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If you had nothing and had nobody to help you, how would you fulfill the Great Commission? What would you tell the believers who are in prison, being persecuted for their faith, about how to reach the world for Messiah? The answer is in this message. ______________________________________HOW TO SUCCEED FOR GOD WITH NOTHING
While looking out my window one afternoon, the Lord asked me two questions: "If you had nothing and had nobody to help you, how would you fulfill the Great Commission?"
"What would you tell the believers who are in prison, being persecuted for their faith, about how to reach the world for Messiah?" I had been meditating that afternoon about such things, and the answer to the two questions the Lord asked came succinctly. I wrote down my answer to the Lord immediately, listing the following seven (7) tools with which to carry out the job ... and win the world for Messiah Yeshua. 1. God's Word, the Holy Bible; 2. Faith; 3. Prayer; 4. Jesus' name; 5. Tongues; 6. Forgiveness; and, 7. Vision. [] GOD'S WORD, THE HOLY BIBLE In the Bible I can find 7,000 promises from God that are available to me, and from which I may appropriate my needs, deliverance, healing, favor, direction, and MIRACLES. I would see in the Bible that God wants me to witness for Christ: to give evidence of what Christ has done for me through my words and actions. I would see that God wants me to lead people to Christ and to train them. [Matthew 18:18-20] This would involve training them to do everything that Jesus had commanded me to do, including baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I could baptize them in rivers, lakes, churches, oceans, bathtubs, or in tarpaulins in the desert. This training would involve teaching them to witness for Christ, and to share their testimony with others. It would also include: preaching and teaching; healing the sick, and casting out demons. I would see the great need of establishing a school "behind every bush" to train believers. In the Bible I would see God's plan for the ages, and God's plan for me. I would see God's plan for the Church: the universal invisible Body of Christ, and the local gathering of believers, whether two or three ... or thousands ... meeting together. Jesus taught us, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." [Matthew 18:20] I would see the importance of establishing local churches: groups of believers who gather to study God's Word, to pray, and to worship Him; and from where the local community and government may be blessed; as well as people in other nations. In the Bible I see God's goals for Planet Earth and the Second Appearing of Messiah Jesus to Jerusalem to establish His kingdom for 1,000 years. I see that before He returns, the Gospel will be proclaimed and published among every nation, race, tribe, people, and ethnic group of the earth. [Mark 13:10] [] FAITH I would use my faith, based upon God's promises in His Word and knowing what God wants (His will made known in His Word), to create and bring things into being. I would use faith, the same kind of faith that Abraham used, to believe God for what He says in His Word. "Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, 'So shall your seed be'." "And being not weak in faith, he [Abraham] considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb [who was about 90]: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able also to perform." [Romans 4:18-21] So ... if you KNOW what God has promised you in His Word, all you have to do is BELIEVE and OBEY ... like Abraham!
MUSIC [] PRAYER Jesus taught us, "And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." [Matthew 21:22]. I would use prayer not only to talk to God and be in close companionship with Him, but also to make my requests known to Him. I would tell Him what I need and want, and ask for advice as to how to operate to achieve my goal. James, the first bishop of the church at Jerusalem, and the Lord's brother, taught us: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, Who gives to all men liberally, and does not reprimand for asking; and it shall be given to you." [James 1:5] For an in-depth study of prayer, go to the Archives of The Apostles Group and select the newsletter "How To Talk To God" dated August 11, 2002. [] JESUS' NAME Jesus said, "If you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it." [John 14:14] When you as a believer use the name of Jesus you are identifying with the Master of the universe. It is that name at which demons and Satan tremble, and at which they must become subservient to you. Jesus said, "And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues ..." [Mark 16:17] The name of Jesus lets demons know the authority in and under which you are operating. It is not only your Power of Attorney, but it is also your POWER! It is the name which gives you life. "But these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you might have life through his name." [John 20:31] Use the name of Jesus to not only bring deliverance to others, but to maintain your own freedom, power, and blessing. And so it is with the name of YAHWEH, the Hebrew name of The LORD: the self existent One. "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe." [Proverb 18:10] [] TONGUES Tongues, the language of the Spirit, is the software that makes it possible for you to decree supernaturally. When you speak in faith, based upon God's Word and will, you decree miraculously. However, there are times when you do NOT know what to decree ... OR ... how to speak the proper programming language. Tongues, the language of the Holy Spirit, enables the believer in Christ to accomplish this. For an in-depth study of how to attain this power and blessing, read the book, How to Receive God's Power with Gifts of the Spirit by Prince Handley.
MUSIC [] FORGIVENESS Yesterday, a person who is not a Christian asked me this question: "In what area of your life are you most often challenged to use your faith?" I didn't have to think long. My answer was, "In the area of forgiveness." This is an area in which we need to make sure we are "clear" at the start of every day. And, actually, at the end of every day! I remember as a little boy, one night just after I had covered up in bed, my older sister said to me, "Daddy told us never to go to bed mad at each other." And then we made up with each other. The Holy Bible tells us, "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath." [Ephesians 4:26] It may not be a wrathful or angry situation that is bothering you. It may be a strained relationship, bad thoughts towards someone, a word of gossip. Or, it may be nothing you've done wrong; it may be something someone has said or done to you ... or said about you ... and that is bothering you, especially if you are undeserving of the words or action. Jesus taught us, "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." [Matthew 6:14-15] Unforgiveness is something you can't take to Heaven! In Mark 11:22-26, Jesus told the disciples, "Have faith in God." He taught them about speaking in faith, and about receiving in faith. However, he also taught them at the end of this contextual passage that there was something that could hinder them from receiving miracles and answered prayer: it was unforgiveness. "And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone: so that your Father also which is in Heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in Heaven forgive your trespasses." [Verses 25 and 26] If God can forgive us of a whole lifetime of sin and disobedience – even sins about which no person on earth knows – can we not forgive someone else for the one, or a few, or even many sins they have committed towards us?! And ... if our Heavenly Father had not made a WAY for us to be forgiven by sending His only Son to die in our place on the cross stake ... we would be under the constant condemnation of death and Hell. How can we not forgive others?! Every day I start my day with what is commonly known as the Lord's Prayer (the disciples prayer He taught them). I clear out any unforgiveness or bitterness so that I can pray successfully and in power ... AND ... so I can experience success. My prayers for myself, friends, associates, and loved ones ... and the prayers for others around the world ... depend upon me forgiving others. "And you be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you." [Ephesians 4:32] [] VISION When was the last time you "dreamed" for God? IMAGINE! What would your life and ministry be like if your present hindrances were removed? And, what would your life be like if you could accomplish all the things you IMAGINE ... or ASK for? C. S. Lewis, in his book The Weight of Glory, said, " ... our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak!" David succeeded in killing the giant, Goliath, the same way the two men of faith, Caleb and Joshua, succeeded in entering the promise land: because he SAW, as they did, obstacles as opportunities for MIRACLES: avenues through which God could be glorified! The size of the person is more important than the size of the problem. Who are you on the inside and in Whom do you trust! Don't focus on the giants … focus on God. That's why the enemy lies to you. The devil wants to get your attention away from your Heavenly Father: away from His love for you and His ability to provide for you. Study the following newsletters from the Archives of Prince Handley Prophecy: Remove the Barriers The Vision and the Miraculous How God Brings Success with the Anointing Change your thinking. Think BIG.
Jeshua taught us, "But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved." [Luke 5:38] Think PAST the limits of your mind. Stretch out your horizon of ENDEAVORS and THOUGHTS. "These things began Jesus both to DO and to TEACH." Base your thoughts, your goals, and your endeavors upon God's Holy Word. Use your faith! Think BIG! Believe! Receive! Act! Multiply! To SEE with the mind's eye … that is, to envision … can encompass the following: imagination, thinking, and decision making. To "cut out" with the mind's eye is to SEE IT, or to THINK IT upon the tablet of your heart or human spirit. In Job 22:28 we read, "You shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you..." In the original Hebrew language the word "decree" is a primitive root form of the word "gazar", which means "to cut out exclusively, or to decide". In its primitive form it is used also as a "quarrying" term ... as in cutting out stone from a rock quarry. It means more than to "say" or "speak." It conveys the meaning of "cutting something out in your mind's eye"; that is, "to envision [to make a vision], to decide upon it, and confess it" ... and then it will be established unto you! To decree is the progenitor (or, precursor) of heart belief and mouth confession. It is BOTH the nucleus and "all-encompassing" embryo of initiating great moves of the Holy Spirit on Planet Earth. This is why we need to SPEND TIME MEDITATING GOD'S WORD. We're NOT talking about New Age type meditation, which can actually be used, and even energized, by demonic forces. We're talking about MEDITATING God's Word so we KNOW HOW to work in alignment with our Father in Heaven, Jehovah. Increase your vision. What can you SEE? What can you IMAGINE? How greatly can you ASK or THINK? "Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ASK or THINK, according to the power that works in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." [Ephesians 3:20, 21] At the beginning of this podcast I shared with you two questions the Lord asked me: "If you had nothing and had nobody to help you, how would you fulfill the Great Commission?" "What would you tell the believers who are in prison, being persecuted for their faith, about how to reach the world for Messiah?" I answered those two questions in this teaching. You might ask me: "How do you know what it's like to be in jail for Yeshua?" I know because I HAVE BEEN in jail for Jesus ... for preaching His Gospel. Never teach what you can't do. "The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began to DO and TEACH." [Acts 1:1] Nine (9) people were saved as a result of the Holy Spirit using me to preach inside the jail cell, plus the Lord gave me victory in one of the largest court cases of this kind. "Then said Yeshua unto him, 'Go, and do thou likewise'." [Luke 10:37]
Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.
Your friend, Prince Handley
Podcast time: 18 minutes, 52 seconds (with music)
Copyright © Prince Handley 2024 All rights reserved.
OPPORTUNITY Donate to Handley WORLD SERVICES Incorporated and help Prince Handley do EXPLOITS in the Spirit.
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250 episoade
Manage episode 155998618 series 1173471
Prince HandleyPresident / Regent PRINCE HANDLEY PORTAL 1,000's of FREE ResourcesWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG
INTERNATIONAL Geopolitics | Intelligence | Prophecy WWW.UOFE.ORG
24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM
Prince Handley on MINDS
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If you had nothing and had nobody to help you, how would you fulfill the Great Commission? What would you tell the believers who are in prison, being persecuted for their faith, about how to reach the world for Messiah? The answer is in this message. ______________________________________HOW TO SUCCEED FOR GOD WITH NOTHING
While looking out my window one afternoon, the Lord asked me two questions: "If you had nothing and had nobody to help you, how would you fulfill the Great Commission?"
"What would you tell the believers who are in prison, being persecuted for their faith, about how to reach the world for Messiah?" I had been meditating that afternoon about such things, and the answer to the two questions the Lord asked came succinctly. I wrote down my answer to the Lord immediately, listing the following seven (7) tools with which to carry out the job ... and win the world for Messiah Yeshua. 1. God's Word, the Holy Bible; 2. Faith; 3. Prayer; 4. Jesus' name; 5. Tongues; 6. Forgiveness; and, 7. Vision. [] GOD'S WORD, THE HOLY BIBLE In the Bible I can find 7,000 promises from God that are available to me, and from which I may appropriate my needs, deliverance, healing, favor, direction, and MIRACLES. I would see in the Bible that God wants me to witness for Christ: to give evidence of what Christ has done for me through my words and actions. I would see that God wants me to lead people to Christ and to train them. [Matthew 18:18-20] This would involve training them to do everything that Jesus had commanded me to do, including baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I could baptize them in rivers, lakes, churches, oceans, bathtubs, or in tarpaulins in the desert. This training would involve teaching them to witness for Christ, and to share their testimony with others. It would also include: preaching and teaching; healing the sick, and casting out demons. I would see the great need of establishing a school "behind every bush" to train believers. In the Bible I would see God's plan for the ages, and God's plan for me. I would see God's plan for the Church: the universal invisible Body of Christ, and the local gathering of believers, whether two or three ... or thousands ... meeting together. Jesus taught us, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." [Matthew 18:20] I would see the importance of establishing local churches: groups of believers who gather to study God's Word, to pray, and to worship Him; and from where the local community and government may be blessed; as well as people in other nations. In the Bible I see God's goals for Planet Earth and the Second Appearing of Messiah Jesus to Jerusalem to establish His kingdom for 1,000 years. I see that before He returns, the Gospel will be proclaimed and published among every nation, race, tribe, people, and ethnic group of the earth. [Mark 13:10] [] FAITH I would use my faith, based upon God's promises in His Word and knowing what God wants (His will made known in His Word), to create and bring things into being. I would use faith, the same kind of faith that Abraham used, to believe God for what He says in His Word. "Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, 'So shall your seed be'." "And being not weak in faith, he [Abraham] considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb [who was about 90]: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able also to perform." [Romans 4:18-21] So ... if you KNOW what God has promised you in His Word, all you have to do is BELIEVE and OBEY ... like Abraham!
MUSIC [] PRAYER Jesus taught us, "And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." [Matthew 21:22]. I would use prayer not only to talk to God and be in close companionship with Him, but also to make my requests known to Him. I would tell Him what I need and want, and ask for advice as to how to operate to achieve my goal. James, the first bishop of the church at Jerusalem, and the Lord's brother, taught us: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, Who gives to all men liberally, and does not reprimand for asking; and it shall be given to you." [James 1:5] For an in-depth study of prayer, go to the Archives of The Apostles Group and select the newsletter "How To Talk To God" dated August 11, 2002. [] JESUS' NAME Jesus said, "If you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it." [John 14:14] When you as a believer use the name of Jesus you are identifying with the Master of the universe. It is that name at which demons and Satan tremble, and at which they must become subservient to you. Jesus said, "And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues ..." [Mark 16:17] The name of Jesus lets demons know the authority in and under which you are operating. It is not only your Power of Attorney, but it is also your POWER! It is the name which gives you life. "But these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you might have life through his name." [John 20:31] Use the name of Jesus to not only bring deliverance to others, but to maintain your own freedom, power, and blessing. And so it is with the name of YAHWEH, the Hebrew name of The LORD: the self existent One. "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe." [Proverb 18:10] [] TONGUES Tongues, the language of the Spirit, is the software that makes it possible for you to decree supernaturally. When you speak in faith, based upon God's Word and will, you decree miraculously. However, there are times when you do NOT know what to decree ... OR ... how to speak the proper programming language. Tongues, the language of the Holy Spirit, enables the believer in Christ to accomplish this. For an in-depth study of how to attain this power and blessing, read the book, How to Receive God's Power with Gifts of the Spirit by Prince Handley.
MUSIC [] FORGIVENESS Yesterday, a person who is not a Christian asked me this question: "In what area of your life are you most often challenged to use your faith?" I didn't have to think long. My answer was, "In the area of forgiveness." This is an area in which we need to make sure we are "clear" at the start of every day. And, actually, at the end of every day! I remember as a little boy, one night just after I had covered up in bed, my older sister said to me, "Daddy told us never to go to bed mad at each other." And then we made up with each other. The Holy Bible tells us, "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath." [Ephesians 4:26] It may not be a wrathful or angry situation that is bothering you. It may be a strained relationship, bad thoughts towards someone, a word of gossip. Or, it may be nothing you've done wrong; it may be something someone has said or done to you ... or said about you ... and that is bothering you, especially if you are undeserving of the words or action. Jesus taught us, "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." [Matthew 6:14-15] Unforgiveness is something you can't take to Heaven! In Mark 11:22-26, Jesus told the disciples, "Have faith in God." He taught them about speaking in faith, and about receiving in faith. However, he also taught them at the end of this contextual passage that there was something that could hinder them from receiving miracles and answered prayer: it was unforgiveness. "And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone: so that your Father also which is in Heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in Heaven forgive your trespasses." [Verses 25 and 26] If God can forgive us of a whole lifetime of sin and disobedience – even sins about which no person on earth knows – can we not forgive someone else for the one, or a few, or even many sins they have committed towards us?! And ... if our Heavenly Father had not made a WAY for us to be forgiven by sending His only Son to die in our place on the cross stake ... we would be under the constant condemnation of death and Hell. How can we not forgive others?! Every day I start my day with what is commonly known as the Lord's Prayer (the disciples prayer He taught them). I clear out any unforgiveness or bitterness so that I can pray successfully and in power ... AND ... so I can experience success. My prayers for myself, friends, associates, and loved ones ... and the prayers for others around the world ... depend upon me forgiving others. "And you be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you." [Ephesians 4:32] [] VISION When was the last time you "dreamed" for God? IMAGINE! What would your life and ministry be like if your present hindrances were removed? And, what would your life be like if you could accomplish all the things you IMAGINE ... or ASK for? C. S. Lewis, in his book The Weight of Glory, said, " ... our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak!" David succeeded in killing the giant, Goliath, the same way the two men of faith, Caleb and Joshua, succeeded in entering the promise land: because he SAW, as they did, obstacles as opportunities for MIRACLES: avenues through which God could be glorified! The size of the person is more important than the size of the problem. Who are you on the inside and in Whom do you trust! Don't focus on the giants … focus on God. That's why the enemy lies to you. The devil wants to get your attention away from your Heavenly Father: away from His love for you and His ability to provide for you. Study the following newsletters from the Archives of Prince Handley Prophecy: Remove the Barriers The Vision and the Miraculous How God Brings Success with the Anointing Change your thinking. Think BIG.
Jeshua taught us, "But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved." [Luke 5:38] Think PAST the limits of your mind. Stretch out your horizon of ENDEAVORS and THOUGHTS. "These things began Jesus both to DO and to TEACH." Base your thoughts, your goals, and your endeavors upon God's Holy Word. Use your faith! Think BIG! Believe! Receive! Act! Multiply! To SEE with the mind's eye … that is, to envision … can encompass the following: imagination, thinking, and decision making. To "cut out" with the mind's eye is to SEE IT, or to THINK IT upon the tablet of your heart or human spirit. In Job 22:28 we read, "You shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you..." In the original Hebrew language the word "decree" is a primitive root form of the word "gazar", which means "to cut out exclusively, or to decide". In its primitive form it is used also as a "quarrying" term ... as in cutting out stone from a rock quarry. It means more than to "say" or "speak." It conveys the meaning of "cutting something out in your mind's eye"; that is, "to envision [to make a vision], to decide upon it, and confess it" ... and then it will be established unto you! To decree is the progenitor (or, precursor) of heart belief and mouth confession. It is BOTH the nucleus and "all-encompassing" embryo of initiating great moves of the Holy Spirit on Planet Earth. This is why we need to SPEND TIME MEDITATING GOD'S WORD. We're NOT talking about New Age type meditation, which can actually be used, and even energized, by demonic forces. We're talking about MEDITATING God's Word so we KNOW HOW to work in alignment with our Father in Heaven, Jehovah. Increase your vision. What can you SEE? What can you IMAGINE? How greatly can you ASK or THINK? "Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ASK or THINK, according to the power that works in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." [Ephesians 3:20, 21] At the beginning of this podcast I shared with you two questions the Lord asked me: "If you had nothing and had nobody to help you, how would you fulfill the Great Commission?" "What would you tell the believers who are in prison, being persecuted for their faith, about how to reach the world for Messiah?" I answered those two questions in this teaching. You might ask me: "How do you know what it's like to be in jail for Yeshua?" I know because I HAVE BEEN in jail for Jesus ... for preaching His Gospel. Never teach what you can't do. "The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began to DO and TEACH." [Acts 1:1] Nine (9) people were saved as a result of the Holy Spirit using me to preach inside the jail cell, plus the Lord gave me victory in one of the largest court cases of this kind. "Then said Yeshua unto him, 'Go, and do thou likewise'." [Luke 10:37]
Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.
Your friend, Prince Handley
Podcast time: 18 minutes, 52 seconds (with music)
Copyright © Prince Handley 2024 All rights reserved.
OPPORTUNITY Donate to Handley WORLD SERVICES Incorporated and help Prince Handley do EXPLOITS in the Spirit.
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OTHER KEY RESOURCES Prince Handley Videos and Podcasts Rabbinical & Biblical Studies The Believers’ Intelligentsia Prince Handley Portal (1,000’s of FREE resources) Prince Handley Books VIDEO Describing Prince Handley Books Prince Handley End Time Videos
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