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《WOW挖藝術》是由臺中國家歌劇院所製播,可以搶先聽見經典作品的解析、藝術家訪談,及台前幕後小秘密。 「節目即將開始,但這次,不用急著收起會發出聲響或發光的電子產品,只需要把耳朵放心交給我們,與我們一起挖掘藝術的無限可能,願你擁有一個美好的聆賞經驗。」 其他平台訂閱這邊請:https://www.npac-ntt.org/blog/c-3EJB5jzG19R -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Beginning in 2009, the Sounders Pow Wow podcast features three season ticket holders of the Seattle Sounders FC discussing the boys in Rave Green, this and that as well as occasionally touching on other goings on throughout Major League Soccer.
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The #1 science podcast for kids and their grown-ups. Hosts Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz share stories about the latest news in science, technology, and innovation. Stories that give kids hope, agency and make us all say "WOW"! New episodes come out every Monday for free. Listen 1-week early and to all episodes ad-free with Wondery+, Wondery+ Kids on Apple Podcasts, or Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.
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Music Wow Station
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A podcast about End Times internet trends, pop culture moments and other girly harbingers of doom
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Girls Gone WoW keeps the Warcraft community in the know from a fresh perspective. Join #teampositive and their plethora of guests from the community each and every week!
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Three guys Some nerd stuff Some pow wow It’s Wednesday night!
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Welcome to our "Wow God" podcast led by Jamie Crawford of Breakthrough Ministries. To learn more go to www.breakthroughevangelism.com Our podcast include spontaneous messages, weekly devotion and much more. To support this ministry and help us reach people around the world click here. www.easytithe.com/breakthrough
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Need more whimsy and wonder in your life? Laugh with Lisa as she pairs relatable stories with loved scriptures. If you feel exhausted and deflated like a leftover birthday balloon, this podcast is a simple, one-minute way to uplift your day. It will point you toward Jesus who died so that we could live more abundantly.
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The Podcast For Those of Us Who Love Virtual Reality and Love Making Many Alts.
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WOWPodcast.me is a podcast directory for authors, writers and illustrators. This podcast is hosted by Darshaun McAway who helps creatives by allowing them to exchange ideas, share resources and network. This podcast gives you access to Authors from around the world. Darshaun's main focus is to instruct, inspire, and enlighten you. Phone line: 918-552-0278
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I’m new here and I dunno what to do with myself, Save me
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Los aspectos fuera del campo que le agregan atractivo a los partidos del fin de semana. Historias que humanizan a los jugadores, aspectos históricos de las franquicias que son el foco de atención, récords impuestos, aficiones o aficionados destacados.
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De podcast voor opvoeden in de realiteit. Want hoe mooi het ook in de boekjes staat omschreven, de praktijk is echt een ander verhaal. Ik neem je mee in mijn eigen nuchtere en humoristische kijk op opvoeden.
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Daren Thomas Magee of Real Fun, Wow! explores all manners of existence through the lens of curiosity humility, & humor.
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Wow If True is your one-stop internet culture shop, explaining how what’s happening online shapes the real world. And we’re the internet experts and real-life besties to unravel it: tech culture journalist Amanda Silberling and science fiction author slash attorney Isabel J. Kim, Esq. More importantly, we’re the only podcast that will mention Neopets and horizontal mergers in the same episode. New episode every other Wednesday.
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PowWows.com brings you interviews and updates from Indian Country. Pow Wow Life introduces you to Native Americans across the United States and Canada from singers and dancers to tribal and business leaders. Recorded live each week on the PowWows.com Facebook Page! Watch our Facebook page to see the show live - watch and chat live with the guests. PowWows.com is your source for all things Pow Wow since 1996! Visit PowWows.com for Pow Wow photos and videos, Pow Wow Calendar, news, updates and ...
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Cafe W.O.W (Words of wisdom) is a place where host and barista John Dodds unearths the uniqueness of his guests and the crafts they practice. From marketing to music, podcasting to poetry and all stations in between, guests share some of the innermost secrets of their profession as well as a few of their own. Grab a seat and order up your favorite drink of choice. You can stay as long as you like at Cafe W.O.W. The longer, the better.
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WoWcast è il Podcast dell’ omonima web agency! Tratteremo diverse tematiche: dalla produttività, a pillole di marketing, “Plog”(vlog versione podcast,), organizzazione!
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Canal del Podcast de WowSfera.com, fansite oficial del juego online multijugador World of Warcraft.
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WoW! Talk! is Mash Those Button's bi-weekly podcast about World of Warcraft. Expect to hear news, rumors, and just the general on goings in the WoW world.
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WowlolwoW new
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Are you interested in Natural Medicine and how to live a holistic life? Women of Wellness, Dr. Darlene Gustin ND and Donna Cappuccitti introduce you to their world of healthy living. Donna mainly interviews Dr. Gustin ND each week and asks her about how to best prevent disease and take the more natural approach to health and wellness. Join the two women as they tackle different topics and modalities that will lead you to a life that is more balanced.
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The QBD Marketing Pow Wow is your go-to podcast for expert advice on propelling your business to new heights. Hosted by Rich, QBD’s Head of Lead Generation, this podcast delves into a wide array of marketing topics, including SEO, digital marketing, websites, print, creative content, branding & design and video. Each episode features insight from QBD’s experts and successful clients who share their experiences and top tips for growing a business in today’s digital landscape. Whether you’re a ...
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From Woof to Wow is where dog training meets real talk! Join Josh Taylor, founder of Canine Education, as he shares his passion for dogs, personal stories, and no-nonsense advice for both dog owners and trainers. Whether you're struggling with your pup’s behaviour or looking to build a successful dog training business, Josh has your back. Expect laughs, lessons, and plenty of ‘aha’ moments as he spills his best-kept secrets, from transforming unruly dogs to scaling a thriving business. If yo ...
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Podcast by Kveller
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Is your mindset working for you or against you? Our podcast will show you how to build a mindset that will propel you and create opportunities to find joy in every aspect of your life. Doesn’t that sound great? A more positive mindset AND more joy? It’s all based in the science of positive psychology, which is the study of human thriving. Come and thrive right along with us!
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Two Whats?! And A Wow! - Making Sound Waves (3/28/25)
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9:04Why is Mindy doing some spring cleaning?! And what does this have to do with sound waves?! We've got the questions and the answers for you in today's round of Two Whats?! And A Wow! We're challenging you to find the fact in the fiction about SOUND! Originally aired 3/11/22. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Noti…
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《NTT聊天室─劇本殺時間》EP 2|三谷幸喜《笑之大學》 feat. 嚎哮排演 黃建豪
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43:27👀 這這個人怎麼這麼耳熟?難道是…… 沒有錯!這一集邀請到 #蕭東意 的另一半……事業上的啦🤭,aka臺中國家歌劇院駐館藝術家 #黃建豪,一起來「殺」時間啦! 這回蕭東意精心挑選了日本劇場大神 #三谷幸喜 的經典喜劇《笑之大學》。一位超級嚴肅的審查官,遇上一個喜劇作家,2人越來越「莫名其妙」的對話,卻意外探討了藝術、言論自由與幽默的力量。 更刺激的是,這兩位表演慾爆棚的搭檔,還輪流飾演審查官與劇作家!(聽到賺到) 🧐 到底誰扮演的審查官「機車程度」更勝一籌? 聽完節目,記得回來留言投票喔!🗳️ ( FB貼文會把宣傳資訊放在留言處) 📢 無情工商時間: 駐館藝術家黃建豪開課啦! ✔️ 專為青年量身打造的專業戲劇培訓計畫 ✔️ 結合表演訓練與創作實踐,還可以進小劇場呈現喔! 2025/5/13(…
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Seattle Sounders vs. San Jose (Week 6 2025)
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1:10:05And then there were NO goals? What the what? But there may be some relief on the way with suggestions concerning concessions. And pricing. And a new signing?De către Sounders Pow Wow
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Jugadores de NFL que participaron en el March Madness del baskeball colegial
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22:35Marzo en el deporte de Estados Unidos es sinónimo de basketball colegial y mientras todos se desgarran las vestiduras por su alma mater o se aferran a seguir vivos en su bracket, aquí les contamos la historia de 7 jugadores de NFL que pasaron por el basketball de NCAA.De către Mundo NFL
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WOW 377 ~ How to map out a path to more hope with Kim and Nancy
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16:11Are you born with hope or can you cultivate it? Research says you can build hope in your life and we’ve developed a Hope Map to help you do so! We explain it all in this podcast! In this episode, Kim and Nancy of https://www.thewisdomcoalition.com/ also talk about releasing a new workbook called Filling in the Missing Peace available on Amazon.…
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If you have a tongue, you have everything you need to leave a legacy!De către Lisa Wilt
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Hoe Reina van een 6 naar een 9 ging - binnen 4 maanden #94
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10:02In deze aflevering vertelt Reina hoe ze in slechts 4 maanden tijd van een 6 naar een 9 ging in haar rol als moeder. Ze deelt haar ervaring met het programma Realistisch Opvoeden en hoe ze veel meer rust en geduld vond in het ouderschap. Reina vertelt eerlijk over de struggles die ze had, maar ook over de mooie veranderingen die ze heeft doorgemaakt…
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Girls Gone WoW - Show 636: Delving Undermine!
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1:35:13Girls Gone WoW keeps the Warcraft community in the know from a fresh perspective. Join #teampositive and their plethora of guests from the community each and every week! We’re Delving into the Undermine Dungeons this week! Marie has popped in to say hello and let us know how she’s finding things too! We hope you enjoy the show – if you want to be a…
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He is working! Pastor Jamie Crawford
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47:18For more information and to stay up to date with Pastor Jamie Crawford, Breakthrough Ministries and Epicenter Church please visit our website's breakthroughevangelism.com or epicenterchurchok.comDe către wowgod
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The Podcast About Nothing, Seinfeld Discussion!
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1:15:28Send us a text Greetings nerds, The Podcast About Nothing, Seinfeld Discussion is today! We talk all about our favorite moments! Video episodes every Sunday on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@TheNerdPowWow Join the Nerds on discord https://discord.gg/X3awkB2C Find SeraphTheHost on twitch https://www.twitch.tv/SERAPHTHEHOST…
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Podcast Interview Jonni Jordyn : The Diva of Muds Flats
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12:40Let's have a conversation with Jonni Jordyn about the latest book on the market. The Diva of Mud Flats Buy the book on Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/Diva-Mud-Flats-Jonni-Jordyn-ebook/dp/B0DS94KY8R
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110: Rare JD Vances + Claude Plays Pokémon
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46:10Amanda tells Iz about Claude Plays Pokemon, where an AI wearing the skin of a beloved communal experience simply fails to make it out of Mt. Moon. Then Iz inflicts JD Vance memes on Amanda, explaining another sort of beloved communal experience: making JD Vance edits. Also—brodernism! Sources Amanda's article on Claude plays Pokémon Brodernism! An …
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Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 820 - Patch 7.2 Is Coming Next Week.
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1:25:07Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 820 - Patch 7.2 Is Coming Next Week AprilPvd and Grand Nagus discuss Final Fantasy XIV and Virtual Reality. Show Notes for Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 820 - Patch 7.2 Is Coming Next Week Send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play Virtual Reality and video games as an altoholic or dealing with it in your family life.…
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Dr. Gustin and co-host Donna Cappuccitti talk about the hidden toxins in your home and how important air quality is. Find out what you can do to have a healthy home that leads to a healthy body.De către Women Of Wellness
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Rock News P.ta 109 (16/03/2025)
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46:00Rock News P.ta 109 Nuovo episodio de “Lo Strillone Rock” l’appuntamento settimanale (Podcast Rock) con le notizie dal mondo della musica Internazionale e Nazionale. In questo episodio nel Break Music (lo spazio “fuori Tema” o “pausa” di metà puntata) si parla degli album che sono rimasti per ben 30 settimane alla numero uno della Billboard 100 e de…
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#1 Unearthing Desk Job Dreams and Podcast Glory with Ty Hildenbrandt, co-founder of The Solid Verbal College Football Podcast
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1:22:14Join host John Dodds at Café W.O.W. for an in-depth conversation with Ty Hildenbrandt, co-founder and voice of The Solid Verbal Podcast, the nation’s top independent college football podcast. From climbing the corporate ladder at Fortune 500 giant Air Products to boldly ditching stability for his passion, Ty’s journey is a masterclass in chasing dr…
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Nina and Olivia cover the highlights of the last month and discuss two bad baby daddies in pop culture right now- Elon Musk’s nationalist breeding mission and internet sensation and rapper Brad Bhabie’s baby daddy drama.De către Apocalypse Wow!
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Make the Most of 2025 Pow Wow Season – Essential Tips
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20:31Pow Wow season is here, and I want to help you make the most of it! Whether you’re hitting the road for the big ones or checking out a local Pow Wow for the first time, I’ve got some tips to make sure you’re ready. I’ll be sharing: ✅ How to find Pow Wows near you ✅ What to bring and how to prepare ✅ Tips for dancers, vendors, and spectators ✅ Pow W…
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Medication & Our Dogs - With Dr. KJ Goldenberg
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46:19Send us a text In this episode, Josh Taylor (Canine Education) teams up with Dr. KJ Goldenberg to unravel the real reasons behind canine anxiety, aggression, and resource guarding. They dive into how medical issues, missed warning signs, and misconceptions about dominance contribute to behavioural problems. Some key factors they discussed: Creating…
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QBD insights: AI made search smarter, will you thrive or dive? (Part 2)
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27:41This is part 2 of this podcast, make sure you listen to part 1 first. How much has AI really changed the search landscape over the past couple of years? Why does optimising content for generative search need to be part of every business’s SEO arsenal? And, with AI evolving at a rapid pace, what can online businesses do to thrive in the age of AI? I…
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