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The CEU Press Podcast , hosted by Andrea Talabér, aims to delve into various aspects of the publishing process: from crafting a book proposal, finding a publisher, responding to peer review feedback on the manuscript, and the subsequent distribution, promotion and marketing of academic books. We will also talk to series editors and authors, who will share their experiences of getting published and talk about their series or books.
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Earn your OT CEUs by listening for free to our episodes, then logging into the OT Potential Club to take a quiz and earn a certificate. In each episode, we discuss new OT-related research and invite an expert guest to pull out actionable takeaways. Perfect for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants. Episodes are released every other week.
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CEU Cast

Edmond Counseling and Professional Development

CEU Cast is the podcast for Oklahoma Mental Health Professionals. Learn invaluable content to improve your practice, connect with other professionals, and earn continuing education just for listening to the show!
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Gumbo Education Nurse Practitioners CEUs Podcast

Gumbo Education Nurse Practitioners CEUs Podcast

Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and other in the Medical Field like most are very busy. While in your car, at home or in the office, listen to this podcast to gain knowledge and then earn CEUs. Once you listen, you can go to the webpage that offers the CEUs, take the test. It saves the time of searching for CEUs and makes access easier.
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The CEU Review of Books Podcast Series explores the questions that affect us all through in-depth talks with researchers, policy makers, journalists, academics and others. We bring the most current research linked to Central Europe through these discussions. At the CEU Review of Books, we encourage an open discussion that challenges conventional assumptions to foster a vibrant debate. Visit www.ceureviewofbooks.com to read our latest reviews, long reads and interviews. Write for us! Our aim ...
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Tudo de Bom em Pod Cast que vem dos "CÉUS" Vc encontra em nosso "BAÚ": Leitura do P.D.(Princípio Divino) e demais literaturas do M.U.M. (Movimento de Unificacão Mundial) Conferências de Exposição do Ideal de Unificação, Canções Sagradas, (Vocal e Instrumental) etc. Idioma: Português, Para receber notificações de Novos Episódios Via Whatsapp ou Telegram, adicionem o contato marcioultimo@gmail.com +5584991130001
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show series
In this interview, Maria Theisen talks about her work on the Making of the Wenceslas Bible. This great bible was written in German in the late fourteenth century, and although it was never completed, it still contains 2,000 folios and over 650 illuminations. Maria sets the creation of the bible into the context of the times, particularly the reform…
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In this episode, host Andrea Talabér (CEU Press) sits down with Cathie Carmichael (University of East Anglia) to talk about her new book with CEU Press, The Habsburg Garrison Complex in Trebinje: A Lost World. In the podcast we talked about the importance of Trebinje as a garrison town for the Habsburgs, the role of women in the town and the import…
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Hoy finaliza el plazo para presentar enmiendas al Presupuesto de la Ciudad para 2025. El Movimiento por la Dignidad y la Ciudadanía, por su parte, ha planteado 7 por un montante total de 2.647.000 euros. Entre las iniciativas, proponen la construcción de viviendas sociales en concepto de alquiler. Una partida que esperan ampliar en un millón de eur…
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La Confederación de Empresarios y el Gobierno estudian la posibilidad de que los comercios ofrezcan sus productos de forma online a toda Europa. La idea es que una plataforma facilite los envios de las compras. La presidenta de la Confederación, Arantxa Campos, recuerda que Ceuta ya no tiene la afluencia de turistas procedentes de Marruecos, por es…
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El Partido Popular acusa al Gobierno Central de impedir la reforma de la Ley de Extranjería. El diputado por Ceuta, Javier Celaya, asegura que el Ejecutivo de Pedro Sánchez no ha cumplido con sus peticiones, entre las que se encontraba la solicitud de ayuda a la Unión Europea para abordar el reparto de menores extranjeros no acompañados. Escuchar a…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Eleição de Maria | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 7 de Dezembro de 2024. Génesis 3,9-15; Efésios 1,3-12 e Lucas 1,26-38. Instagram © Max Richter, All Human Beings – International Voices (Universal Music Operations Limited, 2020) – Todos los Seres Humanos (Narrado por María Valverde) © Mam…
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Artificial intelligence is ushering a new era of healthcare tools. These range from ambient listening to streamlined practice management. But, the AI-supported that I believe will truly transform occupational therapy is: Clinical Decision Support. To be honest, it often feels like we have more clinical decision barriers than we have support. Our EM…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo I do Advento C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 30 de Novembro de 2024. Jeremias 33,14-16; 1 Tessalonicenses 3,12 – 4,2 e Lucas 21,25-28.34-36. Instagram © Max Richter, All Human Beings – International Voices (Universal Music Operations Limited, 2020) – Todos los Seres Humanos (Na…
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El médico y expolítico ceutí, Javier Guerrero, ha sido absuelto de los delitos de calumnia e injurias. El que fuera consejero de Sanidad fue acusado tras unas declaraciones en las que afirmaba que los profesionales del centro de la Esperanza estaban presionando a los menores extranjeros no acompañados para que lo denunciasen por abusos, prometiéndo…
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El Gobiernose va a reunir la próxima semana con el Partido Popular y con los Ejecutivos de Ceuta y Canarias para abordar la reforma del artículo 35 de la Ley de Extranjería y hacer vinculante el traslado de menores migrantes a otros territorios. El PP ha accedido finalmente a mantener este encuentro que, en un primer momento, se iba a celebrar hoy.…
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In this episode, we get to know our colleague Tania Arcimovich, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Erfurt and a key member of the Protecting Academia at Risk project. Originally from Minsk, Tania reflects on her journey to Germany, her evolving identity as a scholar, and the impact of displacement on academic life.Tania shares her unique pe…
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In this interview, Olga Kalashnikova, recent PhD graduate and researcher at the CEU Democracy Institute ‘History of Democracy’ section, discusses her research into Good Friday Sermons – the Mass Media of 14th Century Bohemia.Olga’s research focussed on Milíč of Kroměříž, a popular and radical preacher in Bohemia who wrote many lengthy sermons which…
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La Policía Nacional ha detenido a cuatro personas en Ceuta por su presunta participación en delitos relacionados con el terrorismo yihadista. Se ha logrado desmantelar una célula del Daesh que operaba en la región africana del Sahel. El dispositivo se ha llevado a cabo esta madrugada en al menos dos barriadas de la ciudad; entre ellas, El Príncipe.…
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La Policía Nacional ha llevado a cabo un operativo en diferentes barriadas de Ceuta. Se han realizado registros en viviendas de Villajovita, El Sardinero o Los Rosales, en una operación relacionada con delitos de narcotráfico. Hay un guardia civil detenido. Desde primera hora de la mañana los agentes han incautado diferentes objetos de estas casas,…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Solenidade de Cristo Rei do Universo B | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 23 de Novembro de 2024. Daniel 7,13-14; Apocalipse 1,5-8 e João 18,33-37. Instagram © Gavin Bryars, Jesus’ Blood Has Never Failed Me Yet (Universal International Music B. V., 1993) – Tramp With Orchestra (String Quart…
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El presidente de la Ciudad, Juan Vivas, acude mañana al Palacio de la Moncloa para reunirse con el presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez. En este encuentro, que forma parte de la ronda de contactos con dirigentes autonómicos que comenzó en el mes de septiembre, se hablará de los desafíos que afronta Ceuta. Escuchar audio…
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The Epley maneuver is a 💎 rare gem 💎 in the OT toolkit. A patient can walk into our treatment room, and they can walk out cured. They can walk out with instant relief. (Yes, there is nuance to this. Sometimes the maneuver needs to be repeated. Sometimes it simply doesn’t work. There are important contraindications.) But, the other thing that makes …
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo XXXIII do Tempo Comum B | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 16 de Novembro de 2024. Daniel 12,1-3; Hebreus 10,11-18 e Marcos 13,24-32. Instagram © Gavin Bryars, Jesus’ Blood Has Never Failed Me Yet (Universal International Music B. V., 1993) – Tramp With Orchestra (String Quartet) [e…
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In this episode, we hear from our colleague, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kleeberg from the History of Science (Historical Department) at the University of Erfurt. Prof. Kleeberg discusses his work on political epistemologies and the cultures of knowledge, focusing on how scientific habits and political frameworks intertwine. As a historian of science, he sh…
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El 25 de noviembre es la fecha que ha fijado la Ciudad Autónoma para disponer de una solución que permita municipalizar los servicios que actualmente prestan los trabajadores de las Brigadas Verdes. La principal dificultad es cuadrar las cuentas para que no suponga un incremento del gasto que ya se invierte en este colectivo. Escuchar audio…
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Sindicatos y patronal ya han comenzado la negociación del Convenio de Hostelería que se venció en 2014. Se trata de una larga reivindicación de CCOO y UGT, que esperan que las reuniones sean fructíferas y este sector pueda contar pronto con un documento actualizado que permita mejorar las condiciones laborales y salariales de un importante número d…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo XXXII do Tempo Comum B | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 9 de Novembro de 2024. 1 Reis 17,10-16; Hebreus 9,24-28 e Marcos 12,38-44. Instagram © Gavin Bryars, Jesus’ Blood Has Never Failed Me Yet (Universal International Music B. V., 1993) – Tramp With Orchestra (String Quartet) [ex…
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The UrbanCommunity podcast elevates voices from community led initiaitves for sustainable and just cities.In this final episode (for now), our community of practice expert and network weaver, Duncan, explains what these terms mean. He shows us how local initiatives, like our previous UrbanCommunity experiments, can be connected over great distances…
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Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common cause of non-traumatic disability in people aged 18-65 years. As rehab professionals, we know that exercise is one of the mainstays of treatment for these clients. Though not definitively established, exercise has the most potential promise to be disease modifying if started early in the course of disease.…
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Pour le lancement de cette 8ème saison de Ceux qui nous lient, mon invitée est Lauren Malka. J’ai connu Lauren il a longtemps lorsqu’elle était jeune étudiante au Celsa, elle était mon élève alors que j’étais à l’époque encore doctorante. Aujourd’hui Lauren Malka est journaliste, et comme on va le voir, sa grande curiosité et son sens de l’analyse …
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This episode examines, through the lens of Aristotelian virtue ethics, how roguelike video games, such as Cogmind, can foster personal development and self-understanding through training our ethical and intellectual virtues. Roguelikes provide more than entertainment; they offer a space to practice virtue, teaching resilience, adaptability, and gro…
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This episode examines the classic psychological horror game Silent Hill 2 through the framework of psychoanalysis, investigating how the game represents the unconscious, dream symbolism, horror, and the processing of trauma. Silent Hill 2 is celebrated for its sophisticated portrayal of human psychology, particularly its engagement with a Freudian …
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This episode continues our exploration of Wittgenstein’s philosophy, moving on to his famous remarks on games in his Philosophical Investigations, which have become one of the most famous pieces of philosophical writing in video game studies. Watch the video version on YouTube here.CreditsWritten and presented by James CartlidgeProduced by Greta Ra…
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Wittgenstein famously wrote about games in a book called Philosophical Investigations, one of the most important philosophical works of the 20th century. To contextualize his thoughts, Part 1 of this series provides an introduction to Wittgenstein’s life and philosophy. Part two will discuss the most famous passages from the Philosophical Investiga…
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Named for their similarity to the 1980 video game Rogue, ‘roguelikes’ have one of gaming’s richest, most interesting histories, represent one of gaming’s most enduringly popular genres, and one of its most enduringly influential in terms of game design. The roguelike’s history stretches back to the earliest days of video gaming but also continues t…
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This episode explores the philosophical relevance of video games, examining why games matter and what they reveal about the human condition. At the core of this inquiry is the question of what it means to be human and how we cope with life’s existential tensions. Playing games, engaging in sport, and immersing ourselves in stories are all ways in w…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo XXXI do Tempo Comum B | Lisboa, 3 de Novembro de 2024. Deuteronómio 6,2-6; Hebreus 7,23-28 e Marcos 12,28-34. Instagram © Gavin Bryars, Jesus’ Blood Has Never Failed Me Yet (Universal International Music B. V., 1993) – Tramp With Orchestra (String Quartet) [excerto] | artigo de Alfr…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Solenidade de Todos os Santos | Lisboa, 1 de Novembro de 2024. Apocalipse 7,2-14; 1 João 3,1-3 e Mateus 5,1-12. Instagram © Gavin Bryars, Jesus’ Blood Has Never Failed Me Yet (Universal International Music B. V., 1993) – Tramp With Orchestra (String Quartet) [excerto] | artigo de Alfredo Te…
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In this episode, Alina Dragolea, Associate Professor at the National University of Political Science and Public Administration in Bucharest, discusses the complex dynamics of "academia at risk" in both high- and low-ranked universities. She challenges Western-centric views on academic migration and explores how diverse institutional and national co…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo XXX do Tempo Comum B | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 26 de Outubro de 2024. Jeremias 31,7-9; Hebreus 5,1-6 e Marcos 10,46-52. Instagram © Gavin Bryars, Jesus’ Blood Has Never Failed Me Yet (Universal International Music B. V., 1993) – Tramp With Orchestra (String Quartet) [excert…
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As occupational therapists, many of us have witnessed the wonder of motor learning in neuro rehab. Yet despite years of research attempting to identify the most effective post-stroke interventions, the reality is that our understanding of how to improve recovery of function remains incomplete. The article we are reviewing today serves as an update …
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo XXIX do Tempo Comum B | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 19 de Outubro de 2024. Isaías 53,10-11; Hebreus 4,14-16 e Marcos 10,35-45. Instagram © Gavin Bryars, Jesus’ Blood Has Never Failed Me Yet (Universal International Music B. V., 1993) – Tramp With Orchestra (String Quartet) [exc…
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In this episode, Dina Gusejnova (PhD in History, University of Cambridge), Associate Professor in International History at LSE, shares her insights on the complexities of supporting scholars at risk in Europe. With research interests in modern European political, intellectual, and cultural history—particularly during transitional periods such as th…
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In this episode host, Andrea Talabér (CEU Press) sits down with Oksana Rosenblum, the translator of the new addition to our CEU Press Classics series, On Shaky Ground by V. Domontovych. We talk about Domontovych’s background, the process of translation, and about Oksana’s own memories of reading the book for the first time in the early 1990s. On Sh…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Domingo XXVIII do Tempo Comum B | Lisboa, 13 de Outubro de 2024. Sabedoria 7,7-11; Hebreus 4,12-13 e Marcos 10,17-30. ⁠Instagram⁠ © Gavin Bryars, Jesus’ Blood Has Never Failed Me Yet (Universal International Music B. V., 1993) – Tramp With Orchestra (String Quartet) [excerto] | ⁠artigo de A…
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