A podcast for feminists who feel overwhelmed and exhausted by everything they need to do, and still worry that we're not doing enough - hosted by Emily and Amelia Nagoski, authors of BURNOUT: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle.
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Fight the patriarchy. Get Rich.™ Join money expert Tori Dunlap as she guides you on how to make more, spend less, and feel financially confident in a world run by rich white men. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with resources to get, save, and grow money to gain financial freedom and kick some patriarchal ass at the same time. New episodes drop every Monday, and mini-episodes drop every other Thursday.
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Annika Brockschmidt und Rebekka Endler lesen Romance Novels damit Ihr sie nicht lesen müsst. Dabei unterhalten sie sich über Literatur, Feminismus, Faschismus, Friends und alles was das Herz begehrt. Und was das Herz bricht, im Sinne von Kotzen. Buchtipps und Feedback: feministshelfcontrol@gmail.com Titelmusik von Andrew Collberg!
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Feminismus | Zukünftige
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Intersectional feminist, Madigan, takes on issues facing women and the world.
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UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone breaks down the centuries of sexist socialization that causes us to struggle with self-doubt, burnout, and anxiety. Hosted by Master Feminist Coach Kara Loewentheil, J.D., founder of The School of New Feminist Thought and author of Take Back Your Brain (Penguin 2024), each episode teaches you how to turn down the noise of societal expectations, turn up the volume on what YOU really want in life, and change your thinking to make sure you go g ...
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freie-radios.net (limited to CX - Corax - Feminismus - Gender)
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Feminismus setzt sich für Gleichberechtigung ein und fordert vor allem gleiche Rechte für Männer und Frauen. Frauen werden in der Gesellschaft oft benachteiligt. Feministinnen und Feministen wollen deshalb auf die Ungleichbehandlung von Frauen aufmerksam machen. Videos und Audio-Beiträge rund ums Thema "Feminismus" sammeln wir hier in der Mediathek von NRWision.
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Exploring Japanese pop culture through a feminist lens.
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Uma iniciativa do Instituto Casa Marx, Esquerda Diário e grupo de mulheres Pão e Rosas.
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Norges beste tulletelefoner.
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Os temas mais importantes que afetam a vida das mulheres entram em debate no Pautas Femininas, uma parceria da Rádio Senado com a Procuradoria da Mulher da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal. Produção e a presentação: Ana Beatriz Santos e Ritta Zumba Toda quinta-feira, às 21h. Disponível na internet às quintas-feiras
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Die Kombi von Feminismus und Kirche findest du spannend? Wir auch! Deshalb setzten wir uns in den Gesprächen in diesem Podcast mit verschiedenen Aspekten von feministisch und katholisch auseinander. Der Weg zu wirklicher Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter scheint weiterhin ein langer zu sein. In der Kirche wirkt er manchmal sogar noch schier unendlich lang. Aus dem Erzbistum Freiburg heraus blicken wir auf feministische Anliegen. Jeden letzten Freitag im Monat erwartet dich eine neue Folge. ...
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The Femme on Collective is a podcast collective where we discuss issues or pop culture that interests us, with a feminist, female view. Hosts Ada, Alyson, Jess, Ria and Tonya bring their unique voices to a variety of subjects including books, film, TV, feminism, comics, fitness, activism and so much more.
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Mesa de jornalistas e convidadas dá voz às discussões sobre igualdade de direitos entre homens e mulheres
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Feminist Book Club is the premier online hub for intersectional readers and anyone who wants to infuse their bookshelves with social justice. We encourage resistance through reading with our blog, podcast, events, and our signature monthly subscription box.
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En podd med fullt fokus på damfotbollen och allt som hör där till. Med Anna Rydén och gäster.
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Was ist Feminismus und wozu ist er gut? Mit diesem Podcast gehen wir der Frage nach, wie wir Feminismus sehen, verstehen und leben. Feminismus leicht erklärt – für alle Menschen.
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A casual discussion on current issues within feminism and the law. The interview-style podcast will feature legal professionals, academics and current law students.
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Le podcast qui traite les sujets de société avec un oeil féministe. Chaque semaine, Esthel Cozzi accueille des femmes inspirantes pour représenter la diversité des parcours de vies. Empouvoirement, Éducation, Esprit Critique : voilà ce que vous pouvez retrouver tous les mercredis sur Matrimoine Féministe. RDV sur https://www.matrimoine-feministe.com/ pour en savoir plus !
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The Feminist Wellness podcast offers empowering holistic medicine, psychology and life coaching advice for smart women who believe they can live powerful, fulfilling lives with more self-worth, self-love, and true self-care. Equal parts nervous system science and witchy woo, Béa Victoria brings it all together to help you see how your socialization, conditioning, and family blueprint are keeping you feeling stuck in life. If you’re ready to shake the codependent, perfectionist, and people-pl ...
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A podcast that shares and explains key ideas in gender, sexuality, and feminist ideas in an accessible and approachable format.
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Mystique Femininity is the podcast that celebrates the essence of divine femininity for the modern woman. Each episode dives into the art of embracing your inner power, balancing strength with grace, and living in alignment with your highest self. Whether you're on a journey of self-discovery or refining the woman you’ve become, Mystique Femininity offers insightful discussions, spiritual wisdom, and empowering strategies to help you embody the true mystique of the feminine spirit. Join us a ...
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We already have the power to liberate ourselves from the inside out, rather than waiting on the world around us to change. This podcast is for you if you’re committed to shedding old beliefs about your role in society, building a rock solid sense of your own self-worth, and living your most authentic life. Welcome to the Sisterhood!
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Feminist Magazine is the weekly Southern California radio show with intersectional feminist perspectives. Covering stories that you don't hear on mainstream media! We broadcast local and global stories, news and opinions about women making a radical difference.
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Découvrez tous les cours audio en vidéo quotidiens de Torah-Box entre Femmes
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Exploring the intersections of religion and gender, the Christian Feminist Podcast is ready to roar.
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Reclaiming Feminism for Christianity
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The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who'd like to dive deeper into feminism, spirituality and womanhood ~ but simply don't know where to begin. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us. ~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you.
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Want to hear more from your favourite female singers and songwriters? Music from the likes of the 80s goddess Sharon O'Neill to the contemporary sounds of Grimes. Music by women. Why wouldn't you?
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Problematic faves, dissident feminism, and poodle interruptions: this is Feminine Chaos, featuring cultural commentary from Phoebe Maltz Bovy and Kat Rosenfield. femchaospod.substack.com
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Welcome to The Artiste Hangout with Femi Makx, your ultimate destination for music enthusiasts and emerging artists! Immerse yourself in captivating discussions, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories, spotlighting raw and unfiltered narratives of rising talents. Our groundbreaking podcast prioritizes unsung voices, providing exclusive insights into upcoming albums and singles before they hit the airwaves. Join us for a unique blend of music exploration and insightful conversati ...
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Ever felt like you should be better at feminism? Join comedian Deborah Frances-White and her guests for this comedy podcast, recorded in front of a live audience. Each week they discuss our noble goals as 21st century feminists and the hypocrisies and insecurities that undermine them. Deborah Frances-White is the 2016 Writers' Guild Award Winner for Best Radio Comedy for her hit BBC Radio 4 series Deborah Frances-White Rolls the Dice. She is an Edinburgh Fringe regular, a screenwriter and is ...
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Der Podcast rund um feministische Perspektiven. Ich möchte mich und damit auch dich Stück für Stück mit feministischem Denken und Handeln vertraut machen. ,Feminismus mit Vorsatz“ soll eine Einführung sein; eine Art Reise, bei der ich dich an die Hand nehmen möchte. Dafür werde ich Feminist*innen fragen, ohne selbst gleich alles wissen zu müssen. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Passionate about modern feminist issues? Want to learn more about how today's political, academic, and cultural leaders strive for a future of universal equality and justice? Join NOW President Christian F. Nunes in a new podcast dedicated to intersectional feminist discussions in American society with leaders in entertainment, sports, politics, and science. From conversations on constitutional equality, to economic justice and reproductive rights, listeners will find new ways to learn, enga ...
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Dass es bis zur tatsächlichen Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Männern noch ein weiter Weg ist, zeigt sich immer wieder in den großen, aber auch den kleinen Themen des Lebens. Nett lächeln hat viel zu lange nicht funktioniert, also versuchen die Freundinnen Hedwig und Louise sich an einem anderen Ansatz: Gemeinsam aufregen! Der Frust muss raus! Und anschließend abregen. Macht es euch bequem, wir schmeißen eine Runde Katharsis für alle!
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Lorin Krenn is a globally recognized teacher in relationships, guiding individuals to embody their awakened masculine or feminine essence in both love and life. Through the Masculine & Feminine Dynamics Podcast, Lorin explores the profound interplay of masculine and feminine energies, helping you unlock the deepest intimacy possible while living in alignment with your true self. This is your space to transform relationship dynamics, deepen connection, and embody your most authentic nature. S ...
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Beim Lila Podcast bekommt ihr Feminismus für alle. Wir stehen für eine inklusive, niedrigschwellige, unaufgeregte und trotzdem kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Herausforderungen im Patriarchat. Gemeinsam lernen wir, Stereotype, Ungleichheiten, Diskriminierung und Gewaltstrukturen zu erkennen und: wie man sie überwinden kann. Katrin, Laura, Lena, Minusch und Özge betrachten gesellschaftliche Debatten, alltägliche Phänomene und Ereignisse auf der ganzen Welt durch die feministische Brille. ...
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Politics, sex, & foolishness discussed through a feminist lens.
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Join friends and co-hosts, Jess and Emily, as they talk about popular tropes found in romance novels and fanfiction! Listen in as they joke and chat about their favorite topic: smut!
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Podcast by FemmeFoulPlay
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Two Chicanx queer femmes run their mouths on social and political matters impacting marginalized communities today, with an emphasis on: LGBT, Latinx/Chicanx, and women's issues. Living by the motto: "Dismantling Sh!t While Talking Sh!t!" Support Us On: http://patreon.com/BitterBrownFemmes Book Us At: http://BitterBrownFemmesPodcast.com/Bookings Bitter Brown Femmes is hosted by Cassandra Alicia (anfemwaves) and Rubén Angel (XoxoRubenAngel). Rubén also serves as producer, manager, and webmaster.
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Episoden kan inneholde målrettet reklame, basert på din IP-adresse, enhet og posisjon. Se smartpod.no/personvern for informasjon og dine valg om deling av data.
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What ur Music Taste Says About You
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19:45They say, “Show me your friend, and I’ll tell you who you are,” but let’s be honest…….. your playlist is the real snitch! The songs you listen to daily reveal a lot about your personality, vibe, and even your lifestyle. Are you the deep thinker, the life of the party, the hopeless romantic, or the no-nonsense hustler? Your playlist might just expos…
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Étude Chabbath (Jour 32) : Les vêtements de Chabbath
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2:42Cours audio MP3 de 2 minutes donné par 'Haya PLANTARD.De către Torah-Box / 'Haya PLANTARD
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Pourquoi de mauvaises choses arrivent aux gens bien ?
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16:20Cette question taraude beaucoup de monde mais elle serait mieux formulée ainsi : Pour quoi (dans quel but) de mauvaises choses arrivent aux gens bien ? Comment comprendre avec notre entendement limité d'être humain que de grandes souffrances soient pour le Bien (des enfants innocent malades, des justes éprouvés par de grandes épreuves...) ? Pourtan…
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S2 Ep7: You can't do that, it's unconstitutional!
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45:30On this episode we talk about trump's unconstitutional detainment and deportation of activists as well as his illegal deportation of Venezuelans. Plus other things! Support this podcast by becoming a patron on Patreon.com/BitterBrownFemmes $5+ supporters get video versions of all new episodes. Book us for your school or org event by emailing bitter…
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Frauensachen: Dr. Maxa Zoller, Filmfestival-Organisatorin
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32:34Männer dominieren die Filmbranche. Das möchte Dr. Maxa Zoller mit dem "Internationalen Frauen Film Fest" ändern. Das Ziel des Filmfestivals in Dortmund: Frauen besser in der Filmszene sichtbar machen und ihnen einen Raum zum Austausch geben. Im Interview mit Moderatorin Mara Odparlik spricht Dr. Maxa Zoller über ihre Arbeit hinter dem Festival. Dab…
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429. Versions of Us with Christine Charitonos, Doella and Georgie Jones
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1:02:34The Guilty Feminist 429. Versions of Us – part one Presented by Deborah Frances-White with special guests Christine Charitonos, Doella and Georgie Jones. Recorded 19 March 2025 at The Old Queen’s Head in London. Released 24 March. The Guilty Feminist theme composed by Mark Hodge. Get Deborah’s new book with 30% off using the code SIXCONVERSATIONSPO…
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221. Behind the Scenes at SNL with 'Domingo' Writer Ceara O'Sullivan
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1:17:01Ever wondered what it’s like behind the scenes at Saturday Night Live? Well, you’re in for a treat because today I’m sitting down with SNL writer and comedian Ceara O’Sullivan—the brilliant mind behind the viral Domingo sketch. Ceara takes us inside the fast-paced world of late-night comedy, sharing what it’s like to write and pitch sketches for on…
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Abortion Rights Post-Dobbs with David S Cohen and Dr. Carole Joffe
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40:20In today's episode, Courtney speaks with David S Cohen, Professor of Law at Drexel University's Thomas R Kline School of Law and Dr. Carole Joffe, Professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco, about the impacts the Dobbs decision has had on women's access to reproduc…
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La critique dans l'éducation (1/12) : Qu'est ce qui conditionne nos comportements ?
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20:41Cours audio MP3 de 20 minutes donné par Vanessa BENZAKEN.De către Torah-Box / Vanessa BENZAKEN
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Éducation : mon enfant est insolent !
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21:00En quoi l'insolence d'un enfant est-elle particulièrement difficile à supporter pour un parent ? Pourquoi est-il si important de se maîtriser lorsqu'on est confronté à cette difficulté ? En quoi est-il vital, de nos jours, que les éducateurs entourent leurs enfants ou élèves de beaucoup d'amour, de chaleur et d'encouragements au lieu de chercher à …
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Étude Chabbath (Jour 31) : L’étude, un outil vital !
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5:16Cours audio MP3 de 5 minutes donné par 'Haya PLANTARD.De către Torah-Box / 'Haya PLANTARD
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🎙✨ A nova temporada do podcast Feminismo & Marxismo está no ar! Nesse episódio de lançamento da 4ª temporada, debatemos a pergunta nada simples: O que é patriarcado?, que nos faz visitar os escritos de Engels, das bolcheviques que revolucionaram tudo na vida das mulheres, e também debates da nossa atualidade. O maior catálogo de debates sobre femin…
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A história da atleta que teve a vida transformada pelo futebol | Observatório Feminino
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22:15Débora Vieira Costa, conhecida no mundo do futebol como Debinha, tem 22 anos e é uma das jogadoras de destaque do Atlético Mineiro. Porém, a trajetória até chegar ao sucesso não foi fácil. Ela enfrentou desafios que a maioria das pessoas não pode imaginar, mas o esporte foi sua salvação. Nascida em um contexto de dor e abandono, Débora foi deixada …
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Podcast conta história da atleta que teve a vida transformada pelo futebol
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22:15Débora Vieira Costa, conhecida no mundo do futebol como Debinha, tem 22 anos e é uma das jogadoras de destaque do Atlético Mineiro. Porém, a trajetória até chegar ao sucesso não foi fácil. Ela enfrentou desafios que a maioria das pessoas não pode imaginar, mas o esporte foi sua salvação. Nascida em um contexto de dor e abandono, Débora foi deixada …
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Préparatifs de Pessa'h #1 : Préserver son capital santé !
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5:26Madame Barlev nous rappelle à quel point la vitalité qu'Hachem a offerte à chaque femme juive est éminemment précieuse, et qu'il est de notre devoir à toutes de préserver ce capital santé. L'ironie est qu'on prend conscience de la valeur de sa santé le jour où on la perd ! Alors, Mesdames, à l'aube des préparatifs de Pessa'h, et afin de préserver v…
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Étude Chabbath (Jour 30) : La puissance de nos Sages
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5:06Cours audio MP3 de 5 minutes donné par 'Haya PLANTARD.De către Torah-Box / 'Haya PLANTARD
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Surmonter les obstacles pour garder confiance en D.ieu !
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1:41:51Comment garder sa Émouna tout au long de sa vie ? Quel lien existe-t-il entre la confiance en D.ieu et le travail sur les Middot (traits de caractère) ?De către Torah-Box / Hanna BÉHAR
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In this week’s mini episode, Madigan discusses the recent Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, leading to the deaths and displacement of Palestinians; the Tesla company’s dwindling stocks, as well as vandalism to their dealerships and vehicles; and lastly, a conversation starter regarding to boycotts against companies who have complied with Trump’s demands …
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Kommt mit uns auf einen wilden Ritt, der das Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum krümmt, denn jeder Tag ist ein feministischer Kampftag und antifeministische Bros, Pick-me-Girls und Tech-Dystopien begleiten uns schon so lange, wie mit Milchmägde mit prallen Eutern hantieren um rechtes Gedankengut in den Mainstream zu spritzen. Es geht unter anderem um studentische…
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Premium: Good Dogs, Bad Neighbours
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14:16This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit femchaospod.substack.com Kat and Phoebe discuss an incredibly Canadian neighborhood poop drama, the allure of bisexual men, and the free speech imbroglio surrounding the deportation of a Columbia student protester. Links: Ladies, is it gay to like men? The FP on the ICE arrest of a Colum…
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Femizid in Leipzig: Gerechtigkeit für Jessica - Interview vor dem 3. Prozesstag
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4:33Am 19.03. fand der 3. Prozesstag gegen Markus K. am Landgericht Leipzig statt. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, seine Ex-Partnerin Jessica umgebracht zuhaben. Die Studierendenredaktion von Radio Corax beobachtet den Prozess und war auch am 3. Prozesstag Vorort. Vor dem 3. Prozesstag haben wir mit einem Mitglied der Studierendenredaktion über den bisherigen Pr…
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Parachat Para : la vache rousse, pourquoi ?
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13:09La Paracha de Para, qui parle de la vache rousse, est toujours lue aux environs de Pessa'h. Pourquoi ? De quoi parle-t-elle ? Quels enseignements peut-on en tirer pour notre vie quotidienne ?De către Torah-Box / Rabbanite Sylvie SCHATZ
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Étude Chabbath (Jour 29) : Pourquoi tant de détails ?
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5:00Cours audio MP3 de 5 minutes donné par 'Haya PLANTARD.De către Torah-Box / 'Haya PLANTARD
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Introduction to Food and Body Awareness
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47:58tl;dr The one rule you really need to follow when you eat food is: Listen to your body. There you go. Hope you’ll still listen to the episode. PS: Amelia is still going live on Youtube on Fridays @4pm eastern: https://www.youtube.com/@feministsurvivalproject Links: FutureCanoe (Youtube) BlackForager (Youtube) Internet Shaquille (Youtube) What Coo…
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Angriff auf die Take Back The Night Demonstration in Halle
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8:58Der diesjährige feministische Kampftag am 8. März ist vorbei, aber feministische Kämpfe finden auch an den restlichen 364 Tagen im Jahr statt. Die Wichtigkeit dieser Kämpfe zeigten sich besonders bei der Vorabenddemo vor dem 8. März. Unter dem Motto Take Back the Night zog eine FLINTA-Demonstration lautstark durch die Altstadt, bis hin zum August-B…
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10 anos da Lei do Feminicídio: avanços e desafios na luta contra a violência de gênero - 1ª parte
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10:31Em março de 2015, o Brasil deu um passo importante no combate à violência de gênero com a sanção da Lei nº 13.104, que tipificou o feminicídio como um crime hediondo, caracterizado pelo assassinato de mulheres em razão de gênero. Dez anos depois, a lei é considerada um marco na proteção das mulheres, ao reconhecer a gravidade dos crimes motivados p…
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Femmes Reading Filth & Rom Complex: The Crossover
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1:01:46The Femmes were asked to join The Rom Complex to chat all about the movie (and book) The Princess Bride! Listen in as they talk about their favorite parts, their thoughts on love and more!
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Nach der Bundestagswahl: Je schlimmer die Krise, desto weniger Feminismus?
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47:52Politisch verkatert Nach der Bundestagswahl haben viele Menschen eine Art politischen Kater. Es war ein harter Wahlkampf, in dem es vor allem um das Thema Migration ging - und das auf die rechte Tour. Auf der anderen Seite spielte kein feministisches Thema auch nur ansatzweise eine Rolle. Man könnte meinen: Je schlimmer die Krise, desto weniger Fem…
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45 - Protestieren als Feminist*in - mit Lea Bonasera von "Die letzte Generation" und "Guter Grund"
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58:24Mich machten die Aktionen von "Die letzte Generation" skeptisch. Sie wirkten kurzschlussartig. Erst als ich das Buch der Mitgründerin Lea Bonasera las, verstand ich, dass ich da einer medialen Erzählung auf den Leim gegangen war: Friedlicher Protest ist genau das Gegenteil von random Aktionen und brauchen viel Vorbereitung und Training. Wenn Lea pr…
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386. Defying Ageist Stereotypes: A Conversation with Susan Hyatt
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30:18Ever felt the urge to shake things up with a bold, unexpected move? Women are taught that midlife is when we’re supposed to fade into the background, but what if it’s actually the perfect time to dream bigger, take more risks, and redefine what’s possible for ourselves? This week, Master Certified Life Coach Susan Hyatt is back to talk about making…
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Ep #318: Reclaiming Emotional Space for Yourself and Others
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30:24#318: Have you ever caught yourself dismissing someone's feelings with phrases like "at least..." or "it could be worse"? We often do this with the best intentions - trying to help, trying to fix, trying to make things better. But what if these well-meaning responses are actually creating emotional distance in our relationships? In today's episode,…
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Feminist Magazine - Wednesday, March 19, 2025
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1:00:12Feminist Magazine is the weekly Southern California radio show with intersectional feminist perspectives. Covering stories that you don't hear on mainstream media! We broadcast local and global stories, news and opinions about women making a radical difference.
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Étude Chabbath (Jour 28) : Chabbath ou Kippour ?
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5:24Cours audio MP3 de 5 minutes donné par 'Haya PLANTARD.De către Torah-Box / 'Haya PLANTARD
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Vayakhel : saisis la bénédiction !
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13:24À travers des propos de Rav Its'hak Ginsburg, ce cours explique que le Chabbath n'est pas seulement une journée pleine d'interdictions et d'inaction. Il est un jour où nous effectuons un immense travail intérieur : le lâcher-prise.De către Torah-Box / Rabbanite Déborah SHENHAV
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Auf FLINTA*-Partys sind nur Frauen, Lesben, inter, nicht-binäre, trans und agender Personen willkommen. Sie bieten einen geschützten Raum für FLINTA*s - frei von Vorurteilen und ohne Angst vor Diskriminierung oder Sexismus. Die Moderatorinnen Marina Böhmer und Katharina Geldsetzer besuchen eine FLINTA*-Party in Münster. Von den Feiernden möchten si…
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Hier und Jetzt: Frühlingsgefühle, Kulturhauptstadt 2025, Theaterstück "Nester"
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1:01:17Der Frühling hat offiziell begonnen und bringt die altbekannten Frühlingsgefühle mit sich. Die Menschen werden fröhlicher und verlieben sich häufiger. Doch sind Frühlingsgefühle nur ein Mythos oder ist an dem Phänomen tatsächlich etwas dran? Moderatorin Lena Schmidt hat sich hierzu mit dem Psychologen Nils Kroemer unterhalten. Er verrät, was wirkli…
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The Untethered Series #5: Spring Equinox & the In Between
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36:36It is the Equinox - a time of 'in between', a snapshot in time of stillness and divine balance, and also a marker of a change in season. A time of 'not quite', and equally a time of planting seeds and transforming our energy by letting a little bit of Yang in. This liminal space is marked here in Sweden by 'vårvinter', literally 'spring-winter', th…
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#36 L’empouvoirement à Madagascar - Audrey Randriamandrato
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1:00:48Audrey Randriamandrato est la fondatrice de Malagasy Women Empowerment (MWE) qui lutte pour l’amélioration des conditions et des représentations de la femme malgache dans la société. Dans cet épisode “L'empouvoirement à Madagascar - Audrey Randriamandrato”, on y aborde des sujets comme : Différences entre sororité et rivalité Le contexte de rivalit…
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Morten Thoresens mikrofoninnstilling
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3:52Episoden kan inneholde målrettet reklame, basert på din IP-adresse, enhet og posisjon. Se smartpod.no/personvern for informasjon og dine valg om deling av data.
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