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The Flower Podcast, hosted by Scott Shepherd is for the floral community to discuss flowers, trends, and business topics, including everything from flower farmer to all aspects of floristry. Each week a featured guest will share their knowledge, passion, and love of flowers. Join us for colorful chats with talented creatives, photographers, growers, entrepreneurs, authors, and so much more!! Be sure to subscribe on your listening platform of choice. Learn more at https://www.theflowerpodcast ...
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Transfer and team analysis, plus interviews with some of the best in the football business.
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A Podcast For the Life Of the World by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL
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Flow Podcast tem as melhores conversas que você vai ouvir!
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Talking shop about the business side of flower farming, including building a profitable flower farm by cultivating key business skills.
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Uma resenha esportiva do Grupo Flow 🏆💙
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Podcast by Jerry Flowers Ministries
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In this podast you can expect to learn gardening tips and hear stories from gardeners, florists and flower farmers at all levels from all around the world. I hope this show will leave you feeling inspired to get your hands in the dirt and try to grow a beautiful garden of your own.
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Der flowdays Podcast aus dem agilen Universum. Erfahre von unseren Experten, Trainer und Coaches, alles was Du zu agilen Methoden wissen musst. Wie wird Scrum in der Praxis angewendet, was sind die Stolpersteine agiler Führung, wie kann Management auf die Ebene 3.0 gebracht werden oder wie entwickelst Du Deine starre Organisation weiter? Philipp Engstler und alle Trainer & Coaches der flowdays Genossenschaft bringen Dir den Praxisalltag näher. Theorie gibt es überall zu finden, was Du jedoch ...
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A show about the games we get lost in
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Bienvenue sur Flowful Yoga, où nous abordons différents aspects du yoga et de la méditation. Apprenez et explorez différents styles de yoga asanas, de méditation, de pranayama, de philosophie et de pratique. Ceux-ci vous aideront à améliorer votre force physique, votre souplesse, votre paix intérieure et votre santé globale. Rejoignez-nous pour votre croissance spirituelle et personnelle.
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歡迎你收聽我們的講道回顧 並且誠邀你來參與我們星期六的崇拜 逢星期六,晚上8:00 (聚會地點以facebook每星期的公布為準)
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Learn from our mistakes as we talk business, marketing, and growing techniques to help you create the farm of your dreams. So, let's roll up our sleeves and get the dirt on flowers!
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FloWrestling Radio live hosted by Christian Pyles and the rest of the FloWrestling crew on Mondays and Thursdays. The team discusses the hottest topics in college and international wrestling.
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The Flower Girlz discuss the benefits of cannabis in a way that's easy to digest. They provide science based data mixed with anecdotal experience which makes for a very entertaining, educational experience. The Girlz simply want to get the message out and the stigma gone. ... it's a flower that grows in your yard...
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We are a non-denominational, grace-based church located near Flower Mound, TX. Follow Jesus, Make Disciples.
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Altaïa, voix libre et esprit sans filtre.
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The Accounting Flow Podcast is a deep dive into accounting firm workflow & processes. Each episode, we uncover specific processes that firm owners and operators encounter on a daily basis and discuss ways to improve them. Brought to you by Financial Cents.
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Edge & Flow Podcast is a joint effort between knife makers TJ Schwarz and Lucas Burnley, your hosts. Free flowing, unscripted conversations unfold as we endeavor to explore the knife industry, craftsmanship, business, creativity, and beyond.
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Franky Rizardo presents FLOW, a weekly radio show dedicated to bringing you the hottest records in house music. With releases on Circus, Rejected, Saved, and Defected, Franky has swiftly become an authority in dance music, taking FLOW to many of Europe’s most prestigious nightclubs and festivals - the radio show is a true representation of the energy those parties possess.
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Higher Consciousness has a new fun flavor: The Flowgetter Show. Join Lisa and Erica as they discuss the laws of the YOUniverse (and how to harmonize with them), why everyone is all-powerful and all-knowing, and key strategies for getting into the flow of life to receive the awesomeness. Plus, you’ll gain key insights as to why aliens don’t have edgy hairstyles - or do they?? - and our top tips for thriving in the matrix. Be YOUniverse, baby!
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Focus on Flowers is a weekly podcast and public radio program about flower gardening hosted by master gardener Moya Andews.
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Welcome to The Data Flowcast: Mastering Airflow for Data Engineering & AI — the podcast where we keep you up to date with insights and ideas propelling the Airflow community forward. Join us each week, as we explore the current state, future and potential of Airflow with leading thinkers in the community, and discover how best to leverage this workflow management system to meet the ever-evolving needs of data engineering and AI ecosystems. Podcast Webpage:
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Yasin & Syed are the hosts of the weekly Crash & Flow podcast. They talk about stand-up comedy, movies, TV shows, animals, relationships, travel, life, MMA, and whatever rabbit hole they recently fell into. Special guests often stop by the Toronto studio to chat as well.
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A podcast by Flowout where we chat with successful entrepreneurs, freelancers, and other amazing professionals that are crushing it in their game!
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A group discussion among firefighters and fire officers regarding several elements of the fire service.
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"FLOWING OM - Dein YogaPodcast. Dein Podcast mit dem Du Dir etwas Gutes tust - Deinem Körper, Deinem Geist, Deiner Gesundheit. Ich bin Christiane Wolff, seit vielen Jahren bin ich Yoga-Lehrerin, Yoga-Therapeutin, Ayurveda Beraterin und Autorin, u.a. des Yoga-Bestsellers "Medical Yoga". In diesem Podcast nehme ich Dich mit - in die Welt des Yogas, Deiner persönlichen Spiritualität und zeige Dir umsetzbare Ideen, um Yoga und Ayurveda mit Freude und Tiefe in deinem Leben zu integrieren. Hier fi ...
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Everyone working in online retail knows that it’s vital to develop an elite email marketing plan. But that doesn’t just happen on its own. How do you create a killer email list from scratch? How do you build a foolproof email marketing strategy? What are the secret email growth hacks that could be doubling your revenue right now? Welcome to the Email Einstein Podcast by Flowium, the show where top-notch eCom geniuses, entrepreneurial brains, seasoned marketing masterminds and email prodigies ...
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In a world of mixed messages, join me as I embark on a transformative journey to enhance both your mental and physical well-being. Flowing with principles of mindfulness and the divine wisdom of God to foster a holistic approach to self-improvement.
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The Cache Flow podcast is built for high-growth tech-focused companies looking for creative and effective ways to solve their product development challenges. On our show we’ll discuss how to solve everything standing in the way of boosting the performance of your development team.
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The Slow Flowers Podcast is the award-winning, long-running show known as the “Voice of the Slow Flowers Movement.” Airing weekly for more than 9 years, we focus on the business of flower farming and floral design through the Slow Flowers sustainability ethos. Listen to a new episode each Wednesday, available for free download here at or on iTunes, Spotify, and other podcast platforms.
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Flavio Camenzind spricht mit erfolgreichen Zeitgenossen über ihr ganz persönliches Flow-Rezept: Wie wurden sie zu dem, was sie heute sind? Was treibt sie an? Und was hält sie im Flow? Flavio Camenzind entdeckte mit 14 sein erstes Erfolgsbuch in der elterlichen Bibliothek und gründete mit 16 seine eigene Firma: «CA-Media». Während er selbst noch eine Lehre absolvierte, beschäftigte er bereits seine ersten Mitarbeiter und Freelancer. Heute ist Flavio Camenzind knappe 30 und lebt seinen Traum: ...
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for your listening pleasure
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Musings with people in the world of gardening, botany, horticulture and nature. Marlene takes her years of gardening experience, success and failures and turns it into an unpretentious, humorous listen. From organic vegetable gardening, houseplants, bee keeping, flowers, and everything in between -- this podcast covers it.
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Grace Baptist Church, is an Independent Baptist church located in Flower Mound, Tx
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The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast with Joe Fier is all about how to build a business so it gives you the freedom and fuel for your life. We discuss systems, mindset tweaks, reframes, and strategies for entrepreneurs (and really anyone) to enjoy the process of being in business and having fun. This isn't for the entrepreneur looking to build a billion dollar business, rather someone who is looking to build systems that work for you, so you can make more money than you need just by working part-t ...
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An advice/music/comedy podcast Where we talk about life, give advice, and talk pop culture with a freestyle rap-up at the end. Hosted by Jason @scoutda (rapper) and Trey @dapunisher2012 (streamer/beatboxer/dj) and Derek @stronglifecoach(writer/speaker) New episodes every tuesday or watch us live at 8 pm CST on FB and youtube twitch. Want your question answered email us at
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Welcome to Divine Flow, the podcast formerly known as The Cosmic Calling. Divine Flow is the energy state you surrender into where everything naturally works out beautifully in your life & work. Insights drop in right when they are needed. You don’t need to over-plan, grasp, control, or even steer the ship. You just get to slow down, feel peaceful, and BE as life rushes to you. Through weekly energy forecasts, solo musings, and interviews with spiritual authors and thought leaders, we'll exp ...
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【此RSS Feed由喜马拉雅托管,建议您搜索订阅FLOWCoffee独立RSS Feed】 FLOW是第一个中文有声咖啡电台。 在FLOW你可以听到更多有价值、有意思的咖啡与人的故事。 FLOW坚信在我们去谈论咖啡的时候,不再只是单一去追求一杯口感一致、风味突出的咖啡,而是在此基础希望大家开始关注产业背后的个性化、人文故事,从而使咖啡文化的创造性和魅力慢慢发酵、释放,被聚焦,发生联结。FLOW由衷期望并相信可以成为缔结大众与咖啡的纽带和媒介。
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A show about regenerative flower farming. Hosted by Jennie Love of Love 'n Fresh Flowers, a flower farm in Philadelphia.
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Tauche ein in die Flowgrade Show mit Max Gotzler, dem Epizentrum der Biohacking- und Flow-Bewegung im deutschsprachigen Raum. Lass dich von Gästen wie Wim Hof, Dave Asprey, Dirk Kreuter, Laura Malina Seiler, Christian Bischoff und Lars Amend inspirieren. Erfahre, wie du mit den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und praktischen Strategien dein volles Potenzial entfalten kannst. Die Flowgrade Show ist mehr als nur Unterhaltung – sie ist dein Katalysator für persönliche Transformation. ...
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The Flow Meter Guy show illuminates the extraordinary stories and riveting career journeys of our nation's most impactful individuals - through engaging and intimate interviews. Join our Host, Brent Baird - Business Entrepreneurial and Entertaining Speaker - as he showcases the successes and contributions of the industry’s best and brightest.
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French DJ 🇫🇷 Meet me @ Tours (37) 📍 Booking is Open, contact me Go on for more Go on if you want DJ Flow goodies
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Thoughts and reviews on "popular and non-popular nerd culture" from movies and t.v. shows, to video games and toys, through out the decades from the 80's and on to current day.Link to my affiliate with Buzzsprout, for a $20 credit on a paid subscription
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2:01:36Assine o curso de edição do Claudinho.
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CORINTHIANS x PALMEIRAS - Final do Campeonato Paulista FSC React
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2:25:25React do jogo de volta entre Corinthians x Palmeiras pela Final do Campeonato Paulista.
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BETTER targets than Nico Williams and Zubimendi + 2 UNDERRATED CBs | Ep. 77
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58:47On this episode, Patrick and Neel discuss 2 Center backs that you MUST keep an eye on going forward. Dean Huijsen and Iñigo Martinez. The players are very different in age and profile, but are both having outstanding seasons. Then, the conversation switches to the transfer rumour mill. Nico Williams and Martin Zubimendi will be highly sought after …
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Just a friendly reminder that you don't have to do this thing called life alone! You have a spirit team and a Higher Self that are more than happy to help you, to help guide you and raise your vibration to a higher vantage point, where your best life comes into view and becomes more easily possible to step into. // Learn more & enroll in Divinely G…
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【網上崇拜】second flow - actionable|講員: 徐家耀牧師 | 使徒行傳11章19-26節|2025032
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30:46【網上崇拜】actionable|使徒行傳11章19-26節|2025032 【點擊參與: 】 actionable - 信仰從來都要求我們有具體切實的行動。沒有行動的跟隨,沒有付出的信仰,它就只是一種感覺良好的宗教。因此,second flow 另一重點是鼓勵弟兄姊妹以行動實踐信仰。 #動起來 #尋找一個適合你呢個階段嘅實踐方案吧 ———————— flow church 流堂崇拜 主題:second flow 講題:actionable 經文:使徒行傳11章19-26節 日期:2025年03月22日(六) 時間:8:00pm 地點:九龍尖沙咀柯士甸路 22-26A號 好兆年行一樓 (同步…
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Episode #112, Daredevil Born Again, Episodes #3 & #4
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23:05Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. This time we blindly jump back into the Daredevil Born Again Series, with my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts of Episode #3 and Episode #4. So as always, there will be plenty of spoilers, enjoy.De către David Santana
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Franky Rizardo presents FLOW, a weekly radio show dedicated to bringing you the hottest records in house music. With releases on Circus, Rejected, Saved, and Defected, Franky has swiftly become an authority in dance music, taking FLOW to many of Europe’s most prestigious nightclubs and festivals - the radio show is a true representation of the ener…
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E63: Tech-Savvy Banking: APIs, Fintech, and Future Finance
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1:04:15Meet Kent Landvatter, CEO of FinWise Bank, a financial haven for the fintech space. With 14 years at the helm, he shares intriguing insights from enabling FinTech platforms with API layers to navigating the complex web of regulation. Tune in for a deep dive into the symbiotic relationship between traditional banking and modern technology, from auto…
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Michel Péclard im ShortFlow | 25 Fragen rund um die Themen Flow, Leben, Erfolg und Glück.
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2:23Michel Péclard im ShortFLOW 25 Fragen rund um die Themen Flow, Leben, Erfolg und Glück. Es sind stets dieselben Fragen, die wir unseren Flowcast-Gästen in dieser Rubrik stellen.
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Episode 487 – Whips as home defense
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21:31What was the first animal before dinosaurs? • Syed has new nightmares • Canada needs Castle Laws • Furiosa was a great movie [7.5/10]De către Yasin D
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Unlock Your Business Potential with Data Impact
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55:33Well then - Today, we're diving deep into the crucial world of data-driven decision-making, which can spell sucess or setbacks for your business. Forget all about the AI buzz; we're rolling up our sleeves to uncover the power of the data you already have - or should be gathering. Our guest is Ritavan, an entrepreneurial technology leader with a dec…
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Luc returns from Blade Show Texas and has a new machine on the way. TJ has a big bevel grinding breakthrough.
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Episode 52 - The Polish St Pat’s Special
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34:19Happy St. Patrick’s Day brothers! The crew briefly goes over last week’s trip to Poland!De către Flow and Vent
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French DJ 🇫🇷 Meet me @ Tours (37) 📍 Booking is Open, contact me Go on for more Go on if you want DJ Flow goodies Support the showDe către Dj Flow
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Brain Health 101: Balancing Dopamine & Cortisol for a Healthier Mind
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19:45Welcome to Brain Health 101, where we dive deep into the mind and explore how our daily habits, stress levels, and emotions shape our brain’s well-being. In this episode, I break down the science behind dopamine and cortisol—two key chemicals that impact our mood, energy, and overall mental health. Join me as we identify areas in your life that may…
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My Shorty My ShortyDe către JC Reyes, De La Ghetto, Ñengo Flow
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Standardize to Optimize: The Benefits of a Streamlined Tech Stack w/ Kellie Parks, CPB
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37:57Send us a text Imagine trying to cook a five-star meal in a kitchen crammed with unused cookware, mismatched utensils, and multiple versions of the same pans. Would you feel calm, focused, and in control, or overwhelmed and inefficient? According to Kellie Parks, CPB, Owner of Calmwaters Accounting, that’s exactly how your tech stack can either mak…
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Wanderstop isn't cozy. It's a chore.
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6:43I don't recommend Wanderstop. Find the video of this episode at Find the written version of this episode at 0:00 - How you make tea in Wanderstop 1:37 - Not just another "cozy" game 4:02 - I'm reminded of Indika 4:54 - Why tea?De către Matt Horton
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