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Simple English News Daily is a 7-minute podcast which tells today’s news in clear, simple, British English. Start your day by listening to 7 minutes of the most important stories from everywhere in the world. With SEND7, you can stay up-to-date with world news, and improve your English at the same time. SEND7 is aimed at intermediate and advanced English learners and teachers, and people with English as a second language, as well as native English speakers who want a fast, daily summary of w ...
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DVB English News

Democratic Voice of Burma

English language news service from Myanmar's largest independent media network: The Democratic Voice of Burma. Newscast goes behind the headlines on What's happening in Myanmar. Newsroom shines a spotlight on under-reported stories through interviews with decision makers. Watch DVB English News on YouTube or Spotify. Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music, Audible, Amazon Music, or wherever you get podcasts. https://www.youtube.com/@dvbenglish/podcasts
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Since its launch in 1997, Formosa News has been a leading source for news affecting Taiwan. One of its primary objectives is to reach a broader audience by broadcasting in multiple languages, including Mandarin and Taiwanese. It is also one of the few stations to offer a local news program in English. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Learn American English online with us! In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expansion, exposure to English grammar and common idiomatic expressions, to pronunciation practice and interactive grammar exercises. In our program we discuss the Weekly News, English grammar, and English expressions, and much more in simplified English at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence.
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Sit back and lean Enlgish with a native English teacher. You will listen to some new vocabulary and there definitions as well as example sentences. Then I will read a current news story using these new vocabulary words. The material comes from engoo.com.
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English News Pod

English Teacher Caroline

Do you want to learn English but don’t have a lot of time? Listening to the news in English is a great way to build your fluency by learning common vocabulary and phrases associated with various topics. The best news (no pun intended), is that with this podcast, you can learn from anywhere! This podcast is great for students of all levels, from beginners trying to expand their listening and vocabulary skills to advanced students looking to build a regular practice. Subscribe and follow for b ...
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Easy English AI News

Easy English AI News

"Easy English AI News" is your go-to podcast for exploring the world of AI while enhancing your English listening comprehension. With clear explanations and simple vocabulary, you'll stay up-to-date on the latest AI developments. Join us today!
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Easy English Crypto News

Easy English Crypto News

Discover the world of cryptocurrency without the complexity at Easy English Crypto News. Our unique platform offers engaging dialogues between two characters who explore both the latest crypto(Web3) trends and foundational concepts—all in simple, accessible English. Whether you're new to crypto(Web3) or looking to strengthen your understanding, Easy English Crypto News makes learning about digital currencies straightforward and enjoyable. Perfect for English learners and crypto(Web3) enthusi ...
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Improve your English with the ICRT News Team! Here you will find useful expressions and vocabulary from the news to help you better understand what's happening around the world, and speak like a pro. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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A podcast for people who need to speak and read about the economy in English. Alan Robert has been teaching business English to economists for 20 years. Join him for these weekly business English lessons that include news and headlines you can use to learn the English vocabulary you need to read, write and speak about the economy. These business English podcast lessons focus on current events and teach you English vocabulary for economics finance, business, banking, and government.
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Stay informed and improve your English with the Phrasal Verb News Podcast! Each episode dives into recent global news stories, breaking them down with real-life examples of phrasal verbs, idioms, and business expressions. Perfect for intermediate to advanced English learners, this podcast helps you master natural, everyday language while staying up to date on current events. After summarizing each story, we explain the vocabulary in-depth, show how it’s used in context, and provide practical ...
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Brazilian News in English

Brazilian News Network

Brazilian News in English é o podcast perfeito para brasileiros que desejam aprimorar seu inglês de forma prática e envolvente. Se você já estuda o idioma ou quer melhorar suas habilidades, aqui você encontra um conteúdo que combina o melhor dos dois mundos: notícias relevantes sobre o Brasil, comentadas e discutidas em inglês. Nossos hosts trazem tópicos atuais, que variam de política a cultura, sempre conectando os acontecimentos ao contexto brasileiro, o que facilita o entendimento e o ap ...
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火災の鎮圧が宣言された岩手県大船渡市の山林、9日午後、同市岩手県大船渡市は9日、先月26日に発生した山林火災について、延焼の恐れがなくなったとして鎮圧を宣言した。 The massive wildfire that broke out in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, on Feb. 26 has been contained, the northeastern Japan city declared Sunday.De către 時事通信社
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全球AI商機蓄勢待發,2025如何投資更有效? 野村投信ETF「台美研發大聯盟」帶您一次掌握! 00935 獨家研發費用選股,鎖定台灣創新科技好股 00971 嚴選美國全產業研發龍頭,聚焦美股大廠爆發力 00935、00971 你投資世界的優質首選 https://fstry.pse.is/789wh9 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckbrc9xz33pse0918wxz4pc5w 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckbrc9xz33pse0918wxz4pc5w/comments Powered by Firstory …
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This week we lend our feed to Myanmar's Resilient Voices season 7 episode 3 Resisting Harmful Narratives: The Power of Film in the LGBTQIA+ Struggle. In this episode, a filmmaker reflects on the traumatic impact of derogatory portrayals of the LGBTQIA+ community in Myanmar’s media. Drawing from personal experiences, the speaker delves into how toxi…
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World news in 7 minutes. Friday 7th March 2025. Today: EU defence boost. Ukraine update. Germany coup sentencing. US Mexico Canada tariffs. Argentina pensions. Syria fighting. Bangladesh rations cut. South Korea accidental bombing. Lesotho exists. Nigeria allegation suspension. And a woolly mouse. SEND7 is supported by our amazing listeners like yo…
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More than half of all adults and a third of children, teenagers and young adults around the world are predicted to be overweight or obese by 2050. Find full subtitles and a worksheet for this episode at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/learning-english-from-the-news_2025/250305 FIND BBC LEARNING ENGLISH HERE: Visit our websit…
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【ロンドン時事】英国の郵便局を舞台に発生した大規模な冤罪事件を巡り、同国政府は9日までに、欠陥のある会計システムを開発した富士通と、被害者への補償に向けた協議を始めることで合意した。 The British government and Fujitsu Ltd. have agreed to begin talks on compensation for the Post Office scandal involving the Horizon accounting software developed by the Japanese company.De către 時事通信社
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平和記念公園内の原爆死没者慰霊碑に献花するイタリアのマッタレッラ大統領、8日、広島市中区イタリアのマッタレッラ大統領は8日、広島市の平和記念公園内にある原爆死没者慰霊碑に献花し、平和記念資料館を視察した。 Italian President Sergio Mattarella made his first visit to Hiroshima on Saturday, laying flowers before the cenotaph for the victims of the 1945 atomic bombing in the western Japan city's Peace Memorial Park.…
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記者会見する立憲民主党の野田佳彦代表、7日、国会内2025年度予算案の衆院審議を巡り、立憲民主党内で執行部の対応に不満が広がっている。 Frustration with the leadership of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan is growing among party members over the outcome of budget deliberations in the House of Representatives.De către 時事通信社
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自民党の全国幹事長会議であいさつする石破茂首相、8日午後、東京・永田町の同党本部自民党は8日、党本部で全国幹事長会議を開いた。 Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Saturday that his ruling Liberal Democratic Party is likely to face "extremely tough" battles in upcoming elections for the House of Councillors and the Tokyo metropolitan assembly later this year.…
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長崎県佐々町が発注した工事を巡り、入札の最低制限価格に近い金額を漏らしたとして、県警は8日、官製談合防止法違反などの疑いで、町長の古庄剛容疑者を逮捕した。 Police arrested Tsuyoshi Furusho, mayor of Saza, Nagasaki Prefecture, on Saturday in a bid-rigging case over a public works project in the southwestern Japan town.De către 時事通信社
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7日、米ニューヨークの国連本部で、宣言を採択し閉幕する核兵器禁止条約の第3回締約国会議【ニューヨーク時事】米ニューヨークの国連本部で開かれていた核兵器禁止条約の第3回締約国会議は7日、「核の脅しは容認できない」と非難する宣言を採択し、5日間の日程を終えて閉幕した。 The third meeting of signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons ended its five-day session at the U.N. headquarters in New York on Friday, with participants adopting a declaration rejecting threat…
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日比谷線の列車脱線事故から25年となり、慰霊碑の前で黙とうする東京メトロの山村明義社長ら、8日午前、東京都目黒区乗客5人が死亡、64人が重軽傷を負った営団地下鉄日比谷線の列車脱線事故から25年を迎えた8日、山村明義社長らが東京都目黒区の事故現場付近にある慰霊碑を訪れ、献花した。 Tokyo Metro Co. on Saturday marked the 25th anniversary of a subway derailment accident that killed five passengers and injured 64 others.De către 時事通信社
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気象庁は8日午前、関東甲信では夕方から9日明け方にかけて山地や山沿いを中心に大雪になる所があると発表した。 Up to 5 centimeters of snow is forecast for central Tokyo by early Sunday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said Saturday, warning of traffic disruptions and icy roads.De către 時事通信社
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東日本大震災後、今も持ち主の元に戻っていない写真やランドセル、携帯電話などの「震災拾得物」が岐路に立っている。 Municipalities in northeastern Japan are ending the storage of personal items, such as photographs, school bags and cell phones, that were collected after the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 and have not been returned to their owners.De către 時事通信社
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玉木雄一郎国民民主党代表国民民主党の玉木雄一郎代表は7日のBSフジ番組で、所得税の負担が生じる「年収103万円の壁」見直しを巡り、政府・与党が所得制限を設けずに非課税枠を「150万円」に再修正した場合、2025年度予算案への「賛成は十分、検討に値する」と述べた。 The Democratic Party for the People may support the fiscal 2025 budget bill if the ruling bloc agrees to raise the tax-free portion of annual income to 1.5 million yen, regardless of income levels, DPFP leader Yuichiro…
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会談を前に握手する岩屋毅外相と英国のラミー外相、7日午後、東京都港区の外務省飯倉公館岩屋毅外相は7日、英国のラミー外相と東京都内の外務省飯倉公館で会談した。 Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya and his British counterpart, David Lammy, agreed Friday that the two countries will work together closely for a fair and lasting peace in Ukraine, while U.S. President Donald Trump is moving closer to Russia.…
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全国がん患者団体連合会などから「高額療養費制度」に関するアンケートを受け取る石破茂首相、7日午後、首相官邸石破茂首相は7日、医療費が高額となった場合に患者負担を抑える「高額療養費制度」見直しを巡り、今年8月に予定していた患者負担上限額の引き上げを見送ると表明した。 The Japanese government is considering shelving a plan to raise the ceiling of out-of-pocket expenses for high-cost medical care in August, it was learned Friday.De către 時事通信社
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日英の経済版2プラス2閣僚会合を終え、共同記者発表に臨む英国のレイノルズ・ビジネス貿易相、ラミー外相、岩屋毅外相、武藤容治経済産業相、7日午後、東京都港区の飯倉公館日英両政府は7日、外務・経済閣僚による「経済版2プラス2」会合を東京都内で開いた。 Japanese and British foreign and economy ministers on Friday affirmed the importance of free and fair trade at a time when the international economic order has been shaken by U.S. President Donald Trump's tariffs.…
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日米の国旗外務省は7日、2024年度「外交に関する国内世論調査」の結果を公表した。 A majority of Japanese expect Japan-U.S. economic relations to strengthen under the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump, launched in January, according to a Japanese Foreign Ministry survey.De către 時事通信社
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