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Ein Podcast über kostümierte Prominente, die 2x jährlich, in 25 Extrakilos gepackt, versuchen, dem Klang einer Nachtigall zu gleichen? Welch idealer Stoff! Doch wir begutachten diese Bestrebungen nicht nur. Viel eher sehen wir unsere Aufgabe darin, jedes Detail zu durchleuchten! Wir nehmen auseinander und fügen wieder zusammen. Spüren nach und demaskieren. Zweifelsohne ist Maskenball besser als jeder Konverter! Denn wir sind vergnügt. Geradezu passioniert für die bizarrste Rateshow! Und wir ...
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Masked Gorilla is an underground rap blog, concert series, and record label that has been introducing you to your favorite emerging artists since 2009, now in podcast form. You can also watch these interviews on Masked Gorilla's YouTube channel.
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Masks and Mayhem

Masks and Mayhem

Masks and Mayhem is an actual play show using the superhero RPG Mutants & Masterminds. In this custom setting Game Master R.C. challenges the heroes: Atlanean ambassador Yardak, filmmaker-illusionist Ruby Lawson (aka Vizual Aid), and aging vigilante Brock Bollea (aka Lazerhawk). Join this immersive story where we find out what it means to be a hero…. or at least not a villain, mostly.
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Behind The Mask Podcast

Takeo Spikes & Tutan Reyes, Bleav

NFL Legend Takeo Spikes has expanded upon the success of his book "Takeo Spikes presents; Behind The Mask Book", in a podcast series with NFL Veteran Tutan Reyes. The show features many other pro-athletes and celebrities sharing untold personal stories on life in the league, fatherhood, relationships, business, social issues and more.
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Dagbladet Information

Hvordan vil kunstig intelligens forandre vores verden? I podcasten ’Maskinstorm’ inviterer en række af Informations fagmedarbejdere eksperter i studiet for at forsøge at finde svar på netop det spørgsmål. Serien er støttet af Novo Nordisk Fonden.
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A podcast for the CRNA industry. Discussing the important issues that happen both in, and beyond, the operating room. With Sharon Pearce, DNP, CRNA, FAANA, FAAN and Jeremy Stanley, EA, CFP, AIF. Innovations & opportunities for CRNAs & APRNs. Visit our website for more great information and to learn how you can get CE Credit as a CRNA just by listening to the podcast. Don’t miss our special series on CRNA History, CRNA Personal Finance & Retirement, Political ...
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Welcome to the Legend of Zelda Audiobooks! This podcast includes a novelisation of Ocarina of Time by DragonRand100, Majora's Mask by FakeJake93, and a selection of short stories by Selphie Kinneas. Each season features new stories by different authors, so stay tuned while we celebrate some of the fanworks this amazing fandom has to offer. All the stories on this podcast are featured with the permission of the author. Let me know what does or doesn't work for you. I am always open to feedbac ...
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Masken und Narben ist ein einfühlsamer und informativer Podcast, der sich mit den Themen Autismus und Trauma auseinandersetzt. Geleitet von mir, Alexis Weavind, Heilpraktiker*in für Psychotherapie, Traumatherapeut*in und EMDR-Therapeut*in, bietet dieser Podcast persönliche Erfahrungen und professionelle Expertise. Als Autist*in und Elternteil autistischer Kinder teile ich meine einzigartigen Einblicke, um das Verständnis und die Akzeptanz von Autismus und Trauma zu fördern. In jeder Episode ...
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This podcast is dedicated to the education, motivation, uplifting of the community. A positive source of light, love, healing, and abundance! You are perfectly divine and designed!!! It is my mission to encourage you on your spiritual journey. Knowing that as each one of us shines our light, darkness fades! Time to take of the mask, be real, and let’s heal!!!
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Raw & Real: Beyond the Mask 🎭🎙️ Men don’t always talk about what’s really going on. But here? No filters. No pretending. Just raw, honest conversations about the struggles we all face—mental health, self-doubt, relationships, getting older, and finding purpose when life throws a curveball. Hosted by Big Dave, this bi-weekly podcast cuts through the noise and gets straight to the heart of what it means to be a man in today’s world. Whether you’re battling stress, feeling stuck, or just want t ...
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Wyatt Bloom

MASKast features episode reviews from the 1985 M.A.S.K. animated series, chats about the overall franchise, and interviews with the voice actors and fan community. Your host is Wyatt Bloom along with fellow M.A.S.K. agents. MASKast and the website were founded by Wyatt Bloom and our late but fondly remembered co-founder and MASKcaster Jason Gross
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TOOLS OF CHAMPIONS - Leadership|Mindset|Erfolg - Ein Blick hinter die Maske besonderer Menschen

Dieter Kalt - Ex-Profi-Athlet, Manager, jetzt Leadership-Coach, Speaker

Was ist das Geheimnis erfolgreicher Menschen? Was machen sie anders als die meisten und was können wir davon lernen? Ist es ihr Champions Mindset, ihre Einstellung, die den Unterschied ausmacht? Mein Name ist Dieter Kalt und ich war über 20 Jahre Pro-Eishockeyspieler mit der Nummer 74 auf meinem Rücken. Ich hatte die Ehre in internationalen Championship-Teams zu spielen und mehrmals bei Olympischen Spielen antreten zu dürfen. Erfolg beginnt im Kopf! Dieser Podcast ist für Menschen, die Inspi ...
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*Welcome to* “Take Off The Mask with CasieCasem (TOTM),” *the podcast where we strip away the filters and dig deep into the heart of mental health. I’m your host, Casie Casem, and here, nothing is off-limits. We talk about the things that matter—raw, real stories from people who’ve been there, insights from experts who know the field, and conversations that challenge how we think about mental well-being.* This isn't just another mental health podcast. It's a community. A place where you're s ...
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Spillestedet Maskinhallen

Vi undersøger omgivelsernes indvirkning på musikken og den kreative proces. Vi snakker med fortrinsvis danske musikere og er nysgerrige på deres proces, når de især arbejder med musikalske udtryk gennem folke- og rootsmusikken.
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MASKulinity Podcast

Supported by Next Gen Men

Brooklyn- and Oakland-based duo Samantha Nzessi and Remoy Philip invite you into their sometimes loud but necessary banter on masculinity. Hear Samantha and Remoy discuss topics like what masculinity means to our society, whether masculinity has actually been good to men, or even how the latest movie, TV and sports trends are helping or hurting the gender, and everyone else by extension. Also listen as a variety of guests—experts in the fields of gender studies, activists, or even everyday g ...
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Üdvözlünk az iTS (Intelligent Thinking System) Podcastek világában. Különböző eseteket elemzünk, és elmerülünk az elme természetében. Megkérdőjelezzük a pszichológia és spirituális világ állításait, miközben az elme sötét zugaiba is betekintünk. Hisz addig amíg önmagunkat megtévesztjük, mindenki mást is megtévesztünk. Csatlakozz, hogy együtt fedezhessük fel az emberi psziché új szintjét!
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2010 óta intenzíven járom az önismereti utamat, amelybe betársult az utóbbi 6 évben az asztrológia módszere és mintegy 4 éve önismereti segítőként működök. Az epizódok során lesz szó az asztrológiáról és annak határairól, a mindennapi pszichológiáról, az önsegítő technikákról és a saját életemből vett tapasztalatokról. Mindezt a lehető legegyszerűbben, és misztifikációtól mentesen. További olvasnivaló: Kapcsolat:
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Élet a Pozitív Pszichológia szemüvegén keresztül. Miről szól a Pozitív Pszichológia? Hogyan lehet a PP tudományos felfedezéseit a gyakorlatban alkalmazni? Mi a titka a sikeres, küzdőképes, tartósan egészséges embereknek? Szeretném a kezedbe adni a PP gyakorlatban alkalmazható eszköztárát, hogy te is képes legyél megteremteni saját magad számára a legteljesebb életet. Tarts velem és vendégeimmel kéthetente kedden! Élj máskéPP!
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Mask Off

Katrina Benson

The Mask Off Podcast will assist Listeners with Motivational and Therapeutic Tools to help Listeners self reflect, heal, and conquer emotional pain, trauma, and self defeating behaviors that resulted from Life Experiences.
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Motivational Coach and Hype Man Creating a safe, authentic space to teach society to live their best life. "Remove your mask, write your story", a concept of a safe space to find your self and your purpose in life. This is the journey that Jay took in 2019. An awakening that was the greatest wake up in his life. The times of anxiety, stress, depression and a pseudo stroke, Jay didn't know what was going on, except there is a gift around the corner. We admit we aren't perfect, but it's what y ...
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Maskeli Ebeveyn

Binnaz Sönmez Dursun

Bir saniyede ebeveyn olduk. Hooop! Başka bir evrene ışınlandık. Binnaz Sönmez Dursun, sizleri çocuğa ve ebeveyn olmaya dair ne varsa konuşmaya, paylaşmaya, evrenden evrene haberleşmeye davet ediyor. Maskeyi önce kendinize taktıysanız başlayalım.
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Maskell Podcasting Network is an uncensored podcast network produced by Jordan Maskell, a journalist, producer and podcast host from Vanessa, Ontario, Canada. Maskell holds an advanced diploma in Print and Broadcast Journalism from Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario and is passionate about media. Conceived in early 2012, the original idea of the podcast network was to have raw conversations with friends and interesting people about important issues, current events and themselves. Recurring ...
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Das Schlaglicht der Öffentlichkeit fällt nur selten auf die Dörfer und Kleinstädte unseres Landes. Zugezogen Maskulin gehen deshalb der Frage nach: „Wie ist es eigentlich, wenn man hier groß wird?“ Alle zwei Wochen treffen sich Grim104 und Testo mit besonderen Gästen im Podcast „Zum Dorfkrug“. Themen wie Herkunft, Heimat und Dorf stehen in den Gesprächen ebenso auf der Tagesordnung wie Rechtsruck, Landflucht und Identität. "Zum Dorfkrug" ist ein Podcast von DIFFUS.
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Dialoge ohne Masken

Sharon Paschke, Nico Haffke, Christian Pander

Die acht außergewöhnlichsten Fragen gepaart mit einem Abschluss-Konter! Es geht um die Themen: Dankbarkeit, Superkraft, Die eine Sache, Peinlich, Schwere Zeit, Tränen, Ein Gegenstand und Noch 1 Jahr. Voraussetzungen für einen Dialog ohne Masken, ist das gegenseitige Vertrauen. Am Ende des Dialoges wird Sharon Paschke eine Konterfrage gestellt und der Gast des Podcasts darf eine weitere Persönlichkeit nominieren. Ihr dürft euch auf geniale Antworten freuen...
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The Mask; Her Aid

Brittany Alexandria Willis

Welcome to The Mask; Her Aid, a podcast all about taking off the fake identity masks we all wear in this masquerade we call life. Support this podcast:
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show series
CRNAs take pride in the precision and care that goes into every procedure, but what happens when things don’t go as planned? In the high-stakes world of healthcare, when something goes wrong, the patient isn’t the only one affected. Today we’re going to shine a light on Second Victim Syndrome—the emotional trauma healthcare professionals experience…
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In dieser Episode von Tools of Champions sprichtDieter Kalt mit Dimitri, dem Gründer und Zirkusdirektor des Zirkus Dimitri. Dimitri teilt seine inspirierende Reise – von einer Kindheitsvision, geprägt von einem kleinen Wanderzirkus, bis hin zur Verwirklichung seines Traums, einen eigenen Zirkus aufzubauen. Seine Geschichte ist eine kraftvolle Botsc…
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Fatherhood should be about love, guidance, and connection—but for many men, it becomes a battlefield. In this raw and emotional episode of Raw & Real: Beyond the Mask, we sit down with a guest who knows this struggle all too well. He opens up about losing connection with his son, how his ex-wife used them as a weapon, and the deep emotional toll it…
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"Welcome to A Chat with Jay with Wazza King of the Eagle Nation Podcast – where Wazza shares his personal journey, from life’s toughest battles to his unshakable love for the West Coast Eagles AFL team. Tune in for real stories, raw reflections, and a deep dive into the world of footy, family, and resilience. Whether it's triumphs or struggles, Waz…
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We cover the follow up story of a series of murders in Crystal Lake, where—after a five year hiatus—a string of new and violent deaths once again plague the local community. And if rumors are to be believed…the killer in question this time around is someone authorities originally declared dead over 20 years prior. Told with a true crime twist, this…
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Here is Chapter 64 of Majora's Mask by FakeJake93- Beneath the Well. Cast Credits Author______ FakeJake93 CaroCabaConiVO _______ Link Thank you to the following Patrons for supporting this channel and podcast. Joseph Sigler Millan Kollarcik Preston Dohrer Hero of Snow CassieO Elena, K. Becky, R.…
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Grief and depression are deeply intertwined, and healing from loss is a journey that looks different for everyone. In this heartfelt episode of Take Off the Mask with Casie Casem, I sit down with my dear friend Lauren Crews, who bravely shares her experience of losing her daughter, Edie, to heart complications. Together, we explore the weight of gr…
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Eric Dickerson recalls the hilarious story of his 1st game against the GOAT, Lawrence Taylor, & L.T. threatens to kill him!🤣😂 Subscribe To Our Podcast: Get Your BTM Merch: FOLLOW US: INSTAGRAM: / thebtmpodcast TWITTER: / thebtmpodcast FACEBOOK: / thebtmpodcast TIKTOK: / the…
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Fatherhood should be about love, guidance, and connection—but for many men, it becomes a battlefield. In this raw and emotional episode of Raw & Real: Beyond the Mask, we sit down with a guest who knows this struggle all too well. He opens up about losing connection with his children, how his ex-wife used them as a weapon, and the deep emotional to…
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So we ask the question about what is the government doing. Yes they have to govern but are they looking after the people of the land. What do you think if you live in Victoria , Australia. Have your say, love to hear from all of you Wannabe a guest, feel like sharing your story Feel like having a chat and removing your mask. Contact me below and le…
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Today on A Chat with Jay we dive into the life of Australian Wrestling champion and Canadian native Jason Helton Training at the famous Hart Dungeon with Stu Hart, The Stellar Mr Helton tells us about all things wrestling but how it made it the person he is today Follow Jason on social media @happiJason Feel like having a chat and removing your mas…
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What’s next for CRNAs and the future of nurse anesthesia? Today we’re bringing you an exclusive update from the leadership at the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology about the strategic vision for the future of the profession. AANA President Jan Setnor, MSN, CRNA, Col. (Ret), USAFR, NC and President-Elect Jeff Molter, MBA, MSN, CRNA join u…
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🎙️ Folge: Von der Kapitänin zurUnternehmerin – Viktoria Schnaderbecks inspirierende Reise In dieser Episode von Tools of Champions teilt DieterKalt das Mikrofon mit der ehemaligen Fußball-Nationalmannschaftskapitänin ViktoriaSchnaderbeck. Viktoria spricht offen über ihre Transition vom Profisportins Geschäftsleben, die Herausforderungen, die sie be…
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Why is incivility still a major issue in the healthcare field, and how does it impact students, nurses, and CRNAs? In this episode of Grade 1 View, Kevin and Larry had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Louisa Martin, a distinguished nurse anesthetist and educator about the widespread issue of workplace incivility in nurse anesthesia training and b…
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Today on A Chat with Jay we dive into the life of Australian Wrestling champion and Canadian native Jason Helton Training at the famous Hart Dungeon with Stu Hart, The Stellar Mr Helton tells us about all things wrestling but how it made it the person he is today Follow Jason on social media @happiJason Feel like having a chat and removing your mas…
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Does the type of anesthesia used during surgery impact cancer outcomes? Today we’re going to explore the relationship between cancer and anesthesia with Adam Flowe, Chief CRNA at Duke University Hospital. This topic goes beyond the operating room to cover patient outcomes, recovery and even reoccurrence. Join us to learn more about the growing fiel…
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In dieser Episode von Tools of Champions spricht Dieter Kaltmit dem international erfolgreichen Designer und Hidden Champion Christoph Steindorfer. Christophs Reise ist eine Geschichte von Durchhaltevermögen,Kreativität und der Bereitschaft, scheinbar Unmögliches zu wagen. Von seiner Kindheit in Kärnten bis zu seinen preisgekrönten Designprojekten …
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Understanding systolic vs. diastolic heart failure is crucial for anesthesia providers, as both conditions present unique challenges in the operating room. In this episode, Terry and Gary break down the key differences between these two types of heart failure, their underlying mechanisms, and the best strategies for anesthesia management. They disc…
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We cover the iconic story of a group of camp counselors, who—in the midst of renovating a local summer camp for a grand reopening—find themselves caught up in a violent series of murders. And while their desperate isolation at Camp Crystal Lake is well documented, the origins of the killer in question predate this specific massacre…and instead bega…
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In dieser Folge unterhalte ich mich mit unserer neuen Kollegin Siri Frericks. Sie bringt wertvolle Erfahrungen als körperorientierte Gestalttherapeutin mit. Wir sprechen darüber, wie ihre Arbeit unser Angebot erweitert und wie wir gemeinsam neurodivergente Menschen noch gezielter unterstützen können. Ihr könnt Siri direkt über kon…
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Wrinkles, grey hairs, and a body that doesn’t bounce back like it used to—getting older can be terrifying. But why does ageing feel like losing a battle? And how do we shift our mindset from fear to acceptance? In this episode of Raw & Real: Beyond the Mask, host Big Dave dives deep into the anxieties that come with ageing—fading relevance, physica…
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The house is quieter, the routines have changed, and suddenly, you’re left wondering—what now? Empty Nest Syndrome hits hard, especially for men who’ve spent years defining themselves through work and family. In this episode of Raw & Real: Beyond the Mask, host Big Dave gets real about the emotional rollercoaster of an empty nest. Through personal …
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Ever felt like life is just happening to you? Like no matter how hard you try, you’re stuck—at work, in relationships, or in your own mind? In this episode of Raw & Real: Beyond the Mask, host Big Dave dives deep into the crushing feeling of powerlessness and how it can strip away our confidence, motivation, and sense of self. But here’s the truth:…
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Ever felt like no matter what you do, nothing changes? Like you're stuck in a cycle of stress, failure, or just… nothingness? In this episode of Raw & Real: Beyond the Mask, host Big Dave tackles the crushing weight of hopelessness—how it creeps in, how it traps us, and most importantly, how to break free. Through raw personal stories and expert-ba…
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Why do so many men suffer in silence? In this powerful first episode of Raw & Real: Beyond the Mask, host Big Dave dives deep into the hidden struggles men face—mental health, pressure to "man up," and the fear of opening up. Through real-life stories and expert insights, we’ll explore why vulnerability isn’t weakness—it’s strength. If you’ve ever …
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Welcome to Raw & Real: Beyond the Mask—the podcast where men can have honest, unfiltered conversations about mental health, wellbeing, and the struggles we often keep hidden. Join me, Big Dave, as we break down the emotional barriers, challenge the stigma, and explore what it really means to be vulnerable in today’s world. From personal stories to …
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Is this the Robin Hood Effect, awareness, voice, choice, accountability and Freedom, what do you think ? now for today's episode Deja vu, to me, feels like a curious sensation, as though a moment in time loops back to something familiar, even though it's new. It’s like the universe is trying to whisper, “You’ve been here before,” but not in a liter…
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In dieser Episode von Tools of Champions spricht Dieter Kalt mit der ehemaligen Ski-Weltmeisterin Nici Schmidhofer. Nach einer beeindruckenden Karriere im alpinen Skisport, geprägt von Siegen, schweren Verletzungen und einem harten Comeback, gibt sie exklusive Einblicke in ihren Weg vom Profisport in ein neues, selbstbestimmtesLeben. Mit ihrer posi…
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We’re turning our focus back to healthcare advocacy with a tremendous panel from the Kentucky Fall Meeting. Sharon was joined by KyANA president-elect Jared Crocker, DNP, APRN, CRNA, past president Debbie Barber, DNP, CRNA, and Libby Milligan, Principal with McCarthy Strategic Solutions to discuss why advocacy matters, how to build relationships wi…
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In Folge 3 unseres "Projekts zum Projekt" reden wir heute über das Finale von Gruppe A und denken darüber nach, wer es in die Top 8 schafft und wer am Freitag demaskiert wird! Das alles und noch mehr hört ihr in der neuesten Folge "Maskenball"! Genießt die Folge und viel Spaß beim Hören!
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We follow the case of a small town, that—in the mid-2000’s—suffered a series of violent murders, shockingly at the hands of a then-high school student. And as investigators probe into these deaths, unearthing a possible cult-inspired connection, the claims of the killer herself tell another story entirely…involving infidelity, obsession, and allege…
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Journey of a Whitefeather.. Remove the mask and write your story.....its time to live now My Journey has inspired me to be a motivational speaker, healer, author and mentor using my bat belt of gifts, my contagious energy and inspiration to help you find your purpose & yourself Today I talk to Laverne Friesen from Canada Laverne says in his pre int…
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Together again, the fantastic four talking about life and what is important to them. Lots of great topics covered and some laughs along the way Enjoy and here is my message to all of you and once again, thank you Thank you for this journey To those who have taught me lessons and the ones who have been there to catch me. Its when I decide to walk in…
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🎙️ TOOLS OF CHAMPIONS – DARUM IST DIESER PODCAST FÜR DICH INTERESSANT UND DAS ERWARTET DICH! Was macht echte Champions aus? Nicht nur im Sport, sondern überall – in der Wirtschaft, in der Kunst, in der Musik, in der Wissenschaft, oder direkt in deiner Nachbarschaft? Warum sind manche Menschen einfach außergewöhnlich? Und noch viel wichtiger: Was kö…
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In this episode of Grade 1 View, host Olivia Conn shares her experiences and insights gained from attending AANA’s Assembly of Didactic and Clinical Educators (ADCE) conference and provides her perspective on the importance of student participation. The ADCE might not seem like an event aimed at students, but understanding the educators' perspectiv…
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The boundaries that were non-existent were replaced with anger, fear and cortisol.” So, what happened, well the first thing I did was understand the reason why I wasn’t setting boundaries. Why? Because I wasn’t taught how to stand up for myself and of course I will use the “catch word.” Looked at my inner child and my shadow, those things that me a…
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Willkommen zur zweiten Folge des "Projekts zum Projekt"! In "Behind the Mask" werden wir jede Woche nach der Folge Hidden Voices quatschen und Eindrücke hinter das Projekt geben. In der heutigen Folge resümieren wir den Auftakt in Gruppe B und reden über die Vision hinter den Masken, warum ausgerechnet der Song gewählt wurde und erzählen, wie es un…
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We’re back with another Courage to Lead special and we’re honoring the legacy of Hilda Salomon, a pioneering figure in nurse anesthesia and the third president of the AANA. Join us as we look back on her remarkable journey from her early life in Lynn, Massachusetts, to her influential role in shaping the nurse anesthesia specialty. With special gue…
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We examine the story of two notorious criminal brothers, who—after fleeing police pursuit during a recent crime spree across Texas—find themselves south of the border with a group of hostages. Only, this alleged safehouse would prove to be anything but, as when authorities eventually respond to the scene, they would find a truly haunting and perple…
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The world of anesthesia is evolving, and pain management is at the forefront of this transformation. In this episode, we dive into the revolutionary non-opioid analgesic, Suzetrigine, a selective NaV1.8 inhibitor making waves in perioperative and acute pain management. With increasing pressure to reduce opioid dependence while maintaining effective…
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On the 63rd episode of the Masked Gorilla Podcast, host Roger Gengo interviews his old friend Freddie Dredd to talk about Canada vs USA, growing up in Oshawa, Ontario, playing hockey and working at a hockey arena, getting into music, joining Doomshop, meeting and working with the $uicideboy$ and much more!…
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Phillies Legend Ryan Howard debates with former Philadelphia Eagles LB Takeo Spikes & NFL Vet tutan Reyes on who has the better athletes, Major League Baseball or the NFL! Subscribe To Our Podcast: Get Your BTM Merch: Exclusive Questions Powered by Essentially Sports - http…
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Just to clarify, we’re not talking about a bear succeeding at being chosen over a man in the woods. We mean the show! The Bear continues to be a favorite at TV award shows, and this year is no different. Naturally, your hosts talked about it. But first, they took a look at the show that rivalled it last year with just as many Enny wins. Succession.…
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We're ​diving ​into ​the ​world ​of ​policy, ​legislation ​and ​regulation ​with ​Nick Blanck, MSN, CRNA, APN-Anesthesia, who is the Executive Director of Legislative Affairs in New Jersey. Along with guest host Tracy Castleman, DNP, CRNA, APN-A, FAANA, we’re going to learn more about Nick’s pivotal role in ensuring ​consistency ​and ​clarity ​in ​…
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Willkommen zur ersten Folge des "Projekts zum Projekt"! In "Behind the Mask" werden wir jede Woche nach der Folge Hidden Voices quatschen und Eindrücke hinter das Projekt geben. In der heutigen Folge resümieren wir Folge 1 des Projektes und reden über die Vision hinter den Masken, warum ausgerechnet der Song gewählt wurde und erzählen, warum ausger…
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Here is Chapter 63 of Majora's Mask by FakeJake93- The Monster in the Closet. Update: There was a small but rather loud glitch in the music at around the 23-minute mark. This should now be fixed. Cast Credits Author______ FakeJake93 CaroCabaConiVO _______ Link Thank you to the following Patrons …
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We examine the story of a group of friends, who—after renting a remote cabin in the woods—soon find themselves trapped and isolated. And as these victims set out to explore their surroundings, the secrets of this old cabin reveal a dark and potentially murderous past…events that may soon repeat themselves in a series of killings with ties to the oc…
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