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世界とつながる|IU-Connectの公式 Podcast

Arthur Zetes (アーサー・ゼテス)

英語を学ぶだけではなく、外国人と実際に話せるようになりたいと思っていませんか? アメリカのボストン出身のアーサー先生と一緒に、あなたがすぐに使える英語のコミュニケーションを身につけましょう!このポッドキャストではアメリカ人が実際に使う英語に限らず、すぐに実践できるコミュニケーションのコツや外国人と話す方法をたくさん学びます。ですので、初心者から上級者までレベルに関わらず、すぐに外国人と話せるようになります。アーサー先生と一緒に英コミ(英語コミュニケーション)を学びましょう
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News Connect(ニュースコネクト) ~あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間~ 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 野村高文(音声プロデューサー/Podcast Studio Chronicle代表) 東京大学文学部卒。PHP研究所、ボストン・コンサルティング・グループを経て、2015年にNewsPicksに入社。NewsPicksアカデミア マネージャー、編集部デスク、音声事業プロデューサーなどを歴任。2022年に独立し、Podcastレーベル「Choronicle(クロニクル)」を設立。これまで手掛けたPodcastに「NewsPicksニュースレター」「a scope 〜リベラルアーツで世界を視る目が変わる〜」など。現在、Audibleで「The Reading List」「みんなのメンタールーム」を配信中。TBSラジオ「テンカイズ」にレギュラー出演中。旅と柴犬とプロ野 ...
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A quirky, insider's guide to understanding France and the French, from the sublime to the ridiculous. Thursday at 1:45pm. And join us for French Connections Plus on the last Thursday of the month at 4:15pm.
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The Connector.

Koen Vanderhoydonk (The Connector)

Welcome to the connector podcast, an ongoing conversation connecting FinTechs, banks and regulators worldwide. Join CEO and founder Koen Vanderhoydonk as you learn more about the latest available trends and solutions in the markets.
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Climate Connections

Yale Center for Environmental Communication

How is global warming shaping our lives? And what can we do about it? We connect the dots, from fossil fuels to extreme weather, clean energy to public health, and more. Join Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz of Yale University for a daily 90-second podcast about climate change, where we confront reality and share inspiring stories of hope.
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Teresa Tomeo, host of Catholic Connection, discusses social issues, media awareness, and interviews community leaders and newsmakers live. Teresa reports on news throughout the Catholic community and how we can make a difference.
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Chaque jour, le producteur de l’émission "Le Meilleur des Mondes", décortique une actualité du secteur du numérique et des nouvelles technologies dans le cadre des "Matins". Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Sistahs Connect

Kimberly D Sumpter

Sistahs Connect features conversations with the inspiring black women that host Kimberly Sumpter has met throughout her life journey. The podcast highlights their unique experiences and is rooted in positivity and purpose.
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Evan Dawson talks about what matters to you on Connections. Do you have a story that needs to be shared? Pitch your story to Connections. For transcripts, please email our Move to Include team with a link to the episode.
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A new look at New England, as hosts Travis Poppleton and Terrance Abney discuss what it’s like to experience moving to the Northeast. Whether you’re planning to visit or relocate to this bucolic part of the world, the Connecticut Show will help you navigate the in’s and out’s.
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acQuire Connected is your compass in the world of data. acQuire Connected features conversations with thought leaders and technology experts who bring together people, process and technology for tackling increasingly complex data challenges impacting Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) as it relates to the earth's resources, the natural environment and communities.
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show series
Eric Löwgren, Head of Network at data center provider GleSYS, joins the podcast for a discussion on what impacts the selection of where to put a data center, the trend of moving things out of the cloud, AI driving power density and connectivity demands, and attracting ‘lead guitar’ talent to the data center industry.…
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durée : 00:03:25 - Un monde connecté - par : François Saltiel - Le 4 décembre, Brian Thomson, le patron de l’assurance santé UnitedHealthcare est assassiné en pleine rue à Manhattan, le tueur présumé Luigi Mangione est devenu un héros sur les réseaux sociaux où les internautes glorifient son geste meurtrier comme un acte de justice.…
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Tuesday's "Connecticut Today" started with host Paul Pacelli talking about the continued reaction to the murder of United HealthCare's CEO and the real question that needs to be asked about health insurance costs (00:37). CBS News reporter Shawna Mizelle checked in from West Palm Beach, FL, with the latest on the Trump White House (14:30). Yankee I…
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【このPodcastについて】 News Connect(ニュースコネクト)あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかるニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 野上英文(ジャーナリスト) ▼JAPAN PODCAST AWARDS ▼出演Podcast 「Job Session」(TBSラジオ) 「定時までに帰れるラジオ」 http…
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There’s a new chair for Bridgeport’s Board of Education. It’s being called a monumental change for the board. What else is happening amidst a budget cut and the uncertain future of the current superintendent? We asked board member, Rob Traber. To watch last night’s meeting: Image Credit: Getty Images…
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Annika is the Head of Safety at Kopernikus Automotive, where she oversees functional safety, cybersecurity, and system development processes. Starting as a working student at a small engineering service firm, she discovered her passion for safety, a field she’s since made her own. After just a year in her first role, she became a technical lead, an…
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Host Paul Pacelli opened Monday's "Connecticut Today" wondering how Democrats still don't understand why Donald Trump was elected again last month (00:34). Blogger Chris Powell joined us to talk about the continuing problems of violence and poverty in the state's cities and the legacy of the late Governor M. Jodi Rell (09:39). University of New Hav…
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News Connect(ニュースコネクト)あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 竹村由紀子(報道ディレクター/映像作家) ▼ 第6回Japan Podcast Awards投票はこちら ▼Podcast「世界のクリエイティブ思考」×「ニュースコネクト」コラボイベント…
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The annual event kicks off this Saturday, December 14th at noon in the small town of Lisbon, located in northern Howard County, Maryland. The parade features antique tractors and farm equipment, antique cars, and 250 horses from all over the state of Maryland. All food and money raised will go to Carroll County Food Sunday, the Howard County Food B…
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In a groundbreaking development to better delivery of cancer care in Connecticut, the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at St. Vincent’s Medical Center has been designated as the first Care Partner of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in the United States. So, what does this mean for cancer patients in Connecticut? We spoke with Bill Jennin…
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durée : 00:03:11 - Un monde connecté - par : François Saltiel - La Cour constitutionnelle a annulé les élections présidentielles suite à des éléments des services secrets roumains qui attestent que TikTok a été instrumentalisé pour favoriser le candidat ultra-nationaliste Călin Georgescu. La Russie est visée, explications.…
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In today’s episode, Connected Families Co-Founder Jim Jackson interviews Stephen Freeman, a father of five, who shares how Connected Families impacted his parenting approach. Through coaching and practical tools, Stephen learned to see challenging behaviors differently and developed a deeper understanding of both parenting and God as Father. Mentio…
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News Connect(ニュースコネクト)あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 新井里菜(オーディオジャーナリスト) 音声ドキュメンタリー「越境家族 - Transnational Family」 野上さんご出演回「S01E10 // 海外移住で「変わるもの・変わらないもの」  ▼支援プログラム「Chronicleサポーター」については、こちらを…
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NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people to Jesus and each other. Whether you've been around church your whole life or this is a brand new journey, we have a…
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Shaun Attwood tells his incredible story of how he went from a working class childhood in England to becoming a successful stockbroker in the United States to running a multi-million dollar drug smuggling empire and eventually doing time in one of the most controversial prison systems in North America. He talks about the web of operations he set up…
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【PR】NordVPN 下記のリンクからお申し込みいただくと、サブスクリプション費用が大幅割引!さらに今なら4か月分が延長されます。30日間の全額返金保証もあるので、この機会にぜひお試しください。 ▼詳細はこちらから ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ▼クーポンコード newsconnect *クーポンコードはチェックアウト時にご入力ください *上記URL経由では自動でクーポンが反映されます ***** News Connect(ニュースコネクト)あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間 1日1つ、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとう…
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William Gan joins me for episode #5 of the All You Can Friend podcast. 🎤We discuss Will realising as an adult that he had been lonely most of his life Navigating social opportunities Building successful friendships Making friends in new places How to heal personal wounds and the power of doing so Relational techniques to deepen connection Find Will…
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Host Paul Pacelli wrapped up the week on "Connecticut Today" by looking at a recent study committee vote that could bring Connecticut one step closer to using ranked-choice voting - on a limited basis (00:40). Quinnipiac University Assistant Professor of Law Wayne Unger dropped by to analyze a federal court ruling that could put the social media ap…
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