Healing is Believing- Children and Spirituality episode 21
Manage episode 311479280 series 3129235
Just launched our 21st Healing is Believing Podcast series. This podcast discussion is on Spirituality and Children with Dr. Isa White Muhammed, Imaam Saab and QW. Spiritual children is really about conscious parenting. When children are raised with a spiritual upbringing brings about inner strength in a child so that a child can be more fluent and understand what is God. We are not talking about religion here. Spirituality is an inner connection and listening to the God within you. Once children understand spirituality he or she becomes a better being. A child that has a spiritual base is less likely to be depressed or involved in negative behaviours which is so prevalent in the times of today. We see the rising cases of depression, mental health to drug abuse . We as parents have to embrace spirituality ourselves and embrace spending time in nature and listen to God within us so that the children can emulate these positive qualities. We see when children are in a negative space and there is constant arguing this not only affects on the physical level but the spiritual level and imbalance to the children’s spirit. With life comes sacrifice and if one aspires for the worldly life then there is an imbalance in the children’s lives and then have great problems later in life. The child then grows up one day to be a parent and carries that emotional energy forward .The spiritual cleansing of the home offered at The Divine Clinic takes care of the negative energy in the home. Negative energy hangs around -from ourselves, ancestral and in our homes. What happens to the children coming from those homes? We are seeing effects of a longer delay in development of children. The speech is coming at a later stage in many households. The whole society is becoming technological advance but we as a family are becoming spiritually backwards. What children have and adults lack is innocence. This is why divine inspiration runs easily through the child unless the adult has attained spiritual perfection. Humanity at large is helping impoverished communities all over the world. Truly the way to learn about oneself is healing through the suffering of others. Children follow what you do. If you pray, meditate and are in tune with the inner self children emulate those examples. The point is we have to cleanse ourselves. If we smoke the kids smoke. if we look at porn they look at porn. They are not going to do what you say but rather what you do. The end result of beings that have understood this concept is that they will be in the world but not of the world. This is due to understanding and working from a higher plane of consciousness because when you tap in a higher consciousness we are here to empower everybody all of humanity. Therefore, a parent is a link between parent to God and children look at the characteristics of their parents. The problem today is that children are being sidelined and lives are busier as life is harder. Every single relationship in this life teaches about yourself than about the person you are with. We have to teach our children unconditional love. Unconditional love is true happiness and then one is on the way of spiritual awakening. One has to be completely cleansed to get there. We have knowledge at our fingertips but asleep as a nation. The children are the backbone of any society and it starts with ourselves to avoid these geo political. Are children suffering with nightmares, seeing things that are scary, acting up? Then the sanctity of the child’s spirit is in your hand and understand the Divine Clinic Foundation is to help here to rebalance the spirit through the forty day life cleanse program.
42 episoade