I share the framework of Francis Wellers gates of grief - all the grief in us that we have not acknowledged or processed - it’s in all of us We will all lose someone and something we love. This scares us and we run from acknowledging this. If we soften into it- we might know the depths of love. We all have parts that have never known love. If we grieve the times and experiences where we lost these parts, and show them love and bring these parts to the light of love, we might know integrity and wholeheartedness. We all are grieving the sorrows of the world. What humans are doing to each other, the planet, to animals, to the oceans… if we feel this grief, we might know what it means to be connected. We all are grieving the loss of what we expected but did not recieve. This longing for a ‘home’, this need for belonging- it’s our inheritance and coded into our cellular and spiritual memory. If we tend to this grief we might know the duty we have to each other. We all have an ancestral grief. We are not just a sum of our childhoods, but all the ancestors that came before us. If we acknowledge this grief, we might know that we have the power to heal the world.…