’évoquer la Guerre froide et le bloc Soviétique en chanson avec le « Back in the USSR » des Beatles, « Russians » de Sting, « Nikita » d’Elton John et bien sûr… Michel.…
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆。゚☁︎。Welcome to Starlit Chronicles, where we bring you enchanting bedtime stories for a peaceful night's sleep。☁︎˚。⋆✧₊⁺⋆☾⋆.˚₊✩ Chapter 10: The Further Adventures of Toad In this action-packed chapter of The Wind in the Willows, we follow Toad as he escapes from prison disguised as a washerwoman, embarking on a series of wild and comical …
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La Chine a découvert un colossal gisement d'or, l'un des plus grands au monde. 83 milliards de dollars, si tout le minéral qu'il contient en était extrait. Une découverte qui a eu lieu dans la province du Hunan et annoncée par des géologues chinois. Le gisement a un potentiel de 1 100 tonnes. Alors que les tensions géopolitiques inquiètent, entre l…
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