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Mission Possible is sharing success stories and changing perception for returning citizens. Includes weekly Battle Plan with Coach Nate! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sheila-murphy0/support
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Melinda Song hosts Mission: Possible. A Podcast Of Young People, By Young People, For Young People. We bring together stories and conversations about what life is like for curious millennial’s in a world full of possibility and change. We are providing youth of today with a sounding board for their inspiration, motivation, concerns, and excitement. Real conversations about the roles young people play, and proving just how influential we can be.
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I'm Lisa Hunter, and I want to take you on a heartfelt journey through the highs and lows, the tears and laughter, and the profound moments of hope and resilience that defined my path to becoming a mother. From the initial decision to pursue IVF, the emotional rollercoaster of injections, appointments, the waiting to the unexpected twists and turns along the way. I share the raw and unfiltered reality of what it truly means to navigate fertility and become a parent. Through my story, I hope ...
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show series
En ung mann blir narkoman og holder på å gå til grunne som heroinslave og uteligger i Bergen. Han har gitt opp håpet om et vanlig liv i det en engel møter han en sen kveld på Festplassen. Hør den nesten utrolige historien om hva Gud gjorde for å reise Remy André Hornes og gi han kone, barn og et kall til å forandre verden. Podkasten Mission:Possibl…
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Sunniva Gylver blir ny biskop i Oslo og kommer fra stillingen som sokneprest i Fagerborg kirke. Hun har i årtier vært kjent som presten med rastefletter og PREST i store bokstaver på t-skjorten eller genseren. At hun i det hele tatt fortsatt lever er et under, etter at hun for sju år siden svevde mellom liv og død etter en sykkelulykke. For fire år…
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Amos reiste fra Kamerun til Norge for å bli misjonær – men forsto at hans første misjonærutfordring måtte være hjemme i Kamerun. – Jeg hater dette ordet «hjelp» sier han, før han begynner å le. Men det ligger et alvor under latteren. Han mener Vesten må slutte å behandle mennesker i Afrika som hjelpetrengende. Og at Vesten ikke må bli overrasket nå…
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The first time I met Wanda, I was completely unprepared. Yes, I’m talking about the ultrasound wand that caught me by surprise during my initial IVF consultation. I'm Lisa Hunter, and I invite you to join me as I share every aspect of that pivotal first meeting with an IVF specialist. Whether you're contemplating the IVF route or supporting someone…
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Are you struggling to find the right IVF clinic or sperm bank? In this episode of Mum: Mission Possible, I explore how to kickstart your research using trusted recommendations and online resources. I also share my personal journey of evaluating potential clinics through their success rates, services, and staff profiles. I share the criteria I used …
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The decision to embark on the IVF journey was one of the most emotionally charged moments of my life. As I neared my 40s without having met the right partner, I found myself contemplating single motherhood — a path fraught with uncertainties and emotional highs and lows. In this episode of Mum: Mission Possible, I open up about the pressures, the h…
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I'm Lisa Hunter, and I want to take you on a heartfelt journey through the highs and lows, the tears and laughter, and the profound moments of hope and resilience that defined my path to becoming a mother. From the initial decision to pursue IVF, the emotional rollercoaster of injections, appointments, the waiting to the unexpected twists and turns…
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Vakoté Yama Dieudonné er en kunstner, musiker og misjonær fra Kamerun, som også har jobbet som trosopplærer i Oppsal menighet. Flere av sangene hans blir sensurert i Kamerun, fordi makthaverne føler seg kritisert. Livet har ført ham fra et stort hus med 18 rom i Ngaoundéré i til et rekkehus på Sofiemyr. Han og kona Lise har vært misjonærer sammen p…
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Per Ragnar Haraldstad var i flere år misjonær i Japan med kona Kjersti. På besøk tilbake i Japan merket Per Ragnar at noe var fryktelig galt. Kort tid etter fikk han påvist hjernesvulst. Hør Haraldstad fortelle om kjærligheten til Japan og hvordan det var å leve med diagnosen. Haraldstad gikk bort 21. desember 2024. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/p…
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Ungdomsskolelæreren måtte slutte i jobben på grunn av kronisk migrene. Hun ble delvis sengeliggende med voldsomme smerter. Midt i smerten ropte hun om hjelp fra Gud – og i møtene med Gud har livet forandret seg radikalt. Ragnhild Fuglestad kommer seg oftere ut av huset nå enn hun gjorde for fem år siden. Nye tabletter minsker smertene og reduserer …
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Den tidligere fotballproffen Eivind Arnevåg mener KFUK-KFUM, Rertreatbevegelsen og Oase har lært han mye om henholdsvis Gud, Jesus og Den hellige ånd. Nå brenner han for at bønn skal gjennomsyre Norge, og er med å etbalere Bønnehus. I denne episoden forteller han om sin reise og hvordan livet har blitt forandret – både for han selv og kona og for m…
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Nyttårsaften 1963 holdt Steinar Ihle nyttårsprekenen på radio. En preken som siden har blitt heftig debattert både på godt og vondt. Hva var det med denne nyttårsprekenen med tittelen «Hjarta og lommeboka» som førte til et så stort opprør? Hør datter Åslaug Ihle Tingnæs og biskop emeritus Erling J. Pettersen reflektere rundt Steinar Ihles preken ov…
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Hva var det egentlig som skjedde den dagen vår tidsregning startet? Det blir sagt at han som ble født hadde vært til hele tiden. Han er visdommen, ordet, logos som var med og skape verden. Så kanskje kan vi si det var en kosmisk kraft fra evigheten som tok bolig i en eggcelle i Maria og som ble født blant okse og esler i en stall i Betlehem. Et sty…
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For 2000 år siden fikk elleve unge menn et umulig oppdrag. De skulle gå ut og gjøre alle folkeslag til Jesu disipler. Thor Haavik fikk selv et tilsynelatende umulig oppdrag - et «mission impossible». Eller var det et Mission possible? Hør «Farmen-presten» Thor Haavik snakke om livet, de to gangene han har gått ned på kne, og hva han tenker om seg s…
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11. oktober klokken 11 i 1998 åpnet NMS Gjenbruks aller første butikk på Sola i Rogaland. I dag teller kjeden 52 butikker over hele landet, og over 2200 frivillige driver butikkene. Rune Rasmussen var sentral i arbeidet med å få NMS til å satse på gjenbruk. Hvordan opplevde han selv tiden da NMS Gjenbruk gikk fra en noe vill idé til en kjede i ster…
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I 1888 ble Christian Oftebro sparket ut av NMS fra Zululand i dagens Sør-Afrika. Få måneder etterpå døde han. Behandlingen har vært en verkebyll for Oftebro-familien siden. Nå snakker skuespiller Nils Ole Oftebro ut om behandlingen hans bestefars bror fikk, og hvorfor dette er en verkebyll for familien over 130 år senere i samtale med journalist Gu…
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Uhøytidelige, morsomme og interessante samtaler om tro, misjon og livet. I første episode snakker skuespiller Nils Ole Oftebro om slektning Christian Oftebro som i 1888 ble sparket ut av NMS fra Zululand i dagens Sør-Afrika. Få måneder etterpå døde han. Behandlingen har vært en verkebyll for Oftebro-familien siden. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/pr…
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'Bold Leader' is really all that needs to be said about this humble man of excellence and faith. He's a former Chair of the D.C. Democratic Party and former Chair of the National Bar Association, Political Action Committee, litigator, manager, commentator, husband and father. He believes in educating those who are not returning citizens to practice…
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This veteran in the health care industry has seen and heard it all. Robyn believes in people, second chances and providing opportunities for real life change. Robyn’ tender and compassionate heart is coupled with purposeful dollars that are making a difference in the lives of these families! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/…
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Twenty-nine years! Ms. Tracey Edwards has a robust career of supporting and strengthening families. As Supervisory Resource Development Specialist (Social Worker), Ms. Edwards shares her perspective on mental and physical imprisonment. She talks about the challenges returning citizens face and teaches practical ways service providers can show empat…
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Dr. Delores Pittman is a life long learner. Her experience with deception and theft in her dental practice changed her perception and behavior. Throughout her journey she’s taken negative situations converting them to life lessons. She quotes “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Dr. Pittman cares and is creating…
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This 28 year police veteran talks candidly about the history of policing, community engagement, and sound bytes from the media. Sgt McCarty speaks on his dealings with individuals post incarceration, the dangers of absolute statements and the benefits of a police and returning citizen collaborative. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spot…
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From 52 dollars a month to 52k a year, Wendell Jones believes change starts on the inside…of himself and the prison walls. Once released, he worked his net for a new path and open doors. Wendell is setting goals, seeking opportunities and creating a new future for himself, his children and the community he impacts. --- Support this podcast: https:/…
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Qiana told her prosecutor that she was going to make a difference when it comes to the issues that are going on with the justice system. Her organization, "Life After Release" is empowering women and families no matter what they have experienced. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sheila-murphy0/support…
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Kadija is soft, sharp and sensitive to the needs of others, especially our children. This young mother, leader, and returning citizen believes in the power of community. Meeting her infectious personality will challenge you to be change in a world so desperately in need of it and her! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sho…
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This native DC resident has changed his life and legacy for his sons and daughters. Will talks about his fear of being locked up, decisions to make himself marketable, family, and home ownership! This episode includes a treat! 1st in a series we are calling SpokenSong, fusing original “I Am Human” spoken word written by Sheila Murphy with amazing m…
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Sal leveraged the pros and cons of the internet to expose and direct his story. His work is helping stabilize the lives of our nation’s homeless and displaced population. He also has a word of wisdom for our returning citizen supporters. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sheila-murphy0/support…
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From humiliation to holy humility. Pastor Brian Herron allows his incarcerated and reentry process to serve others through an example of transparency and truth. Across cultural and denominational lines his redemptive journey has brought hope and healing that starts from within. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sheil…
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Changing prison from the inside out! Dr. Ronald Garrett “we all call him Ron” used the time he served to develop programming and establish an innovative approach for inmates well before they hit the streets. Hear how this transition story gives hope to those in despair and is proof that life post incarceration is a “Possible Mission! --- Support th…
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GA…VA…TA!! Is blazing a trail of tenacity, truth, and transparency! Hear this story of childhood trauma transitioned into triumph. Find out what drove her to a life of crime and what she used pre and post her release to get out and stay out of prison. Finally, you won’t believe the way she handles employers. It’s a game changer! --- Support this po…
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Bitter. Better. Business! Valentino Dixon journeys his 27 year wrongful murder conviction, remarkable release and exploding career post incarceration. You will be captivated not only by his regimen and sustaining routine but by his possible mission of engaging those he will influence for positive change with criminal justice reform. --- Support thi…
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From problem child to serving children with problems, Moses is leading the way with his faith and work. Mo shared how a passion to keep learning coupled with an integrity for truth changed his life and brought back his wife. Moses inspires the faith community to sow love and never give up on its harvest! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters…
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Mission Possible is sharing success stories and changing perception for returning citizens. Nate Titus speaks candidly about his childhood, challenges in the military, post incarceration experiences, employment hurdles, family, rebuilding trust and a word that inspires hope. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sheila-m…
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