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Called to Create is a podcast where your desire to create will be supported and celebrated through interviews with inspiring Latter-day Saint creators who are passionate about their craft and share helpful, real-life experiences that will guide you on your creative journey. Look for new episodes on the first and third Wednesday of each month.
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Metina lista

LD;GD je podkast, ki nikogar ne podcenjuje in ničesar ne jemlje preveč resno. Še posebej ne politike. Vaši gostitelji smo Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio Kaos), Nataša Briški (Metina lista), privatnik Antiša Korljan in Andraž Zorko (Valicon).
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Listen to LDN Prescribers, Researchers, Pharmacists from around the world discuss Low Dose Naltrexone. This is your chance to ask your questions to the experts, please email linda@ldnrt.org with your questions. The LDN Radio Show is FREE if you would like to make a donation please visit www.ldnresearchtrust.org/donate
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Popular LDS Podcast "Latter-Day Lights" gives members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints the opportunity to share their stories of inspiration and hope to other members throughout the world. Stories that members share on Latter-Day Lights are very entertaining, and cover a wide range of topics, from tragedy, loss, and overcoming difficult challenges, to miracles, humor, and uplifting conversion experiences! If you have an inspirational story that you'd like to share, hosts Sc ...
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LDS Missionary Moms

Michelle Evans

Sending a missionary out can be a harrowing experience for mothers. From the emotions of getting them ready to drop them off at the MTC or the airport without a phone. This podcast is dedicated to supporting the moms so they can support their missionaries when they receive disturbing emails from their missionaries, are homesick, are trying to navigate learning a foreign language, and so much more. We will be diving into the real issues MOMS face, providing some relief that you are not alone.
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Niki Olsen is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist and coach who uses mental health skills taught through a spiritual perspective. This is a podcast for faithful women who want healing in their relationships, guidance from God and internal peace. Each week you’ll hear mental health concepts taught through a spiritual lens from a licensed clinical mental health counselor to help you start thinking in a higher holier way.
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Welcome to the LDS Living Podcasts feed where we feature stories and interviews from faithful Latter-day Saints who are embracing the culture of Christ. Follow for your favorite shows like This Is the Gospel, Unnamed Women of Scripture from the Sunday on Monday team, Love Your Lineage and more. Follow ldsliving on Instagram and Facebook for updates on our latest projects!
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Originally spearheaded by noted learning scientists and consultants, Will Thalheimer and Matt Richter, and originally called Truth In Learning, the updated, upgraded, and rebooted LDA Podcast explores all aspects of the Learning and Development field- validated tools and resources for better training, debunked learning models, controversies in the industry, and so much more. Now hosted by Matt and Clark Quinn (another noted scientist and consultant, the podcast will dive deeply into what mak ...
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The Lockdown Island Discs Podcast: bringing you music recommendations by wonderful people chatting about their lives and lockdown experiences.
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LATTER-DAY SAINT CULTURE & THEOLOGY Cwic Show articulates the current cultural, political, and Church-related trends that affect our lives and the Church. Also, Cwic Media offers a new approach to the scriptures through its Cwic Interpreters. Theology, History, No fluff. LDS, Mormon. Unscripted! 'I have been looking for an LDS podcast like this! Not like anything else out there!' Unique, weekly Come Follow Me LDS Commentary Latter-Day Saints, Christian Book of Mormon New Testament Old Testam ...
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LDR Weekend


LDR Weekend is the annual gathering of the Leadership Development Resource which is part of a movement for people who desire to address the core concerns in black communities.
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In this podcast, You will hear from foreign and local staff discussing trending topics, such as, Language learning, Development, Soft and Digital managment skills, and many more. This podcast is brought to you by the founders of Language and Development Center of University of Raparin.
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show series
Svet se premika – a zdi se, da ne v smer miru. ZDA se umikajo, Evropa paničari, Slovenija pa preračunava, koliko stane “politična realnost”. Bo treba v vojsko ali bo dovolj, če se naučimo kriznega vrtnarjenja in si zagotovimo zaloge fižola? Medtem je Miha Kordiš uradno postal bivši. Disciplinska brca Levice, obojestransko zgražanje in ločitvena dra…
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Dermot from Ireland started experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms after undergoing cancer treatment in 2018. His health declined significantly after a potential COVID-19 infection in early 2020, leading to ongoing health challenges such as nausea, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. Despite undergoing various tests and consultations, the ex…
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I'm Kerry from the US, I developed symptoms of lupus and fibromyalgia when I was 15. I struggled with fatigue and missed a lot of school. I was initially diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, but it was later changed to lupus. The treatments I received included gold salts, aspirin therapy, and eventually steroids. The steroids helped, but I experien…
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In this episode of Called to Create, guest host Heidi Tucker, a speaker and author of five award-winning books, interviews the renowned storyteller, traveler, and teacher Glenn Rawson. Known for inspirational tales broadcasted on over 50 radio stations and authoring over 30 books, Glenn shares his journey from a cowboy in Idaho to a beloved storyte…
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– Nicht nur in Leipzig, sondern bundesweit wird gerade im öffentlichen Dienst gestreikt. KiTas, Stadtreinigung, Verwaltung und noch viel mehr sind da inkludiert. Worum es sich beim aktuellen Streik dreht, was die Forderungen sind und wie diese „ankommen“, darüber sprechen wir mit Jule und Lena. Jule ist selbst im Streik und arbeitet als Erzieherin …
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Send us a text Every missionary experiences discouragement at some point, and as moms, we feel it too. When our missionary calls home saying, “I don’t know if I’m cut out for this,” or “I don’t feel like I belong here,” our instinct is to fix it. But what if our job isn’t to fix their discouragement but to help them see their worth—no matter what? …
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Therapy can be life-changing, but how do you make the most of it? In this episode, I talk with women who have had incredible experiences with therapy as they share their best tips for making it a success. For all the links from this episode and more mental health resources, click the link below! https://www.nikiolsencoaching.com/blog/193…
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What would you do if you felt an undeniable prompting that could mean the difference between life and death? In this episode of Latter-Day Lights, Kaitlynn Smalley shares how a series of quiet but urgent promptings guided her through a sudden life-threatening medical crisis that ultimately led to a miraculous liver transplant. Through every challen…
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Send us a text 189 Bonus Episode (Sister Episode): 72 Hour Plan Since my sister is without a voice this week, and home with the flu, I had to do another episode. Actually practice makes perfect, so I hope that some day I will have the same flow as she does. This episode is some of my thoughts about the Last Time, and especially about the last 72 ho…
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Dr. Maria Torsiello, a pharmacist from Richmond, Virginia, was interviewed about her work at a compounding pharmacy. She discusses her journey to becoming a pharmacist and her passion for science and helping people. Dr. Torsiello also provides insights into the compounding pharmacy where she works, describing the nonsterile compounding services the…
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健太郎(https://twitter.com/MoriyKamite)のJR全線乗りつぶし、完結編! ・サンライズエクスプレスのブレーカー ・鹿児島の良いところ ・817系の固いシート ・完乗を終えた今、日本に、JRに思うこと などお話ししました。 番組内で話した内容を 👉 https://x.com/LDK_FM/status/1899764994935517528 のツイートにスレッド形式で繋げてありますので是非ご覧ください。 番組への感想やお問い合わせはTwitterのハッシュタグ #LDKFM や @LDK_FMのDMまでお気軽に。 Apple Podcast等のレビューもお待ちしています! またPatreonでのサポートも受付しています! patreon.com/user?u=8…
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Send us a text Have you ever noticed that the version of you at night makes plans that your morning self dreads? Or that your weekday self is disciplined, but your weekend self throws everything out the window? You're not alone! In this episode, I explore the disconnect between different versions of ourselves and how aligning them can make life so …
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Last week I started a new series called "Ask a Therapist" where I take a topic and answer questions submitted by YOU on social media. This series will cover all kinds of mental health related topics. Today's episode is: Therapy 102 What to Expect. It is a part 2 from last weeks episode: Therapy 101 Getting Started. If you're considering therapy for…
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When the weight of financial and emotional struggles weigh down an entire community, can one visionary effort hold the power to lift them all? For mental health therapist and father of four, Anthony Hemmert's path to aiding others began with a heartfelt desire to do more than just hand out money. Together with his wife Emily, the Hemmerts founded t…
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Today, Cheryl from Australia, shares her story of LDN for long Covid that resulted in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I got COVID in August 2021, which resulted in a severe infection with double pneumonia and landed me in the hospital for a month. When I arrived home from the hospital a month later, that was exactly when long Covid began…
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– Am 23.2.2025 wurde der Bundestag gewählt! Wir blicken mit Moritz Warnke, Referent für soziale Infrastruktur und verbindende Klassenpolitik der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung auf das Ergebnis. Wurde die CDU Wahlsieger „ohne Glamour“ überraschte die erneuerte Linke einen Achtungserfolg. Die extrem rechte AfD verdoppelte ihr Ergebnis, vor allem im Osten is…
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Join host Scott Christopher as he interviews Joel McCausland and Kevin Peay, the dynamic duo behind Afterglow, a staple in the LDS and faith-based music community. Discover how these lifelong friends from Utah Valley transitioned from high school harmonies to producing inspirational music that has touched thousands. The episode delves into their cr…
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Send us a text March 3rd (2025): Connect To The Light Meditation This is the Meditation that goes with episode 51 with three breaks with music to reflect on the year to come and make plans! We release a brand new meditation once a month together with our monthly episodes. I´ve collected the links to the Podcast and us here: https://linktr.ee/ldsand…
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Send us a text EPISODE 53: March 3rd + Connect To The Light Meditation We have been talking a lot about the Second Coming, me and my sister. So in this episode I will talk a little about that and the joy I feel for Christ to return to Earth! It is exciting times to live in! Hope you feel so too! Our next episode will be on the 2025-04-04. Be the Li…
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Send us a text So many of us unknowingly tie our worth to what we do—our achievements, our callings, even how our kids turn out. But the truth is, self-worth and self-confidence are not the same thing—and if we don’t understand the difference, we’ll keep chasing external validation that never quite fills the gap. In this episode, we’re diving into:…
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I am kicking off a new series called "Ask a Therapist" where I will take a topic and answer questions submitted to me on social media. This series will cover all kinds of mental health related topics. Today's episode is: Therapy 101: Getting Started. For all the links from this episode and more mental health resources, click the link below! https:/…
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Have you ever felt like no matter how far you drift, something keeps pulling you back? In today’s episode we hear the story of Melanie, who grew up without religion, found the Church, and then walked away from it for nearly 30 years. But fortunately, through a series of miracles, she found her way back. From surviving a turbulent and abusive past t…
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Send us a text 188 Bonus Episode (Sister Episode): Walking On Water It´s been a while since we had a sister episode, but this is the testimony that my sister had today in church on Sacrament meeting. It is about a spiritual vision she had as she was going up to the Temple in Brasilia, Brazil. Hope that you like it! Next episode will be 2025-03-03 a…
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Clark and Matt are delighted to be joined by Paige Bradbury… an expert on using LLMs— specifically for those of us novices. She is particularly expert at developing the right prompts to get useful, and more importantly, accurate responses from the LLM. We learn about things like hallucinations… prompt drift… context windows… explainable AI... xAI… …
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Tokrat v epizodi: SDS je iz predala potegnila novo interpelacijo, tokrat proti vladi v kompletu, uradno zaradi pokojnin, neuradno pa zaradi volilnih glasov upokojencev – ker nič ne reče skrb za starejše bolj kot politična obračunavanja. Seveda že vnaprej vemo, kakšen bo rezultat, a interpelacije niso tu zato, da bi padale vlade, temveč da bi padale…
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Jenn from Canada shared her experience with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). She described experiencing symptoms of disautonomia and dislocations from a young age. Her health challenges worsened during her teen years with symptoms such as mold exposure, recurrent hospitalizations for mystery illnesses, and auto…
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Send us a text Your nervous system is not being dramatic—it’s doing its job, constantly asking, "Are we safe?" And when your missionary leaves, that question can send you into stress overdrive. Whether you're lying awake composing emails to the mission president at 2 a.m. or zoning out on social media, your body is just trying to cope. But here’s t…
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How can we show up with compassion, understanding, and Christlike love? Tune in as we discuss ways to create a space where everyone feels seen, valued, and supported. For all the links from this episode and more mental health resources, click the link below! https://www.nikiolsencoaching.com/blog/190…
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When your world crumbles beneath the weight of sudden loss, can a fleeting miracle open your eyes to the closeness of Heaven? For mother, florist, and part-time mortuary hairdresser, Karen Poulsen, the unexpected passing of her beloved son Tanner tore her world apart—leaving a gaping wound that no earthly comfort could seem to fill. But in those da…
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Send us a text 187 Bonus Episode (Thoughts): 3 Different Limiting Beliefs These thoughts have come up for me in different places all throughout the week so I am sure that there is someone out there who is waiting to hear this message! It is about limiting beliefs and three beliefs that might seem like they are the same things, but for me, they are …
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年の初めの音楽回! 初登場のhinakamoさん(https://x.com/cima_ni_hic)を招いて、お互いの音楽体験や、昨年リマスターされたトーキングヘッズの映画「ストップ・メイキング・センス」などについてお話ししました。 番組内で話した内容を 👉https://x.com/LDK_FM/status/1892524499582476576 のツイートにスレッド形式で繋げてありますので是非ご覧ください。 番組への感想やお問い合わせはTwitterのハッシュタグ #LDKFM や @LDK_FMのDMまでお気軽に。 Apple Podcast等のレビューもお待ちしています! またPatreonでのサポートも受付しています! patreon.com/user?u=89880284 限…
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Join guest host Adassa, a renowned singer and actress, as she interviews professional oil painter and American Ninja Warrior athlete Jenedy Page. They discuss Jenedy’s journey from a novice artist to showcasing her paintings in national galleries, all while balancing motherhood and training for Ninja Warrior competitions. Jenedy reveals how divine …
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Send us a text Sending a missionary out is exciting, but there are always things we realize after they leave that we wish we had covered. In this episode, I’m sharing what I missed and what I got right before sending my missionaries into the field—so you can prepare yours just a little better. From cooking basics (trust me, pasta isn’t as foolproof…
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Being Christlike doesn’t mean tolerating unhealthy behavior. Tune in to learn how to navigate these relationships with wisdom and faith. For all the links from this episode and more mental health resources, click the link below! https://www.nikiolsencoaching.com/blog/189De către Niki Olsen
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What do you do when unexpected events take your life in a direction you never planned? In this episode, Amy Walker shares how the sudden illness of her husband forced her to step into the role of taking care of and providing for her family. With faith and determination, she turned uncertainty into opportunity, discovering that God had a unique path…
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Send us a text 186 Bonus Episode (Thoughts): Men Vs. Women Chapter 12 - Part 2 We are back with another Men vs Women chapter! And in this episode I talk about S E X! Yes you read it right! The thing we usually don´t talk about in church, but maybe we should? Our next episode will be released on 2025-03-03 but we release Bonusepisodes every week bet…
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Valentinovo je, zato raziskujemo politične “matche” – in izkazalo se je, da sta SDS in Gibanje Svoboda v razmerju “komplicirano je”. Nenavadno sta usklajena pri omejevanju Logarjevih Demokratov v parlamentarni igri – očitno se oba strinjata, da je manj konkurence vedno dobra novica. Medtem v Srbiji protesti proti Vučiću rastejo, v Sloveniji pa poli…
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Many have asked the question: Did Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith have sex with his polygamous wives? During his lifetime, Joseph Smith engaged in polygamy (which was illegal in the state of Illinois) and his wives consisted of women who were underage, women who were single, women who were widowed, and women who were already legally married. What is th…
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Send us a text Have you ever found yourself on a call with your missionary and hit an awkward lull in the conversation? Maybe they’re giving one-word answers, or they just want to sit in silence. It can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be! In this episode, I’m sharing strategies to help your missionary (or any of your kids) open up and talk—w…
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When you’ve wandered so far that rock bottom becomes your new normal, can a single moment of grace change your course forever? Husband, father of four, and RN-turned-educator Joe McCally shares how his encounters with voices of doubt throughout his childhood slowly gave way to a downward spiral of addiction, broken promises, and near-catastrophic d…
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Send us a text 185 Bonus Episode (Thoughts): Men Vs. Women Chapter 12 - Part 1 We are back with another Men vs Women chapter! And in this episode I talk about S E X! Yes you read it right! The thing we usually don´t talk about in church, but maybe we should? Our next episode will be released on 2025-03-03 but we release Bonusepisodes every week bet…
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Gospel On The Nile Cruise - https://www.cwicmedia.com/gospel-on-t... With so many Latter-day Saint voices online, who do you listen to? Some of the most popular videos are on the End Times. Why do some people get so caught up on their "End Times" focus that they make rash, illogical decisions and almost hope for calamities? What is the best way to …
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Keith Erekson serves as the director of the historical research and outreach for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. On January 12, 2025 he gave a fireside in which he answered tough questions. Today we are responding to that fireside and discussing such topics as polygamy, Joseph Smith marrying women who were already married, and the …
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There are only two women named in the Doctrine and Covenants, but Church history is filled with stories of strong women of the Restoration. And thanks to diaries, recorded speeches, and family histories, we know many of their names. This bonus series will serve as a companion to our weekly Come, Follow Me podcast this year. And today's episode feat…
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Journey Of Wisdom Cruise - https://www.cwicmedia.com/journey-of-wisdom Critics of the church, including guest speakers at BYU, are now using the "colonialism" argument against the church in its migration west and even with its missionaries. Are we really that surprised? Jason Olson returns with his podcast partner, Rusty Curtis of the 2 Converts po…
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Dani from the US has undergone a gruelling and arduous health journey. Recently, she uncovered a tumor on her liver, prompting a series of tests that ultimately led to the diagnosis of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). Throughout her life, she has grappled with issues such as dislocating limbs, vertigo, gut problems, erratic sleep, rashes, and …
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In this captivating episode, Guest Host Jenna Carson, a chaplain and captain in the U.S. Air Force, interviews McKay Coppins, a renowned staff writer at The Atlantic. McKay shares his experiences at The Atlantic, insights from his acclaimed articles and books, and the challenges and rewards of balancing skepticism and cynicism in political journali…
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Send us a text February 2nd (2025): Divine Feminine Meditation This is the Meditation that goes with episode 51 with three breaks with music to reflect on the year to come and make plans! We release a brand new meditation once a month together with our monthly episodes. I´ve collected the links to the Podcast and us here: https://linktr.ee/ldsandme…
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