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238 What Is Your Burn Rate? | REI Show - Hard Money for Real Estate Investors
Manage episode 340696697 series 2789010
Bill Fairman
Hi folks greetings today. We're gonna talk about your burn rate. What's important about it. Does it change over time? We will get that and more with our special guest, Dr. David Phelps, right after this Wendy's Hasling me because I wasn't smiling enough. So I'm just gonna talk like this, the rest of the way. Greetings. I am bill Fairman Wendy sweet in the middle and Jonathan Davis, over there to the left. We are Carolina capital management. And thank you so much for joining us on the real estate investor show hard money for real estate investors. Like I said, we are Carolina capital management. We are a private lender in the Southeast for real estate professionals.
Wendy Sweet
If you're unprofessional, won't, don't call us.
Bill Fairman
If, if you'd like us to take a look at one of your projects, go to Carolina, hard and click on the apply. Now tab, if you're a passive investor, looking for passive returns, click on the accredited investor tab, don't forget to like share, subscribe and hit the bell. And don't forget about Wednesdays with Wendy, Wendy donates 30 minutes per person on Wednesdays to talk about anything real estate related or faith. If you'd like to discuss faith, she's really good about that. She only makes fun of you sometimes. Just kidding. She's always booked up though. So here's the link to get on her calendar.
Wendy Sweet
Awesome. And what was really cool? The last Wednesday happened to fall on a couple months previous, I had done a special talking event with some of the kids from freedom founders. Oh cool. And I'm saying this cuz of course David is with us today and my calls all last Wednesday was all freedom. Founder, children of freedom, founder people. It was really cool.
Bill Fairman
Nice. Yeah. Well we do have a question and comment section on the right hand side of your screen or the bottom, depending on the platform you're viewing us from, you can also get all the links that we're sharing over there as well. So we have, we don't have any, there's nothing breaking this week, right?
Wendy Sweet
Broken. We had a little
Jonathan Davis
Bit of commentary in before we go into the burner. Yeah.
Bill Fairman
Okay. Well, in that case, I'm gonna surprise SHA cuz I said we had, no,
Wendy Sweet
You should ask your cohos breaking
Bill Fairman
News. So I'm gonna say I'm giving I'm talking over longer so she can have plenty of time to queue up the breaking news. When will it end? I feel like I'm on a mission and possible said anyway that awesome. Thank you SHA for jumping right in there and taking over. So yeah,
Jonathan Davis
Well we're, we're gonna talk about burn Ray, which we're gonna let Dr. David Phillips explain exactly what that is, but kind of to build into that, you know, just last month we received reports that consumer spending and consumer debt rather is a lot higher than it has been in fact way higher in, in 20 years. Yeah. People
Bill Fairman
Living off their credit card.
Jonathan Davis
Yeah. Well that's, that's the thing. It, I think year over year rose a hundred billion dollars in credit card usage. Wow. A hundred billion dollars. So that is more people stacking up consumer debt and we can let Dr. David Phelps tell you how that'll affect your burn rate. Also we're seeing, you know, slowing down in the appreciation of homes, we're continu, I think we're four or six, four to six months of continual slow slowing down in that, which is good. We needed it. It's getting to normal. It's down to 18 now. Yeah. Woo. That's great. Down to 18, you're seeing more, you know, more inventory lingering on the market. Hopefully, you know, people will lower prices and we can start moving things and get a little bit back to normal, whatever that means for the time period that we're in. The only thing that is still rising are rents. Right? They are. Thank you Lord. Going up. Yes. That's great. Which it, it was, the report came out for the highest rent appreciation, I suppose, in the nation and by percentage. Right. Do you know what city that was? Hopefully Charlotte, no, no Lexington, Kentucky where I'm from really. Wow. Interesting is the highest I got, you know,
Bill Fairman
Because it started off so low
Jonathan Davis
It's exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Lexington, Kentucky is number one, followed up by Corpus Christi in Texas. Now on the list on the top declining markets in rents are Irving, Texas and Plano, Texas, really? And number four and five. Huh? Chicago's number three. Huh? Yeah. But interesting. So, you know, Corpus Christi, Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio. So basically what you're seeing is affordable places that have been historically affordable yeah. Are rising again because people are seeking out that affordability. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. That makes sense. You know what I
Wendy Sweet
Thought thought was really interesting too. You were talking about how, how sharply consumer debt has increased when, you know, two years ago, you know, COVID COVID time, you know, and, and as a, a, a friend of mine, who's speaking on sunrises tomorrow, Jordan Nabb, he's an attorney. He said when the helicopter was flying around dropping money on everybody, the not only was consumer debt really low, but savings was really, really high.
Jonathan Davis
I, I didn't put the chart up and I'll, I'll make it available to everyone. But yeah, you can see in 2020, when you know, extra surplus money was made available to everyone, it was a negative 17% year over year. Wow. Wow. Which means people just crush their debt down just, and then now since then we're up at, oh gosh, where we're at. Nope. 12.6%.
Wendy Sweet
Wow. Year over
Bill Fairman
Years. And it's the fed continues to raise rates. Then those cards are costing you even
Wendy Sweet
More that's right. That that's right. That's right. Exciting news.
Bill Fairman
O okay. So that was some great breaking news.
Jonathan Davis
Hey, you know, builds for Mr. David fell. Our Dr. David helps Rather's
Bill Fairman
For sure. David's gonna get bored sitting over here in the green room. So I'm gonna bring him on in just a second, but we have a special visual treat for him first that that's where we all wanna be right now, David,
Wendy Sweet
That you
Bill Fairman
David Phelps
The room looked like God, it was close. It was close. So thank you for that. Thank you for having a nice place for me to rest and relax before I on your,
Bill Fairman
You left some snacks for others later
David Phelps
With a little umbrella. Yeah. It's all there.
Bill Fairman
So, so our, our first burning question for you is what is a burn rate,
David Phelps
Burn rate? Yeah. That's, that's overhead, that's a cost of operations. And that can go for one's personal life, personal overhead, personal burn rate. Certainly if you have a business that you run, you've got an overhead or a burn rate in your business. And you know, within that, there's fixed in variable costs, but we all need to know what our burn rates are, you know, personal line business, because, well, I'm probably leading the witness here, but burn rate burn. Rate's very important. I'll let you get, let you take 'em there. I'm not interviewing you. You're interviewing me. So I'll give it back to
Bill Fairman
You. No, listen, we love that. You can take a question and just go with it. We always love the interviews that we have with folks that will go yes.
Wendy Sweet
That's it.
Bill Fairman
Or no.
Jonathan Davis
David Phelps
You're gonna give like essay questions. Is that what you're saying?
Wendy Sweet
Your own words? My
Jonathan Davis
Own words.
Bill Fairman
So what's, what's the importance of getting your burn rate and we'll say under control or at least knowing what it is.
Jonathan Davis
Yeah. What does it even mean? It's just, what does it mean, basil?
David Phelps
So, so, so I'm, I'm gonna focus on the personal side. Remember there's burn rate for personal and business. Both are important. I'm gonna focus on the personal side burn. Rate's important because I talk a lot as we all do, because we love real estate. As a vehicle, as an investment real estate provides, you know, cash flow. So if I want to gain freedom in my life, then I need to somewhere start replacing my burn, my personal burn rate with something else that doesn't require me to go to work now, nothing wrong with going to work. We all start there. We need to work. We get an education. We get training in something, get a career, or be an employee somewhere. We, we earn money to pay for our burn rate. But if our burn rate starts to escalate over time, which often it does, because the idea is is you travel through life, your education you're experience, your skillsets, allow you to earn more money.
David Phelps
That's a good thing. But what happens to too many people is they let the lifestyle burn rate also escalate. Now I'm not saying it's bad to aspire to have a, a nicer home, bigger home, maybe a better car than which you started with when you were just getting outta school, which that's nothing wrong with that. But if we focus on what's my real burn rate and how quickly here's the question, how quickly with a plan in place, could I start to replace the cash flow? The income required to fund my burn rate with asset based income? How quickly could I do that? That's what I call a freedom number. And that's why it's important to understand what's my burn rate. Cause we don't have any goals set on that. It can continue to escalate forever. And that's where people get on that treadmill. The treadmill of I earn more, earn more.
David Phelps
It's all good. It's all good. I'm living out a bigger life, a nice life, great life provide for my family, but I'm on this treadmill and where do I ever get up? Get the treadmill even a little bit, even drop the incline a little bit. Right? I mean, you guys go to the gym, you know what I'm talking about? You know, at some point you just can't keep that incline up here, running it in higher RPMs. You've gotta drop it down. Well, in real life, once you're on that trim, it's, it's hard to turn it back down again.
Jonathan Davis
Yeah, yeah. You know, it's makes me think of hamster on the wheel. I mean, yeah. That will, can only go as long as that hamster's running and once you step off, it's done. So, you know, to kind of illustrate the point, you know, we need something that's moving that wheel even when we're not on it.
Bill Fairman
And I don't wanna lead the question, but I'm going to already know the answer, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask it anyway.
Jonathan Davis
You know, I've found that when people say that most often they don't know the answer.
Bill Fairman
Is it easier to lower the burn rate than it is to increase the income?
David Phelps
I think it's easier to increase the income personally. I, now you can do both. You can do both. And I think people should do some of both to look hard at the burn rate and say, where could I potentially cut back? But I would say it's easier or probably most focused should go on increasing the income, the cash flow.
Bill Fairman
And, and, and that's something that, you know, we all want to do is take that active income and turn it into passive income. And we're gonna talk about that on our next week's show is about our freedom number and how to get there and the best way to get there. And the, in my opinion, the, the, the best class of assets to get there with.
Jonathan Davis
Can I jump in real quick? Absolutely. So, you know, when you said increasing the income is the easier path, I would, I would probably assume that most people watching this would've thought decreasing your expenses, cuz it kind of like fits into that. Like, you know, Dave Ramsey mindset, like, like to be wealthier, to be successful, to be free, there has to be suffering involved. Like you have to, you have to take away. And I love that you came in and said, no, like it's easier to add income, right? I mean, when you, well,
David Phelps
We're, we're all about suffering here. Are we not? We're we're suffering each other right now. No, we're not. We're enjoying this, but, but yes, Jonathan look, there's, there's a sacrifice period. Unless you were born with a silver spin in your mouth or a trust fund baby, there is a sacrifice period. We have to go through it. Working hard, being dedicated, persevering at whatever is in front of us, whatever our goals are, task career path business. Yes. We have to sacrifice to an extent. So if you wanna call that suffering, maybe there's a little bit of suffering. I think we all had jobs, you know, as we were growing up that maybe you look back, you know, that was suffering, but it was a good for our character building. All right. So get beyond the suffering though. And let's get to a place where we can be more strategic and leverage our experience, leverage collaboration with other people, which is a lot what we're doing right now today.
David Phelps
What you, you all do so well, there's ways to enhance your income, even if it's it's part of your business plan or also as we'll talk about, I'm sure on the, on the passive side, you can do both more easily than you can on the quote suffering side. So I don't want people to think about suffering, but yes, I think I talked to young people and, and Wendy, you were talking about, I'm so glad you were able to connect with, with our, our, our young next, next gen from freedom founders and sewing to them. You know, if I could go back and, and talk to my younger self or talk to these kids as we do, it's, it's like, don't lift your lifestyle escalate too quickly. You know, stay in that mode where, you know, you, you've had to kind of, you know, eek it out and, and, and don't ramp it up.
David Phelps
I was talking to a, a doctor just this last week, you know, he, he does quite well, but he's, he's kept his burn rate low. And I said, I said, how have you been able to do that? Because most people, as they escalate, their income goes right up. And he said, you know, my wife and I just got used to the fact that when we got outta school, we had student loans to pay off. And that required us to, you know, to live modestly. And he said, even after we got our student loans paid off, we decided to know happiness and joy doesn't come from necessarily elevating our, our lifestyle. So we've kept our burn rate low. Well, that doctor today has, has, has a son and a daughter ages four and eight. So he's, he's under 40 just giving you a little bit of character. He's under 40. And, and he's got a lot of flexibility in his life. A lot of flexibility to, to, to do different things. Even with his technical expertise in dentistry, he does different things. He's not, he's not anchored down to one schedule, one place to go, you know, four or five days a week, like so many are. And so he's built that freedom and by keeping his burn rate modest,
Wendy Sweet
You know, it's funny when you're talking about that, it really reminds me of my two sons. I have a 19 year old son and a 21 year old son. And they are like rich, but dad, poor dad, you know, one is, is, you know, saves his money. He works hard. He, he, he almost bought himself a boat and he asked my opinion, mom, should I do this? When I I'm really interested in buying a house, that's my big goal. And he's 19. And I said, well, how does buying a boat help you get a house? And he said, that's all I needed to hear. And he walked away from that desire. Now had I said that to my, well, my 21 year old wouldn't have even asked me, but you know, had I said that to him, he'd be flying around in a boat. Yeah.
Wendy Sweet
You know, as fast as he could on the lake. So, oh, I was getting ready to say, that's, that's pretty incredible that he could fly on the boat. Yeah. It's an near boat, but it's, it's, you know, I loved when we were at your last freedom founders event and you were talking about burn rate and you, you, with this group, you went through all the things you really need to look at. And question, is this something you really need now? Do you really need the big house? You know, do you really need the fanciest? You went down that list. And if you could talk just a little bit about just really giving people an idea of things they really should be looking at to decrease that burn rate.
David Phelps
Well, house living quarters is certainly one of the big ones, whether you rent or, or own, you know, the larger, the square footage, the more utility cost you have just to heat and cool, right. Property taxes are higher. Insurance is higher, just maintaining a certain square footage, interior and exterior has a cost factor to it. So even if you have a free and clear house, which is a great goal to have, but if it's large, then it's gonna require a certain overhead or a burn rate just to sustain that large capacity house. If you rent, I mean, same thing. You're gonna pay proportionately for the size. So do you need all of that? Right? I think so that that's a big one. I think other aspects would be. And I, I just look at vehicles, I, for me, a vehicle or car is just something that will securely and reliably get me, you know, from here to there where whatever my, my transportation needs are, I'm not judging people who want to have nice cars at all.
David Phelps
I'm just saying, it's just look at, I, I just always buy used cars and I just drive. 'em a lot of miles. That's just that's me. It is. It's like, it's almost like a badge of honor for me. And I think I got that from my dad. My dad was the same way. So like father, like son, you know, I just, I just drive. But you know, I just feel good about that because going back to your point, Wendy, about your two sons, I've always looked at the additional discretionary dollars I have by not having those, you know, inside of my burn rate, having to put fund my lifestyle. If I can cut that back, I've got more dollars I can put into investments. The ones I like that will produce, you know, additional income. So when I do want to enjoy something more, like rather than buy a boat, I would just tell your son rent, go rent the boat.
David Phelps
You can rent a really nice boat for a weekend or a week or whatever you wanna do. And then just give it back. See, I think that's the way to do those nice things. People like to have vacation homes again, not judging, but I think it's better personally to, well, you'll like this Wendy rent, Airbnb, you go where you want to go rent the air and B for in the weekend, the week, whatever you can go to different places and people, oh, well you you're just wasting your money. No, actually I didn't have the extra expenses, the, and, and the hard costs and, and the mortgage and everything else on that. Airbnb. Now, if you run it as a business, different ballgame, but I'm just saying people that like a vacation home, why don't you just get the extra money, invest it in something, an asset they'll produce. And then you can go have, have vacations all over the place when you decide to do it.
Wendy Sweet
That's right. And if you go to sweet spots, stay vacations, you can find any kind shameless blog shameless.
David Phelps
I hear that to you just about right. Was that about the right letter? Yes.
Wendy Sweet
Thank you. The other thing too, I, I think little things make a difference as well. And people don't think about this. How much are you really paying for your cable TV that you really need it? Like, even, even us as a company, every time we have our financial meeting, once a month, we still go through all of our credit card statements. We look at all the auto, automatic payments that are being made here and there, those little things, the first time we ever did it, we saved $16,000.
Jonathan Davis
And that was nothing big. That was all just like little, little things here and there that were just tacked on. I mean, we, you know, all the time it
Bill Fairman
Was outdated. We weren't using it. Like we should have it wasn't efficient,
Jonathan Davis
But I mean, David hit a, a great point and, and I don't want it to be lost on people. It's like, you know, your, your burn rate can increase, but do it in conjunction with your assets producing income increasing. Absolutely because that, that's the, that's the first piece, get the assets producing. Then you can increase over here, cuz these assets are, are supply that which is counter to most Americans who've added a hundred million or a hundred billion in instant gratification. Yeah. In instant debt.
David Phelps
Yeah. To me, to me, to me having asset based income quote, passive income in, in the right investments is, is like the best insurance policy. Sure. When, when I have the benefit and the blessing to, to work with couples and again, these are, you know, educated couples, typically one, one of the others, a professional practice owner, oftentimes not always, but oftentimes the spouse who, who is the spouse, who is the matriarch, the then I call the, typically the nurturer, the protector of the family. And, and they do a great job of that. We have to hand it to the, the moms and our wives who, who, who they function at much higher degree than we do typically in that regard. So they look at everything from the standpoint of, of, you know, investment or expense and most things are in expense to them. Cuz they're trying to again, protect the family, protect the family.
David Phelps
What I realize is, is in talking to a lot of these couples, the high income earner who goes out and you know, works, works outside the home is, is thinking well, you know, sky's the limit, you know, I can, you know, keep earning and keep building and she's thinking security, security, okay. Well guess we have insurance. We have life insurance and disability insurance. And, but that's not enough. I want to know if something happened to his or her income capabilities, what's there besides an insurance policy that would keep some kind of cash flow coming. And what I realized is when I showed them that you don't need to be able to just replace hi his or her income, if you can just replace your burn, rate your lifestyle burn rate with that asset based income, that's like the best security in the world because now, and, and I see the, the stress come out of their faces. They don't have to understand all the financial machinations of how real estate works and all that. They just wanna say, you know, are there checks in the mail or ACH, you know, that are coming in, that I can actually see and they're coming from not his or her work it's coming from this investment that we made and that's producing and sustainable is predictable. That's what, that's what so many of the women I see that are these protectors and nurturers, they wanna understand that part.
Bill Fairman
Right. Right. Well, I, I did wanna touch on one little thing before we wrap up this segment, you still have a motion that gets involved with that home that you've been in for probably 20, 30 years raised your kids in even, you know, if it's free and clear and, and in my opinion, that's, that's a way to downsize take that extra money and use it to invest in something that is gonna create some cash flow for you. But you, you know, you still have that emotion. When I first started originating mortgage loans, as soon as the wife started talking and I'm sorry, it's usually the wife. I don't mean to, yeah, don't be a bigot. But
Wendy Sweet
Bill Fairman
When they're already talking to me about, you know, they've picked up or picked the curtains for certain rooms, I knew this transaction was going through. Yeah. Because it's about the emotion. How do you overcome that emotion or, or do you,
David Phelps
Well, I don't think, I don't think you overcome it. I think, I think that that, that plays into part of everybody's lives to some extent. And so if you're talking about the, the sentiment of a family home, that you've raised all your kids in, but look, I think we have to, at some point, let go, you can, you know, you can always take pictures, I take pictures,
Wendy Sweet
Take pictures.
David Phelps
And, and then when you get together at Wendy's Airbnb and you call this great memories you had there, but yes, John effectively, you got the money working better for you. So
Bill Fairman
Yeah. You remember when aunt SU kept tripping over that step? You wouldn't fix there.
David Phelps
Memories, bad memories there, the book you don't keep those.
Bill Fairman
Wendy Sweet
Awesome. We wanna also bring up his book, right? Yeah. Let's talk about your book, David.
David Phelps
Sure. All right. Well, I, I published the book. I published the book get's behind me, but I, I actually have a yeah. Copy there. And I think it's there's so it's inflation inflation, the silent retirement killer. You all were talking about a little bit on the front end of, of the opening of the show today is that yeah, we are in different times than this country is seen in really four decades. And we're seeing, you know, heavy headwinds of inflation and what the fed is trying to do to offset that and what, what that may cause as a, as a down line situation with recession correction. So we just, yeah, we, we put together this book and, and it's a there's there's history and, and fundamentals and economics in it, but there's also, you know, what you can do. I mean, part of this show today is like what people can do to protect and hedge themself against inflation, the high costs, and then protect against, you know, downside risk protection in, in the markets. I'm talking about like financial markets that are very, very volatile typically. And that's why we like real estate because there's much less volatility in real estate, much more predictable.
Bill Fairman
So you can, we
David Phelps
Got, you can pick. Yeah. You can pick that book up off of Amazon and thank you for putting the
Bill Fairman
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. We, we have a, a direct link to the page over there in the chat and we will, well, that will stay on there so you can just click it on and go right to it. David has a lot of books and he does a really nice job of explain, taking the complicated and making it simple to understand. And
David Phelps
I like, I like the idea of, of how to outwit the fed that's Jerome Powell. Don't you wanna, everybody wanna outwit Jerome Powell? I kinda do. I wanna outwit him. So we have a prior attack on how to outwit Jerome Powell. I'm not, I'm not saying he's a bad guy. I'm just saying let's just outwit him. Right. He's
Wendy Sweet
Shouldn't be too hard.
Jonathan Davis
Bill Fairman
I may just comment last week, the real estate space in the right space. It it's a defensive play that continues to grow. So you can still get growth over time. You get, you can get some tax benefits as well. And, and it's still a, a defensive play. Although if you read the headlines and they talk about the real estate crashes, those are the people that aren't investing.
David Phelps
Yeah. Well, headlines are click baked. I mean, they just, they, they have to always make hype everything. Everything, everything is is, is extreme, extreme, right. Everything today. And so yes, if you're, don't, don't watch that the, we know from our experience decades, decades of investing in real estate, that real estate is much less fault. Yes, it is affected, but we there's lag time. There's plenty of time to position yourself the right way. And, and that's what I love about real estate. I don't have to be a trader in fact, watch the market every day and see what's happening. Go, oh my gosh. You know, I just lost 20% on my, my account. Nope. That didn't happen in my real estate. Nope. Didn't happen. Right.
Wendy Sweet
That's right. That's
Jonathan Davis
That's, that's the point I was gonna bring in the stocks. You worry about actual principle loss often. And in real estate, you very rarely have to worry about principal loss. Right? Right.
Bill Fairman
David, thank you for being so gracious and being on our show. I wanna mention that David will be on next week's show. So if you see all of us in the same close,
David Phelps
Bill Fairman
We're recording this right after this one,
David Phelps
Just one question. Do I have to go back and sleep in the green room for the next week?
Jonathan Davis
Yeah. You
Wendy Sweet
Hope you send yourself some green. M and Ms.
Bill Fairman
Thank you so much, David. Thank
David Phelps
You guys.
Bill Fairman
Jonathan, would you like to ask the question of the
Jonathan Davis
Week? The question of the week is this one right here? That's right.
Bill Fairman
We're fancy have Monica
Wendy Sweet
It's right there on the screen.
Bill Fairman
Scott told me to pause.
Jonathan Davis
I, that picture looks like I have way more white hair than I don't. I dunno. Makes you look smarter. Okay. All right. All right. So the question of the we guys we want to know is what is like, well, I mean, money mindset is a precursor to spinning behavior. What is your money mindset right now? Is it positive? How do you think about and relate to money? We wanna know. I mean, this on the heels of talking about burn rate, what you can do to, you know, increase income. Also consumer spending is higher than it's ever been in 21 years. So just kinda wanna know what your mindset is. And
Wendy Sweet
You can answer right here on our chat. Yeah. Whether it's live or not,
Jonathan Davis
You can below side, I don't know. Wherever it is on your, there might be a be you ring. I don't know.
Bill Fairman
And yes, it's an essay question because it's like don't
Wendy Sweet
Pal question.
Jonathan Davis
Yeah. We won't accept answers less than two paragraphs.
Bill Fairman
We upcoming quest and you, you can still get 30% off by using the code. Fairman 30, which is also over in the chat bar. Yeah. It's a great way to network with folks and learn all about ways to invest your self-directed IRA who see you there.
Jonathan Davis
One of my fun personal games is to count the second I, that it takes you to realize that you've been muted and something else is playing, but you're still talking.
Bill Fairman
Listen, I never stopped talking three. Okay. Thank you so much for joining us on the real estate show hard money for real estate investors. We are Carolina capital management, private lenders in the Southeast for real estate professionals. Like I told, look at a project of yours, go to Carolina, and click on the apply. Now tab, if you're a passive investor, looking for passive returns and click on the accredited investor tab. Wait a minute. Okay. Don't forget. Delight, share, subscribe, and hit the bell. And don't forget about Wednesdays with Wendy C next week.
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142 episoade
238 What Is Your Burn Rate? | REI Show - Hard Money for Real Estate Investors
Passive Income, Active Wealth - Hard Money for Real Estate Investing
Manage episode 340696697 series 2789010
Bill Fairman
Hi folks greetings today. We're gonna talk about your burn rate. What's important about it. Does it change over time? We will get that and more with our special guest, Dr. David Phelps, right after this Wendy's Hasling me because I wasn't smiling enough. So I'm just gonna talk like this, the rest of the way. Greetings. I am bill Fairman Wendy sweet in the middle and Jonathan Davis, over there to the left. We are Carolina capital management. And thank you so much for joining us on the real estate investor show hard money for real estate investors. Like I said, we are Carolina capital management. We are a private lender in the Southeast for real estate professionals.
Wendy Sweet
If you're unprofessional, won't, don't call us.
Bill Fairman
If, if you'd like us to take a look at one of your projects, go to Carolina, hard and click on the apply. Now tab, if you're a passive investor, looking for passive returns, click on the accredited investor tab, don't forget to like share, subscribe and hit the bell. And don't forget about Wednesdays with Wendy, Wendy donates 30 minutes per person on Wednesdays to talk about anything real estate related or faith. If you'd like to discuss faith, she's really good about that. She only makes fun of you sometimes. Just kidding. She's always booked up though. So here's the link to get on her calendar.
Wendy Sweet
Awesome. And what was really cool? The last Wednesday happened to fall on a couple months previous, I had done a special talking event with some of the kids from freedom founders. Oh cool. And I'm saying this cuz of course David is with us today and my calls all last Wednesday was all freedom. Founder, children of freedom, founder people. It was really cool.
Bill Fairman
Nice. Yeah. Well we do have a question and comment section on the right hand side of your screen or the bottom, depending on the platform you're viewing us from, you can also get all the links that we're sharing over there as well. So we have, we don't have any, there's nothing breaking this week, right?
Wendy Sweet
Broken. We had a little
Jonathan Davis
Bit of commentary in before we go into the burner. Yeah.
Bill Fairman
Okay. Well, in that case, I'm gonna surprise SHA cuz I said we had, no,
Wendy Sweet
You should ask your cohos breaking
Bill Fairman
News. So I'm gonna say I'm giving I'm talking over longer so she can have plenty of time to queue up the breaking news. When will it end? I feel like I'm on a mission and possible said anyway that awesome. Thank you SHA for jumping right in there and taking over. So yeah,
Jonathan Davis
Well we're, we're gonna talk about burn Ray, which we're gonna let Dr. David Phillips explain exactly what that is, but kind of to build into that, you know, just last month we received reports that consumer spending and consumer debt rather is a lot higher than it has been in fact way higher in, in 20 years. Yeah. People
Bill Fairman
Living off their credit card.
Jonathan Davis
Yeah. Well that's, that's the thing. It, I think year over year rose a hundred billion dollars in credit card usage. Wow. A hundred billion dollars. So that is more people stacking up consumer debt and we can let Dr. David Phelps tell you how that'll affect your burn rate. Also we're seeing, you know, slowing down in the appreciation of homes, we're continu, I think we're four or six, four to six months of continual slow slowing down in that, which is good. We needed it. It's getting to normal. It's down to 18 now. Yeah. Woo. That's great. Down to 18, you're seeing more, you know, more inventory lingering on the market. Hopefully, you know, people will lower prices and we can start moving things and get a little bit back to normal, whatever that means for the time period that we're in. The only thing that is still rising are rents. Right? They are. Thank you Lord. Going up. Yes. That's great. Which it, it was, the report came out for the highest rent appreciation, I suppose, in the nation and by percentage. Right. Do you know what city that was? Hopefully Charlotte, no, no Lexington, Kentucky where I'm from really. Wow. Interesting is the highest I got, you know,
Bill Fairman
Because it started off so low
Jonathan Davis
It's exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Lexington, Kentucky is number one, followed up by Corpus Christi in Texas. Now on the list on the top declining markets in rents are Irving, Texas and Plano, Texas, really? And number four and five. Huh? Chicago's number three. Huh? Yeah. But interesting. So, you know, Corpus Christi, Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio. So basically what you're seeing is affordable places that have been historically affordable yeah. Are rising again because people are seeking out that affordability. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. That makes sense. You know what I
Wendy Sweet
Thought thought was really interesting too. You were talking about how, how sharply consumer debt has increased when, you know, two years ago, you know, COVID COVID time, you know, and, and as a, a, a friend of mine, who's speaking on sunrises tomorrow, Jordan Nabb, he's an attorney. He said when the helicopter was flying around dropping money on everybody, the not only was consumer debt really low, but savings was really, really high.
Jonathan Davis
I, I didn't put the chart up and I'll, I'll make it available to everyone. But yeah, you can see in 2020, when you know, extra surplus money was made available to everyone, it was a negative 17% year over year. Wow. Wow. Which means people just crush their debt down just, and then now since then we're up at, oh gosh, where we're at. Nope. 12.6%.
Wendy Sweet
Wow. Year over
Bill Fairman
Years. And it's the fed continues to raise rates. Then those cards are costing you even
Wendy Sweet
More that's right. That that's right. That's right. Exciting news.
Bill Fairman
O okay. So that was some great breaking news.
Jonathan Davis
Hey, you know, builds for Mr. David fell. Our Dr. David helps Rather's
Bill Fairman
For sure. David's gonna get bored sitting over here in the green room. So I'm gonna bring him on in just a second, but we have a special visual treat for him first that that's where we all wanna be right now, David,
Wendy Sweet
That you
Bill Fairman
David Phelps
The room looked like God, it was close. It was close. So thank you for that. Thank you for having a nice place for me to rest and relax before I on your,
Bill Fairman
You left some snacks for others later
David Phelps
With a little umbrella. Yeah. It's all there.
Bill Fairman
So, so our, our first burning question for you is what is a burn rate,
David Phelps
Burn rate? Yeah. That's, that's overhead, that's a cost of operations. And that can go for one's personal life, personal overhead, personal burn rate. Certainly if you have a business that you run, you've got an overhead or a burn rate in your business. And you know, within that, there's fixed in variable costs, but we all need to know what our burn rates are, you know, personal line business, because, well, I'm probably leading the witness here, but burn rate burn. Rate's very important. I'll let you get, let you take 'em there. I'm not interviewing you. You're interviewing me. So I'll give it back to
Bill Fairman
You. No, listen, we love that. You can take a question and just go with it. We always love the interviews that we have with folks that will go yes.
Wendy Sweet
That's it.
Bill Fairman
Or no.
Jonathan Davis
David Phelps
You're gonna give like essay questions. Is that what you're saying?
Wendy Sweet
Your own words? My
Jonathan Davis
Own words.
Bill Fairman
So what's, what's the importance of getting your burn rate and we'll say under control or at least knowing what it is.
Jonathan Davis
Yeah. What does it even mean? It's just, what does it mean, basil?
David Phelps
So, so, so I'm, I'm gonna focus on the personal side. Remember there's burn rate for personal and business. Both are important. I'm gonna focus on the personal side burn. Rate's important because I talk a lot as we all do, because we love real estate. As a vehicle, as an investment real estate provides, you know, cash flow. So if I want to gain freedom in my life, then I need to somewhere start replacing my burn, my personal burn rate with something else that doesn't require me to go to work now, nothing wrong with going to work. We all start there. We need to work. We get an education. We get training in something, get a career, or be an employee somewhere. We, we earn money to pay for our burn rate. But if our burn rate starts to escalate over time, which often it does, because the idea is is you travel through life, your education you're experience, your skillsets, allow you to earn more money.
David Phelps
That's a good thing. But what happens to too many people is they let the lifestyle burn rate also escalate. Now I'm not saying it's bad to aspire to have a, a nicer home, bigger home, maybe a better car than which you started with when you were just getting outta school, which that's nothing wrong with that. But if we focus on what's my real burn rate and how quickly here's the question, how quickly with a plan in place, could I start to replace the cash flow? The income required to fund my burn rate with asset based income? How quickly could I do that? That's what I call a freedom number. And that's why it's important to understand what's my burn rate. Cause we don't have any goals set on that. It can continue to escalate forever. And that's where people get on that treadmill. The treadmill of I earn more, earn more.
David Phelps
It's all good. It's all good. I'm living out a bigger life, a nice life, great life provide for my family, but I'm on this treadmill and where do I ever get up? Get the treadmill even a little bit, even drop the incline a little bit. Right? I mean, you guys go to the gym, you know what I'm talking about? You know, at some point you just can't keep that incline up here, running it in higher RPMs. You've gotta drop it down. Well, in real life, once you're on that trim, it's, it's hard to turn it back down again.
Jonathan Davis
Yeah, yeah. You know, it's makes me think of hamster on the wheel. I mean, yeah. That will, can only go as long as that hamster's running and once you step off, it's done. So, you know, to kind of illustrate the point, you know, we need something that's moving that wheel even when we're not on it.
Bill Fairman
And I don't wanna lead the question, but I'm going to already know the answer, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask it anyway.
Jonathan Davis
You know, I've found that when people say that most often they don't know the answer.
Bill Fairman
Is it easier to lower the burn rate than it is to increase the income?
David Phelps
I think it's easier to increase the income personally. I, now you can do both. You can do both. And I think people should do some of both to look hard at the burn rate and say, where could I potentially cut back? But I would say it's easier or probably most focused should go on increasing the income, the cash flow.
Bill Fairman
And, and, and that's something that, you know, we all want to do is take that active income and turn it into passive income. And we're gonna talk about that on our next week's show is about our freedom number and how to get there and the best way to get there. And the, in my opinion, the, the, the best class of assets to get there with.
Jonathan Davis
Can I jump in real quick? Absolutely. So, you know, when you said increasing the income is the easier path, I would, I would probably assume that most people watching this would've thought decreasing your expenses, cuz it kind of like fits into that. Like, you know, Dave Ramsey mindset, like, like to be wealthier, to be successful, to be free, there has to be suffering involved. Like you have to, you have to take away. And I love that you came in and said, no, like it's easier to add income, right? I mean, when you, well,
David Phelps
We're, we're all about suffering here. Are we not? We're we're suffering each other right now. No, we're not. We're enjoying this, but, but yes, Jonathan look, there's, there's a sacrifice period. Unless you were born with a silver spin in your mouth or a trust fund baby, there is a sacrifice period. We have to go through it. Working hard, being dedicated, persevering at whatever is in front of us, whatever our goals are, task career path business. Yes. We have to sacrifice to an extent. So if you wanna call that suffering, maybe there's a little bit of suffering. I think we all had jobs, you know, as we were growing up that maybe you look back, you know, that was suffering, but it was a good for our character building. All right. So get beyond the suffering though. And let's get to a place where we can be more strategic and leverage our experience, leverage collaboration with other people, which is a lot what we're doing right now today.
David Phelps
What you, you all do so well, there's ways to enhance your income, even if it's it's part of your business plan or also as we'll talk about, I'm sure on the, on the passive side, you can do both more easily than you can on the quote suffering side. So I don't want people to think about suffering, but yes, I think I talked to young people and, and Wendy, you were talking about, I'm so glad you were able to connect with, with our, our, our young next, next gen from freedom founders and sewing to them. You know, if I could go back and, and talk to my younger self or talk to these kids as we do, it's, it's like, don't lift your lifestyle escalate too quickly. You know, stay in that mode where, you know, you, you've had to kind of, you know, eek it out and, and, and don't ramp it up.
David Phelps
I was talking to a, a doctor just this last week, you know, he, he does quite well, but he's, he's kept his burn rate low. And I said, I said, how have you been able to do that? Because most people, as they escalate, their income goes right up. And he said, you know, my wife and I just got used to the fact that when we got outta school, we had student loans to pay off. And that required us to, you know, to live modestly. And he said, even after we got our student loans paid off, we decided to know happiness and joy doesn't come from necessarily elevating our, our lifestyle. So we've kept our burn rate low. Well, that doctor today has, has, has a son and a daughter ages four and eight. So he's, he's under 40 just giving you a little bit of character. He's under 40. And, and he's got a lot of flexibility in his life. A lot of flexibility to, to, to do different things. Even with his technical expertise in dentistry, he does different things. He's not, he's not anchored down to one schedule, one place to go, you know, four or five days a week, like so many are. And so he's built that freedom and by keeping his burn rate modest,
Wendy Sweet
You know, it's funny when you're talking about that, it really reminds me of my two sons. I have a 19 year old son and a 21 year old son. And they are like rich, but dad, poor dad, you know, one is, is, you know, saves his money. He works hard. He, he, he almost bought himself a boat and he asked my opinion, mom, should I do this? When I I'm really interested in buying a house, that's my big goal. And he's 19. And I said, well, how does buying a boat help you get a house? And he said, that's all I needed to hear. And he walked away from that desire. Now had I said that to my, well, my 21 year old wouldn't have even asked me, but you know, had I said that to him, he'd be flying around in a boat. Yeah.
Wendy Sweet
You know, as fast as he could on the lake. So, oh, I was getting ready to say, that's, that's pretty incredible that he could fly on the boat. Yeah. It's an near boat, but it's, it's, you know, I loved when we were at your last freedom founders event and you were talking about burn rate and you, you, with this group, you went through all the things you really need to look at. And question, is this something you really need now? Do you really need the big house? You know, do you really need the fanciest? You went down that list. And if you could talk just a little bit about just really giving people an idea of things they really should be looking at to decrease that burn rate.
David Phelps
Well, house living quarters is certainly one of the big ones, whether you rent or, or own, you know, the larger, the square footage, the more utility cost you have just to heat and cool, right. Property taxes are higher. Insurance is higher, just maintaining a certain square footage, interior and exterior has a cost factor to it. So even if you have a free and clear house, which is a great goal to have, but if it's large, then it's gonna require a certain overhead or a burn rate just to sustain that large capacity house. If you rent, I mean, same thing. You're gonna pay proportionately for the size. So do you need all of that? Right? I think so that that's a big one. I think other aspects would be. And I, I just look at vehicles, I, for me, a vehicle or car is just something that will securely and reliably get me, you know, from here to there where whatever my, my transportation needs are, I'm not judging people who want to have nice cars at all.
David Phelps
I'm just saying, it's just look at, I, I just always buy used cars and I just drive. 'em a lot of miles. That's just that's me. It is. It's like, it's almost like a badge of honor for me. And I think I got that from my dad. My dad was the same way. So like father, like son, you know, I just, I just drive. But you know, I just feel good about that because going back to your point, Wendy, about your two sons, I've always looked at the additional discretionary dollars I have by not having those, you know, inside of my burn rate, having to put fund my lifestyle. If I can cut that back, I've got more dollars I can put into investments. The ones I like that will produce, you know, additional income. So when I do want to enjoy something more, like rather than buy a boat, I would just tell your son rent, go rent the boat.
David Phelps
You can rent a really nice boat for a weekend or a week or whatever you wanna do. And then just give it back. See, I think that's the way to do those nice things. People like to have vacation homes again, not judging, but I think it's better personally to, well, you'll like this Wendy rent, Airbnb, you go where you want to go rent the air and B for in the weekend, the week, whatever you can go to different places and people, oh, well you you're just wasting your money. No, actually I didn't have the extra expenses, the, and, and the hard costs and, and the mortgage and everything else on that. Airbnb. Now, if you run it as a business, different ballgame, but I'm just saying people that like a vacation home, why don't you just get the extra money, invest it in something, an asset they'll produce. And then you can go have, have vacations all over the place when you decide to do it.
Wendy Sweet
That's right. And if you go to sweet spots, stay vacations, you can find any kind shameless blog shameless.
David Phelps
I hear that to you just about right. Was that about the right letter? Yes.
Wendy Sweet
Thank you. The other thing too, I, I think little things make a difference as well. And people don't think about this. How much are you really paying for your cable TV that you really need it? Like, even, even us as a company, every time we have our financial meeting, once a month, we still go through all of our credit card statements. We look at all the auto, automatic payments that are being made here and there, those little things, the first time we ever did it, we saved $16,000.
Jonathan Davis
And that was nothing big. That was all just like little, little things here and there that were just tacked on. I mean, we, you know, all the time it
Bill Fairman
Was outdated. We weren't using it. Like we should have it wasn't efficient,
Jonathan Davis
But I mean, David hit a, a great point and, and I don't want it to be lost on people. It's like, you know, your, your burn rate can increase, but do it in conjunction with your assets producing income increasing. Absolutely because that, that's the, that's the first piece, get the assets producing. Then you can increase over here, cuz these assets are, are supply that which is counter to most Americans who've added a hundred million or a hundred billion in instant gratification. Yeah. In instant debt.
David Phelps
Yeah. To me, to me, to me having asset based income quote, passive income in, in the right investments is, is like the best insurance policy. Sure. When, when I have the benefit and the blessing to, to work with couples and again, these are, you know, educated couples, typically one, one of the others, a professional practice owner, oftentimes not always, but oftentimes the spouse who, who is the spouse, who is the matriarch, the then I call the, typically the nurturer, the protector of the family. And, and they do a great job of that. We have to hand it to the, the moms and our wives who, who, who they function at much higher degree than we do typically in that regard. So they look at everything from the standpoint of, of, you know, investment or expense and most things are in expense to them. Cuz they're trying to again, protect the family, protect the family.
David Phelps
What I realize is, is in talking to a lot of these couples, the high income earner who goes out and you know, works, works outside the home is, is thinking well, you know, sky's the limit, you know, I can, you know, keep earning and keep building and she's thinking security, security, okay. Well guess we have insurance. We have life insurance and disability insurance. And, but that's not enough. I want to know if something happened to his or her income capabilities, what's there besides an insurance policy that would keep some kind of cash flow coming. And what I realized is when I showed them that you don't need to be able to just replace hi his or her income, if you can just replace your burn, rate your lifestyle burn rate with that asset based income, that's like the best security in the world because now, and, and I see the, the stress come out of their faces. They don't have to understand all the financial machinations of how real estate works and all that. They just wanna say, you know, are there checks in the mail or ACH, you know, that are coming in, that I can actually see and they're coming from not his or her work it's coming from this investment that we made and that's producing and sustainable is predictable. That's what, that's what so many of the women I see that are these protectors and nurturers, they wanna understand that part.
Bill Fairman
Right. Right. Well, I, I did wanna touch on one little thing before we wrap up this segment, you still have a motion that gets involved with that home that you've been in for probably 20, 30 years raised your kids in even, you know, if it's free and clear and, and in my opinion, that's, that's a way to downsize take that extra money and use it to invest in something that is gonna create some cash flow for you. But you, you know, you still have that emotion. When I first started originating mortgage loans, as soon as the wife started talking and I'm sorry, it's usually the wife. I don't mean to, yeah, don't be a bigot. But
Wendy Sweet
Bill Fairman
When they're already talking to me about, you know, they've picked up or picked the curtains for certain rooms, I knew this transaction was going through. Yeah. Because it's about the emotion. How do you overcome that emotion or, or do you,
David Phelps
Well, I don't think, I don't think you overcome it. I think, I think that that, that plays into part of everybody's lives to some extent. And so if you're talking about the, the sentiment of a family home, that you've raised all your kids in, but look, I think we have to, at some point, let go, you can, you know, you can always take pictures, I take pictures,
Wendy Sweet
Take pictures.
David Phelps
And, and then when you get together at Wendy's Airbnb and you call this great memories you had there, but yes, John effectively, you got the money working better for you. So
Bill Fairman
Yeah. You remember when aunt SU kept tripping over that step? You wouldn't fix there.
David Phelps
Memories, bad memories there, the book you don't keep those.
Bill Fairman
Wendy Sweet
Awesome. We wanna also bring up his book, right? Yeah. Let's talk about your book, David.
David Phelps
Sure. All right. Well, I, I published the book. I published the book get's behind me, but I, I actually have a yeah. Copy there. And I think it's there's so it's inflation inflation, the silent retirement killer. You all were talking about a little bit on the front end of, of the opening of the show today is that yeah, we are in different times than this country is seen in really four decades. And we're seeing, you know, heavy headwinds of inflation and what the fed is trying to do to offset that and what, what that may cause as a, as a down line situation with recession correction. So we just, yeah, we, we put together this book and, and it's a there's there's history and, and fundamentals and economics in it, but there's also, you know, what you can do. I mean, part of this show today is like what people can do to protect and hedge themself against inflation, the high costs, and then protect against, you know, downside risk protection in, in the markets. I'm talking about like financial markets that are very, very volatile typically. And that's why we like real estate because there's much less volatility in real estate, much more predictable.
Bill Fairman
So you can, we
David Phelps
Got, you can pick. Yeah. You can pick that book up off of Amazon and thank you for putting the
Bill Fairman
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. We, we have a, a direct link to the page over there in the chat and we will, well, that will stay on there so you can just click it on and go right to it. David has a lot of books and he does a really nice job of explain, taking the complicated and making it simple to understand. And
David Phelps
I like, I like the idea of, of how to outwit the fed that's Jerome Powell. Don't you wanna, everybody wanna outwit Jerome Powell? I kinda do. I wanna outwit him. So we have a prior attack on how to outwit Jerome Powell. I'm not, I'm not saying he's a bad guy. I'm just saying let's just outwit him. Right. He's
Wendy Sweet
Shouldn't be too hard.
Jonathan Davis
Bill Fairman
I may just comment last week, the real estate space in the right space. It it's a defensive play that continues to grow. So you can still get growth over time. You get, you can get some tax benefits as well. And, and it's still a, a defensive play. Although if you read the headlines and they talk about the real estate crashes, those are the people that aren't investing.
David Phelps
Yeah. Well, headlines are click baked. I mean, they just, they, they have to always make hype everything. Everything, everything is is, is extreme, extreme, right. Everything today. And so yes, if you're, don't, don't watch that the, we know from our experience decades, decades of investing in real estate, that real estate is much less fault. Yes, it is affected, but we there's lag time. There's plenty of time to position yourself the right way. And, and that's what I love about real estate. I don't have to be a trader in fact, watch the market every day and see what's happening. Go, oh my gosh. You know, I just lost 20% on my, my account. Nope. That didn't happen in my real estate. Nope. Didn't happen. Right.
Wendy Sweet
That's right. That's
Jonathan Davis
That's, that's the point I was gonna bring in the stocks. You worry about actual principle loss often. And in real estate, you very rarely have to worry about principal loss. Right? Right.
Bill Fairman
David, thank you for being so gracious and being on our show. I wanna mention that David will be on next week's show. So if you see all of us in the same close,
David Phelps
Bill Fairman
We're recording this right after this one,
David Phelps
Just one question. Do I have to go back and sleep in the green room for the next week?
Jonathan Davis
Yeah. You
Wendy Sweet
Hope you send yourself some green. M and Ms.
Bill Fairman
Thank you so much, David. Thank
David Phelps
You guys.
Bill Fairman
Jonathan, would you like to ask the question of the
Jonathan Davis
Week? The question of the week is this one right here? That's right.
Bill Fairman
We're fancy have Monica
Wendy Sweet
It's right there on the screen.
Bill Fairman
Scott told me to pause.
Jonathan Davis
I, that picture looks like I have way more white hair than I don't. I dunno. Makes you look smarter. Okay. All right. All right. So the question of the we guys we want to know is what is like, well, I mean, money mindset is a precursor to spinning behavior. What is your money mindset right now? Is it positive? How do you think about and relate to money? We wanna know. I mean, this on the heels of talking about burn rate, what you can do to, you know, increase income. Also consumer spending is higher than it's ever been in 21 years. So just kinda wanna know what your mindset is. And
Wendy Sweet
You can answer right here on our chat. Yeah. Whether it's live or not,
Jonathan Davis
You can below side, I don't know. Wherever it is on your, there might be a be you ring. I don't know.
Bill Fairman
And yes, it's an essay question because it's like don't
Wendy Sweet
Pal question.
Jonathan Davis
Yeah. We won't accept answers less than two paragraphs.
Bill Fairman
We upcoming quest and you, you can still get 30% off by using the code. Fairman 30, which is also over in the chat bar. Yeah. It's a great way to network with folks and learn all about ways to invest your self-directed IRA who see you there.
Jonathan Davis
One of my fun personal games is to count the second I, that it takes you to realize that you've been muted and something else is playing, but you're still talking.
Bill Fairman
Listen, I never stopped talking three. Okay. Thank you so much for joining us on the real estate show hard money for real estate investors. We are Carolina capital management, private lenders in the Southeast for real estate professionals. Like I told, look at a project of yours, go to Carolina, and click on the apply. Now tab, if you're a passive investor, looking for passive returns and click on the accredited investor tab. Wait a minute. Okay. Don't forget. Delight, share, subscribe, and hit the bell. And don't forget about Wednesdays with Wendy C next week.
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