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HER HOLISTIC HEALING, Autoimmunity, Chronic Illness, Natural Remedies, Chronic Fatigue, Essential Oils, Meal Ideas

Alexandra Yu-Christian Health Coach, Holistic Health Coach, Registered Nurse, Mama Bear

Holistically Healthy Woman: Simple Habits to Move Away from Modern Medicine for Christians ****TOP 1.5% PODCAST (global ranking)**** Are you discouraged and overwhelmed by autoimmunity or chronic symptoms? Do you want more energy and less anxiety so that you can do “all the things”? Are you searching for meal ideas, essential oils, and other holistic treatments so that you can finally feel better? In this podcast, you will learn empowering principles and simple, practical solutions that can ...
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Health gurus rage about supplements, superfoods, and quick fixes that can help you lose weight, look younger, and heal diseases. But what will it truly take to stay healthy? Holistically Healthy Woman: 4 Steps to Move Away from Modern Medicine for Christians Free Community B…
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1. Find out what the Bible says about health and healing 2. Sleep more and sleep better 3. Exercise! (YouTube videos, walks, etc.) 4. Set healthy boundaries in relationships 5. Spend time outside 6. Find out what your calling is and pursue it 7. Pay off debt/get finances in order 8. Swap out toxic cleaning supplies/personal care products for health…
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God created us uniquely and he gave us unique callings. I believe that walking in your unique calling will give you more energy and fulfillment. When you are being who God created you to be, and when you are doing what God created you to do, I believe you will wake up with excitement and energy on most days. Holistically Healthy Woman: 4 Steps to M…
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“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” -1 Corinthians 13:13 We seem to hear a lot about faith and love. But what about hope? How important is hope? Can we have love and faith if we don't have hope? What can we do when we feel hopelessness or despair? “And we know that for those who love God all things …
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Turmeric has been used in Asia for thousands of years for cooking and medicinal purposes. Current research shows that turmeric may be beneficial for the nervous system, skin and metabolic processes. These are just some of the benefits that I found on PubMed. I was also fascinated by the names of turmeric. In Sanskrit, turmeric has at least 53 diffe…
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Key Takeaways It is important for the church to engage in politics without straying from Biblical principles Political discussions can be loving and fruitful Seemingly small actions can make a big impact Aim to ensure that truth and love is a part of every conversation Autumn Brueckmann Website Book 2034: A Cautionary Tale…
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If you want a healthy body, I believe that it starts with a healthy mindset. 4 Steps to A Healthy Body: 1. Replace the lies with the truth 2. Know who God is and know who you are 3. Decide to believe what the Bible says about you and walk it out 4. Find an accountability partner Holistically Healthy Woman: 4 Steps to Move Away from Modern Medicine …
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"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."-Romans 8:1 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30 When yo…
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"If you live like no one else, later you can live like no one else." -Dave Ramsey I don't agree with everything about Dave Ramsey, but I think this is a great quote. This principle can be applied to every aspect of life, including health. Holistically Healthy Woman: 4 Steps to Move Away from Modern Medicine for Christians…
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"But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil." -Luke 6:35 "Then Peter came up and said to him, 'Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?' Jesus said to h…
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If you want to know more about health supplements, this episode is for you! Key Takeaways 1. Buy high-quality supplements. 2. Consider starting with just one or two at a time. 3. Know that different formulations will have different effects (and costs). 4. Ask God for wisdom first. 5. Don't forget about other root causes of illness. Holistically Hea…
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Do you lack clarity, consistency, or accountability? Key Takeaways: Invite God on your health journey. Stop getting distracted. Find a group of uplifting women who can encourage you and keep you accountable. Holistically Healthy Woman: 4 Steps to Move Away from Modern Medicine for Christians Free Community www.facebo…
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What are your thoughts on these 10 Intuitive Eating principles from 1. Reject diet culture 2. Honor your hunger 3. Make peace with food 4. Discover the satisfaction factor 5. Feel your fullness 6. Challenge the food police 7. Cope with your emotions with kindness 8. Respect your body 9. Movement—feel the difference 10. Honor yo…
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“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too ea…
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Are these 3 limiting beliefs stopping you from reaching your health goals? 1. I'm not sure I can do this. 2. My progress will be undone by unhealthy food at social events. 3. It's difficult to find time for exercise and proper nutrition. Holistically Healthy Woman: 4 Steps to Move Away from Modern Medicine for Christians…
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"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." -Ephesians 5:11 "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" -Isaiah 5:20 Holistically Healthy Woman: 4 Steps to Move Away from Modern Medicine for Christians www.he…
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Key Takeaways: You were "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God. The brain believes what you tell it believe, and your brain controls your body. That is why your beliefs and self-talk must align with the Bible. Does your self-talk help your health/life or limit your health/life? Professional sports players use visualization techniques as part of th…
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Bronnie Ware is a palliative care worker who identified 5 common regrets of people who were about to die. Let's talk about how we can avoid these common regrets! 5 Common Regrets on the Deathbed 1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. 2. I wish I didn’t work so hard. 3. I wish I’d had the cou…
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Chelsea Jene's YouTube Channel Key Bible Passages "Anyone whom you forgive, I also forgive. Indeed, what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of Christ, so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs." -2 Corinthians 2:10-11 "Lit…
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I started drinking matcha and I love it! Matcha has a never-ending list of health benefits. However, if you are not a fan of matcha, God created so many other healthy foods for you to try. "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!" -Psalm 32:8 Hope for Your Health: 4 Simple, Holistic Steps to Overcome Aut…
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Key Takeaways 1. God has his own timing. 2. God uses trials for our growth. 3. God is always with us. 4. God will eventually use heartache for good. "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28 Hope for Your Health: 4 Simple, Holistic Steps to Overcome A…
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Key Takeaways 1. Collagen is vital for all parts of your body, but the production of collagen is reduced due to aging or other factors. 2. An increase in collagen consumption can have benefits for your skin, gut, metabolism, hair, nails, liver, heart—collagen will basically help your whole body! 3. Collagen can be obtained from animals such as cows…
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Key Takeaways 1. Ask God for healing and wisdom first. 2. Go back to the basics (eg. resting, eating real food, and minimizing stress). 3. Don't give up! Many people have reversed their symptoms. You always have hope because your hope is in God. "Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again …
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Key Takeaways 1. God intervenes when we pray. 2. Healthcare professionals are humans that can mess up. 3. Healthcare professionals are not necessarily trained to think outside-the-box. 4. Remember that the Holy Spirit lives inside of you, and that God gives wisdom generously to those who ask for it. Hope for Your Health: 4 Simple, Holistic Steps to…
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There are many symptoms of autoimmunity that you might not know about. However, there are many simple, natural tools that can help with chronic symptoms. As you continue to learn about alternative methods for health, you will feel more and more empowered. Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way …
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God often shows us his love through other people. Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Free Community Book (Discover God’s Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick)…
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True, lasting healing starts with seeking God's wisdom for health. The creator of our bodies will give us wisdom for our health if we ask him for wisdom. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." James 1:5 Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with…
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Once you find natural remedies that work for your body, you'll be so glad that you gave them a try! Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Free Community Book (Discover God’s Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths…
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Jesus, I need a breakthrough. Those are the words I texted to my friends. The very next day, God sent people my way who prayed over me, and they spoke words of truth into my life. The breakthrough that I prayed for came in that same week. I believe that more breakthrough is coming. Jesus always shows up for his kids. "Before they call I will answer…
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Small farms—like Miller's Organic Farm—are under attack. Does the way we raise our animal meats make a different for our health? Does God have anything to say about it? Miller's Organic Farm Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Free Community www.faceboo…
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There are many ways to increase your energy. I think you will be surprised by the last two ways on the list. Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Free Community Book (Discover God's Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Com…
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Shan Wright is daughter of the King, mom to 4, wife of 13 years, RN and wellness coach. Her passion for holistic healing and wellness grew after her experience with postpartum anxiety. She now shares the solutions she uses for intentional and peaceful motherhood on the Top 3% globally ranked podcast, Holistic Moms. Shan is always down for deep conv…
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God's goodness was evident throughout my daughter's visit to the hospital. 6 Lessons/Reminders from Our Recent Hospital Visit 1. Be an advocate for your health and the health of your loved ones. 2. Listen to Holy Spirit. 3. Hang onto the promises of God. 4. God will be with you as you walk through the trials. 5. "For those who love God, all things …
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If you have trouble sticking with a work-out routine, it's okay! I've been there many times. Don't give up. A little bit of movement can go a long way. Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Free Community Book (D…
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Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Free Community Book (Discover God's Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick) Holistic Health Coaching www.herholistichealing…
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Are you too busy to work on your health? Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Free Community Book (Discover God's Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick) Holist…
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"Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to …
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Let's minimize our consumption of fake, processed food and find our way back to God's healthy, delicious food. There are so many plants, animals, spices, and herbs to choose from! Link mentioned Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) www.herholistiche…
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Truly, the best is yet to come! "For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” -Revelation 7:17 Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) …
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Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Book (Discover God's Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick) Free Community Holistic Health Coaching www.herholistichealing…
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If you have trouble sticking to healthy routines, this episode is for you. Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Book Free Community Holistic Health Coaching www.herholistichealing…
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If you are confused by numerous diet options, have you ever thought about asking God what you should eat? The God who created your body knows what will work best for your body. Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way (free) Book Fre…
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Kimily Kay and her family are musical, imaginative, outdoorsy, imperfect lovers of wonder, friendship, and the Creator who made them. She and her husband have six adult children (when you count the married-in ones) and seven grandchildren. She released her first novel, a dystopian youth novel on December 1st of this year. Kimily Kay Book Samuri and…
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Not only are natural sweeteners filling and delicious, they are healthy as well. Book Free Community Free Guide (4 Steps to Feel Better from Autoimmunity, Gut Issues, and Chronic Symptoms) Free PDF (70 Bible Passages for Health, Healing, an…
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"Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life." -Isaiah 43:4 Book Free Community Free Guide (4 Steps to Feel Better from Autoimmunity, Gut Issues, and Chronic Symptoms) www.herholistichealin…
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The God we serve is the God of MIRACLES! God is the God of miracles, but he also wants us to take action. Your health is at stake, beauty! Are you taking action? Link mentioned Book Free Guide (4 Steps to Feel Better from Autoimmunity, Gut Issues, and Chronic Symptoms) www.herholis…
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Discover God's Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick is now available! You can hear Chapter 3 in this episode. Book Free Guide (4 Steps to Feel Better from Autoimmunity, Gut Issues, and Chronic Symptoms) Free PDF (70 Bible Passages for Health, Healing, and Choosi…
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Discover God's Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick is now available! You can hear Chapter 2 in this episode. Book Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with Holistic Health God’s Way Free Community…
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Discover God's Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick is now available! You can hear Chapter 1 in this episode. Book Free Guide (4 Steps to Feel Better from Autoimmunity, Gut Issues, and Chronic Symptoms) Free PDF (70 Bible Passages for Health, Healing, and Choosi…
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Discover God's Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick is now available! You can hear the introduction in this episode. Book Free Guide (4 Steps to Feel Better from Autoimmunity, Gut Issues, and Chronic Symptoms) Free PDF (70 Bible Passages for Health, Healing, and…
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