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Hey! I'm Chris Koerner. Do you have a clinical addiction to all things small business? Hey, me too! Let's be addicts together. On this show I do deep dives on cool business ideas, growth hacks and opportunities. Sometimes that means going broad, and breaking down 4-6 ideas with a business parter or friend, and sometimes that means going super deep on one idea or topic. I've built dozens of companies & own 7 right now, with revenues in the 10s of millions. I also buy 1-2 RV parks per month al ...
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The Koe Cast

Dan Koe

Every week, I deconstruct one big idea around creative work, human behavior, and mental philosophy while giving you practical insights on how to apply these teachings to your life. Topics we are dedicated to dissecting for you: spirituality, personal growth, psychology, social media, business, health, fitness, philosophy, culture, and everything else that will lead to a life of freedom and happiness.
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Gesprekken over technologie, innovatie, management en ondernemerschap. En ook over economie, psychologie en artificial intelligence. Kitty is hoogleraar aan Nyenrode Business Universiteit, toezichthouder en ondernemer.
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Oud-topsporter Vera Koedooder is Olympiër, meervoudig Nederlands, Europees -en Wereldkampioene baanwielrennen, won 8 E.K. medailles op weg/tijdrit/baan en behoorde 16 jaar lang tot de (inter)nationale top van het wegwielrennen en baanwielrennen. Haar koersstijl was altijd vanuit het hart; fair en met oneindige aanvalslust en koerage! Vera gaat met haar gasten in gesprek over hun passies, moed, doorzettingsvermogen en drijfveren. Bijzondere gasten waarbij koerage ook de rode draad is in hun l ...
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Er du ved at lære dansk? I KOEN PÅ ISEN kan du blive endnu bedre – uden at røre en finger! Du skal nemlig bare læne dig tilbage og lytte. I podcasten vil du høre det danske sprog udtalt langsomt og tydeligt, mens du kommer bag om sproget og lærer ord, udtryk og talemåder, som kan være ekstra svære at forstå for udlændinge/ikke-dansksprogede. F.eks. vil du lære, hvorfor nogle danskere siger "tak for kaffe", selvom de ikke drikker kaffe, eller tager benene på nakken, selvom de ikke er cirkusar ...
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Klaas en Koen lopen weg

Klaas en Koen lopen weg

Klaas en Koen zijn mateloos op zoek naar zingeving en avontuur. De mateloosheid had bij de heren vijftien jaar geleden nogal een destructief randje maar nu lopen ze graag hard en één van de twee is veganist en de ander mediteert iedere dag. Nu ouwehoeren ze over hardlopen, Johnny Cash, kip, Stryd, mediteren en meer.
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The DNA of Things," hosted by Dr. Jeremy Koenig, is an auditory journey into the evolving world of health science, performance, and longevity. This podcast brings together the sharpest minds in the field, including elite health strategists, pioneering scientists, and wellness mavericks, to share cutting-edge practices and revolutionary insights. Each episode is meticulously curated to enrich your understanding of well-being and to extend your vitality, propelling you toward a future filled w ...
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Op zoek naar sporen van mensen die ofwel in Oostende woonden, of er aanspoelden. Van Ensor tot Claus, van Snoek tot Proust. Naar het boek Kamer in Oostende, volgen we schrijver Koen Peeters en schilder, pianist en historicus Koen Broucke langs hun eigenaardige zwerftochten. Ze hebben een onderzoeksmethode die ze ironisch ‘het perspectivisme’ noemen, een manier om het verleden van hun personages binnen te kunnen stappen. Je moet het horen om het te begrijpen.
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The Koetter Boyz

Jordan Desmarais

Just some guys trying to figure out life. Sports? Current Events? Religion? Join us as we discuss everything from Guns to Science and Current Events and everything in between. Listen now! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/TheKoetterBoyz/support
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Bersama menggerakan melodi yang berenang di kepala, menyikapi kondisi yang nyata dalam kehidupan pada masa saya. Menyingkapkan pola pikir dari berbagai arah menjadi potensi alternatif pengambilan konvensi penyikapan. Pemikir yang tak kenal waktu yang mencoba mengilmusikan menjadi sebuah alunan kata kata realistik yang tersirat untuk dipahami.
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Koerri Elijah hosts the "Oh, word?" podcast, a show that brings you long form conversations with his friends and guests that include actors, musicians, politicians, athletes, commentators, authors, artists and entertainers.
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Sporza Koers


Niets in de Tour ontsnapt aan het waakzame oog van ons commentaarduo in de Tour de France. Christophe Vandegoor en Sven Nys of Serge Pauwels bespreken de actualiteit van de Tour.
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De Koers

Rembrand Neirinckx

Arne Temmerman gaat op zoek naar mensen in het wielermilieu met een verhaal. Van wielrenners tot ploegleiders, van fotografen tot mental coaches. We praten over de Koers en de koers van het leven. In deze aflevering heeft Jurgen Van den Broeck het over zijn wielercarrière, de Tour en de mentale slag die het wielrennen met zich meedraagt. Volg mee op www.dekoers.be
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To sell the philosophy of liberty to mainstream America, we must speak a language that the mainstream understands. To move that mainstream politically, we must focus on winning supporters rather than philosophical purity contests and speak the language of those we seek to persuade. That means finding common ground and not being dogmatic. It also means coming at people with Love, not self-righteousness.
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Aee Koe (Ashin Pin Nya Tha Mi)

Aee Koe (Ashin Pin Nya Tha Mi)

Aee Koe (အဲးခိုး), aka Ashin Pin Nya Tha Mi (အရှင်ပညာသာမိ), aka Tawhmi Rahan (တောမှီရဟန်း), aka Taung Galay Sayadaw (တောင်ကလေးဆရာတော်) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pinnyatha.mi Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taung_Galay_Sayadaw Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balay714/
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/reconstructingfaith/subscribe WARNING: This isn't a typical "religious" podcast. I wrestle with the issues that most people are uncomfortable talking about in church because religion sucks. You’ll hear episodes about Jesus, reConstructing faith after deConstructing “Christian” misconception and more. Some episodes pre 8/28/20 have adult language so be a good parent and listen alone before playing those in front of your kids.
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Short podcasts where I interview filmmakers, special effects coordinators, screenwriters, actors, producers, Academy Award-winners and others on around a major movie picture set. Podcast series is designed to give students and young filmmakers insight into the background, inspiration and career paths for different jobs in the movie and television industry.
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Im Deep Dive Podcast holen wir die Themen an die Oberfläche, die wirklich zählen – Künstliche Intelligenz, Unternehmertum, Wachstum und die Extreme des Lebens. Mit einer unvergleichlichen Mischung aus tiefgehenden Gesprächen, inspirierenden Geschichten und klaren Einsichten gehen wir weit über das Oberflächliche hinaus. Aus unserer Zehntscheune – dem Basecamp für Ideen und Gespräche – begrüße ich Gäste, die das Potenzial haben, Dich und Dein Denken zu verändern: Visionäre Unternehmer, KI-Pio ...
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Op Koers is dé sportcast over wielrennen, Formule 1, voetbal, sport en muziek, gemaakt door liefhebbers met passie en voor liefhebbers met passie. Alles Op Koers! Volg ons: W: www.vriendvandeshow.nl/velofilie E: [email protected] Twitter: @OpKoersPodcast Voicemessage: https://anchor.fm/k-reckman/message
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show series
How to manage multiple interests in a world that drills you into one thing. ––– Tools & Resources ––– The Writer's Bootcamp starts March 4: https://bootcamp.kortex.co Move your writing and idea capture to Kortex: https://kortex.co My book: http://theartoffocusbook.com Free tools + writing and marketing courses: https://thedankoe.com ––– Free Guides…
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Daar zijn we weer! Na onze afsluitende liveshow van het wielerseizoen 2024 tijdens het Nationaal Wielergala in het Beatrix Theater (21 oktober) is er alweer een nieuw wielerseizoen begonnen! En naast de rensters zijn ook voormalig profwielrensters Vera Koedooder en Eva Buurman uit hun podcast-winterslaap gekomen. Vera en Eva troffen elkaar enkele u…
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HoldCo Bros are back! In this episode, Nik and I talk about GPT Operator, Nik shares his insights on preparing for AI agents with standard operating procedures, treating them like new employees. I recount building a tool with Replit for a friend, potentially adding seven figures in value. I also share insights from spending seven hours with a West …
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I sat down with Kevin Throop, founder of Toasted Tours, and talked about creating his unconventional tour business. Kevin, formerly at Tesla, wanted to control his destiny, starting with $65,000 and a $3,000 school bus. He renovated the bus for wine tours in Temecula, using a "lipstick on a pig" strategy to make it appealing despite limited funds. …
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Dr. Chris McMaster, a leading geneticist and former Dean of Medicine at Dalhousie University, joins The DNA of Things to explore the transformative potential of gene therapy in treating rare diseases. As the scientific director of the Canadian Institute of Health Research’s Institute of Genetics, he sheds light on how genetic and genomic medicine i…
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Hardlopen met Vera & Dennis #11 Live vanuit het Omnisport in Apeldoorn tijdens het NK Indoor Atletiek! Gistermiddag op 23 februari gingen voormalig Olympisch (baan)wielrenster Vera Koedooder en voormalig topatleet en hardloopcoach Dennis Licht in gesprek met Olympisch polstokhoogspringer Femke Pluim en sportpsycholoog Tim Koning. Twee fantastische …
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I sat down with podcast regular Connor Gross (https://x.com/c_gro), and we talked about practical applications of AI in business. Connor shared the story of an AI program boosting sales by instantly claiming leads in a Slack channel. We considered how executive assistants could dramatically increase their earning potential. I shared my experience r…
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HoldCo Bros are back! In this episode, Nik and I kick things off with a funny story about going to Raisin Canes while wearing a "Think You Should Leave" t-shirt. Then we talk about the booming Med Spa market, which is really driven by millennials who are both vain and obsessed with their health. Nik and I then discuss how there's potential in integ…
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Microsoft just announced a massive quantum computer breakthrough that uses an entirely new state of matter. The new quantum computer uses topological superconductors to create stable qubits with low error rates. Topological superconductors enable stable qubits by utilizing Majorana zero modes to protect quantum information from decoherence. The res…
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Sign up at HeyRosie.com and use code TKO50 for 50% off your first month I sat down with Jordan Gal (https://x.com/JordanGal) about how he built Hey Rosie, an AI voice answering service for small businesses, leveraging AI to provide a better alternative to traditional answering services. Jordan shared how his GPT wrapper addresses the challenges sma…
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In this episode, Dr. Jeremy Koenig sits down with Mike Polcari, former chief architect at 23andMe and now founder and CEO of Haplotype Labs, to discuss the evolution of consumer genomics and the future of personalized medicine. Mike shares insights from his journey at 23andMe, where he helped scale the platform into a leader in genetic testing, and…
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Nådada for Tilde, som blev ti den tolvte. Hun har væltet Rundetårn og trillet det til Holte"... Disse absurde linjer er begyndelsen på et rim, du vil høre i dagens episode. Det er skrevet af Halfdan Rasmussen – en vidunderlig dansk digter, som alle danskere kender og elsker. Halfdan var ekspert i at lege med det danske sprog og jonglere med ord. Ha…
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Get a free 30 day trial of HL with this link only! https://www.gohighlevel.com/chris-koerner I sat down with Sam Thompson (https://x.com/ImSamThompson) again, and we talked about AI wrappers and a tweet from Greg Isenberg about DeepSeek and ChatGPT wrappers. We discussed interface loyalty and why user interface is more important than the AI model. …
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Is AI-generated content actually a bad thing? I don't think so. ––– Tools & Resources ––– The Writer's Bootcamp starts March 4: https://bootcamp.kortex.coMove your writing and idea capture to Kortex: https://kortex.coMy book: http://theartoffocusbook.comFree tools + writing and marketing courses: https://thedankoe.com ––– Free Guides & Mini Courses…
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What humanoid robots is Europe working on? There are maybe 100 humanoid robot companies on the planet, and 16 major ones, but none in Europe according to Peter Diamandis' recent report. That might just have changed. Neura Robotics out of Germany is working on the third generation of its 4NE-1 robot and CEO David Reger says in June they'll be releas…
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HoldCo Bros are back! In this episode, Nik and I discuss the world of controversial self-help gurus, specifically focusing on Dan Pena. We dissect Pena's background, from his early days in Florida to his claims of a massive oil empire and his now infamous $30,000 mastermind seminars. We analyze his aggressive persona and tactics, while trying to un…
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Get a free 30 day trial of HL with this link only! https://www.gohighlevel.com/chris-koerner I'm back with another Q&A episode! I start by sharing viral marketing stunts for an escape room and emphasize finding a "Kirk" for business partnerships. Then, I explain how to grow a local newsletter using Facebook groups and ads, and monetize through AI a…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, Dr. Jeremy Koenig sits down with Garrett Marshall, a visionary leader in digital health and fitness innovation. Garrett shares his journey from a career in sports and fitness to becoming a pioneer at the intersection of fitness, technology, and entrepreneurship. He discusses his work at Xponential Fitness, lead…
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The biggest mistake people make as a one-person business is either never launching a product or launching one and then giving up.Watch the last video how to avoid audience building mistakes: https://youtu.be/REwaFvbelEk––– Tools & Resources –––Take notes on this video in Kortex (press Option+C or D on the desktop app to open floating notes): https:…
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Het is koud, Klaas loopt in lange tight en Koen loopt in korte broek. Verder loopt Koen een PR op de 10 mijl en Klaas loopt de eerste 30+ van het jaar. En een bijzonder loper in de spotlight: Bart Janssen, de timmerman die minstens 100 kilometer per week loopt.De către Klaas en Koen lopen weg
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Get a free 30 day trial of HL with this link only! https://www.gohighlevel.com/chris-koerner I sat down with podcast regular Sam Thompson (https://x.com/ImSamThompson), and we talked about how he's planning to launch an AI-powered recipe app using no-code tools and Facebook ads. We discussed his idea to become a free proposal consultant to get into…
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“Het is een hele reis geweest, een jongensboek bijna.” Na 21 jaar neemt Ton van Veen als CEO afscheid van Jumbo Supermarkten. In ons gesprek gaat Ton in op de dynamiek in food retail, veranderend klantgedrag, het familiebedrijf en zijn leiderschap. “Het is mijn verhaal, maar het is ook vooral het Jumbo verhaal.” Luister naar deze aflevering. Vind j…
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HoldCo Bros are back! In this episode, Nik and I discuss the world of sales and unexpectedly profitable business models, such as pest control, a field I have personal experience in. We examine how high incomes can be achieved through door-to-door sales, as well as the financial dynamics of the pest control industry. We also discuss the compensation…
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This is part 2 of a two-part conversation with Daniel. Be sure to listen to part 1 (aired Jan 27, 2025, Ep. #123) to hear how he got started, found the right niche, and set up the systems to grow and succeed. I sat down with Daniel Cronauer (LinkedIn), to continue our conversation about his entrepreneurial journey. In this episode, Daniel shares hi…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, Dr. Jeremy Koenig reflects on his first year as a father and how it has reshaped his understanding of human performance, family systems, and child development. Joining him is Brandon Larson, creator of Fantastic Dads, a program that blends scientific insights with practical strategies to help fathers foster dee…
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In this episode, I'm sharing my mind-blowing experience using OpenAI's new ChatGPT Operator, where I ran 10 AI agents simultaneously. I'll discuss how I used the Operator to perform 10 business tasks, like finding underpriced items and scraping product reviews. I’ll explain how the AI opened multiple tabs, and completed tasks like a human, and even…
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––– Resources Mentioned –––Take notes on this video in Kortex (press Option+C or D on the desktop app to open floating notes): https://kortex.coThe 10 Koemmandments of Engagement: https://app.kortex.co/public/document/8db4b9cf-631b-454d-adb2-bed29873ca23The Swipe File: https://app.kortex.co/public/document/47b0dbfc-45df-43ae-802e-45b7eadd87e9Writin…
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Det er ikke kun den danske vinter, der er lang. Det er dagens episode også! For vi skal igennem ekstra mange faste udtryk og formuleringer. Denne gang kaster vi os over det lille, men uundgåelige ord VED! Det er et lille ord, du ikke kan flygte fra, for du møder det overalt😬. Du kender måske allerede udtryk som VED SIDEN AF, VED JULETID, AT VÆRE VE…
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HoldCo Bros are back! This episode, Nik and I explore how AI is changing the world and talk about cool AI business ideas. We talk about digital detox, po*nography addiction, and phone addiction - real issues that also present business opportunities. We cover creating info products and selling AI prompts on platforms like PromptBase.com, showing how…
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Sahil doesn't need an introduction.Order The 5 Types Of Wealth: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/059372318X?tag=randohouseinc7986-20Sahil's site: https://sahilbloom.comSahil on X: https://x.com/sahilbloomSahil on YT: @Sahil_Bloom ––– My Stuff –––Move your ideas to Kortex: https://kortex.coBuild an audience with writing: https://2hourwriter.comStar…
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Check out the tools I use for my newsletter business: ➡ Beehiiv – Build and monetize your newsletter: [https://www.beehiiv.com?via=chris-koerner] ➡ SparkLoop – Grow your list with co-reg: [https://dash.sparkloop.app/signup?aff=b0c6f403] Using these links gets you a discount and helps support this podcast. 🚀 I'm back with another Q&A episode! This w…
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In this episode of The DNA of Things, Dr. Jeremy Koenig is joined by Andrew Steele, an Olympian turned entrepreneur and a leader in consumer genomics and functional health. From his Olympic journey as a sprinter for Great Britain to co-founding DNAFit and now Stride, Andrew shares how his experiences on the track shaped his innovative approach to h…
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John Hu and Vitalii Dodonov are the co-founders of Stan. Stan is the simplest way to start an online business used by over 60,000 creators. Over the past 3 years, they've grown to $30M ARR profitably and have front row seats to what's happening in the creator economy.In this podcast, we break down exactly how to grow an audience with zero followers…
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If you've been here a while, you know this is pretty much a re-recording of a previous video. There's a reason for that: to show that by doing this for multiple years, the results start to compound. In my first year I made around $10,000 (outside of previous freelancing). Year two was $100k, then $150k, then $800k (previous video), then ~$4m, then …
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Klaas liep de Vondelparkloop en wil dolgraag onder de 40 minuten lopen, Koen loopt er ook en is aan het overdrijven. Verder is er de Sri Chinmoy halve marathon en de eerste twee dagen van de looptrainersopleiding.Enne: hoe zit het met 220 - leeftijd, zijn er nog lopers die daarmee werken?Luister je mee?…
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I sat down with Daniel Cronauer (LinkedIn), an entrepreneur who built his success by starting and scaling service-based businesses. In this episode, Daniel shares practical advice on getting started, finding the right niche, and setting up systems to grow and succeed. If you’re thinking about starting your first business, this episode is packed wit…
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“Given the fact that evolution can produce intelligence, it is plausible that artificial evolution can produce artificial intelligence”. Dit is het motto van Guszti Eiben, hoogleraar Computational Intelligence aan de Vrije Universiteit. Guszti neemt ons mee in zijn wereld. Hoe kan het dat robots zich ontwikkelen tot machines die leren, zichzelf ver…
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