In this very special episode: The Idiots hit a variety of topics this week, starting with some reactions to the Aurora theater shootings and shaming people on both sides of the aisle for politicizing the tragedy. They also rip box office whore Nikki Finke a couple new ones for her reporting on the event. (Note: If you want to skip these elements of the podcast, scoot ahead to the 22:00 mark to hear the normal Idiot Boxers shenanigans.) Then the Idiots talk about other things that have been on their minds, including traffic accidents, kids playing poker and anal sex. Then the Idiots move on to talk about just a few items of TV news and an iTunes review. After reviewing a handful of shows, Kevin has a sound-off and DVD recommendations while Merrill gives a shout-out to a new web series in the Idiot Recommendations. Episode Schedule: What's Up with the Idiots? [35:00] - The Idiots talk about what's happened this past weeks. TV News [7:00] - The latest news about the boob tube What We're Watching [15:00] - The Idiots talk about Louie, Eureka, White Collar, Political Animals and Burn Notice TV-on-DVD [8:00] - DVDs of The Glades: Season 2, Warehouse 13: Season 3, Adventure Time: Season 4, iCarly: Season 4, Alphas: Season 1, Eureka: Season 5, Leverage: Season 4 and Sanctuary: Season 4, plus the Idiot Recommendation…