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Her sabah 06.30'da, Türkiye ve dünyadan en önemli gelişmeler, 10 dakikalık bir özetle kulaklarınızda: Piyasalar, ekonomi, politika, teknoloji, spor ve dahası... Aposto'ya üye olmak ve daha fazlasını keşfetmek için: aposto.com Instagram: instagram.com/aposto Twitter: twitter.com/apostonews
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Každý z nás potřebuje správné hodnoty. Kde jinde je můžeme hledat, než v Bibli? Pro váš užitek zveřejňujeme výběr z nahrávek biblických kázání Apoštolské církve ve Vyškově. Kompletní archiv je k dispozici na našem webu www.ac.vys.cz v sekci pro registrované uživatele. Nahrávky zveřejňujeme jednou týdně, obvykle v pondělí nebo úterý.
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O Jogo Rápido e o Apostacast são os podcasts sobre apostas esportivas da equipe do aposta10, que desde 2008 oferece dicas e cursos gratuitos sobre como apostar online. A partir de 2024, entramos no formato videocast, no YouTube do a10. Desde um jogo de futebol de várzea até um playoff da NBA: nossa equipe será incansável para trazer o mais completo conteúdo de apostas para você se divertir e lucrar.
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🎭 "Έλα να ρίξουμε τα προσωπεία" 🎭 Το πιο συναρπαστικό ανθρωποκεντρικό podcast στην Ελλάδα που σπάει τα στερεότυπα και αποκαλύπτει την αλήθεια! 🌟 Αγαπάς τη τεχνολογία; 💻 Σε ενδιαφέρει η επιχειρηματικότητα; 🚀 Σε καίει η κοινωνία και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα; 🌍✊ Θέλεις να εξελιχθείς; 📈✨ 🎤 Εδώ συζητάμε χωρίς μάσκες, με αυθεντικότητα και πάθος! 🗣️❤️ ➡️ Follow για να ανακαλύψεις τον πραγματικό σου εαυτό και να εμπνευστείς από μοναδικές ιστορίες και ιδέες! ✨💡 ❌ Μην φοράτε προσωπεία, δείξτε τον αληθι ...
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Was? Apostolisch-, prophetische Lehre, Wort Gottes, Zeugnisse und geistigen Input für alle, die Jesus, dem Messias, dem Sohn Gottes, nachfolgen wollen. Wann? Jede Woche einmal plus Bonusausgaben. Warum? Der fünffältige Dienst, die Apostel, Propheten, Evangelisten, Hirten und Lehrer sind gefragter als je zuvor. Warum? Echte Erweckung, anhaltende geistige Erneuerung, wahre Einheit im Glauben und eine starke Gemeinde Christi, die in diesen letzten Tagen im biblischen Sinn erfolgreich ist, kann ...
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Apostles Houston

Apostles Houston

Welcome to the Apostles Houston sermon podcast. We are a community following Jesus in Houston. We gather weekly in the Heights and serve the greater Houston area. For more info, visit us online at www.apostleshouston.org
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Hai sete? L'acqua che disseta di più è quella che "zampilla per la vita eterna" (Gv 4). Le Apostole della Vita Interiore (AVI) ci offrono nei giorni feriali una riflessione sulla liturgia quotidiana. N.B. La domenica e le festività ci dissetiamo nelle nostre comunità parrocchiali.
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Catholic Apostolate Center Reflections

Catholic Apostolate Center

Listen to reflections by various Center staff and collaborators about topics pertinent to the liturgical seasons and current events. Find Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.’s weekly reflections as well as reflections from Brian Rhude, the Center’s project coordinator. Listen to audio from recent Center webinars and audio from presentations at recent conferences.
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Apóstol Mario Luis Suárez

Ministerio Internacional CAMINO VERDAD Y VIDA

Mario Luis Suárez es Apóstol de CVV - Ministerio Internacional CAMINO VERDAD Y VIDA en Venezuela. Entregó su vida a Cristo el 15 de abril de 1995 y desde esa fecha comenzó a ejercer su llamado a servir en el ministerio de anunciar el evangelio de Cristo. Es Licenciado en Comunicación Social (Mención Desarrollo Social) y Licenciado en Teología (Mención Eclesiástica) Su mensaje: Cristo crucificado, revelado como redentor, resucitado e impartido como Vida en nosotros. - 2024 - PODCASTS
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Apostolic Mentoring

Rev. Charles G. Robinette

Equipping Millions to Reach Billions! Join our weekly podcast and learn how to possess and activate, Kingdom Vision - Kingdom Gifting - Kingdom Offices. This podcast will propel you on your journey to becoming, apostolic in word and deed. Help support the global Apostolic Mentoring effort: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1773110/support Purchase your copy of Radically Apostolic today: https://www.amazon.com/author/radically.apostolic
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Restoration Apostolic Church

Restoration Apostolic Church

We are Restoration Apostolic Church in Winterville, GA. Thank you for listening! We pray that you are blessed and encouraged by what you hear. Be sure to connect with us on Instagram (@restorationapostolic) and on Facebook!
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A bi-weekly podcast with a focus on Bible Study. Weekly programs will be between 30 to 45 minutes long. Our current study is on the book of Romans. Questions or comments can be directed to; apostolicbiblestudytime@gmail.com#apostolic#Acts238#hebrews#gaffneybiblefellowship
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Now in its third year, Apostle Tonya through revelatory teachings on Christ Jesus, testimonies on living in the Father's Glory, and prayers encourages and equips believers on how to access the glory realm. Listen now and study the Scriptures along with Apostle Tonya how to walk pleasing to the Lord Jesus. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/apostletonya/support
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We are a church that exists to love God, love people, and lead others to do the same. This audio feed features recordings of our weekly worship gatherings. Feel free to listen and learn. The only thing we ask is that you never use this feed as an alternative to bodily participation in a local church unless you are physically unable to attend.
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Founder and Overseer of Spirit of Deborah Apostolic Alliance Network and Senior Leader of Sure Word of Deliverance Apostolic Church, Int'l. Sit back and listen to the unadulterated word of God and allow your heart to hear what God is speaking in this hour to His church.
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The primary purpose of this podcast is to demonstrate that Apostolic ministers come from diverse backgrounds and environments, and that truly Apostolic ministry is open to anyone willing to sanctify themselves and pay the cost. This opportunity isn’t exclusive to an elite or chosen few but is available to whosoever will. The intended result is to inspire as many people as possible to recognize the necessity for, and the open door to a deeper relationship with God and a more potent ministry t ...
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Apostolic Faith Church

The Apostolic Faith Church

The Apostolic Faith Church is a traditional, Bible-believing church committed to upholding the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our services are a time to worship God through music, be encouraged by testimonies of God working in lives today, and hear practical, relevant, Bible-based sermons. Subscribe to our Podcast to listen to messages given at the headquarters church in Portland, Oregon, or visit www.apostolicfaith.org to watch our full services.
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show series
This blogcast explores “Look Up, Set Out, and Give" written by Kate Fowler and read by Tom Carani. In this blog post, Kate recalls the example of the Magi and encourages us to keep our head held up and our eyes on our goal of deeper relationship with Christ. This Incarnation is awe-inspiring. So awe-inspiring, in fact, that it even draws strangers.…
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Süleyman Soylu döneminin Ankara Emniyet Müdür Yardımcıları polislikten ihraç edildi. DEM Parti'nin İmralı heyeti, AK Parti ile biraraya geldi; Grup Başkanı Güler, "Samimi, olumlu bir şekilde sohbet ettik" dedi. Bu bölüm Odeabank hakkında reklam içermektedir. Odea’nın uzmanlarla birlikte hazırladığı ve yatırım dünyasına dair tüm sorulara yanıt sunan…
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- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo + In quel tempo, quando Gesù seppe che Giovanni era stato arrestato, si ritirò nella Galilea, lasciò Nàzaret e andò ad abitare a Cafàrnao, sulla riva del mare, nel territorio di Zàbulon e di Nèftali, perché si compisse ciò che er…
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Have you ever felt the weight of yesterday's struggles holding you back from your divine calling? Discover how to break free from past burdens and step into a new beginning with renewed strength and faith. Join us in a spiritually enriching session as we welcome the presence of God through fervent prayer and powerful worship, celebrating the transf…
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Homily of Fr. Michael P. O'Connor from Mass on January 6, 2025 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS. Referenced Readings: 1 John 3:22–4:6 Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 If you would like to donate to OLG and her livestream ministry, please go to https://olgchurch.net/giveDe către Pod Apostle Publishing
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Resolutions, Decisions, To Make a New and Renew This season is a season of testimonies and declarations. Testimonies are strong and powerful weapons against the devil and Satan. Isaiah 43:19. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert.…
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DoktorTakvimi işbirliğiyle hazırlanan “Önce Sen İyi Ol” podcast serisinin üçüncü bölümünde Diyetisyen Cansu Köstak'ı ağırlıyoruz. Bu bölümde “ne yersen osun” diyor, vücudumuza giren besinlerle aramızdaki ilişkiyi inceliyoruz.“Önce Sen İyi Ol” podcast serisi DoktorTakvimi’nin Twentify ile yürüttüğü “Kadın Sağlığı Araştırması”ndan yola çıkarak her ka…
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Biden yönetimi, İsrail'e 8 milyar dolarlık silah satışı önerisini Kongre'ye bildirdi. Avusturya Cumhurbaşkanı Karl Nehammer, koalisyon görüşmelerinin başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmasının ardından istifa edeceğini açıkladı. Bu bölüm Amazon Türkiye hakkında reklam içermektedir. Amazon Prime, yeni yılda sizi ayrıcalıklar dünyasına davet ediyor. Prime ile Am…
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Homily of Fr. Michael P. O'Connor from Mass on January 5, 2025 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS. Referenced Readings: Is 60:1-6 Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Matthew 2:1-12 If you would like to donate to OLG and her livestream ministry, please go to https://olgchurch.net/giveDe către Pod Apostle Publishing
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Billie Eilish'in Birds of a Feather şarkısı, Espresso'yu geride bırakarak yılın en çok dinlenen şarkısı oldu. Altın Küre Ödülleri bu gece sahiplerini buluyor. Bu bölüm Coffee Department hakkında reklam içermektedir. Yeni yılda kahve keyfinizi zenginleştirmek isterseniz sizi Coffee Department’ın birbirinden enfes kahveleriyle tanıştıralım. Tüm kahve…
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Das Jahr hat begonnen und heute erfähst du Gottes Strategie, wie 2025 dein Jahr wird, in welchem du Gottes Schutz und Segnungen erfährst, egal wie die Umstände sind oder sich noch entwickeln werden. Seid gesegnet! Schalom! Music credit for podcast: Epic Cinematic Trailer | ELITE by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/ Music promoted by https://ww…
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Enflasyon verilerinin açıklanmasıyla kira tavanı, bedelli ücreti, memur zammı ve alkol ile tütünde ÖTV artışı belli oldu. Nevzat Bahtiyar'ın avukatları, müvekkillerinin tutukluluğuna itirazda bulundu. Bu bölüm Antre Gourmet hakkında reklam içermektedir. Antre Gourmet, dünya peynir mirasından ve Anadolu’nun zenginliklerinden ilham alıyor, “yerel üre…
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Ocho días luego del nacimiento de Jesús, una mujer anciana, se presentó en el templo, en el mismo lugar y a la misma hora en que Jesús estaba siendo presentado por María y José ante Dios. Esta mujer había vivido más de cien años y se determinó a no morir hasta ver al Salvador, y sin que nadie le dijera, allí llegó guiada por Dios. Ella era la hija …
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- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Giovanni + In quel tempo, Giovanni stava con due dei suoi discepoli e, fissando lo sguardo su Gesù che passava, disse: "Ecco l'agnello di Dio!". E i suoi due discepoli, sentendolo parlare così, seguirono Gesù. Gesù allora si voltò e, osservando che essi lo seguiva…
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🎙️ Στο νέο επεισόδιο του Serial Face, φιλοξενούμε έναν πραγματικό rockstar: τον George 'The Kid' Καραφώτη! 🎸✨ Μουσικός, επιχειρηματίας και μέντορας, ο George μας ταξιδεύει από την απόφαση ζωής να φύγει για το Λονδίνο με μόλις €500 💼✈️, μέχρι την καθιέρωσή του ως πολυδιάστατος δημιουργός. Μιλάμε για τη δύναμη της γνώσης 📚, την τόλμη να παίρνεις ρίσκ…
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ABD yılın ilk gününü New Orleans ve New York'taki saldırılarla karşıladı, Trump Hotel'in önünde bir Tesla Cybertruck patladı. Ahmet Türk'ün de katıldığı İmralı heyeti, TBMM'de temaslara başladı. Bu bölüm TokenFlex hakkında reklam içermektedir. Türkiye’nin ilk tamamen dijital yemek kartı TokenFlex işverenlere vergi avantajı, çalışanlara ayrıcalıklar…
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- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dalla lettera di san Paolo apostolo ai Filippesi + Abbiate in voi gli stessi sentimenti che furono in Cristo Gesù, il quale, pur essendo di natura divina, non considerò un tesoro geloso la sua uguaglianza con Dio; ma spogliò se stesso, assumendo la condizi…
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