What happened this week? Bernie Sanders tried to earn an Oscar, but Tom Cruise, he is NOT! Selena Gomez also gives a performance that fell flat. And Columbia played chicken with the United States only to crash and burn! The Libs shared their obsession with eggs and blueberries with the rest of world, hoping that we would share their concerns... and no one can figure out what in the world is WRONG with them! The Media melted down, claiming that when a government proposes spending LESS of its citizens' money, that is a heist in disguise and UNCONSTITUTIONAL to boot. And TRAGEDY strikes the Aviation Industry... which was entirely predictable.... and avoidable. Meta pulled off a Ocean's Eleven style mission during their latest drama-club kids, cos-play permormance. An Inauguration party in D.C. hosted by a Black person and attended by People of Color is declared "white supremacist" in the latest Leftist hoax. And the Wokies are horrified as they brace for a condom shortage in the Middle East. The Fringe is worried about the loss to American Society now that we are no longer importing criminals.... not EVEN the petty ones! California's politicians were insulted by the insinuation that having water around is an effective way of combating fires. And all Universities will now have to extend our Civil Right's protections to their Jewish students, or lose their funding. THAT'S what happened this week!…