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Host Lucie Výborné

Český rozhlas

Rozhovory Lucie Výborné. Zajímavé osobnosti mluví o věcech, jimž rozumějí. Své dotazy pokládejte přes formulář na webu. Všechny díly podcastu Host Lucie Výborné můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Lucid Cafe

Wendy Halley

What's on the menu at Lucid Cafe? Stories of transformation; healing journeys; thought-provoking conversations about consciousness, shamanism, psychology, ethics. Hosted by Wendy Halley of Lucid Path Wellness & Healing Arts.
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Lucid Drinking Podcast

Lucid Drinking Podcast

We know we're drinking and we think we know what we're talking about. We're Lucid Drinking.
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Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe

Laetitia Reboulleau et Lucile Bellan

Laetitia et Lucile sont journalistes, autrices et expertes en sexualités. Dans chaque épisode, seules ou accompagnées, elles décryptent des phénomènes liés au sexe. Légendes urbaines, fantasmes, anorgasmie, vaginisme, pop culture, histoires d’horreur… “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe”, c’est le sexe sous toutes les cultures, par tous les prismes – surtout les moins vus et les moins entendus. Pour en découvrir toujours plus. “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe” est un podcast hebdoma ...
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Sol in luč

Radio Ognjišče

Sol da okus in ščiti pred pokvarljivostjo, poleg tega je simbol modrosti, prijateljstva in požrtvovalnosti.Skupnost je sol, kadar ima okus po blagrih. Luč je vir stvarjenja. Kdor je razsvetljen, tudi sam sveti drugim. Oddaja govori o smislu življenja, ter o tem, kako se opremiti, kako živeti, da ta smisel, cilj, tudi dosežemo.
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Lucy Letby is a child killer. Last year she was convicted of murdering seven babies and trying to murder six more while working as a neo-natal nurse at the Countess of Chester Hospital, in the NW of England and was sentenced to spend her life in jail. She also went back in court to face a retrial on one charge the jury could not reach a verdict on - the alleged Attempted Murder of a premature baby girl, known as Baby K. She was found guilty once again. Follow the trial's evidence just as the ...
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Follow this crazy couple's journey of Fun and Food Adventures..... "Welcome to 'Life with Lucia and Glynn,' your ultimate vlog for thrilling adventures in fun, food, music, and travel! 🌟🍔🎶✈️ Join us as we dive into exciting escapades across these four exciting niches, sharing all the highs and lows. Our channel is your ticket to unique experiences and unforgettable moments. From exploring local gems to savoring delicious cuisine, discovering new melodies, and traveling to breathtaking destin ...
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In Lucid Dreaming, curator and writer Pamela Cohn interviews a constellation of artistic luminaries working within contemporary contexts of documentary practice and experimental moving image. Together they explore artistic inspirations, conceptual intent and processes, and the expanding socio-political possibilities of creating personal memoir. Support us on Patreon >
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Découvrez la télévision comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue ! Tous les jours dans Culture Médias le truculent Jean-Luc Lemoine livre sa session de rattrapage ! Le principe ? Tandis que vous vaquez à vos occupations quotidiennes, l'humoriste et chroniqueur de Thomas Isle ne lâche pas sa zapette et scrute la télé pour livrer sa critique humoristique ! TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal+, France 5, M6, Arte, C8, W9, TMC, TFX, NRJ12, RMC, sans oublier les chaînes d'informations comme BFMTV, LCI, France ...
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What's more important than your thoughts? And why think anything less than your best? Here at Lucidesse we explore everything in order to dissolve limitations and inspire ourselves to live our fullest life. We believe the greatest change is that which happens within, so join us as we shine light into murky areas of life and explore the things which limit our potential....and on the way, let's learn to live our personal truths, together. Together, we are stronger. Let's explore everything, fr ...
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Managing Your Financial Future with Johnny Dean and "Professor" Rick Plum, CFP® Brought to you by the advisors and investment professionals at Lucia Capital Group, a registered investment advisor. Integrating financial planning and investing decisions, designed to help you reach your own financial goals. Want the best tips on which hot stocks you should buy this week? Go somewhere else - we don't do that. It's all about planning, strategy, managing your future and taking control of your fina ...
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The Colm & Lucy Podcast, presented bybroadcasters Colm Hayes & Lucy Kennedy. Colm & Lucy present the breakfast show on Radio Nova and their weekly podcast describes some of the people they meet and things they talk about each week.
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Lucy Lumen is exploring the peripherals of photography and creativity. Searching for answers to the questions we ask ourselves in a world where consumption of art and culture is increasingly an online activity. Lucy wants to know the who, what, when, where, why and how of being a modern creative. Join Lucy as she shares her thoughts, feelings and experiences as a working photographer and artist( as well as a content creator) in both solo episodes and sharing the adventures of others in long ...
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Lucy & Technology is your go-to podcast for deep dives into the ever-evolving world of technology, innovation, and the visionary minds behind it all. Hosted by Lucy, this podcast explores groundbreaking trends in AI, cybersecurity, space exploration, and the digital economy. We uncover the stories of tech pioneers, analyze industry shifts, and discuss how emerging technologies are shaping our future. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, an aspiring entrepreneur, or just curious about the digita ...
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Arts Respond with Lucy Gellman


Lucy is a lapsed art historian who loves wordplay almost as much as community building. Prior to her time at The Arts Paper she was a reporter at the New Haven Independent and station manager at WNHH Community Radio, where she still produces and hosts Arts Respond.
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Luč v temi

Radio Ognjišče

»Luč v temi« je oddaja, ki prinaša zanimivosti s področja življenja in dela slepih in slabovidnih ter odgovarja na izzive vključevanja oseb z okvaro vida v družbo. Radio Ognjišče jo je vključil v svoj program praktično že na samem začetku svojega delovanja. Gre za edino redno tovrstno oddajo v slovenskem prostoru. Oddaja je v prvi vrsti namenjena ozaveščanju širše javnosti ter razbijanju predsodkov in stereotipov o ljudeh z okvaro vida, je pa tudi pomemben vir informiranja znotraj populacije ...
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ICONIC Authority – the podcast for audacious entrepreneurs who dare to defy convention and command their space with undeniable presence. Lucie Amanda guides trailblazing visionaries like you to amplify your magnetic authority, master wealth energetics, and scale your legacy with precision and ease. This isn’t about following a formula or playing small—it’s about daring to own your impact, building an empire that speaks to your power, and creating success on your terms. Every episode is an in ...
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Government of Saint Lucia

Government Of Saint Lucia

A range of topical information based radio programming brought to you from the Government Information Service of Saint Lucia. This podcast aims to bring an array of programming to the listening public. Our goal is to keep listeners up to date with all government developments, from the political arena through to the cultural sphere. Learn about the latest policy changes, growth initiatives and social projects. Stay attuned to Saint Lucia's rich heritage and culture, from our annual Independen ...
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Enter the confession box with comedian Lucie Isle, as she decides whether to send her guest to their own personal heaven or hell. In each confession session Lucie's guest proves their worth before the final judgement. A trial of honesty, confession and redemption, prepare to see the very best, and absolute worst sides of people you thought you knew. Featuring guests from trans, queer, drag and SW communities, and our allies. New episodes monthly. Sponsored by Facialteam, experts in Facial Fe ...
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The Lucid Project

Welcome to the Lucidd podcast, where i struggle to provide qualitative productions,.... only basic outlines for potential touching work
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Dive into the chilling and captivating world of 'Nurse Of Death, The Lucy Letby Story,' a true-crime podcast that takes you on a heart-stopping journey into the shadows of a case that has left the world reeling. Lucy Letby, once a trusted pediatric nurse, now stands accused of multiple counts of murder and attempted murder, transforming her into an enigmatic figure of darkness. As we unravel the intricate web of secrets, deception, and tragedy that surrounds her, this thrilling podcast serie ...
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show series
Za tokratno oddajo Sol in luč, smo izbrali delo Boba Goffa, ki skozi osebne izkušnje predstavi, kako v nepopolnem svetu živeti smiselno in polno življenje. Kako v tegobah vsakdana izkoristiti ves svoj potencial in slediti cilju, ki je samo vaš. V oddaji smo predstavili nekaj odlomkov iz knjige Sanjajte drzno, ki je izšla pri Celjski Mohorjevi družb…
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Pomembno vlogo pri začetkih izobraževanja slepih na Slovenskem so imele redovnice. Najpomembnejša med njimi je gotovo usmiljenka sestra Klara, z rodnim imenom Franica Vrhunc. Njeno življenje in delo ter položaj slepih in slabovidnih v prvi polovici 19. stoletja, nam je predstavila Urška Lah. V počastitev slovenskega kulturnega praznika pa smo oddaj…
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Dans cette édition, les Lucides discutent de l'importance de l'adamantium dans le MCU, de la nouvelle série de Buffy the Vampire Slayer et notre segment Versus: Blade versus Angelus! Rejoignez-nous sur notre groupe facebook Les Lucides MGE podcast! Merci à notre partenaire: L'Abyss…
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On this week's episode, we are delving into the depraved story of Charles Albright, a lesser-known serial killer from the 1990s. Charles terrorized the South Dallas area where he took 3 known victims but there are probably more that remain unsolved. These poor women were mercilessly killed and dumped in residential areas where they would easily be …
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Zraněného francouzského pilota si na sklonku 2. světové války parta skautů ze Sudet předává jako Tichou poštu. Scénář nového filmu po Jiřím Stránském dokončila jeho dcera. Zachycuje snímek skutečné události? „On o sobě říkal, že není spisovatel, že je vypravěč, že převypráví příběhy, které slyšel ve vězení. A toto je jeden z nich,“ přibližuje Klára…
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Retrouvez l’ensemble des épisodes du podcast Le petit monde d'Antoni de RFM ici "Je suis végétarienne, je ne mange que du blanc de poulet !" - Le petit monde d'Antoni Tout savoir de l'actualité people et média, c'est tous les jours à 7h35, avec Antoni Ruiz sur RFM !De către RFM
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Peut-on faire l'amour avec des dinosaures ? Et avec des fourchettes qui sont en réalité des soldats maudits ? Dans ce nouvel épisode de "Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe", on parle littérature. Lucile parle à Laetitia de quelques livres sur lesquels elle est tombée quand elle cherchait à se divertir : romance ou porno, ce sont surtout des réci…
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The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs has reaffirmed its commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for Saint Lucia’s older population through a strategic consultation on the draft National Policy for Older Persons. Hosted at the Ministries conference room, the gathering brought together key stakeholders from va…
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„Celou kauzu vyhazovu chápu jako určité privilegium, vyznamenání, zkoušku toho, abych to, co hlásám z kazatelen a co křičím na posluchače na přednáškách o odpuštění, najednou odžil sám ve svém vlastním životě,“ říká biolog, etik, skaut a katolický kněz Marek Orko Vácha. Proč musí jezdit v posledním voze metra? Čím ho inspiruje Mendel? A dá se tréno…
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In this episode......It’s been an emotional time as we say goodbye to ReddFoxx 🐾💔. In this video, we reflect on his passing, upcoming concerts this year, and whether or not we’ll be getting a new cat.On a lighter note, we play the beautiful morning song by The Rascals on the piano 🎹 and dive into the latest cruise news, including a story about an e…
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Saint Lucia’s Forestry Department is advancing climate action through a five-day training workshop, equipping staff with essential skills for improved forest data collection and UNFCCC reporting. Supported by the NDC Partnership Readiness Project (NRP) and GIZ, the initiative strengthens the country’s commitment to the Paris Agreement and climate r…
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Access to fast, reliable internet is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity for economic growth, education, and digital transformation. Recognizing this, the Caribbean Digital Transformation Project (CARDTP) is leading the charge in developing a Broadband Policy and Strategy for Saint Lucia. The initiative aims to close infrastructure gaps, ensure un…
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In the headlines: Government rolls out the first installment of back pay and salary increases to public sector workers following successful wage negotiations and; a waterlogged Mindo Philip Park in Marchand has forced the relocation of three major Independence Day events to ensure public safety and the preservation of the facility. For details on t…
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Štěpán Opluštil je porodníkem v trutnovské nemocnici, loni byl vybrán mezi čtrnáct finalistů soutěže Anděl mezi zdravotníky. Přiznává, že i po deseti letech praxe, je to pokaždé svátek, když drží čerstvě narozené miminko v ruce. „Je to neopakovatelný okamžik. Když je člověk svědkem bezprostřední radosti, je to opravdu věc, která s ním zamává. Když …
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Have you ever wanted to create change? Or unapologetically chase your dreams? Yet for some reason you stop before you ever get started? Do you ever feel stretched in so many different directions that it feels like you’ve lost your creative spark? My guest Becca Powers wants to empower you to unleash your potential and become everything you were mea…
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„Ti, co tam pracují, jsou obrovští srdcaři, protože si nemyslím, že mají takové platy, za které by to dělali. Dělají to prostě proto, že tu práci mají rádi,“ říká o zaměstnancích a zaměstnankyních brněnského centra Fenix jeho klientka Alice Valehrachová. Přestože kvůli ischemii míchy skončila na vozíku, rozhodla se vrátit ke svému původnímu povolán…
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To see everything I do and offer head to A lot of us photographers are faced with the task of showing up online in new ways that might make us feel uncomfortable. Often the key to doing this successfully is planning. Today I'm sharing how I ideate and script my content so I always have something to post! Part 2 coming next week and th…
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The Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) and the Caribbean Cooperative Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (CCMRV) Hub have signed an MOU to launch the Climate Impact and Data Enhancement Project in Saint Lucia. This initiative aims to improve climate impact analysis, refine data collection, and strengthen agricultural resilience, shaping future pol…
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Saint Lucia's Commercial Court, established in 2016, continues to streamline business dispute resolution, with EC$49 million in claims handled in 2024. The court's efficient and timely adjudication has enhanced the country’s ease of doing business and competitiveness, with expectations for its mandate to expand beyond commercial cases.…
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V novém dokumentárním seriálu České televize se Dan Bárta sžívá s biorytmem včel, stopuje invazní druhy, vlky i příklady dobré praxe, kterou člověk krajině přispívá. „Jednak bychom viděli něco, co funguje, jednak si myslím, že hlubinně psychologicky je každý z nás nastavený tak, že pokud prochází krajinou, která kvete, žije a je šťavnatá, tak se cí…
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Ricardo y Lucía Luzondo del ministerio Renovación Familiar nos presentan diversos temas que enfocan las situaciones que ocurren en el mundo actual y que nos afectan a los hombres, mujeres, jóvenes y niños en cualquier condición o estado de vida. A través de sus enseñanzas, experiencias, invitados y con la participación del público en vivo nos orien…
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In this episode......#5 Join us as we delve into the most memorable moments of Super Bowl 2025! From the Philadelphia Eagles’ triumphant 40-22 victory over the Kansas City Chiefs to Harrison Ford’s introspective Jeep commercial and WeatherTech’s lively “Born to Be Wild” ad featuring spirited grandmothers , we cover it all. Plus, get the latest weat…
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You've probably heard that your Social Security benefits are subject to taxation. You may have also heard that they're never taxed at all. Is it possible that both scenarios are true? The fact is that under current law, sometimes a recipient's Social Security benefits will wind up being taxed under certain conditions, while others may never pay a d…
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Enjoy this week's rerun while Jessica is out on her trip, see you next week for a brand-new episode! Unicorns… Dragons… Mermaids… Ghosts… Angels… Why not Giants?! Did they exist? Chime in this week while we have a fun discussion about giants and the evidence that suggests, why yes, they did exist (maybe they still do!) and ancient texts from all ov…
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Jak čelit urychlování vývoje umělé inteligence tlačeného korporacemi i americkou administrativou? Investovat do vlastních jazykových modelů už se Evropě nevyplatí, míní odborník. „Začínají se opakovat 50. léta, akorát na steroidech. Velmi důležitý potenciál pro Evropu, která zaspala a prokoučovala možnost být relevantní ve vývoji AI, není vyvíjet r…
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C'est quoi, vos red flags ? Dans ce nouvel épisode de "Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe", on parle red flags – ces petits signaux qui annoncent qu'on ne devrait peut-être pas se lancer dans une relation avec quelqu'un… ou alors qu'il est temps qu'elle s'arrête. Ils peuvent parfois être précurseurs d'une relation toxique, qu'il est bon d'éviter…
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