Twee keer per week het belangrijkste autonieuws. Met: Noud Broekhof.
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Ein bis zweimal pro Woche finden Sie hier aktuelle Radiobeiträge zu unterschiedlichsten Themen aus dem Automobilbereich. Kontakt:
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Hier gibt es Fahrberichte, Autotests und Autopräsentationen in Form von kurzen Radiobeiträgen von weniger als drei Minuten. Kontakt:
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Your weekly dose of auto industry news and conversation with top executives, specifically tailored for the used-car side of the business.
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The Auto Buyers Guide team is dedicated to bringing you the latest in automotive industry news, car buying advice, car reviews, and all things car, truck, SUV, and EV. Every week Alex and Travis try to tackle important questions like: are software defined cars a thing? Should shiny black plastic be banned?
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A space to explore the diagnostic & technology side of automotive repair. We discuss tools, techniques, & ideas to sharpen your skills. We'll also interview experts in the automotive field.
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Welcome to ACP - Automóvel Club de Portugal's podcast
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Mise à jour à toutes les 15 minutes tous les jours. - Pour usage personnel seulement.
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Εδώ μιλάμε για αυτοκίνητα αλλά και γενικότερα για την αυτοκίνηση, μαζί με ανθρώπους που εμπλέκονται άμεσα ή έμμεσα με αυτή.
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Egal ob Kleinwagen oder Supersportwagen, hier werden wir Dir eine Menge spannender Autos vorstellen. Da es zu jedem Auto eine Geschichte gibt, werden uns Experten diese Stories erzählen. Was die hier vorgestellten Autos können und was sie nicht können, finden wir für Dich heraus. Und wir versprechen Dir, dass wir uns die Autos genau anschauen! Also, wenn etwas Mist ist, dann reden wir drüber. Offen und ehrlich, aber auch mit einer Menge Spaß.
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Welcome to 'Automotive Alchemy', a podcast that dwells in the cavernous depths of data, unearthing precious gems of wisdom to illuminate your path to digital marketing success. As alchemists, we understand that each nugget of information is a vital ingredient in our elixir of knowledge. So ready yourselves as we embark on an enlightening journey through the arcane world of data-driven automotive marketing.
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with John McElroy
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Um podcast da Razão Automóvel
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The Car Shipping Business Channel
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No solo coleccionamos autos; somos guardianes de historias con ruedas. Cada vehículo cuenta su propia historia, susurra aventuras pasadas y despierta memorias olvidadas. Únete a nosotros en este viaje de recuerdos, donde la pasión por los autos se convierte en un legado eterno.
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Network Automation Nerds is for network engineers and infrastructure professionals eager to learn more about automation. Join host Eric Chou as he explores how to take advantage of modern network programmability to automate tasks, build robust systems, and get more done in less time. You’ll hear from a lineup of seasoned engineers, avid learners, industry leaders, and tool creators as they share tips, best practices, and hard-won advice.
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The Auto Detailing Podcast
Jimbo Balaam interviews guest like Barry Meguiar, Jason Rose, Yvan Lacroix,
The Auto Detailing Podcast is a show dedicated to all things auto detailing. Whether you are a weekend warrior, drive way detailer, just starting your detail business, or you have been detailing for many years there is something we can all learn. This show gives you valuable tips, tricks and interviews with todays top detailers across the world. We focus heavily on efficiency and award winning results - We keep it real and make sure every episode gives you multiple take aways to make you a b ...
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Welcome to the Pawlik Automotive car maintenance and car repair podcast, with reliability reviews and common problems of used car and truck brands.
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Der Bedarf an individueller Mobilität bleibt hoch und das Auto ein kleines Stück Freiheit. Gleichzeitig verändert sich der Verkehr und neue Formen der Mobilität werden immer wichtiger. Um alles rund um das mobile Leben, Verkehr und alle Aspekte von Autofahren heute und morgen geht es in AutoMobil, dem Podcast von - Europas größter, digitaler Verkehrscommunity.
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Der laut-starke Mobilitäts-Podcast zu Auto, Motorrad und mehr von und mit Sebastian Bauer und Clemens Gleich. Ob mit zwei oder vier Rädern, autonom oder elektrisch. Clemens Gleich und Sebastian Bauer diskutieren Themen rund um Autos und Motorräder, die sie gerade bewegen. Mal ernst, mal zynisch.
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Daily Drive is a daily podcast series hosted by Automotive News Executive Editor Jamie Butters and Kellen Walker. We speak with industry experts, insiders and Automotive News reporters about events and trends impacting and reshaping the automotive industry.Automotive News is the leading source of news, data and understanding for the auto industry's decision-makers. Learn more at
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Join Chris Daglis of Auto PARTnered Solutions and special guests for an informal chat about the automotive recycling world. What drives innovation in the automotive industry and how you can leverage for success.
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Connecting with the People behind the Technologies and Expertise
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News, views, features and commentary about the automotive repair and service industry in Canada.
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A podcast for process automation professionals
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"Drive to Success: Mastering Auto Finance" is a podcast that delves into the complexities of the auto finance industry, offering listeners expert insights and practical advice on loan options and vehicle refinancing. Each episode equips car buyers with the knowledge to navigate their financing decisions wisely, ensuring they achieve the best possible outcomes in their auto purchasing experiences.
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Decouvrez l'actualité automobile hebdomadaire en moins de 5 minutes! Les articles complets sont sur Vos suggestions
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Content for automotive owners and operators who want to accelerate top line revenue growth by modernizing their shop.
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Optimize your business operations. Tune in to hear how we help founders & business owners build simple, streamlined systems & digital experience operations that scale.
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TestGuild Automation Podcast (formally Test Talks) is a weekly podcast hosted by Joe Colantonio, which geeks out on all things software test automation. TestGuild Automation covers news found in the testing space, reviews books about automation, and speaks with some of the thought leaders in the test automation field. We’ll aim to interview some of today’s most successful and inspiring software engineers, and test automation thought leaders.
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We really can’t predict the future … because nobody can. What we can do, though, is help auto manufacturers recognize, prepare for, and profit from whatever comes next. Auto Supply Chain Prophets gives you timely and relevant insights and best practices from industry leaders.
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Podcast da Automatizo
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Podcast dedicado a compartir experiencias en el manejo de Tecnologías empleadas en la Industria. Aprende de Redes Industriales, IOT, IIOT e Industria 4.0
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Winner of the 2022, 2023 & 2024 Apex Awards of Excellence for Best Podcast. Join Executive Editor Theresa Houck for Automation Chat, where she talks with industrial automation leaders, executives, and practitioners for their insights about technologies and trends affecting manufacturing and industrial automation professionals. Published by The Journal From Rockwell Automation and Our PartnerNetwork magazine ( We chat about digital transformation, analytics and inf ...
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Benjamin and Sami are two journalists who take a weekly look at the funnier side of the automotive industry and the cars they drive.
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The space where communication, education, and technology intersect is not only my passion, but it's where this podcast brings conversations with ideas and solutions directly to you. Whether it's AI, synthetic media, or whatever comes next, I believe technology when used well has the power to make us more human.
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The Talking Industrial Automation Podcast is a show to help you get to know the people who make modern manufacturing and processing possible. Along the way you'll hear about integration technology, trends and challenges. If you are a manufacturer, end user/client, supplier or system integrator interested in industrial automation, you will enjoy the insights in this podcast.
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This is a (probably) limited series where Tony Bourke, a networking instructor (Arista, Cisco, etc.) talks in a vendor-neutral way about the process of network automation, the basic concepts, and where everything falls into place.
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This is where poor financial decisions are not only welcomed but embraced. Join Matt West as he descends into automotive m̶a̶d̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ enlightenment, while featuring prominent guests, racecar drivers, industry news, and questionable mechanical advice free of charge. Listen Weekly! Listen on the Radio! AM1460 & FM 101.1 The Answer - Saturdays at 9am, Sundays at 6pm AM 1400 KRLN - Saturdays at 9am 91.7 KLZR - Saturdays at 10:30am
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Everything about cars
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Týždenný podcast magazínu Auto Bild vám prináša náš pohľad na dôležité témy, ktoré hýbu svetom automobilov. Nina Pánska, Filip Kadlečík a Milan Adámek diskutujú o štvorkolesových novinkách, zaujímavostiach z histórie, ale aj servisných témach či nových legislatívnych návrhoch a výzvach, ktoré hýbu svetom automotive.
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Carmine Mallozzi and Vince Ieluzzi from help you find out how you can customize your pre-owned vehicle purchase. Never step foot in a dealership again - shop for a vehicle from the comfort of your own home or office. Find the car of your dreams, while saving thousands of dollars. Find out one of the best kept secrets in the industry!
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The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker. Experts in their field who work with shop owners take it to the next level and create a unique approach to marketing. See the growth in your business you’ve been working so hard for by using time-proven marketing that works, fueled to go further by your shop's uniqueness.
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Manufacturers are the driving force behind Industry 4.0, and Wipfli is here to help. Join Bryan Powrozek, engineer turned CPA, as he interviews industry influencers and discusses everything from operational improvements and performance enhancements to large-scale digital transformation and data-based decision making. If you want innovative ideas for growth and automation, The Sound of Automation is for you.
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You are listening to The Auto Tech Show, a podcast dedicated to the evolution of technology in the automotive industry! Join your host, Marc Babin, as he talks shop with industry experts on this ever-changing landscape. From the latest in tech to groundbreaking new processes, you won’t want to miss a single episode.
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1:13:59En este capítulo la productora eligió 25 Ferraris al azar o que le gusten a ella para que nosotros hiciéramos una lista ordenándolos sin saber qué autos seguirán. Aparta tu lugar en el siguiente Tour Síguenos en nuestras Redes Sociales: Instagram:…
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Autá sú upípané. Ako sa zmenili za 10 rokov?
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1:02:50Automobilový svet sa za posledné roky zásadne zmenil – od technológií a bezpečnostných systémov až po elektrifikáciu a nové trendy vo výbave. V tejto epizóde Auto Bild Podcastu sa pozrieme na to, ako sa zmenili autá za poslednú dekádu a čo dnes považujeme za štandard, ktorý bol kedysi luxusom. 🚗 Ako sa zmenili motory – od atmosfér až po elektromobi…
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La prochaine rentrée scolaire s’annonce difficile pour 34 500 élèves de niveau préscolaire et primaire.
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Les idées de Mark Carney détonnent avec celles de Justin Trudeau. Leurs styles diffèrent aussi.
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Le budget du Québec prévoit un déficit record, mais également un retour à l'équilibre budgétaire.
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Fórmula Automotriz con Arturo Rivera | Lunes 24 de Marzo de 2025
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45:31#FormulaAutomotriz #AbriendoLaConversación Grupo Fórmula #AbriendoLaConversación #FormulaAutomotriz ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube! Podcast: Mantente informado minuto a minuto en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook----- Twitter---------- Canal sugerido http://g…
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Les deux employés, âgés respectivement de 22 et de 31 ans, ont été ligotés par les suspects.
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Automation Chat News Roundup, March 2025
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14:03In this episode’s news roundup, The Journal’s Executive Editor Theresa Houck reports on issues affecting manufacturers and producers every day, including: The low percentage of risk management leaders who successfully balance data security & business goals. Projected source of most AI data breaches. Large percentage of manufacturing OT devices alre…
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Élections Canada souhaite mobiliser leur soutien dans la lutte contre l'ingérence étrangère.
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Pierre Poilievre a promis lundi de faire passer le taux d’imposition minimum de 15 % à 12,75 %.
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TVA avait demandé à tous les partis de payer 75 000 $ pour participer au débat.
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« Aujourd'hui, on est à la croisée des chemins », a déclaré la nouvelle cheffe intérimaire du parti.
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L’équipe affrontera les BlackJacks d'Ottawa le 23 mai au Stade IGA.
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Comment justifier une telle dépense, alors que les enfants autochtones sont piégés dans un système défaillant?
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Le ministre des Finances du Québec déposera le budget pour l'année financière à venir mardi.
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La Première Nation Mississauga a intenté une poursuite de 100 M$ contre l'entreprise et l'Ontario.
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March 24, 2025 | Auto tariffs unlikely on April 2; Cloud Theory’s Rick Wainschel
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17:52De către Automotive News
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Les débats en français et en anglais se tiendront à la Maison de Radio-Canada, à Montréal.
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Minisode 02: Data Fluidity Roadmap | #10
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14:06AI outputs are predicated on human inputs. When it comes to humanizing automation, one way you can take advantage of the tools and technologies that exist today is by having your data in order. This minisode is all about data fluidity, and I’m going to show you a framework that will help you zoom out and conceptualize how you might want your data i…
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Die neuen Toyota-Elektrofahrzeuge: C-HR+, Toyota bZ4X und Urban Cruiser Toyota baut sein Angebot an Elektrofahrzeugen weiter aus, bis Ende 2026 wird man sechs neue batterieelektrische Modelle vorstellen. Dazu gehören der neue Urban Cruiser und der neue Toyota C-HR+. Darüber hinaus arbeitet Toyota an der Entwicklung und Einführung von Elektrofahrzeu…
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Toronto et ses banlieues comptent 60 sièges, soit l’équivalent des trois quarts des sièges au Québec.
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Automotive Training: Engage, Educate, and Adapt with Justin Allen
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47:12In this episode, join us with industry expert Justin Allen as we delve into the transformative landscape of automotive technology and education. Discover insights on the rising importance of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), the generational shift in technician skill sets, and how embracing modern technology can enhance shop culture and op…
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EV-rijder haakt af door hogere kosten
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7:21Elektrische rijders haken af door de verdere afbouw van belastingvoordelen. Een derde van de elektrische rijders overweegt volgend jaar over te stappen naar een brandstofauto zodra belastingvoordelen worden afgebouwd. In 2030, als de fiscale voordelen helemaal wegvallen, zegt bijna 60 procent niet langer elektrisch te willen rijden. Dat blijkt uit …
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Malgré une baisse dans les sondages, des conservateurs ont bon espoir que leur chef tirera son épingle du jeu.
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Des transformations démographiques aux relations canado-américaines, voici ce qui a changé au Canada.
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Roadtrip - Der Auto-Podcast Folge 133
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10:24Polestar 4 | Anna Wesolowski In dieser Folge schauen wir uns den Polestar 4 genau an. Anna Wesolowski von Polestar Deutschland nimmt uns mit auf eine detaillierte Entdeckungstour durch die Design-Highlights des neuen Modells. Sie erklärt, warum der Polestar 4 auch für Fahrer der so genannten Premium-Marken wie Audi, BMW, Mercedes und Porsche eine s…
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Le chef libéral jouit d'une chance inouïe. Combien de temps cela peut-il durer?
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Wie findet man das perfekte Familienauto?
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14:13Ein eigenes Auto erleichtert den Alltag für Familien immens. Egal ob auf dem Weg zum Kindergarten, für den Sommerurlaub oder den großen Wocheneinkauf. Wie man das passende Familienauto auswählt, welche Kriterien besonders wichtig sind und welches Budget mindestens vorhanden sein sollte, darüber sprechen wir in dieser Folge mit Stefan Schneck, Chief…
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Joey Fitzpatrick joins Tomi and myself this week on the show. Joey is a shop owner & technician from Tucson, Arizona. He specializes in board level module cloning/repair and Diesel repair. Website- Facebook Group- YouTube-…
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From Spreadsheets to Smart Decisions: The Road to AI-Driven Fleet Management
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45:18In this episode of the Auto Tech Show, Marc Babin speaks with Chuck Drews from Fleetio about the transformative impact of AI on fleet management. They discuss fleet operators' challenges with data collection and management, the inefficiencies caused by outdated practices, and the importance of adopting new technologies. Chuck shares real-world exam…
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SPONSORED EPISODE: Click to Close with Autrotrader!
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23:26In this sponsored episode of the Auto Remarketing Podcast, Jade Terreberry, Senior Director of Strategic Planning with Autotrader and Kelley Blue Book and Micah Tindor, Senior Director of Strategic Planning for KBB ICO share an inside look at their upcoming keynote session for the Auto Intel Summit, Apr 8-10. Jade and Micah walk us through the proc…
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L'équipe montréalaise rate l'occasion de se qualifier pour les séries de la LPHF.
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Proactive Observability in Testing with Anam Hira
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21:42In today's episode, we're diving into proactive observability and testing with our special guest, Anam Hira, cofounder of Anam, who also has experience working at Uber AI, shares an intriguing journey where he developed "Dragon Crawl," an innovative project aimed at tackling challenges Uber faced with its end-to-end testing across multip…
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March 23, 2025 | Bonus Episode: J.D. Power’s Doug Betts on the threat of tariffs
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11:19Doug Betts, president of J.D. Power’s automotive division, talks about the likely impacts of President Trump’s planned tariffs and what they could mean for automakers.De către Automotive News
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Remplacer la taxe carbone industrielle par des crédits d'impôt pourrait alourdir le fardeau des Canadiens.
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Dernier coup d'œil sur la 44e législature, qui prend fin avec la dissolution du Parlement.
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The Cars LEAST Affected By Trump Tariffs Will Surprise You & How This Will Uproot The Idustry
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44:06[Originally aired on the Radio 3/8/25] I discuss Trump's tariffs and the major impact they will have on the automotive industry. The cars least affected by the tariffs will surprise you. I also talk about 89 octane fuel, why nobody uses it, and more on this edition of the show! Check out the Amazing Work SEMA is doing and Support the Initiatives in…
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[BONUS] Pop-Up Headlight are Finally BACK & Why I'm advocating for the removal of Europe
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26:37The most holy of the headlight designs is making a spectacular return! I talk about how they're coming back, why they went away, and my plans to abolish Europe in it's entirety. That and more on this bonus edition of the show! Check out the Amazing Work SEMA is doing and Support the Initiatives in YOUR State! Listen on the Radio in Colorado! AM1460…
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Episode 399: 2025 BMW 550e xDrive, Strange Automotive Merch, Listener Questions
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49:24The Unnamed Automotive Podcast tackles a plug-in hybrid luxury sedan sporting a similar name to an old V8 powered favorite. Benjamin has put the 2025 BMW 550e through its paces to see what the German automaker has done with electrifying its new-generation 5 Series. The result is nothing short of impressive, as the 550e seems to deliver on efficienc…
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Le financement passera de 5 à 10 milliards de dollars, a annoncé Mark Carney.
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Les politiques de Donald Trump sèment inquiétude et incertitude dans le milieu de la recherche américain.
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Κινέζικη επέλαση με τον Αργύρη Τούντα
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1:00:23Τα ηλεκτροκίνητα αυτοκίνητα γίνονται όλο και πιο πολλά στους δρόμους, ενώ συνεχώς βλέπουμε νέες μάρκες που φτάνουν από την Κίνα. Και στο σημερινό επεισόδιο αναλύουμε μαζί με τον Αργύρη Τούντα, πρώην δημοσιογράφο αυτοκινήτου, την τάση αυτή αλλά και πως η τεχνολογία από την ανατολή τείνει να κατακτήσει τον κόσμο! Όλα αυτά μέσα από την έκθεση της Leap…
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Episode 337: Podcast 337: L’essentiel de la semaine 12 par
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2:28Retrouvez l'essentiel de l'actualité automobile de la semaine avec
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March 22, 2025 | Weekend Drive: Former EPA official reacts to Trump’s EV moves
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19:56De către Automotive News
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Fórmula Automotriz con Arturo Rivera | Viernes 21 de Marzo de 2025
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43:34#FormulaAutomotriz #AbriendoLaConversación Grupo Fórmula #AbriendoLaConversación #FormulaAutomotriz ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube! Podcast: Mantente informado minuto a minuto en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook----- Twitter---------- Canal sugerido http://g…
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