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show episodes
What is happening to our economy and our politics? Are we stuck forever in this corporate dystopia? What can we learn from the failures of radical politics over the last 100 years? Commandante Alpha talks in depth to experts from the fields of Political Economy, Politics, Science, Philosophy, Complexity, Mathematics, Music, and the Environment.
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Alpha and Omega Ministries International "Audio Messages"

Alpha and Omega Ministries International

Alpha & Omega Ministries International desire to see the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ fully restored to divine order through Kingdom governance and apostolic foundations. We believe the only way to achieve this vision is through God established relationships. Whereby we seek to create lasting connections with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe.
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Your sensors are correct...Do not adjust your've discovered the Omega Particle! Broadcasting to the entire Alpha Quadrant and beyond, your host Jonathan covers the most recent news in Star Trek and explores all aspects of Trek canon. Join us on this excursion into Podcast excellence!
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Classic Rock and Progressive Rock provided as part of the North Carolina Public FM Radio System! If you like long-form plays this is your station, sometimes mellow, sometimes hard. 2 hours of nonstop commercial-free music with a flow that you will enjoy and a little weirdness for fun to break the tunes. If you are into headphones this is your venue as all the music played is decompressed and remastered before it hits the airwaves. It’s all about the music and nothing more, you will feel the ...
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Alpha and Omega Exponent (AOE) was founded in February 2021 by Parfait M. Masungi. The mission of AOE is to share story time content and life lessons to add value to the life of all people, specifically to the youth. AOE shares stories of the Bible and of various people to extract practical lessons of understanding about life, building faith, unity, and strength in order to become better people.
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Omega Man

Omega Man Radio is a Full Gospel Internet Radio Show which preaches the Gospel - the Good News of Jesus Christ, Casts out Devils and prays for the sick that they be healed in Jesus Christ Name. Free Exorcism and Deliverance.
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Omega Ministry 末後事工

Omega Ministry Service Centre

在末後世代透過耶穌基督拯救失喪的,成全神在末後的旨意,為國度集结,預備,及培訓一群無名無聞無己,神所呼召的先鋒者,得勝者,殉道者,國度代禱者 及 敬拜者等。 建立及聯結國度禱告祭壇,裝備新婦/教會預備末世,進入啟示錄12章男孩子的命定,完成鐵杖轄管列國的託付。
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OmegaCast is geared to bring you people in strength sports! Competitors, supports, promoters and various other areas of our wonderful world! Strongman, Highland, Powerlifting, Bodybuilding and Crossfit. Sponsored by Omega Strength Apparel!
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Mecha Omega

Mecha Omega

Filmes, séries, animes e muito mais! Falamos um pouco sobre tudo de forma descontraída e bem informada. Podcast sobre tudo e para todos. Nos apoie: @MechaOmegaPod (no Twitter e Instagram) Email: Nosso mascote foi feito por: Aryel Meireles (@aryelsereio no Twitter) Mecha Omega, Um Podcast Sobre Tudo e Para Todos! Por: William Neto e Mateus Menezes.
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Omega Level Podcast

Omega Level Podcast

Omega Level is a comedy and discussion podcast focusing on comic books, movies, and geek news! We release new episodes every Tuesday! Check out the show and be entertained! YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE! Support this podcast:
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show series
Though I really wasn't feeling well after I arrived here in Amarillo, I felt it was absolutely necessary to address the amazingly dishonest attacks that have been launched against me about a single cross-examination question from Saturday night's debate. So we did a full dive into Ignatius, his writings, the issues with the transmission of those wr…
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This episode is a recording of a talk I recently gave to the Dutch marxist group ‘De Socialisten’ ( The talk was titled ‘Cybernetic Socialism for the 21st Century’, and was in conjunction with INDEP, the International Network for Democratic Economic Planning ( Youtube Version: https://www.youtub…
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職場新鮮人攻略 外商求職成功指南,跨國企業選才標準 揭開外商選才的神秘面紗,掌握跨國企業求職成功祕笈! Michael老師帶學生們了解外商公司最看重的人才特質,全方位解析外商人才甄選標準。 不僅比較美商、日商等不同外商的企業文化差異,更從薪資結構、福利制度到工作環境,剖析外商與台灣本土企業的關鍵不同。 無論是有意進入外商的求職者,或對國際職場文化感興趣的同學,這集節目都將提供寶貴的外商職場洞見,幫助你在國際舞台上脫穎而出! 📍更多有關海外企業體驗式學習的資訊介紹: 📍有關留學與職場銜接相關的實體講座資訊:…
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Dust off those Headphones jump into another reality of Classic Music. Remastered for your ultimate listening pleasure and experience! Come on in! This is where it all started in the 60’s and 70’s. The Magic Mushroom Hour has been Blessed with access to the North Carolina Public Radio System for over a decade. Giving me the opportunity to spread the…
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We have another segment live from the Omega Metroid Marathon before we get back into the swing of things next month! We have not one but TWO Trivia segments from the Marathon, with the entire Omega Metroid team competing against each other for the victory! Our pal Kiwi Talkz hosts the first Metroid Trivia segments, while Shinesparkers' and Zelda Un…
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Mainly covered the upcoming debates, how to properly encourage someone interested in pursuing apologetics, foundational issues, etc., and then talked a bit about Gavin Ortlund and his videos, and the recent discussion about the canon of Scripture, the Deuterocanonical books, etc. Not sure about when we will be able to do programs next week, to be h…
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職場新鮮人攻略 辦公室人性學,團隊合作的黃金法則 了解團隊合作的藝術,打造高效職場與優秀領導力! 本集中,Michael老師將著重探討團隊合作的核心要素:有效溝通、包容及尊重等重要性,分享跨部門的協作模式,建立信任關係,以及避免常見的團隊合作盲點。 對於團體中的領導者,Michael老師也提供一些平衡親和力與專業要求的實用建議,讓大家能在小組中各自扮演好自身角色,發揮最大效益。 從日常協作到危機處理、個人貢獻到團隊凝聚,學習創造一個良好且友善的工作環境,不僅提升工作效率,更能培養深厚的職場人脈與向心力。 歡迎下方留言告訴我們喔! 台北 02-23888900|…
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In many Scripture verses we see again and again the same phrase, “Jesus was moved with compassion”. And every time, His compassion led Him to action. His faith went into action and He healed the sick, fed the hungry, opened blind eyes, raised the dead, and taught the lost. This is the faith that cannot be denied, faith that is activated, energised,…
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Snuck a quick program in today before teaching at the seminary this evening, talking about developments with what seems like the soon passing of Pope Francis, etc. Then we briefly discussed recent conversations concerning Cameron Bertuzzi, a convert to Romanism, and his claim that the supposed appearances of Mary at Zeitoun, Egypt, decades ago prov…
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