Conversation with CEO Sharniqka Smith AKA "Nik-J", The Creator And Founder Of The “WooJavi” App , A Black Owned Social Media App
Manage episode 311397461 series 3118034
Sharniqka Smith mostly known as Nik-J. created the black owned social app called WOOJAVI with her partner Akia. "I had the vision for a social media app that was more authentic and intimate than traditional social apps." She said. Her inspiration started when her friend PJ became a lone survivor of a house massacre, after being shot 6 times in the chest, the head, leg, arm and back.
"I couldn’t understand what he going through, but I wanted so badly to give my support…he was the inspiration for the WooJavi App." Nik-J grew up in Chicago, where gang violence was highly rampant and untreated PTSD was even higher from living under war like conditions.
She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Food Science and Engineering, MBA, and Nursing Degree. The App is available on IOS and Android.
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