A podcast about WVJH happenings. West Valley Junior High is a middle level school serving over 800 7th and 8th graders.
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Here's a link to the episode notes. Take care and have a great day! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
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Here's a link to the slides for the episode. Take care https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
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This is a run-through of the newsletter published on Friday, June 5th. Please let me know if you have any questions delozierr@wvsd208.org.
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Here's a link to the episode slides. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000 Have a great day!
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Here's the announcements for Wed., June 3rd. Here's a link to the slide presentation. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000 As always, please let me know if you can help with anything delozierr@wvsd208.org.…
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Here's today's announcements. You can find a link to the slide presentation here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000. Take care!
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These are the announcements for Monday, June 1st. Please let delozierr@wvsd208.org know if you have any questions. Take care!
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Here's a run-through of the newsletter that was sent out on Friday, May 29th. Take care and have a great day!
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Here's the announcements for 5-28-2020. Please check out the Slides presentation here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
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Here's the announcements for Wed 5/27. You can access the slides by going to this link. Take care. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
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Announcements for Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 School Lunch Distribution is tomorrow. Take Care of Yourself First If you need help or have questions, please contact any WVJH Staff Member (link to staff directory) Only 12 school days remain (counting today). Finish strong!!! The next 5-Day Bulk Meal Distribution is on Wednesday, May 27th at the following…
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This is a run-through of the WVJH Weekly Newsletter. Have a great weekend!
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Here's the announcements for Thurs., May 21st. You can access the presentation slides at this link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000. Please let delozierr@wvsd208.org know if you have any questions. Take care!…
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5 20 2020 WVJH Announcements Here's a link to the Slides Presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
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WVJH Freshman Class Officer Election Speeches
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19:53For today's announcements, here's the audio of the candidates for Freshman class officer for the school year 2020-2021.
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5 18 2020 Announcements Forty Years Ago today, Mt. St. Helens Erupted (check out the video from Smithsonian) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYla6q3is6w Lunch distribution is this Wednesday at WVJH, Ahtanum, Mt. View, and Tampico Church Please keep checking Skyward If you need help or have questions, please contact any WVJH Staff Member (link to st…
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For more information, please check your email for a copy of the newsletter. If you have any questions, please contact delozierr@wvsd208.org. Have a great day!
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Here's the link to the slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p. Take care!
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5-13-2020 WVJH Daily Announcements
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6:41Here's a link to the presentation slides. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p Have a great day!
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These are the announcements for Tuesday, May 12. Here's the link to the PPT https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQUL-kG2NsPjvFwSkwqBmxtjCqb3OcrBbY39afyVBf-dGm_J_eKorvvZsUfrejjOL7EdFhSpyj4BiLD/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p
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Here's the link to the episode notes. Please let delozierr@wvsd208.org know if you have any questions.
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This is a run-through of the Newsletter. You can see a video of this presentation at https://youtu.be/m-Xgv6TEr9I. Have a great weekend!
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It’s Teacher Appreciation week and here’s a link to Send Teachers a FlipGrid Message (link) Link to Chromebook Repairs Google Doc English site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/students Spanish site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/estudiante “Flip the Script Lesson” for Wednesday, May 6th (link) Link to Rosetta Stone access information and …
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It’s Teacher Appreciation week and here’s a link to Send Teachers a FlipGrid Message (link) Link to Chromebook Repairs Google Doc English site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/students Spanish site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/estudiante “Flip the Script Lesson” for Wednesday, May 6th (link) Link to Rosetta Stone access information and …
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5-5-2020 WVJH Podcast Announcements
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3:58Link to Chromebook Repairs Google Doc English site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/students Spanish site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/estudiante “Flip the Script Lesson” Link to DeLozier’s run-through of today’s lesson plan Link to Monday, May 4th’s lesson Link to the video of May 4th’s lesson Link to the video Link to Every Monday Mat…
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Link to Chromebook Repairs Google Doc English site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/students Spanish site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/estudiante “Flip the Script Lesson” Link to DeLozier’s run through of today’s lesson plan Link to Monday, May 3rd’s lesson Link to the video of May 3rd’s lesson Link to the video Link to Every Monday Mat…
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My Superhero Social Emotional Lesson from Every Monday Matters
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2:45This is a read-through of the Every Monday Matters Lessons for today. You can print out the lesson plan here https://www.everymondaymatters.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/FlipTheScriptIM68.pdf.
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Link to Chromebook Repairs Google Doc English site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/students Spanish site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/estudiante “Take the First Step Lesson” Link to “Global Shoes” Lesson Link to “Take the First Step” Lesson Plan Link to the video Link to Every Monday Matters Website Link to Rosetta Stone access informa…
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Link to Chromebook Repairs Google Doc English site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/students Spanish site https://sites.google.com/wvsd208.org/estudiante “Take the First Step Lesson” Link to “Take the First Step” Lesson Plan Link to the video Link to Every Monday Matters Website Link to Rosetta Stone access information and other resources Link …
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4-29-2020 Announcements--Walk in Their Shoes
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6:57Link to “Take the First Step” Lesson Link to the “My Shoes Matter” lesson. Link to Every Monday Matters Website Link to WVJH Staff Directory Link to 4/24/2020 Newsletter Link to School Activities Link to this episode's notes. Be sure to follow us on Facebook @wvjhwvsd208 Twitter @wvjhactivities Instagram @wvjh208 delozierr@wvsd208.org…
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Link to the “My Shoes Matter” lesson. Link to Every Monday Matters Website Link to WVJH Staff Directory Link to 4/24/2020 Newsletter Link to School Activities Link to this episode's notes. Be sure to follow us on Facebook @wvjhwvsd208 Twitter @wvjhactivities Instagram @wvjh208 delozierr@wvsd208.org
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4-27-2020 Announcements--"My Shoes Matter"
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7:10Link to the “My Shoes Matter” lesson. Link to WVJH Staff Directory Link to 4/24/2020 Newsletter Link to School Activities Link to this episode's notes. Be sure to follow us on Facebook @wvjhwvsd208 Twitter @wvjhactivities Instagram @wvjh208 delozierr@wvsd208.org
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4-24-2020 Newsletter Announcements
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10:22Here's the link to the newsletter. Have a great day!
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School Shutdown Updates Many Internet providers are providing free Internet access to families with school-age children during the school closure. Here is the link:. Junior High Jump Start teachers who teach HS credit courses will provide learning opportunities and will assign grades as normal letter grades as dictated by the teacher’s gradebook. A…
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Please email Ryan DeLozier delozierr@wvsd208.org if you have any questions. He’s glad to help!!! It’s Monday, April 21st, 2020. Parent Connection Zoom Webinar Today Today at 5PM, there is going to be a Zoom Webinar on Enrichment Activities at Home hosted by WVJH's Wendy Clark. If you are looking for other ways to enhance the "Learning from Home" ex…
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Please email Ryan DeLozier delozierr@wvsd208.org if you have any questions. He’s glad to help!!! It’s Monday, April 20th, 2020. Lunch Accounts and Child Nutrition Updates Child Nutrition has been getting many questions about lunch account refunds. They will send out information in May about lunch accounts and refunds. Child Nutrition will set a few…
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4-17-2020 Newsletter Announcements
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10:05This is the Friday Edition of the Podcast where we read through the weekly newsletter. The newsletter can be found by going to this link. If you'd like to receive the newsletter via email and are not already receiving it, please let delozierr@wvsd208.org and he can add you to the distribution list. Enjoy the episode!…
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Please email Ryan DeLozier delozierr@wvsd208.org if you have any questions. He’s glad to help!!! It’s Thursday, April 16th, 2020. Make sure you are checking in with your teachers. We just wanted to take a moment to make sure that students are checking in with each and everyone of their teachers. All WVJH students should be “going to school” while s…
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Please email Ryan DeLozier delozierr@wvsd208.org if you have any questions. He’s glad to help!!! Happy Tax Day!!! Here’s the news you need to know Today is Lunch Distribution Day! The WVSD Child Nutrition Program is working to prepare lunches for distribution which is happening today!!! Lunches will be handed out at the following locations: JH Camp…
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Please email Ryan DeLozier delozierr@wvsd208.org if you have any questions. He’s glad to help!!! We’ve been out of school for over a month. Are you finding your routine? Hey students and parents! I’m not sure whether you will believe it or not, but we have been out of school for a month now. My hope is that you are finding your daily routine and ge…
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Please email Ryan DeLozier delozierr@wvsd208.org if you have any questions. He’s glad to help!!! Welcome back from spring break. Alright students, we are back from spring break and back in the swing of things today. You probably have work to do in each of your classes, so make sure you are checking in with your teachers today, accessing Google Clas…
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This is a read-through of the newsletter that was published and sent out on Friday, April 10th.
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4-9-2020 Announcements--The "Right" Response to This Situation
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4:32There’s not really any new information today that hasn’t already been mentioned in the previous editions of the WVJH Podcast so, I’d like to use this episode to provide you with a little encouragement. The Right Response to This Situation If you are like me, in early to mid-March, you were probably blindsided by the COVID-19 pandemic. I was definit…
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School’s Closed. Now What? With the announcement from the state superintendent of public instruction and our governor regarding school being cancelled, WVJH currently working hard developing plans for how to end the year. There’s a lot of events that would happen between now and the end of the school year that are going to have to be done very diff…
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The top story today is: Extended Closure Information Updates Well, it became final yesterday--We will not be meeting “face-to-face” for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. I would like to review some of the changes that have taken effect. If you are struggling to get Wi-Fi connections, please know that families can access the internet in an…
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WVJH 4-3-2020 Announcements
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The top story today is: Extended Closure Information Updates This continues to be a challenging situation that is changing on an almost daily basis. I would like to review some of the changes that have taken effect, through the end of the Shutdown, which has now been extended through Monday, May 4th. If you are struggling to get Wi-Fi connections, …
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Announcements: Hello WVJH! It’s Thursday, April 2nd. This Podcast is pre-recorded and brought to you, hopefully, daily. Enjoy! Things to add: Missing out on updates...join Remind Have you joined WVJH All Students Remind Account? If you haven’t, I encourage you to send a text to 810-10 with @WVJHAL in the message box. You will receive updates via te…
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Special Episode: WVJH Staff Misses You
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1:58In this episode, several staff members mention some of the things they are missing.
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Announcements: Hello WVJH! It’s Tuesday, March 31st, the last day of the month and here’s four things you need to know today! Our first and top story today is: Broken Chromebook...here’s some other ways to access your Google Classroom Pages There may be a few of you out there, you know who you are, who have broken Chromebooks. At this time, the IT …
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